Examples of Theoretical Basis for Scientific Work

Examples of Theoretical Basis for Scientific Work – When going to make a scientific work, either in the form of a thesis or a scientific article, Sinaumed’s will need to make a theoretical basis. The basis of the theory itself is a theory that is related to the research conducted by Sinaumed’s. Thus, the theoretical basis can later become the basis for analysis to be able to explain the facts.

The theoretical foundation in research or scientific writing is used to strengthen the research conducted by Sinaumed’s. In addition, the theoretical basis also serves to clarify the problem to be investigated by the author of the scientific work. Here are some examples of theoretical foundations for scientific work.

Examples of Theory Basis in Scientific Work

A. An example of the theoretical basis of a paper

Papers are scientific writings that require the authors to include theories in the development of the author’s thoughts in scientific writing. According to scientific papers, papers, theoretical foundations are in Chapter II. The following is an example of a theoretical foundation for scientific paper writing.

Some of the concepts that form the theoretical basis of this study, namely the notion of education and the notion of character. An explanation of these concepts is as follows.

1. Definition of Education

Education has been defined by several experts as something that has high value. Some experts who argue about education include John Dewy, and Mansur. The following is the definition of education according to the two experts.

John Dewey argues that education is a process of forming fundamental skills intellectually and emotionally to be able to lead to nature and fellow human beings. Furthermore, John Dewey also expressed the purpose of developing skills, namely so that the younger generation can practice moral values ​​for survival and life in society.

Mansur Muslich (2014) argues, that education is a process of internalizing culture into a person and society, so that it can make humans become more civilized figures.

2. Definition of Character

Simon Phillips (2008) argues that character is a collection of values ​​whose direction is towards a system, based on a thought, attitude and behavior displayed.

Meanwhile, Koesoema A (2007) argues that character has the same meaning as one’s personality. Meanwhile, Prof. Suyanto argues that character is a way of thinking and behaving which then becomes a characteristic of each individual to be able to live and work well together.

Based on the explanation of the theory above, it can be concluded that character education is a process that is able to make humans become more civilized and qualified figures.

B. An example of Thesis Theory Basis 

Likewise, a thesis is a scientific work that requires the author to complete the scientific work as a final project to obtain a bachelor’s degree that he will obtain.

So, if there is a student who does not complete his thesis, then that student will not get a degree from the S1 program that he studied while in college. In the thesis, the theoretical basis is included in Chapter II. The following is an example of the theoretical basis of thesis scientific work.

Some of the concepts that form the theoretical basis of this study are as follows, the notion of discipline and the elements of discipline. An explanation of these concepts is as follows.

1. Definition of Discipline 

Several experts expressed their opinion regarding the meaning of discipline, one of which was Rasiyanah and Aritonang and Semiawan. The following is the meaning of discipline according to experts.

Aritonang in Arifin and Barnawi (2012: 110) says that discipline is the ability to be able to control oneself not to take an action that is inappropriate or contrary to something that has been determined.

Meanwhile Rasdiyanah in Amri (2013: 168) argues that discipline is an obedience to be able to respect and be able to implement a system that requires a person to be subject to decisions, orders and regulations that apply.

Semiawan (2002: 89) states that discipline is all kinds of influences that have influence and aim to help deal with demands from the environment. Discipline is also defined as an influence designed to be able to help a person face the demands of his place and environment.

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Based on this description, it can be concluded that discipline is an attitude or personality of a person who can show that the person obeys the rules that have been made in an environment, where the person is located. This obedience is also done willingly, without any coercion and is done with full self-awareness.

2. Elements of Discipline

The elements of discipline according to Hurlock in Amri (2013: 165) cover the following matters.

  1. Rules as a guide or behavior.
  2. Consistency applied in a regulation.
  3. The penalty imposed for an offence.
  4. Reward for a good behavior.

According to Harlock, discipline can be born and develop in every person starting from one’s attitude in values ​​and culture that is already present in society.

C. Examples of Theory Basis in Research 

Research requires researchers to include the theoretical basis that they make as the basis for developing thoughts in the research. Whatever the type, the research topic that is made as a theoretical basis must be included in chapter IV, namely the theoretical basis. The following is an example of a theoretical basis in a study.

Some of the concepts that form the theoretical basis of this research are the professional code of ethics and the functions and objectives of the professional code of ethics. An explanation of these concepts is as follows.

a. Professional Code of Ethics

The professional code of ethics was explained by several experts, including Kosasih and Soetjipto and Wiyani. The following is an explanation of the professional code of ethics.

Kosasih and Soetjipto (2009: 30) say that a code of ethics is a guideline for attitudes, behavior and actions in carrying out tasks and in everyday life.

Meanwhile, Wiyani (2015: 25) argues that a code of ethics is a principle and value that can be used as a guide by an organization in behaving or acting.

So, it can be concluded that the professional code of ethics is a guideline used to behave when doing something.

b. Functions and Purpose of the Professional Code of Ethics

The professional code of ethics exists so that a profession can run properly and properly. So if a profession can run well, it means that the professional code of ethics has a good function as well. Suherman and Sandi (2021: 97) argue that a professional code of ethics can be a tool that can balance the negative sides of a profession. So that it can be said that the professional code of ethics that is made, can be a guide from the moral direction for a profession as well as a guarantee of a professional moral quality in the eyes of society.

1. An example of the theoretical basis for a street vendor report 

Reports from Field Work Practices or PKL is an obligation that must be made by someone when they have completed the PKL assignment that they are carrying out. Students need to submit street vendor reports as a form of responsibility in carrying out the street vendors’ duties. Keep in mind, that the theoretical basis of the street vendor report is included in Chapter III, namely the theoretical basis. To make it clearer, here is an example of the theoretical foundation of street vendors that Sinaumed’s can use as a reference.

Some of the concepts that form the theoretical basis of this research are the definition of a food bank and the form of a food bank. An explanation of these concepts is as follows.

Food bank is a charity that has several food programs to carry out the activities of the charity organization. In several institutions related to food banks, the food program is one of the main missions in running the organization.

An example of an institution that makes food its main mission is a religious organization. As for other institutions, the food program is only one of the complementary missions of the organization and not the main mission (Walters 2010).

b. Forms of Food Banks

Food banks have a variety of forms according to the needs of each organization. In general, a food bank organization has the following form.

  • As a food collection center that has a large size.
  • The food bank is in the form of a large food distribution center.
  • A food bank can take the form of a food provider in an emergency situation that has a small size

The presence of a food bank is one of the organizations that deserves attention and deserves attention, because of the social mission carried out by the food bank organization.

2. Examples of theoretical foundations from scientific work

Scientific work is a work of writing that is made to be able to find a solution to a problem that occurs. In this scientific work, there is a chapter that explains the theoretical basis as a basis for making a solution to a problem. In scientific work, the theoretical basis is included in Chapter II, namely the theoretical basis. The following is an example of a theoretical foundation for scientific work.

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Several concepts that form the theoretical basis of this study, namely the definition of waste and waste management. An explanation of these concepts is as follows.

a. Rubbish

Garbage is described by the US Environmental Protection Agency (2001) into several forms. Solid waste is defined as all waste, waste and air pollution as well as all materials disposed of in the form of solid, liquid, semi-solid or gas-containing waste.

Garbage comes from mining, industrial, household to agricultural activities. Big cities in Indonesia have a high level of activity to produce ten million tons of waste per year with an average increase of two to four percent per year. Data on the increase in waste was submitted by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment in 2008.

b. Waste management

Waste management can be carried out into several models to be able to overcome the waste problems that exist in Indonesia. One model of waste management is managed in a conventional way. There are several things included in conventional methods of waste management, here are some examples: incineration, composting, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion and refused derived fuel.

3. Examples of Theoretical Basis from Journals

A journal is a scientific work that must include a theoretical basis in its writing. The theoretical basis in this journal comes from references whose credibility is guaranteed. Examples include books and other journals. The following is an example of a theoretical foundation in a journal.

a. Definition of Profession

De George in Suherman and Saonadi (2012: 94) argues that a profession is a job performed by someone as a main activity to be able to earn a living by relying on an expertise possessed by that person.

Meanwhile, Vollmer and Mills in Danim and Khairil (2010: 8) argue that a profession is a position that requires a special intellectual ability and is obtained through several learning and training activities with the aim of being able to master a skill or expertise in serving or giving advice to people. others and get a wage or salary in certain amounts in accordance with the position or expertise possessed.

Saud (2009:4) argues that a profession is a certain job that is in accordance with special and special conditions. So that it can convince and gain the trust of several parties who need it.

From several definitions of the profession according to these experts, it can be concluded that the profession is a job that requires a special skill to run it.

b. Characteristics of the Profession

Professions have several general characteristics or inherent characteristics, according to Suherman and Saondi (2021: 94) the following are characteristics of professions.

  • Profession requires a special knowledge and expertise and skills obtained through education, years of experience and training.
  • The profession has rules and high moral standards.
  • The profession serves the interests that exist in society.
  • The profession requires a special license.

From the description above regarding the characteristics or nature of the profession, it can be said that the special characteristic of the profession is the special expertise to be able to involve intellectual activity in a profession. These mastered skills can be obtained through education and how to acquire them requires a long and not instantaneous process.

Those are some examples of theoretical foundations in a scientific work that must be included.

Functional Basis Theory

  1. Explanation or explanation is a function of the theoretical basis that can clarify a problem to be studied.
  2. Prediction or prediction, meaning that the theoretical basis can be used to become the basis for the formulation of a hypothesis in a study.
  3. Control means that the theoretical basis can be used to provide a suggestion as well as an effort to solve the problem.

That is an explanation of the theoretical basis as well as examples of the theoretical basis. Sinaumed’s can find out more about guidelines for writing scientific papers by reading and buying books available at sinaumedia, because as #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides quality books. Buy and read the book right now!

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