Get to know the Traditional Weapons of West Sumatra & Their National Heroes

West Sumatra Traditional Weapons – In the past during the colonial era, all Indonesian
people from various regions participated in fighting for independence.
As a result, with the
hard work of the struggle of our heroes and ancestors, the State of Indonesia could gain

In fighting the invaders, the Indonesian people from various regions used their respective traditional
It should also be noted that every region in Indonesia always has its own traditional

Until now, the traditional weapons of each region are still often used, such as to complement their
respective regional traditional clothing.
One area that has quite deadly traditional weapons is
the traditional weapon of West Sumatra.

Maybe some of you only know one or two of the traditional weapons of West Sumatra. Even though
the West Sumatra region had more than two traditional weapons that were used against the invaders at that

So that you can understand more about the traditional weapons of West Sumatra that were used against the
invaders so that they could liberate Indonesia.
Then the explanation below can help you know

Various Kinds of Traditional Weapons of West

1. Kurambiak

The first traditional weapon from the West Sumatra region is kurambiak. Where this traditional
weapon also has several other names such as kerambit and karambit.
Even though it has a size
that is only the size of a fist.

But make no mistake, the sharpness and strength possessed by traditional kurambiak weapons is quite deadly.
The shape of this weapon from West Sumatra is like a tiger’s nails which are so sharp.

The shape that resembles a tiger’s claws is not without reason. Investigate a calibaration, it
turns out that long ago the land of Minang was indeed inhabited by a herd of Sumatran tigers.
The traditional kurambiak weapon is very suitable for close range fighting styles.

And the attack received by Musuk when fighting West Sumatrans who used kurambiak weapons was quite fatal.
Even though the wound received by the rot was like a small incision. But still, a
fairly deep wound will also be received by the enemy.

Besides that, kurambiak also has several other interesting facts. So maybe you don’t really
know the unique facts about traditional kurambiak weapons.
Some of the points below are an
explanation of some of the unique facts of traditional kurambiak weapons.

a. Original Kurambiak from Indonesia

Did you know that traditional kurambiak weapons are widely known not only domestically. But
abroad is also very well known.
It is known that in the 11th century traditional weapons were
widely used by Indonesians.

Because there is a trade process with foreign nations, kurambiak is also known more widely. In
America, the kurambiak weapon became known around the 20th century. Currently, kurambiak is also owned by
every country in the world.
Even so, the motives and materials used will vary in each

b. Originally Kurambiak Wasn’t a
Killing Weapon

Initially, kurambiak was not made for self-defense purposes. Judging from the history of
Indonesia, traditional kurambiak weapons were used for the purposes of everyday life.
Having a
fairly light weight makes farmers and fishermen use kurambiak to help with their daily work.

Only after becoming famous, kurambiak was used as a supporting tool for martial arts. One of
them is as a tool to support the martial arts of pencak silat.

c. Kurambiak Used by World

Having a shape that is so unique, light and deadly makes kurambiak also often used as a mandatory weapon in
world militaries.
Some countries that use kurambiak as a mandatory weapon for military forces
are Indonesia, Malaysia and America.

From the three unique facts above, of course we as the people of Indonesia should be proud if the
traditional weapons from West Sumatra are so well known throughout the world.
Besides that,
there may still be many other unique facts circulating in society.

2. Chopsticks

Next, there is the traditional blowgun weapon which also comes from West Sumatra. This
traditional blowgun weapon is very suitable for hunting or medium and long range combat.

Uniquely, the blowpipe is a traditional weapon from West Sumatra which does not make a sound when it is
Because of this, when people use blowpipes to hunt animals, it will feel so easy.
In addition, this weapon is also very suitable for use during guerrilla warfare because of its
silence and accuracy.

Interestingly the blowpipe weapon itself has such a precise level of accuracy up to a distance of about 200
The process of operating a traditional blowgun weapon is quite simple. The
blowpipe user only needs to be at a distance of about 200 meters then load the bullet and blow the weapon
towards the target to be hunted.

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Having such natural manufacturing materials can make chopstick weapons not damage nature and at the same time
there is no need to incur excessive costs.

3. Go

Piarih is also one of the traditional weapons from the West Sumatra region. Where the shape of
this natural weapon is like a three-edged spear or like a trident.
The form of this piarih
weapon was adapted from Hindu religious culture before Islam entered the area of ​​West Sumatra.

Prior to the colonial era, piarih was used for hunting large animals. However, sometimes
piarih is also used as a cutting tool.

When the colonial era arrived, the people of West Sumatra used traditional piarih weapons as a tool against
the invaders.
Until now, the local community will continue to pass down their traditional
weapons as a local cultural heritage.

4. Klewang Padang

Furthermore, there is the traditional klewang padang weapon. This weapon was used by Padri
troops during a war in West Sumatra in the 19th century.
At that time the Padri Officer was so
good at using the klewang padang.

On the other hand, the kelwang padang does have a shape like a machete in general. But in the
past, the shape of the klewang padang had carvings that could become a special motif for this weapon.
This traditional weapon from West Sumatra has one eye on the curved end of the blade.

Currently, the use of klewang padang is more as a farming tool for the local community.

5. Ruduih

Next, there is the traditional ruduih weapon which still originates from the West Sumatra region.
At first glance, the traditional ruduih weapon has no difference from the klewang padang.
However, if you look in more detail, the two have quite a striking difference, namely the ruduih
has a curve in its shape.

The traditional ruduih weapon from the area of ​​West Sumatra was once used by many local people for war.
Judging from the records in the Tridaya Eka Dharma Museum, the traditional ruduih weapon was used
in the Manggopoh war that took place in 1908.

At Tugu Siti Manggopoh it becomes a symbol of the struggle of a Minangkabau woman. On the
monument you can see a woman holding a traditional ruduih weapon.
The location of the Siti
Manggopoh Monument is at the Simpang Gudang Lubuk Basung.

6. Career

The shape of the curry is almost the same as the keris in Central Java. The keris consists of
four parts, namely the kingpin, putiang, fiancé and mato keris.
Each part of the karih or keris
has its own meaning.

Starting from the kingpin, which is a keris handle, which means that the pengulu or tribal leader is someone who
is very intelligent, humble and also always obeys customary laws and rules in religion.

Then for the putiang itself is the part that connects the kingpin with the keris blade. Muhsin
Ilhaq in a journal entitled Keris in Minangkabau Culture: “Visualization of Pangulu Leadership Values”
(2018), explains that putiang in Minang culture has a meaning, namely that a pengulu must be patient,
responsible for their obligations, selfless and stay away from all existing prohibitions .

Finally, there is the mato keris or keris blade. This part looks convoluted which means that
the ruler will always be careful when making decisions, has a neutral nature and also always adheres to the
applicable customary law.
Then for the sheath of the keris, it will be made of wood.

List of National Heroes from West Sumatra

After knowing some of the traditional weapons from the West Sumatra region, it’s still not enough if you
haven’t discussed who the national heroes from that area are.
Don’t worry, if you don’t really
know who the heroes from West Sumatra are, at this point we will explain a list of national heroes from West
Sumatra which can broaden your knowledge.
The following is a complete explanation of the list
of heroes from the West Sumatra region.

1. Mohammad Hatta

Mohammad Hatta died on March 14, 1980 in Jakarta. Mohammad Hatta is also an Indonesian
national fighter.

Apart from that, Mohammad Hatta was also a drafter of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and also a
proclaimer of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia with Ir.
Sukarno. At
the time, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono designated Mohammad Hatta as a national hero through
Presidential Decree No. 84/TK/2012 dated 7 November 2012.

Prior to that, President Soeharto also designated Mohammad Hatta as the proclaimed hero through
Presidential Decree No.
081/TK/Year 1986.

2. Tan Malaka

Next is Tan Malaka whose full name is Ibrahim Datuk Tan Malaka. Tan Malaka was born on June 2,
1897 Nagari Pandam Gadang, Lima Puluh Kota, West Sumatra.
He died on February 21, 1949,
Selopanggung Village, Kediri, East Java.

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Tan Malaka is the person who gave the name of the Republic of Indonesia. It is not surprising
that Tan Malaka was nicknamed the Father of the Republic of Indonesia.
Even to fight for
Indonesian independence, Tan Malaka had to go in and out of jail.
Tan Malaka himself was
declared a national hero by President Soekarno on March 28, 1963 through Presidential Decree No. 53 of

3. Sutan Syahrir

Next is Sutan Syahrir who was born in Padang Panjang on March 5, 1909. He was one of the freedom fighters
since the colonial era in Indonesia.
Because of this, Sutan Syahrir was often in and out of

When entering the beginning of independence, Sutan Syahrir became one of the prime ministers.
He was also the originator of the existence of free and active politics. Sutan Syahrir
died on April 9, 1966. Since then Sutan Syahrir was declared a national hero by President Soekarno through
Presidential Decree No.76 of 1966 dated April 9, 1966.

4. H. Agus Salim

Furthermore, there is H. Agus Salim who is also included in one of the lists of Indonesian national heroes.
H. Agus Salim’s full name is Masyhudul Haq. He was born on October 8, 1884, West

Agus Salim earned the nickname The Grand Old Man as well as being one of the figures involved in fighting for
Indonesian independence during the colonial period.

Besides that, H. Agus Salim also has such broad insights. It was proven that he was able to
master 7 foreign languages ​​as well as being actively involved in the diplomacy of recognition of the
sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, both as a diplomat and as foreign minister at the beginning of

November 4, 1954, H. Agus Salim died and President Soekarno declared him a national hero on December 27, 1961
through Presidential Decree number 657 of 1961.

5. Abdul Muis

Abdul Muis or if written in the old spelling is Abdoel Moeis is also a national hero from West Sumatra.
Abdoel Moeis was born on July 3, 1883, Sungai Pua, Agam.

Because of his resistance to the colonials, Abdoel Moeis received the treatment of being exiled to the area
of ​​West Java.
President Soekarno designated Abdoel Moeis as a national hero on August 30,
1959 through Presidential Decree No. 218 of 1959.

6. Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Next is Tuanku Imam Bonjol who was born in 1772, Bonjol, Pasaman, West Sumatra. In the past,
Tuanku Imam Bonjol became the leader of the Padri troops when he gave resistance to the invaders.

When Tuanku Imam Bonjol became the leader of the Padri troop. He succeeded in making peace
with the indigenous people and working together to fight against the invaders at that time.
fighting for independence, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was taken by the Dutch to be exiled to several areas such as
Sukabumi, Ambon and then to Manado.

Tuanku Imam Bonjol died on November 6, 1864 and President Soeharto declared that Tuanku Imam Bonjol was a
national hero through Presidential Decree No. 087/TK/Tahun 1973 on November 6, 1973.

7.Muhammad Yamin

Muhammad Yamin is also one of the national heroes from West Sumatra. Muhammad Yamin himself
was born on August 23, 1903 in Talawi, Sawahlunto.
He has also been one of the active figures
fighting for independence since the colonial era of the Dutch East Indies.

In 1928, Muhammad Yamin was very active in the second youth congress to talk about Indonesian unity.
In addition, he was also one of the drafters of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, explorer of
history, writer and linguist.

At the beginning of independence Muhammad Yamin had become a minister in several departments.
He died on October 17, 1962 in Jakarta. President Soeharto appointed Muhammad Yamin on
6 November 1973 through Presidential Decree No. 088/TK/Tahun 1973.

8. Rasuna Said

Rasuna Said or Rangkayo Hj. Rasuna Said is a national hero from West Sumatra.
Rasuna Said was born in Maninjau, 14 September 1910. During his life journey, he was an educator,
political figure and also a fighter for emancipation since the Dutch East Indies era.

Rasuna Said is also one of the founders of the Indonesian Muslim Association or Permi. He was
imprisoned in 1932 because the speech he made at this time gave opposition to the Dutch East Indies

Rasuna Said died on November 2, 1965 and was made a national hero by President Soeharto on December 13,
1974 through Presidential Decree No.
084/TK/Year 1974.

That’s a review of some of West Sumatra’s traditional weapons as well as national heroes from West Sumatra.
Of course there are still many national hero figures from the West Sumatra region.
Sinaumed’s can read about weapons and regional and national figures in books that you can get at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides
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Author: Hendrik