Get to know the Complete Yogyakarta Regional Songs with the Lyrics and Their Meanings

Yogyakarta Regional Song – Hello Sinaumed’s friends. Do you know? Indonesia is a country rich in diversity. Starting from the tribe, culture, flora, fauna and others. Even though there are many differences in Indonesia, because of that, Indonesian people can unite and respect each other. One of the cultures that has a lot of diversity is folk songs.

Each region has its own variety of regional songs. Just as in Yogyakarta there are several folk songs, the existence of regional songs in Yogyakarta can also be used as an identity. This article will discuss Yogyakarta regional songs and their meanings.

Yogyakarta Regional Song

Have you ever heard a song called Caping Gunung, Suwe Ora Jamu or Kidang Talun? If not, the following titles are some of the most popular Yogyakarta Regional Song lists. In this article, sinaumedia will explain it one by one for you.

The Special Region of Yogyakarta is a province on the island of Java with Yogyakarta as its capital. You can visit this city by Yogyakarta Tours. This province is a fusion of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Kingdom of Paku Alamein.

It has jurisdiction over 4 districts, with a total area of ​​approximately 3,185.80 square kilometers and a population of approximately 3,842,952 people (2019). The ethnic groups in this province are mainly Javanese, and the rest are Sundanese, Malay, Chinese, Madurese and so on.

In terms of belief, all religions recognized by Indonesia are also present in this province, even though 90% of these religions are Muslim. In terms of tourism and cultural destinations, Yogyakarta is without a doubt one of the most visited provinces every year.

I will not discuss them one by one because in this article, sinaumedia will only review a collection of Yogyakarta songs along with their lyrics, meanings and understanding of folk songs and their functions. Okay, see the review below, hopefully it can add to your knowledge and understanding.

1. The song Suwe Ora Jamu


Suwe no jamu,

Jamu godhong telo,

Suwe can’t find

Meet very atine gelo…

Suwe no jamu,

Jamu sogo thunteng,

Suwe can’t find

Very happy meeting…

Suwe no jamu,

Jamu godhong bunder,

Suwe can’t find

Meet really smarter…

The first meaning is happiness, where distant friends are finally reunited. The second meaning is disappointment, because there are people who become arrogant because they are smart/rich.

2. Song of Kidang Talun


Kidang … Talun,

Mung bean,

Mile kethemil mile kethemil,

The deer is manganese..

Mice… pithi,

Siji’s two sons,

tweet tweet,

tweet tweet,

Forward the war of the dead…

Kidang… Talun,

Mung bean,

Mile kethemil mile kethemil,

The mauve deer…

Elephants… striped,

Soko mlembang land,

Nuk legunuk, nuk legunuk,

Gedhene meh podho gunung…

The song tells about the advice of parents to their children to always love the animals around them, especially those that are already rare like deer and elephants which are hinted at in the lyrics. In addition, they are also introduced to the types of animals.

3. The song “Pitik Tukung”


I’m two pitik pitik tukung,

Every day I don’t eat corn,

Petok go petok petok nendok pitu…

Don’t make netes telu,

Kabeh trondol trondol tapa wulu,

Mondol mondol do work guys…

I’m a little pithik wulune Brintik,

The yellow shoot of the Jegger Abang Fight must win,

Sopo Wani Karo I’m the enemy of my pithik…

This traditional DI Yogyakarta song was later named Pitik Tukung which is a very popular song among children. The song has deep advice for generations to be able to act and act wisely.

On the other hand, the song also tells about the beauty and beauty of the village of Yogyakarta. Then describe a leader who must be able to act honestly and intelligently, despite his flaws.

4. Song “Caping Gunung”


Dhek is struggling,

Njur little boy,

Mbiyen not open

Ning saiki ana ngendi…

Jarena will win

The longed-for succession,

Mbiyen left his promise,

What’s wrong with Ning now…

Ning the mountain doesn’t eat corn,

Yen is cloudy without successive mountain hats,

Sokur can live,

mount ndesa dadi reja,

Dene don’t miss nggone padha lara lapa…

The fourth song is titled “Caping Gunung”, created by Gesang. This song has a deep and painful meaning about a father who lost his child abroad and has no news after a long time of separation.

This song describes the emotional feelings of a mother who misses her child coming back from abroad. A deep desire often makes mothers daydream, preparing corn rice to welcome their child back.

5. Song “Sinom”


Amening the crazy times,

Ewuh aja ing pambudi,

Melu is crazy can’t stand it,

Jen tan melu anglakoni…

Boya kaduman melik kaliren,

Wekasanipun dilalah karsa Allah,

Begjane kang lali,

Luwih begja kang engling lan alert…

In Javanese, Sinom (Sinoman) is a group of young people. As the title suggests, this song is very spicy about the lives of children who are entering their teens/puberty, in the sense that they are looking for identity.

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So this song describes advice for all young people to be able to take care of themselves, behave and be more mature in facing life’s journey. In fact, you have to be wise in weighing something.

6. The song “Gethuk”


Afternoon padhang month, come on kanca padha dolanan,

Rene-rene together, together, e dha gegojegan,

Kae-kae rembulane, you can’t see why you’re acting so cute,

It’s like they like it, all of them just go to sleep in the afternoon…

Gethuk, asale saka tela,

Sleepy eyes, iku tambane what,

Ah ala gethuk, asale saka tela,

yèn ra pethuk, atine is a bit dark…

Don’t talk about it, bro, don’t talk about it,

Kadhung I promise,

I’m how dark

Gek Kepriye…

Duh, I feel like this,

Anake wong or duwe,

Disgusting, tansah diece,

Karo kanca kancane…

Pye pye pye pye ya ben rasakna,

Pye pye pye pye feel dewe,

Pye pye pye pye ya ben rasakna,

Pye pye pye pye feel dewe…

Tomorrow when I can

Urip kang luwih mulya,

Melu honors the nation’s Drajat,

Indonesia bro…

Pye pye pye pye mbuh ra weruh,

Pye pye pye pye mbuh ra understand,

Pye pye pye pye mbuh ra weruh,

Pye pye pye pye mbuh ra understand…

“Gethuk” is often heard as an accompaniment in several regional performances, and was also popularized by Waldjinah, a keroncong singer in Solo, Central Java. Waldjinah is a 75-year-old keroncong singer who is nicknamed the Queen of Keroncong. He has won various singing competitions in several shows.

The song “Gethuk” was composed by the late Manthous, a legendary campursari artist. The lyrics of the song “Gethuk” come from the word “gethuk”, a Yogyakarta specialty. Gethuk itself is made from mashed tapioca and has a unique taste.

7. The song “Walang Kekek”


E… yes ye…, yes ye… yes

E ya… yae yai, e yaiyo yaiyo

Manuk sriti kemplung banyu

I dreamed that the clouds would meet

Walang Abang clicked on Koro

Blue walang.. white walange

You’re a bachelor, man, don’t be lazy

Sing wis duwe putu, ra tau mulih

E… yes ye…, yes ye… yes

E ya… yae yai, e yaiyo yaiyo

You can’t mince, bro, you can’t flute

Biso Nyang, ora Biso nyanding

Walang ireng, mabur bastard

Walang ireng, dowo suthange

Yen podo is happy, bro, ojo may just stagnate

Golek ono ngendi omahe

E… yes ye…, yes ye… yes

E ya… yae yai, e yaiyo yaiyo

You can’t mince, bro, you can’t just ndemung

Biso hung, ora wani nembung

Walang snickers, walange wood

Walang kayu, tibo neng is weak

Yen want yo mas, arep melu

Yen is just a trimo, don’t try to have fun

E… yes ye…, yes ye… yes

E ya… yae yai, e yaiyo yaiyo

Andeng-andeng, ono choices

Ojo stares, looks confused

Walang snickers are striking

Mabrur mrene, tick wit pete

Sumengkemo mring God

Nindakake dawuh-dwuhe

E… yes ye…, yes ye… yes

E ya… yae yai, e yaiyo yaiyo

Walang snickers pinched the rope

Limang time ojo change lali

E… yes ye…, yes ye… yes

E ya… yae yai, e yaiyo yaiyo

Walang snickers, walange overdone

Walang kekek until finished

Genggong Cricket

Kendal Kaline Wungu, teach me to get to know you

Lelene was beaten to death, slapped in the face of walesane

Suwe doesn’t care, his heart is crushed, he is desperate for suwarane

e yes e yes e..e yae yae yae yae

Barking crickets, barking crickets, luwih babbling nonsense

Semarang kaline is flooded, so sumelang, I think

Cricket upa saba ning heap, malumpat ning in the middle of jogan

Priya’s character, he admits that he is loyal, presses him in the wrong way

e yes e yes e..e yae yae yae yae

Ganggong crickets, ganggong crickets, wani glances at the lonely nunwong

Yèn ngetan bali ngulon, tiwas crazy no joke,

Yèn nrujak nrujaka pineapple, just add kwèni,

Kene died thinking, you are adhem hot,

jebul ana sing nduweni…

e yes e yes e..e yae yae yae yae

Ganggong crickets, Ganggong crickets, Sampun pretty much the prey of wholesalers.

The next Yogyakarta regional song is entitled Walang Kekek, this very legendary song created and popularized by Waldjinah. The theme of this song is to express the feelings of female singers who are often referred to as artists.

Through this song, Waldjinah intends to change the public’s view of singers so they don’t look down on them. Apart from devoting himself to many people, the job of a singer is not easy.

8. The song “Ta Kate Dipanah”


Te kate arrow,

Arched by reeds,

Ana manuk konde-onde,

Mbok sirbombok, mbok sirkate,

Mbok sirbombok mbok sirkate…

The next Yogyakarta regional song is titled Te Kate Dipanah. This song is very familiar to children and until now it is often sung at gatherings or games in everyday life. Its popularity cannot be separated from the meaning contained in this song.

The song Te Kate Dipanah tells about teachings and advice for children, always instilling positive values ​​and good morals in them, to become useful people in the future, environment, religion and country.

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9. The song “Kupu Kui”


The butterfly is not choking (incupe),

Mung abure ngewuhake,


Ngetan back ngelan…

Mrana mrene ing paran breakfast,

Mencok bleber blubber (Who can use it),

Mentas poked a fist,

Banjur (nuli) mabur bleber…

The next title is named Butterfly Kui, this Yogyakarta children’s game is also very popular and phenomenal. The author takes the subject of a butterfly because it has beautiful wings and can fly wherever it wants.

Therefore, for humans, everyone has special abilities within, but not everyone can realize it. Even though these benefits can make a person have a better life.

10. The song “Jamuran” 


Mushroom, mushroom, yo ge ge thok

What mushrooms, what mushrooms, yo ge ge thok

Toadstool ngrembuyung like mauve

Sira badhe what mushroom?

Not much different from Cublak-Cublak Suweng, Mushroom is also a song sung in the game called Mushroom. This game can be played by 4 to 12 children which is usually played in the afternoon or at night during the full moon.

The game Mushroom can be played by both boys and girls, generally between the ages of 6 and 13. This game also does not require tools, only a large field.

11. The song “Menthok-Menthok”


Menthok, menthok tak kandhani,

Maybe your behavior is windy,

Mbok ya wrote knocking ana kandhang wae…

It’s good to snore or not to do work,

Menthok, menthok is just your behavior,

Megal megol gawe guy…

Javanese singing is a cultural treasure of ancestral heritage, which has meaning and wealth values ​​that are passed on to the descendants of the Javanese people, one of which is a Javanese song called Menthok-Menthok, some write it MENTOK-MENTOK or MENTOG-MENTOG or MENTHOG-MENTHOG.

This Javanese Agung song has a very subtle irony, like the character of Javanese elders who advocate the use of wise language that is not painful but touches the heart. Mentok-mentok ironic phrase of this song is intended for those who are lazy and just sleeping, and gives advice that humans must be productive, creative and must work hard.

Menthok-menthok songs are usually sung in Javanese children’s games by forming a circle while walking like mint, with the right hand in front and the left hand on the hip while walking.

These games are fun entertainment especially for kids, making us look forward to watching. This game also trains children in their ability to cooperate and get along with their peers.

Definition of Regional Songs

Furthermore, according to Ali (2010: 75) , regional songs, or regional songs as they are commonly called, are songs from an area that will be favored by the community and other people in that area. In general, the creators of these regional songs are not known, alias noname .

Regional songs are songs whose creative ideas are based on the culture and customs of certain regions. The song contains meaning, a message to the community and the atmosphere or situation of the local community, the language used is the regional language, Arts Subject Teacher Consultation (2010:11).

Then Setyobudi et al (2007:47) said that although there are some special songs whose rules are fixed and have magical powers for religious traditions and ceremonies, most of the folk songs are used as a means of public entertainment and are close to civil society. Therefore, folk songs are also often called folk songs.

Regional Song Function

After knowing examples of regional songs from Maluku, the next step is to find out what functions they have. As a cultural product, it generally has several functions.

Accompaniment of traditional ceremonies 

Traditional ceremonies and traditional music are always related. In Indonesia, this can be seen in many local cultures in Indonesia. Traditional rituals use musical accompaniment to convey a sense of harmony and sympathy with nature. Usually this is done to celebrate certain rituals or festivals.


In addition to traditional ceremonies, traditional music is also used to accompany performances. Each region must have traditional dances and a clear connection with music. The most interesting thing is that each word in traditional music has its own meaning. The philosophy of each lyric is also often incorporated into certain performances, such as dances.

Media playing music 

In addition to sacred activities, cultural products in the form of folk songs can also be used as a means of playing music. A very popular example is the song Rasa Sayang-Sayange from eastern Indonesia, namely Maluku. The song is often used as a background to play when playing music.

Communication tool 

In the past, folk songs were often used as a means of communication. The lyrics contain a certain meaning that is passed on to the next generation. Regarding the meaning of folk songs, it is not surprising that many experts also believe that this cultural product is used as a messenger.

News Media 

The purpose of the media is to convey certain messages, be it messages in the context of religion or humanity. An example is Lir-Ilir which is used as a means of preaching.