Examples of Natural Resources Derived from Plants

Examples of Natural Resources Derived from Plants – Living natural resources and also their benefits for the life of living things cannot be doubted. Humans, animals, and also plants cannot live without living natural resources. Where basically, living natural resources have a large enough function to meet the needs of human life.

Thus, we must pay attention to the existence of these natural resources in terms of their management so that they are not damaged. We need to understand natural resources and their benefits for the survival of humans and other living things so that they can be used optimally and effectively. In this discussion, we will review examples of natural resources derived from plants, as well as the meaning of natural resources and their extraordinary benefits for our lives.

What Are Natural Resources?

Before discussing more about natural resources and their benefits for life. This time we will first discuss what natural resources are and the types of natural resources. Based on their nature, natural resources are divided into two types, namely renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

First, renewable natural resources are a type of renewable natural resources which are natural resources that will always be available in nature and will never become extinct or run out. For example, animals, soil, water, plants, sun, and also microorganisms. Even though it will not become extinct or run out, we still have to pay attention to how to manage it so that these natural resources do not end in damage.

While the second is non-renewable natural resources. Different from the previous types of natural resources, this one has a limited amount in nature. This happens because the process of forming this one natural resource requires a very long and long time, even up to millions of years. If it is used regularly and continuously, it is feared that it will run out quickly. For example, natural resources that can be renewed, namely mining and quarrying materials such as gold, petroleum, coal, and others.

Natural Resources Derived From Plants

In addition to the types of natural resources above, there are also other types of natural resources which are usually referred to as biotic natural resources and abiotic natural resources.

Examples of biotic and abiotic resources are plants or plants. You need to know that the potential of natural resources derived from plants is high, not inferior to the potential of natural air resources. This happens because the two sources are classified as examples of renewable natural resources.

For understanding the natural resources of plants themselves, namely natural resources derived from various kinds of plants. Where its existence can be used by humans to support survival. As previously explained that plant natural resources are included in the types of renewable natural resources. Because, plants are living things that are always developing and growing. The following are some examples of natural resources derived from plants and their benefits. Listen to the end if you are interested in learning this.

Types of Plant Natural Resources

The types of plant natural resources can be categorized into three, namely forests, plantation land, and also agricultural land. For more details, see the full discussion below:

a. Forest

Forests store a lot of biodiversity which has various potentials. There are various types of plants that thrive in the forest. Plants and trees in the forest are a place to live and also a place to find food for the animals that live in it. The existence of a beautiful forest has indirectly provided benefits for human life and the living things around it.

The trees that grow in the forest will produce oxygen that we breathe every day. In addition, forests also play a role in maintaining clean air conditions. Within the forest itself there are lots of springs that can be consumed and also used by humans and other living things for their daily needs.

Indonesia itself has various types of forests consisting of tropical forests, homogeneous forests, savanna forests and mangrove forests. The potential of forest natural resources is quite a lot, can be in the form of wood or non-timber. Forest products in the form of wood can be obtained from trees whose wood parts can be utilized. Meanwhile, examples of non-timber forest products are usually sap, honey, rattan, and so on.

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b. Agricultural land

Agricultural land is an area that stretches wide and is deliberately used by humans to grow crops. As for some plants or plants that are usually planted are types of plants that have economic value for sale or self-consumption. Generally, we can find agricultural land in lowland areas.

Even so, residents in the highlands can also cultivate using special techniques such as terracing techniques. Types of plants that are usually planted on agricultural land are corn, rice, glutinous rice, soybeans, green beans, vegetables, and many more.

It should be understood that agricultural land must also be supported by an irrigation system or a good irrigation system. It is intended that the yields obtained can be abundant and of good quality. In addition to a good irrigation system, agricultural technology such as seed selection and fertilization must be carried out properly. In order to obtain quality agricultural products and can be exported to various countries. The quality and quantity of agricultural products should always be improved so that they can help achieve food self-sufficiency in their own country.

c. Plantation Land

Plantation land is an area in the form of a large expanse that is deliberately used by humans to serve as a medium for the cultivation of certain plants. Types of plants that are usually cultivated here are coffee, tea, oil palm, sugarcane, and various types of fruits.

Not all types of land can be used as plantation land. The land that is used as a plantation must first be adjusted to the type of plant to be planted.

For example, for tea plantations, where the land used must be in the highlands. Meanwhile, for sugar cane plantations, it can be planted on plantation land in the lowlands. There are already various kinds of plantation products in Indonesia that have become export commodities. In fact, Indonesia is one of the countries that export the largest palm oil and coffee.

Benefits of Natural Plant Sources

All parts of plants are included in plant natural resources. Almost all parts of the plant can be used by humans. The following are some examples of natural resources of plant origin:

1. Food and Beverage Ingredients

Examples of natural resources derived from plants are the use of natural plant resources as food and beverage ingredients. Some types of plants that can be used as types of food are seed plants, vegetable plants, and trees that have fruit suitable for consumption. As for examples of plants that can be used as beverage ingredients are coffee, tea, and also sugarcane.

2. As a Building Material

Plant natural resources that can be used as building materials are tree species that have strong and sturdy wood. Wood that comes from tree trunks is initially oval or elongated. Then cut and processed into various forms of building materials.

Some are formed into pillars, tables, doors, roofs, and so forth. There are even several types of wood that are carved with certain motifs to be used as decoration. The types of trees that are usually used for wood are mahogany trees, teak trees, and acacia trees.

3. As Fuel

Examples of natural resources derived from plants are biogas or wood which are used as alternative fuels. Usually, the raw material used as biogas is the remains of plants or plants in the swamps. In addition, the export commodity plants used as fuel are oil palm. The fuel obtained from the processing of palm oil is known as biodiesel.

Where the spread of oil palm covers almost all parts of Indonesia, parts of Java, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and also Sumatra. The high economic value of oil palm makes business owners flock to open new mustard fields by cutting down existing forests. That way, it has made the forest ecosystem unbalanced.

4. Raw Materials for Herbal Medicines

The next benefit of natural resources derived from plants is that they are used as raw materials for herbal medicines. As we know that the land in the territory of Indonesia has been overgrown by various kinds of plants that have properties as herbal medicines or traditional medicines that have been used since ancient times. Some examples of plant natural resources that can be used as herbal medicine are binahong, ginger, ginger, and crown of the gods.

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5. Industrial Raw Materials

The benefits of natural plant resources are then industrial raw materials. Usually the plants used as industrial raw materials are cotton plants and also rubber trees. For the rubber tree itself, the sap is usually taken alone to be used as a material for making vehicle tires and also other equipment that requires elastic properties.

As for the cotton plant, the fiber is usually used to serve as raw material for the textile industry. The process that must be carried out to make a cloth using cotton fiber is spinning cotton fiber into a thread. Then weave the yarn until it becomes a whole cloth. In the process of weaving the yarn, it can be done manually or using modern machines.

Benefits of Biological Natural Resources

The following are some of the benefits of biological natural resources that you can get. For more details, see the discussion below:

a. Benefits in the Economic Sector

One of the biological natural resources originating from animals is fish, such as skipjack tuna, tuna, and also types of seafood such as shrimp. All of these natural resources have high economic value because they can be exported to generate a lot of foreign exchange for the country itself.

In addition, the economic value of forests in the form of wood and rattan can also be exported abroad or can be used within the country itself. Then, there are several types of plants that can produce sap products, for example resin trees, rubber trees, and pine trees.

Later the sap will be used as an oil ingredient. Not only that, medicinal plants and food plants also have high economic value. Some medicinal plants and food products can be resold in local or international markets if they are of good quality.

b. Benefits in the Field of Biology

From a biological point of view, the benefits of living natural resources are to support the life of living things, such as humans, animals and plants. One example is plants that can produce oxygen needed by human respiration and other living things.

Plants can also produce food for other living things. As for the plants in the forest, they can protect the soil from landslides and erosion and can also store water reserves for the survival of humans and other living things.

Meanwhile, agriculture and animal husbandry have used a lot of biological natural resources. Where various kinds of food and clothing come from the cultivation of plants and animals. Plants and also animals that are cultivated usually come from forests where until now there are many types that can be used to improve human welfare. Various kinds of plants and animals in the forest are a source of germplasm.

Where germplasm is a superior and distinctive trait that is passed down from generation to generation. The following are examples of several types of plants and animals that have superior characteristics, among others, resistance to drought and also pests and can produce medicines. If wild plants and animals that have superior characteristics are crossed with similar plants and animals, it is likely that superior seeds will be obtained.

c. Benefits For The Environment

In this case, natural resources are a biotic component in an ecosystem. Where green plants act as producers because they can produce food for themselves and other living things. In the process of making food carried out by green plants, it is usually called photosynthesis. These activities can reduce CO2 levels and increase O2 levels in the air.

Meanwhile, animals act as consumers, where they will release CO2 into the air when they breathe. Meanwhile, microorganisms act as decomposers whose job is to convert organic substances into dissolved inorganic substances that can be absorbed by plant roots and used to make food.

Trees in the forest can also prevent erosion and landslides. If the trees on the mountain slopes are cut down illegally, then the flowing rainwater will carry the soil surface particles into a stream of mud.

That way, as a result, during the next rainy season, more water will flow down the mountain slopes because the absorption capacity of the soil becomes less. If it’s like that, then this will turn the land into arid and the trees in residential areas will further lower the air temperature.

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