Examples of Greeting Words: Definition, Types, Factors

Examples of greeting words – Every language in the world must have greetings, including Indonesian. However, it turns out that you also have to learn greetings, you know Sinaumed’s, of course in learning Indonesian greetings there are examples of greeting words along with their meanings and types.

Examples of greeting words are used by individuals to groups. In addition, there are also greeting words that use formal and non-formal language. So, to understand and make examples of greeting words in Indonesian, you must understand these greeting words.

Definition of Greeting Words

According to Roger Brown and Albert Gilman (1960), greeting words are pronouns used to greet the second person. Then according to Abdul Chaer (1998), greeting words are words that can be used to greet, admonish, mention a second person or anyone who does not want to be spoken to.

So, the word of greeting is the second person pronoun used in the communication process. Unknowingly, the word greeting is an important word because it is used in almost every daily conversation.

In addition, greeting words are also used by oneself to communicate in groups. In its use, there are those who use formal and non-formal language. Greetings are words that are used to greet someone or both singular and plural.

Greeting sentences are often used in the delivery of news sentences or radio broadcasts. However, greeting words are also used in Sinaumed’s’ daily activities. Greetings are divided into several types according to close relationship, position or respect to personal pronouns.

Types of Greetings

Before Sinaumed’s makes examples of greeting words, he must know the types of greeting words first. The type of greeting itself is distinguished by various things such as close relationships, position or respect, names, to personal pronouns. There are several types of greeting words that Sinaumed’s can use in everyday life. There are nine types of greetings, including:

1. Personal Pronouns

This personal pronoun is a type of address that replaces the role noun in a group. There are three charm pronouns, namely singular, second and plural personal pronouns. Examples of personal pronouns:

  • Singular personal pronouns: I, me and me.
  • Second personal pronoun: you and you
  • Plural personal pronouns: he and she

2. Personal name

Proper name as a greeting word which is a person’s name. For example, like Adi, Budi, Chandra, Dewi, Galih, Hasna, and other personal names.

3. Kinship Terms

Examples of kinship terms are mother, father, brother, grandmother, sis, mas and sister. The term kinship does not always refer to families with blood relations that are used generally in communicating with other people,

4. Titles and Ranks

Greetings based on a person’s title and rank. For example doctors, giri, captains, commanders and trainers.

5. Said the Doer

The actor’s word is a type of address that has the form pe + verb. For example, readers, viewers and listeners.

6. Nominal Form

Nominal forms of greeting have the form N (nominal) + ku. For example, my God, my darling and also my lover.

7. Word Index

The index word is a greeting word in the form of a hint word. An index word is a word whose referent moves or alternates depending on who is the speaker, the time and place it is spoken. Examples of index words as greeting words are there and here.

8. Other Nominal

The next type of address is a nominal address, for example, sir and madam.

9. Zero feature

Zero or zero feature greetings are greetings that are no longer accompanied by the form of the address. For example, the sentence “do you want to go?”. This sentence is used to ask someone, but there is no greeting form in the sentence.

In addition there are also other types of greetings, including:

  1. Greetings that show the relationship of relatives such as grandfather, grandmother, father (father), mother, uncle, aunt, brother, brother, sister, ananda, mas and miss.
  2. Addresses in the form of pronouns such as you, you, brother, you, sir, madam, miss and so on.
  3. Greetings that show respect such as your majesty, honorable and others.
  4. Greetings followed by names such as Hasan’s brother, Susanto’s father, Amir’s mother and so on.
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Examples of Greeting Words

Greeting is greeting directly both when face to face (face to face) or through media such as telephone or other media. This direct greeting activity only occurs if the person we greet is the second person (the other person, the person being spoken to), not the first person (the speaker) or the third person (the one being talked about). Here are some examples of good and correct greeting words:

1. Kaka asked “What time will you come home from piano lessons?”

The word sister is a greeting word that is useful for greeting the second person you are talking to. This greeting word must be written using capital letters.

2. Dad said, “Tell mom, daddy will buy grilled chicken for dinner.”

The greeting word father in this example sentence is used to greet the first person (himself) so it is not included in the greeting. In greeting the mother which refers to the third person / being discussed may not use capital letters.

3. We must respect the services of the heroes who have fought for the independence of this nation.

The hero greeting above refers to the third person being talked about so it is not considered a greeting. It does not need to start with a capital letter.

Apart from being a greeting, greeting words that are used as initial references must also be written in capital letters, as in the following example:

  1. They went to the sub-district head’s house.
  2. Tomorrow we will visit Mrs. Saniah who is sick.

Example Sentences of Greeting

Already know the types, definitions and examples of greeting words. So that Sinaumed’s can find out more about greetings, it is also necessary to know the following examples of greeting sentences:

Examples of greeting sentences

  1. Welcome to our restaurant. Please order your favorite menu here.
  2. Welcome ladies and gentlemen. On this occasion, we would like to thank you for your presence at our event today.
  3. Welcome ladies and gentlemen. On this occasion, let us give thanks to God for all His gifts to all of us.
  4. Good afternoon, miss. Sorry to interrupt his lunch break.
  5. Welcome, gentlemen. Come on, please taste the dishes we have provided.
  6. Good morning, Mayor. Sorry, we are here asking for your signature for this proposal letter.
  7. Welcome, Mr. Handoko. Come on, I’ll take you to the meeting room.
  8. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Let’s just have a meeting this morning.
  9. Good afternoon, madam. Come on, I’ll take you to the hall.
  10. Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?

Examples of Usual Greeting Sentences

  1. Good night all. See you again.
  2. Excuse me, guys. Can you guys help me?
  3. Hello brothers and sisters. Are you ready to play?
  4. Hi all. Sorry, I came late.
  5. Hi all. This time we will give you tips on how to recycle bottled waste around you.
  6. Good morning all. Meet again with us on today’s morning broadcast program.
  7. Hi, friend. Have you had breakfast this morning?
  8. Hello viewers. See you again at the Greet Greeting Morning event.
  9. Hi everybody. Been waiting a long time huh?
  10. Hi, Karli. How are you? It’s been a long time we didn’t meet.

Examples of Informal Greeting Sentences

  1. Hello buddy. Have you had breakfast this morning?
  2. Hey, Jo. You want to come with us on a picnic, right?
  3. Hey dude, what are you doing here?
  4. Hey, Rin. Where are you goin?
  5. Hey, man. Did you see Rose?
  6. Hey, Jack. Do you know the latest news from Sophie?

Writing Examples of Greeting Words

Already able to use greeting words in everyday life, of course you also need to understand how to write them. What needs to be remembered in this case is the way of writing kinship words that are used as greeting words, which are written with the initial capital letter.

Writing examples of greeting words:

  1. What grade are you in?
  2. Good morning Mr Mayor.
  3. Where is the captain on duty today?
  4. After arriving in Yogyakarta, where will you be staying?

Function of Using Form of Address

The function of this greeting is related to the factors that influence the use of greetings. For example, someone who is older, has a higher social status than greeters and conversations occur in formal situations, so he will be more respected.

Likewise for people who are easier will still be respected because the relationship between the two is not familiar or they don’t know each other. This is done so as not to be considered impolite. Usually a sign of respect is marked by the use of kinship greetings that are attached to certain greetings. Following are the functions:

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As a Mark of Respect

This function is characterized by an age that is considered older or a higher social status, so that the greeter will respect the greeting more. For example, a student greeting the teacher/miss teacher at school.

As a Marker of Familiar Relations

This function will be found in personal greetings, charm pronouns, kinship and titles. The greeter and the addressee in this case have the same age and status and both of them already know or are familiar with each other. So this situation will lead to an informal situation.

As a Marker of Affectionate Relations

This is indicated by the use of the greeting Dinde and Nune as a sign of affection between parents and children. Greeting Dik as a sign of affection between brothers and sisters or older people to younger people. In addition, greetings of affection / yang or other forms are also a sign of a lover or husband and wife relationship. Thus, this function shows the affection, closeness and attention given by seniors to juniors.

As Affirmation Function

This function is marked by the repetition of the form of greeting, for example, is that right, Miss Lely? This is to confirm to whom we are talking or to whom our attention is directed. This function is usually found in personal greetings and kinship greetings.

As for other functions of the use of greeting words, among others:

  • Rebuke or greet the interlocutor.
  • Attract the attention of others.
  • Demonstrates decency and social class.
  • Expresses the social relationship between the speaker and the interlocutor.

Greeting form

The following forms of greeting words according to Mansur Pateda , include:

1. Forms of Greetings from the Side of Gender

This form of address refers to the gender of the other person or person being addressed. Examples of the use of greeting forms for men, for example, father, mas, cak, kang, and others. While greetings for women, for example mother, miss, aunt, yu, neng, and others.

2. Forms of Greetings from the Side of Age or Age

The next form of greeting is a word of greeting that shows the age of the other person. Examples of this form of greeting are brother, sister, mas, miss, teteh, brother, brother and so on.

3. Forms of Greetings in terms of Social Status

Another form of greeting is a word of greeting that indicates social status in terms of position, title, occupation of a person or his interlocutor. This form of address usually involves a job or position or role in a society. For example, such as Mr. President, Mrs. RT, Mr. Ustadz, and so on.

4. Forms of Greetings in terms of Kinship

The next form of greeting is in terms of kinship which shows the relationship between the speaker and the person he is talking to, for example father, mother, sister, brother and so on.

Factors Influencing the Use of Address Forms

The use of greetings in communication will be influenced by several factors, both factors related to social and situational issues. Factors related to social problems such as age and gender.

While situational factors include who the speakers of the language are, to whom the greeting is addressed, when and where. The factors that influence greetings, among others:

1. Situation

This situation is when a speech event occurs. The situation is both formal and informal. Formal situations place speakers in an unfamiliar position, while informal situations vary greatly in the choice of greeting forms.

2. Age

When viewed in terms of age, the use of greetings will be adjusted to the age or age of a person. Is the person being greeted older, the same age or younger. This is because the accuracy of the selection of greetings will also affect the relationship between greeters and being greeted.

3. Social Status

A person’s social status also determines the use of greetings. For example in various criteria such as power, wealth and intelligence.

4. Kinship Relations

Kinship relations also determine or influence the choice of greeting words in acts of communication. When greeting relatives with a higher kinship status, he must use certain kinship terms.

5. Familiar Relations

Familiarity is a relationship in which the speaker is well acquainted with his interlocutor, which can be either familiar or not. The use of greetings indicating close relationships can be indicated by choosing the second personal pronominal form, such as you, you, you can also use the form of address, nicknames and personal names.


Those are examples of greeting words along with the types and meanings that you can find out. Hopefully, with the examples of greeting words above, you will understand better how to use Indonesian properly and correctly, Sinaumed’s. I hope this article inspires you!

If Sinaumed’s is still confused, still needs references related to greetings along with their complete types and meanings, you can visit the sinaumedia book collection at sinaumedia.com .

Author: Rosyda Nur Fauziyah

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