Get to know the History of the G30S/PKI Event

Getting to Know the History of G30S/PKI Events – The existence and establishment of a
country certainly has a very long history, including Indonesia.
After becoming independent on
August 17, 1945, it was necessary to struggle for the Indonesian people to exercise sovereignty as a whole.
The Indonesian state even had to face various upheavals after gaining independence.
One of them is the event called the September 30th Movement carried out by the Indonesian Communist
Party in 1965. This event is better known as the G30S/PKI.
What is G30S/PKI?

A. Get to know the history of the G30S/PKI

It could be said that the G30S/PKI or the 30 September 1965/PKI Movement was the biggest betrayal that
happened to the Indonesian nation.
The event occurred at night, at the turn of September 30 or
October 1, to be precise.
This tragedy involved the Cakrabirawa Troops as well as the
Indonesian Communist Party or PKI.

This movement had the goal of overthrowing President Soekarno’s government. Not only that,
they also wanted the Indonesian government to turn into a communist government.
G30S/PKI was
directly led by its chairman at that time named Dipa Aidit.
The chairman of this movement was
very aggressive in inciting all Indonesian citizens to support the PKI.
They gave the promise
that Indonesia would be more advanced and peaceful if under the rule of the PKI.

DN Aidit as the central figure of the PKI movement, according to historical experts who existed during
President Soeharto’s regime, was the main mastermind behind the 30 September 1995/PKI movement.
In carrying out the treason, this movement was carried out under one command led directly by the
Commander of Battalion I Tjakrabirawa, namely Lieutenant Colonel Untung Syamsuri.

The movement started from the city of Jakarta and also Yogyakarta. At first they targeted the
Higher Officers and Council of Generals.
The beginning of this movement was only aimed at
kidnapping and forcibly bringing Generals and Officers to Crocodile Hole.
However, there were
several soldiers from Cakrabirawa who decided to kill the High Officers and Generals they brought to Lubanh

The generals killed by the PKI included General Karel Satsuit Tubun and General Ahmad Yani.
The rest of the Generals and High Officers who were not killed eventually died slowly due to
injuries from torture while in Lubanh Buaya.

The following are some of the heroes of the Council of Generals as well as High Officers who died because of the
atrocities of G30S/PKI members at Lubang Buaya:

1. Posthumous Lieutenant General Ahmad Yani who died at his home, Central Jakarta. Now his
house has become a museum which is named Sasmita Loka Ahmad Yani.

2. Major General Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono

3. Major General Raden Soeprapto

4. Brigadier General Donald Isaac Panjaitan

5. Major General Siswondo Parman

6. Chief Police Brigadier Karel Satsuit Tubun who died at his home

7. Brigadier General Sutoyo Siswomiharjo

8. Colonel Katamso Darmokusumo was a victim of the G30S/PKI tragedy in Yogyakarta

9. Lieutenant Colonel Sugiyono Mangunwiyoto, the victim who died from the G30S / PKI incident in Yogyakarta

10. Ade Irma Suryani Nasution, namely Putri Abdul Haris Nasution who also died in the G40S/PKI incident

11. Captain First Lieutenant Pierre Andreas Tendean who died at the house of General Abdul Haris Nasution

Due to the G30S/PKI incident which left deep wounds for the Indonesian people, the people demanded
President Soekarno to dissolve the Indonesian Communist Party or PKI.
With a heavy heart,
finally the PKI Party, which had become a force for President Soekarno in the Crush Malaysia action, was
officially disbanded.
Then, President Soekarno gave a mandate to clean up all of his government
structures to Major General Suharto, who was known for his letter, namely the Order of March 11,

Below the author will explain some chronology and other facts from the G30S PKI incident as well as a brief
history after the incident:

B. A Brief History of the G30S/PKI

The G30S PKI was a movement that had the goal of overthrowing President Soekarno’s government and turning
Indonesia into a country that implemented a communist system.
The movement was led directly by
DN Aidit, who at that time was the chairman of the PKI or Indonesian Communist Party.
In the
early hours of October 1, 1965, Lieutenant Colonel Untung who was a member of the Palace Guard Troop or
often called Cakrabirawa, led troops who were considered loyal or loyal to the PKI.

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The movement targeted Indonesian Army High Officers. They arrested six of the officers.
However, 3 of them were immediately killed at his home. While the others were forcibly
taken to Lubanh Buaya.
All the bodies of TNI AD officers were found a few days later.

C. High Officials Who Became Victims

The following are the six high-ranking TNI Army officers who died in the G30S/PKI tragedy.
– Lieutenant
General Posthumous Ahmad Yani

– Major General Raden Soeprapto
– Major
General Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono

– Major General Siswondo Parman
– Brigadier
General Donald Isaac Panjaitan

– Brigadier General Sutoyo Siswomiharjo

Meanwhile, the TNI Commander, AH Nasution, who was the main target, managed to escape and escape.
However, the daughter of AH Nasution named Ade Irma Nasution died from being shot. He
died along with his aide named First Lieutenant Pierre Andreas Tendean who was kidnapped and shot at
Crocodile Hole.
The six generals mentioned above as well as First Lieutenant Pierre Tendean are
now designated as Heroes of the Revolution.
Since the promulgation of Law Number 20 of 2009,
this title has been recognized as a National Hero.

Not only that, several other people were victims of the murders in Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
Here is a list of names:

– Police Brigadier Head Karel Satsuit Tubun
– Colonel Katamso Darmokusumo
– Lieutenant
Colonel Sugiyono Mangunwiyoto

D. Post-G30S/PKI

After the G30S/PKI tragedy occurred, Soekarno then ordered Major General Suharto to eliminate and clean all
elements of the government from the influence of the Indonesian Communist Party.
This was done
at the insistence of the Indonesian people because they considered that the incident had deeply injured the
After being ordered by Soekarno, Suharto immediately moved swiftly. After
that, the PKI was declared to be the driving force behind the coup and then the masterminds behind it were
hunted down and arrested.
This includes DN Aidit who had run away and fled to Central Java.
But then he was caught.

In addition, members of other organizations deemed to be sympathizers or related to the PKI were also
These organizations include CGMI, Lekra, People’s Youth, Indonesian Women’s Movement,
Indonesian Farmers’ Front, and others.
Various social groups also participated in destroying
the PKI headquarters in various regions.
They also attacked various institutions, offices,
shops, and also universities which were considered to be related to the PKI.

At the end of 1965, it was estimated that there were around 500,000 to one million members and PKI
supporters who were suspected of being murdered.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of others
were interned in concentration camps.

E. Commemoration of the G30S/PKI during the New Order

In the era of President Soeharto’s government, the 30 September 1965/PKI Movement was always commemorated
every September 30.
Not only that, October 1 is also commemorated as Pancasila Sanctity Day.
This was done as a way to commemorate the services of the seven Revolutionary Heroes who died in
the tragedy.
Suharto also had the idea to build the Pancasila Sakti Monument in the Crocodile
Hole area, East Jakarta.

F. Enshrined as Propaganda Film

In 1984, a propaganda docudrama about this tragedy was officially released. The film was
produced by the National Film Production Center, which at that time was led directly by Brigadier General G.
Dwipayana who was also a member of Suharto’s presidency.
Production of the film cost 800

Many suspect that the film is intended as political propaganda, given the background of the film’s
Moreover, in the era of President Soeharto, the film became a mandatory viewing for
school children.
Which is always broadcast on TVRI every September 30th night.
However, since President Soeharto stepped down from office in 1998, the films directed by Arifin C.
Noer stopped being shown on TVRI.
This happened because there was pressure from the public who
considered that the film was not in accordance with the actual incident.

Next, will provide a selection of reference books that tell the truth about the history of the
These books are very suitable to read for the younger generation who wish to know
about this tragedy in depth.

1. Sarwo Edhie and the 1965 Events

Through this book, readers will find an interesting fact about a story related to a political figure who
played a very important role in 1965 named Sarwo Edhie.
Like how the names Sarwo Edhie and
Suharto became popular after the political upheaval in 1965 until Sarwo Edhie’s role in the G30S PKI
Tragedy throughout 1965-1966, starting from the dissolution of the Indonesian
Communist Party and the replacement of the president, has catapulted his name to become a turning point in
his life’s journey.
As commander of the RPKAD and the Army Para Command Regiment, Colonel Sarwo
Edhie was one of the figures who spearheaded the operation to annihilate the PKI.

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2. Sjam

Not much different from the first book, this second book which was compiled by the Tempo team will reveal
about another character who was in the G30S PKI tragedy named Sjam Kamaruzaman.
Sjam is a man
who has 5 aliases.
He comes from Tuban, East Java who is an atheist, but is famous for being
able to read the holy verses of the Qur’an.

Then the year after the action in 1965, Sjam Kamaruzaman appeared in public when he became a witness at the
trial of Sudisman, Secretary General of the Indonesian Communist Party.
Previously, Sjam had
not been fully trusted.
This was because the Special Bureau, known as the secret agency of the
PKI led by Sjam, was seen as only the army’s imagination to make it easier for Suharto to annihilate the
communist party.

However, Sjam admitted that he led the Special Bureau and planned the secret action of the G30S PKI.
Then he influenced members of the army to support the PKI movement and finally he gained access to
military circles.
This book will reveal whether Sjam was a double agent or just a loyal
follower of the Chairman of the Indonesian Communist Party, DN Aidit?
The G30S PKI incident is
a secret mystery and the truth has not been fully revealed.
Sjam himself was an important
figure in the chaos of this tragedy.

3. Njoto

Apart from all the books about the New Order that might be burdensome for the majority of PKI members,
Njoto is one of the senior PKI politicians whose name has never been known and has not even been mentioned
by historians.
He is an adept at playing the violin and saxophone, enjoys symphonic music and
watching theatre.
He also really likes to write poetry which is not always pro-people.
Actually, Njoto had an important role in the G30S PKI tragedy. His name seems to have
been forgotten by historians, because they found no evidence of Njoto’s involvement in this revolutionary
Another reason was because Njoto had a close relationship with President

4. G30S and Asia

Various questions arise regarding the truth of whether China was involved in the G30S PKI incident?
How do other countries such as South Korea and North Korea respond to the G30S PKI tragedy?
Which countries will benefit the most from this event? And why is Japan one of the
countries that greatly benefited after the G30S PKI incident?

All of the above questions Sinaumed’s can find answers in this book. The book G30S and Asia is
one of the books written by Aiko Kurasawa which is intended to describe or explain the G30S PKI tragedy from
the perspective of the dynamics of political shifts that occurred in Asia.
The G30S PKI
incident turned out to be quite influential in changing the political map in Asian countries in determining
the influence of capitalist and communist ideology.

There are nine writings collected in this book. Where the article is divided into two parts.
The first part is about the response and also the involvement of each government and also the
While the second part is about focusing on the news that appears in several media
from Asian countries.

Not only that, there were also discussions on eight countries, namely North Korea, Japan, South Korea,
Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam.
This book is the only book that discusses
the G30S PKI in the political dimension in Asia.

Knowing and finding out about the truth of the dark history of the Indonesian nation. The
bloody tragedy of the G30S PKI should not be forgotten and used as a lesson so that it will not be repeated
in the future.

Is Sinaumed’s interested in reading the books in the bag? You can check directly on