Getting to Know the Hakekok Sect: A Brief History of the Deviant Sect

Hakekok sect – Recently, the community has been shocked by the existence of a new sect called Hakekok sect in Pandeglang, Banten. This flow is considered very deviant because its followers worship in a completely naked way. This covert activity was then recorded and known by the public until it became popular, especially for the people of Karang Bolong Village, Cigeulis District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten.

From this incident, the police managed to arrest 16 followers consisting of five women, eight men, and the other three were children. According to the police who secured it, the purpose of the ritual they performed was to purify themselves of sins that had been committed before.

In this article, we will discuss what the Hakebok school is and its brief history. For more details, let’s see the full explanation below.

History of the Hakekok School

The Balakasuta sect is led by someone from Cibungbulang District, Bogor Regency, whose name is Arya. The ritual carried out adopted the teachings of the Hakekok school under the late E alias S. Arya admitted that the teachings he brought had made a commitment with Imam Mahdi and promised to become a wealthy person. However, after waiting for years, the promise never materialized. In the end, they decided to purify themselves by purifying themselves and would later disband.

Derived From Old Beliefs

As discussed above, the Hakekok school was adopted by Balakasuta, a belief system that has existed for a long time. A humanist named Ridwan Saidi mentions in his book “Hunted by Mossad and Political Play, Che Guevara Melayu” that Hakekok, a play on reality, is a heretical sect under the guise of Islam. His followers will perform a closed ceremony at night, where men and women must be completely naked, then the lights are turned off.

There they do not implement the teachings of Islamic law. In fact, they worship Semar. They think that Semar is still alive and likes to visit the village, then disappears after giving them some advice. In his depictions, Semar always visits alone.

Religious Blasphemy in the Past

Justus M. Van Der Kroef, a professor in the Department of Sociology, Bridgeport University, Connecticut, United States of America, discusses the Hakekok sect in his article entitled “New Religious Sects in Java. In his writings, Justus revealed that in early 1952, the Office of the Ministry of Religion in West Java announced that there were 29 new religious sects that had appeared in the region since Indonesia’s official independence, namely in 1949.

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Then in the mid-1960s, when the Indonesian government officially declared to be wary of the development of new religious sects, the Attorney General named R. According to Justus, the number of followers of the sect is very difficult to detect. This is because the organizational structure is unstable and many of its followers identify with one of the main religions, for example Islam. Meanwhile, spokespersons for various sects tend to exaggerate the number of their followers.

Regardless of the number of adherents of these sects, the rapid spread of these sects is a very important phenomenon in society, especially in Java. However, according to Justus, some sects still have a very short lifespan. So that the ideological content contained in it is never sufficiently known. As is the case with the Hakekok cult in Sukabumi, West Java.

The Hakekok cult is seen to involve a strange ceremony, in which men and women go completely naked inside a mosque. However, its leader, Nawawi, was killed in clashes with the military. Then the sect was disbanded before many followed suit. On the other hand, Alamak Indonesia Volume 1 of 1969 contains a list of mysticism or belief schools, their leaders, and the principles and goals of these schools. One of the streams uploaded is the Hakekok sect led by Armi and also Irsad. The way of worship that they believe in is sufficient with intention alone and there is no need to go on pilgrimage to Makkah. Then, the flow was officially disbanded in 1961.

Facts About the Hakekok Sect

The following are some interesting facts about the Hakekok sect which had caused a commotion among Indonesians.

1. Trust passed down by the family

According to the police who secured the sect, said that the Hakekok sect was descended from a family that had previously been a follower of the sect. Previously, the Hakekok Balatasutak sect had existed since 2004 and was brought up by S, at which time S had passed away. Then the flow was resumed by one of his family members, namely A until now. Now, this flow has followers from various regions in Java, such as West Java, Jakarta, Banten, and others.

2. Followers Promise Wealth Until Success

The followers of the Hakekok sect will be lured with wealth and also success in this world and the hereafter by their leader, namely A. To obtain this, followers are required to carry out all orders, including performing ritual bathing without clothes simultaneously.

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3. Make an Agreement with Imam Mahdi

To help his followers succeed in this world or the hereafter, A and also the deceased S are said to have entered into an agreement with Imam Mahdi. The agreement they made was then believed by their followers to carry out an unusual ritual. During his life, the previous leader was also known as a spiritual teacher who lived in the Bogor area, West Java. The followers as well as the leaders are known as someone who is closed and does not want to socialize with the general public.

4. The Padepokan was burnt by a mob in 2009

One of the religious leaders in Cigeuli District, Mahli Yudi, said that in 2009 the sect had shocked the community and caused anxiety because of the rituals carried out at the hermitage in Seko Village, Pandeglang Regency. The anxiety arising from the presence of this sect prompted the community to take action to burn the Hakekok sect hermitage.

5. The naked bathing ritual is only done once

Mahli revealed that the bathing ritual completely naked between male and female followers had only been carried out once. Where the ritual is a symbol to purify oneself from sins and make followers become better people. During his arrest, several items of evidence were found, such as contraceptive devices, and several amulets and other heirlooms believed to be used to complete the bathing ritual.

6. Followers Will Be Formed

To prevent the same incident from happening again, Mahli and his party will provide guidance to followers of teachings who have been proven to be heretical. The authorities will also partner with several religious leaders with the aim of facilitating the coaching process.

7. The Hakekok sect was declared heretical by the MUI

On the other hand, the MUI or the Indonesian Ulema Council said that the Hakekok Balatasutak sect was classified as a deviant sect. This refers to the absence of a guide similar to the Islamic religion.

8. The Leader of the Hakekok Sect Admits His Mistakes

The leader of the Hakekok sect has admitted his mistake and considered that the sect he brought was deviant. This expression was said when A was met by members of the Indonesian Ulema Council. According to A, he is ready to return to the teachings of Islam which are in accordance with the Shari’a and promised not to repeat the same actions.

Those are some explanations about what the Hakekok sect is and how they can make the surrounding community nervous. Have you ever heard of this genre before?