Examples of Indonesian Cultures that Must Be Preserved

Examples of Indonesian cultures – Culture is a term that is very familiar to the people of Indonesia. However, there are still many people who do not know about the meaning of culture itself.

Basically, culture can be said to be a material that is quite interesting for us to discuss more deeply. Because even though it only has one word, culture has a very interesting meaning.

It should be understood that culture itself has a very broad influence and will even be passed down from generation to generation. A culture can influence aspects of religion, politics, traditional buildings, clothing, customs, and also language.

So, by trying to get to know the culture in more depth is the right thing for us to do.

In general, the term culture is a lifestyle that develops within a group or society and is passed down from generation to generation. Thus, culture itself is a lifestyle that has been carried out since birth or even since it was still in the womb until it died.

Generally, this culture creates a custom, which will later be applied by the community to all aspects of life. Then these customs must also be obeyed by the people in the group even though there is no written law regarding its application. All elements and forms of culture will be conveyed orally.

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If we want to go deep into the meaning of culture, then of course we will understand very well about how this culture can survive and can continue to be passed on. In addition, when discussing culture, we will also discuss the inclusion of various kinds of culture in a community group. For example, in Indonesia, they have started to recognize western culture, Korean culture, and also cultures from other countries.

Examples of Indonesian Cultures

The following are some examples of Indonesian cultures that you need to understand.

1. Traditional Ceremonies

Traditional ceremonies are a form of customs or habits of the people who still adhere to tradition and still have relevant values ​​for life and also the needs of the surrounding community.

This is believed to be a form of human effort to be able to communicate with the spirits or spirits of the ancestors and also a form of the ability of the surrounding community to harmonize with nature and the wider environment.

Generally, traditional ceremonies are known as one of the ancestral legacies originating from their respective regions which have been guarded and preserved for generations. Even though the times have become more advanced and sophisticated, traditional ceremonies have not been forgotten by some Indonesian people.

Especially for people who are still thick with customs. This is because this traditional ceremony is considered to have a philosophical value and also its own strength by some people.

In Indonesia, traditional ceremonial traditions are mostly carried out by people in various regions, where each region has its own traditional ceremonies. The following is an example of traditional ceremonies in Indonesia.

Traditional Ceremonies in Aceh

The traditional ceremony in Aceh is known as Peusijuk. Peusijuk is known as a tradition that has been carried out for generations and is generally carried out by the people of Aceh as a manifestation of gratitude for the gifts that have been given by God. Usually, this traditional ceremony is held at births, weddings, pilgrimages, and so on.

2. Examples of Culture in Indonesian Society Debus

This debus art comes from Banten, where the name is taken from Arabic. The meaning of the word debus itself is a sharp weapon, has a sharp shape, and the material for which it is made is iron.

This art was introduced in the 16th century. When Islam first entered Indonesia as a means of preaching. So that people want to follow these teachings. The performance of this martial action is generally accompanied by reading a prayer to ask God for salvation.

It should be understood that in doing this attraction, it should not be done by just anyone. However, those who have performed special rituals are prohibited from stealing, drinking alcohol, having sex, fasting, and also praying.

This art was born from the beliefs of the people of Banten, which at that time were animism and dynamism. Therefore, the guardians try to change this habit by showing a debus performance.

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3. Examples of Culture in Indonesian Society Karapan Sapi

After discussing the culture of the Banten area, we will now turn to the Madura area. Where this salt-producing area has a tradition that is very exciting and also fun, namely Karapan Sapi.

This tradition is usually held once a year. Generally it will be held in August or September until the final match in October. This tradition is a competition where cows are used as animals to pull carriages made of wood.

The race track is about 100 meters away. Uniquely, this competition will also raise the owner’s name if he can win. It’s no wonder that those who participate in the Cow Race will prepare their favorite animal before competing. By caring for and training it, it is fed high nutritious food.

In fact, usually for food that must be prepared, you can spend up to Rp. 4 million. Before participating in the competition, the animals will be paraded and accompanied by Madurese gamelan music.

4. Interesting examples of culture in Indonesian society

Merarik is a culture originating from the Sasak tribe, Lombok. This tradition is usually carried out before the wedding. Where there is a play to be done first. The bride must make an escape before being made a wife.

In the process, generally the bride and groom have promised to meet at a place. Then, the groom and his family will bring the bride home for three days.

After that, local community leaders will come to the woman’s house. The community leader will inform the woman’s family about the escape.

This example from regional culture will be followed by a discussion of pisuke, namely money that will be used to pay for thanksgiving. If it has been agreed by both parties, the new contract can be implemented. Lali, the man will give offerings to the bride.

But it’s just that, recently, this culture is often abused as an attempt to marry underage children. Although at this time, the practice has been discontinued.

5. Examples of Culture in Indonesian Society Makepung

If Madura has a culture in the form of bull races, then when we go to Bali, we can enjoy the culture of buffalo racing or what is commonly referred to as makepung.

In the beginning, this competition was just a game while plowing the fields. So this activity feels very fun.

However, as the times progressed, eventually local residents turned the competition into a mandatory activity. Historically, this tradition has been carried out since 1925.

An example of this traditional culture is usually done once a year. This tradition will be followed by participants from all walks of life. The implementation will be carried out from June to October and generally held on Sundays.

It is recommended for those of you who are interested in seeing it, try to come earlier. This is because there are relatively many Makepung enthusiasts. Arriving early will give you the opportunity to get the best seats to see this race up close.

6. Examples of Culture in Indonesian Melasti Society

Still in Bali, you can also see another Indonesian culture, namely the Melasti ceremony. This tradition is a sacred activity carried out for the process of self-purification. Where the ceremony can be done anywhere.

Generally, the Melasti ceremony will be held a few days before Nyepi Day. The implementation procedure will be carried out at Melasti Beach.

In this event, many people who wear white clothes come in droves and bring niskala, which is a Parung to be cleaned.

The main purpose of this ceremony is to purify oneself and ask God for strength. In order to be able to carry out worship on Nyepi Day solemnly. So that perfection will be created in accordance with His teachings.

7. Examples of Culture in Indonesian Society Saman Dance

As we know, Aceh is known as Veranda of Mecca which has the strongest Islamic law in Indonesia. It is not surprising that the Saman Dance tradition originating from Aceh has gone global. In the 17th century Sheikh Muhammad As-Saman used it as part of his da’wah. He is a Sufism teacher who was born in Medina. Many of his students claim to be happy with his learning style.

Until finally, he asked all his students to do ratib saman. This one culture will sound like combining dance movements with the chanting of ancient Malay poetry that mentions the name of Allah. In its development, this Saman Dance no longer contains praise to God or the prophet. But more mention of figures who have contributed to the struggle for independence,

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8. An example of culture in Indonesian society is the Stone Burning Party

Not only the finger-cutting tradition, Papua also has several other very interesting traditions to discuss. One of them is the Bakar Batu party. They will carry out the tradition as a form of gratitude.

Although at first it was done on a whim, its development continues to be preserved. Especially by people who are still in the interior tribes. The ritual is generally carried out by first burning the stone until it is hot. Then it is used as a place to burn pork.

It’s just that now the meat used is no longer pork, but replaced with chicken. This is a form of tolerance for Muslims in Papua.

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Values ​​and Elements in Culture

Apart from the definition of culture itself, there are other important things that we must understand about culture, namely the values ​​and elements of culture. The value of a culture can be said to have an abstract form. Where the value is stored in the minds of the people who are used to solve general problems to big problems.

Cultural values ​​are then used as a way of life from the behavior of people in a group. For the value that is in the mind, it will be difficult to describe or explain in more detail later. However, when it is explained and tried to do it directly, then of course we will understand very well about the value of the culture itself.

Cultural values ​​that have a character like this will make the culture deeply embedded in each individual. Then this culture can last a very long time and remain, then be passed on to the next generation. Also through this trait, culture is not easily replaced by other cultural values.

Even so, there are several factors that make a culture change due to the inclusion of values ​​from outside cultures. For example, related to the interest of moving house or place of residence, then where the earth is stepped on there the sky is upheld.

As immigrants, of course we are obliged to follow the local culture. Except for a few things, for example, the culture inherited from their own ancestors which must be carried out personally.

In addition, related to religious issues, which often occurs in someone who persists in one religion even though he has physically moved to an area or residence with a different culture and religion.

Meanwhile, regarding the elements in culture, there are several elements that play a role in building a culture. This is still related to the notion of culture that we have discussed above. The following are some details of the cultural elements in question, including:

1. Knowledge

Culture has a scope related to knowledge, namely everything that is understood by a certain group of people. This knowledge is very important to support their survival. Starting from knowledge about the types of plants, time, animals, behavior, and so forth.

2. Living Technology Equipment

The next cultural element is living technology equipment, namely all types of goods or equipment used for survival. Through technological equipment, a community group will understand how to process food ingredients into food, how to process yarn into cloth to then make clothes, and so on.

3. Societal

The third element is society, because culture itself is very synonymous with society. Sometimes culture is used by a group of people to survive, build customs, patterns of behavior, and so on. Then culture is also able to form a society with distinctive characters and habits.

4. Language

The next element is language, because culture will form a special or distinctive language used by a community group. Thus, language is also included in the form of culture. Indonesia itself has many regional languages. This proves that culture can influence the language of a group of people.

5. Religion or Religion

As culture develops, it influences the religion or religion that is believed by a group of people. Culture in this aspect of religion then creates a pattern or action that is often logical. The scope of this religious element includes communication of religious ceremonies, beliefs, views of life, and so on.

6. Livelihoods

Livelihoods are also included in the cultural element. This is because all human ways of fulfilling their daily needs are strongly influenced by local culture. For example, people’s habits for hunting, gardening, trading, farming, and others.

7. Art

All things related to human desire or desire for beauty is a form of art. This art is then included in the cultural elements which include dance, literature, and also fine arts. That is what makes people in other areas have a distinctive dance art.

These are examples of Indonesian cultures that should be preserved. Sinaumed’s can read various books related to Indonesian culture at sinaumedia.com . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides the best products for Sinaumed’s.

Author: Siti Badriyah

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