Get to Know Montage Artwork and How to Make it Right!

Montage Art Works – As we know childhood is a time when a child plays and has more fun. A child in doing things he likes will be very enthusiastic in doing so, including in terms of drawing and coloring.

When drawing a child will try to explore their curiosity about various images and colors, combine them and then make them into a beautiful piece of art according to them.

One of the elements in drawing art is what is called montage art. When you were in kindergarten, how often did your teacher teach you to make art using the adhesive technique? Usually this art teaches us to cut paper and then paste it according to the available image templates. Well, this simple art is often called montage art.

A montage is a work of art that combines images from various sources to form a new work of art. An easy example, montage is the art of gluing several images together and forming a new work.

Even though it looks simple, the art of montage is often used as a special lesson to develop children’s creativity while training their fine motor skills. These two things are clearly important so that when growing up, a child’s right brain develops for things in the realm of art. Montages have become a popular artistic creation over time. In addition, montage is a unique business, fulfilling many functions, both psychological and social, and more.

To understand more about what is a montage artwork? We will review the definitions, characteristics, and techniques for making them in the following discussion.

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Definition of Montage Artwork

Montage means putting together parts of an image which are then glued together in the same container to form meaning in a new image. This is the difference between collage and montage. You can take pictures from magazines or newspapers as montage materials and paste them in other areas to create new meaning.

The term “montage” comes from English, namely “montage” which means sticking technique. If you look at KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), the term “montage” is defined as “an arrangement of images which is the result of mixing elements from various sources” or “a collection of images”. and connected from various sources of elements to create shapes with new ideas, whereas according to Sumanto (2005), montage is a work of applied art made from photo pieces or image-based pieces.

In line with that, Ayu (2017) also reveals the definition of montage as a combination of images resulting from combining elements from several works. Usually this montage artwork is combined with an existing theme, for example the theme of countryside, mountains, rivers, houses. Now, from an existing theme or photo template, we need to cut paper or photos in an arbitrary shape and apply glue to the image template.

Then the activity of drawing with the montage technique is often done by kindergarten students to develop their fine motor skills while training their creativity. In carrying out this perceptive activity, of course, it must be taught and supervised by the teacher. Not infrequently the basic materials used for this assembly operation use materials from the surrounding environment.

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Call it photo paper, used magazines, newspapers, wrapping paper, poster paper, and others. So doing this assembly activity also teaches children to use the materials around them to recycle a work of art.

If this montage is developed further, it can of course become a larger work of art, and is often associated with painting, decoration, craftsmanship, relief, and sculpture. In its development, this montage is actually only a two-dimensional work of art, but now it has penetrated three-dimensional works of art.

This drawing activity using the montage technique, if applied to preschool-age children, can be used as a game, can invite children to have fun by cutting prepared sheets of paper into pieces according to children’s creativity.

After that, the kids also learned how to stick them neatly into the prepared picture patterns. According to Susanto (2012) also said that montage is work done by cutting image objects from various sources and then pasting them on a plane so that they become a unified work and subject.