Examples of Geguritan Javanese with Various Themes

Examples of Javanese Geguritan – Geguritan in the Java region developed from tembang, so that several different forms of tembang are known. At first, the songs were in the form of songs and had certain rhymes that were made by poets to be presented to the ruling leaders.

This is what causes the classic Javanese literary work in the form of poetry to be anonymous. In general, poets who compose songs do not want to highlight themselves and their works are considered to be shared property.

The definition of geguritan in Java then developed and has the synonym of free poetry, namely poetry that does not bind itself to the rules of metres, rhymes, and songs.

In the following, an example of Javanese geguritan will be presented with the theme of life or the surrounding environment, which is taken from the book Geguritan Kidung Karangkitri Anthology published by the Department of Culture for the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2020.

Example of Javanese Geguritan

The following are some examples of Javanese language geguritan that you can read related to the theme of life and the surrounding environment, see the following information.

Prambanan Temple (Nurlistiyati)

Prambanan Temple

Panggah jejeg ing the land of Mataram

Sansaya is endah and heartbreaking

Kawentar sinawang rina klawan wengi

Prambanan temple

Nut simbah said

Sela kang pideksa willing

Minangka sexy

Bandhung Bandawasa and Roro Jonggrang

Sih tresna kinalang satru

Hamung palastra sulaya kang mungkasi lelakone

Genti madeg candi kang sulistya

Fairy tales just press simbah’s words

Actually, everything is just a made-up story

Minangka rerenggan nggo ngenthenngi sanggan

Dadi fairy tale kanggo paesing interrupted

Prambanan Temple

Time synchrony

Be the go-to for foreign people

Gumun anyekseni sulistyane

Mugiya sustainable ing salamiya

Sega Gudheg Sepincuk (Tri Wahyuni)

This little boy just manthuk

Aweh sasmita, without swara

What dheweke wanuh?

Yen ing Tanah Klairane iki Duwe Macapat song

Kang mbabar sakehing guidance

This little boy is very eager for parikan books

Sinambi ngaba marang biyunge

Yen wetenge kluruk njaluk filled

Sega gudheg pinincuk kanthi writing paper

“Urip is like dene gudheg, ndhuk, the various flavors of dadi siji. Pralambang yen urip iki ora mung sawarna. Wedange also tastes. Curry chooses endi, I want tokcepi. Kabeh wants to hang on to your crew. Prosperous and miserable life, ginaris ing your cheeks. Nanging everything you want, can Mbok Pulasi hold on to anchor swinging sakehing papadhang ing your behavior is just too hot?”

Oseng-Oseng Mercon (Triwik Darmayanti)

Pedes…. tambane body kang again gumreges

Nyos… nyulaki gom broke mom plain

Hoh huh… slenget garba twist gurah

Ah wuh… Riwe collapsed and was excited dadi ewuh

Lombok kethok ngasadani gurung ngethok

Kenyil kikil sandhung, caslamur, sega mawur

Onion brambang anjamoni chronic pain

Blimbing tomatoes are fresh, salira karumat

Greetings from Laos, Andudut Mrentul Siing Raos

Dhong lemongrass, samadya oranges, just dry

Sarem soy sauce lerema jaganen pang say

Beringharja Fiber (Purwadmadi)

Banarawa binarung pedestal Bering gung

Pacethokan merdusun siniti ratapun

Binale wake up build up

Sitihinggil srantun mucuki took a step back

Mangku wengkon bumine Hyang Manon


Bering, reja swamp

Kurug siti’s pillow flat bawera

Kandhang lodhang pepulung sandhang food

Patrap tuna satak bathi relatives

The practice of soul ngayogya is luru leluri larasing kartya

Titi tata calming praja raharjane kawula



Mustika tandha

Linambaran siti toya

Jejeg adeging Sri Narendra

Mangku mengku kumumala

Memayu hayuning bawana



Peken Pancawara

Pasar gedhe nagari gung binathara

Paningset jumbuhing Gusti-Kawula

Ngrenggo ngayogya koncar kuncara

Carita Kutha Ngayogyakarta (Eko Wahyu Nugroho)

Kababar sawijing story

Story of Kutha Ngayogyakarta

Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat kang Kaloka

Kaloka is full of culture

Grapyak sumanak wargane

Alus sublime bebuden

Prasaja tuminda

Gandhes supple and pantes agemane

Kabeh sarwa ginambar wela-wela

Gawe tourist guests interest

Nalika nancik Ngayogyakarta

The karta raharja ayem tentrem board

Pinggir Progo ing Wayah Afternoon (Margaret Kusalamani)

Wayah afternoon to go to Kali Progo

Prawan sumengit slowed down amarikelu

“Ngger, my daughter is a beautiful child, rahayu satekamu”

Priyagung sepuh iket wulung mbagekake

The prawan was shocked, sumungkem null the pitakon

“You punika sinten, grandma?”

Priyagung wants to mesem banjur ing sandhinge

“Grandmother, wonten coffers patilasanipun Eyang Wanabaya?”

“What’s wrong Ngger, kowe nggoleki?”

“Kula mundhi dhawuhipun mother swarghi”

The prawan banjur pitakon maneh

“Punapa leres Eyang Wanabaya mbalela dhumateng Mataram?”


Banjur ing mripate kang liyep lindri cumithak image

Mangir bedhah, a descendant of the Wanabaya breed

Oncat, sumingkir saka kinasih earth

Ora marga wedi taker ludira, nanging ana petung seje

Kelebu ancestor, ngawa baby sibling durung genep eight dina

Kedharang-dharang rises to the mudhun mountain, a ravine, crossing the river

This baby of the Wanabaya breed must be saved


See also  difference between speed and velocity bbc

Lan dheweke, what kind of baby do you want

Teka ing bumi Mangir ngruru ancestor


Priyagung wants Kanthi to stroke Sirahe the virgin

Mesem pait banjur pitutur,

“Ngger, manebna think you, sumendhe mring Gusti

Binareng lakuning urip, you will manage it

What’s the difference between building the earth, Kang Wis Menehi Panguripan?

Karo mbalela lan wants to take care of other darbeking”


Sawise pitutur priyagung wants to be gone

The prawan was shocked, she was fussing over the mripat and being observant

“Grandmother… Grandmother… You won’t have a purse?”


“Do I want to just dream”, pangudharasane

Tedhak Sinten (Kartika)

Weak kang kokpi not follow or not act

Setya was dumbfounded

Ora nate splice to the bushes

Nanging hands are fierce

The rhyme is less graphic

It can be just as damaging


Weak, …..

Mbokmenawa ana kang wrong

Anggone padha polah

Nupadi tukon uyah


Wejange simbah tan will owah

Marang relatives sometimes putu wayah

In order to keep worshiping

Lord Kang Maha Mirah


Tedhak siten

Want to listen to Kowe Saiki?

Menawa sleep, just cry wedi

Ah, sometimes I don’t understand

Head to Bali

Like you promised

Sadurunge mudhun ing siti


Wernane is an asshole who is not here

Durung’s rhymes are well established

Ana ati kang funny

Nggegem paugerane kanthi kebak

Dalan wis ambyar kasampyuk gumerlape wedhak

Kang ambune smells good


Siti, …..

I hope you are still at ease

Dadya punjering fortune

Marang kang is happy to cook

Ngebekti mring Gusti

Hamemayu hayuning bawana

Katetepi pinangka promise

Baladha Mbokdhe Setra (Nita Nuryanti)

Mbokdhe Setra basket tela Soga Market

Tomorrow, you will have krekat-krengket talking about the old pit

gabions kiwa tengen contents have continued life

nyuwak pedhut ngipatke adheme hawa

the sadawane behavior of ndalidir is cute, the pinangka rowang song

dhemit ora ndulit satan ora hooked

Mbokdhe Setra tan wedi nadyan dhewekan


Press the trade market set sinambi ura-ura

Tembang Pangkur otak-athike when you are unemployed

Mbakyu-mbakyu is totally dead

niki tela is soft, delicious tuwin legi

fluffier nyamleng yen den ulu

amirasa legend

tela kaspa, tela pendhem, tela purple

complete pack of sarwa ana

mangoes samya mriki


Mbokdhe…., Mbokdhe Setra

why are you so adventurous?

ura-ura dadi means

fortune mara anyaketi

kang passing padha stop by

kang krungu melu payu

tela rong gabion entek entek


Mbokdhe…., Mbokdhe Setra

nembanga maneh no video huh

the longish boy hates the cellphone

Mbokdhe Setra was recorded at the Bawane school

great Mbokdhe Setra!

top markotop Mbokdhe Setra!

Mbokdhe Setra kondhang sapasar Soga


Grimis riwis-riwis

Mbokdhe Setra is in pain

ngonceki tela kulakan ka village

thanks to Mr. Kang Kuwasa

wis borrowing in catering


Mbokdhe…., Mbokdhe Setra

kemlenyer theka car

noman dashing pideks

nuduhake video kang jare viral

Mbokdhe Setra was asked to record

Mlebu tipi, ura-ura, sleepy load

Mbokdhe Setra Kaloka and Numpuk Bandha


Mbokdhe Setra basket tela market Soga

kudune is happy, gumyak, happy

geneye mbrebes milli caranta

son of putu ana ngendi

let’s discuss Javanese culture

Sometimes the Basket of Bantul Market (Dalle Dalminto)

Bagaskara ing brang wetan durung methungul

Ngatonake praupan and sunare njedhul

Bun tomorrow, fill pating grandul

Ing poking godhong lan grumbul


The baskets of cancut are sometimes entangled

Mecaki in oil kandele pedhut

Gumregah looked up

Gumbregut bent his knees and elbows


Cool air nicoki epidermis

Kadya pointed and landhepe eri

Ora will do giggrige ati

The spirit of kadhung anjenggirat

Planned intent

Hunt thanks to the sumebar ing universe


Ing Pasar Bantul

The baskets sometimes bake the wakul

Jumangkah nyadhong blessings

Kanthi ati surrenders sumarah

Love Spell (Suwarsidi)

Sun wateg compassion mantra

Sih asih asah foster

The love will be sleepy

Sing asah tansah antuk landheping galih

The foster care will be happy with the rocking sakehing


This is a mercy spell

daktamakake mring sasama ing saindhenging donya

dimen raharja is more than sadaya balak pikolehing tumindaksing

the act of dur will melt

the main follow-up will be by begja

the prawira will be dhuwur in rank


This spell is the Prince’s wisiking compassion spell

My prince, your prince, is worshiped by my subjects every now and then

I feel sorry for you tresna-tinresnanan

I’m sorry

Tentrem, tram tram mrih ati rasa ayem

Suh, suh, suh…..

just don’t mess up

the riotous act is hard to see wayah-wayah



kuwat slamet, najan katone just grumbled

Naning Ngango Petung Sarwa Memet

met-met-met slamet

kanthi mripat memem dhipet

nora Nyayang ngiwa, Nyayang Nengen, Nyayang Muntung Tuwin Mudhun

PANDULU only goes forward




compassionately cured

sing compassion mantas because of anxiety

sing tresna atine tansah rena



Handsome Mantra of Mercy

mugi Prince paring kasembadan

Pure (Albertus Sartono)

it’s not easy to beat the knights

but galihe asura

what is the use of pandhita papaya

if the truth is evil


endi gunane esem guyu

but all of them want to be fake

sweet words and exchanges

missing tegese but tenane just lamis


gedhe rumangsa ndaku wong prawira

without pakra if you are saberere culika

Pepacak is full of irons

nyingidake the crew is confused

wedhakan kandel katon funny

maybe you can cover kadhas and phlegm


See also  difference between skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle

the fires engkak-bent becik

Mung Merga carried Melik

ubeg rowang noisy fires

tundhane mung arep mbebidhung


wasis micara teteh ngethuprus

jebul isine just sucks

but conscience is impure

mawohe duraka, pageblug, utawa pepati

sliramu choose sing endi

Jathilan (Agus Suprihono)

Screaming cumether ing ear

Kasadran nerve inlusup

Skip the ruddy steps

Ing sirah nyawiji ing rah


Swara bendhe curvy

Invite sakabehing to flower

Nundhung sakehing dredah

Ingsun lilani sira angslup ing body

Kareben padha surak mawuran

Lan panjeriting virgins


This is God’s paringane body

Dakpepetri murih aja duwe misbehaved

Iki sukma just change the summisih give in

Ing’s time, Kang Padha asked me to lose

Sinta Obong (Agus Suprihono)

Dakdilat shooting agni

Dakgendhong destiny pepesthi

Tan winates heartless

Lir gumanti kumlebating papaya


Dhuh God of heaven and earth

Hopefully kaseksenana iki kasyaning ati

Kang ora kendhat tansah mbanyu mili

Dakuji kanthi ngrungkebi kobaraning geni


Dhuh gurulaki kang daktresnani replaced my heart

Nadyan katresnanmu durung my pocket irenge Rahwana

Kang ora mredhuli najan wis ora Suci

Geneya kowe is tidha-tidha sad because of his life

Kang must do the sawise uwal saka Rahwana

Mbuktekake my chastity is really hot?

Language Without Ukara (Dwi Winarno)

Tan needs to speak up

Kanggo lare kang subasita hell

The tumindak lacks trep, it misses the incoherent clutter

Sangarep guest, elder Utawa Pangarsa praja


Caterpillars and highlight nets can’t you like them

Without lingsem kanggone lare

Krasa and banjur rumangsa

methany missingsun,

Banjur must be kepiye

Kanthi tlaten paring wewarah uga tuladha

This pinangka real picture

You have to protect your noble cultural etiquette

Kemis Pahing (Christina Sri Purwanti)

Gedhe-little, enom-old

So dhusun in our reason

Waradin ing tlatah Ngayogyakarta

Mring sadaya’s office and law

Miwah’s sister, Putri Kapatah Sami

Tan Miwang was asked to be nuri-uri

Raytan raos handarbeni

Sesarengan anadi Jawi fashion

The legacy of the noble kang ancestor

Pri Putri Angagem sided with Rikma Ginelung

Bebed surjan iket blangkon kakungipun

Mrih tan supe wosing fashion nanipun


Kemis Pahing chose samya

Ginayut hadeg of Kraton Ngayogyakarta

Swasana bombong tumekaning nala

Sinawang recipe and perfect

Nyamping and bebed batik gagrag Ngayogyakarta

Mbayak ugi surjan sumangga kersa

Pinareng angagem various colors

Abang, green, yellow, plain, casumangga pattern

Kewes gandhes supple woman

Pambeg is dashing and pideksa kang shy

Sangsaya is like a recipe for ping PANDULU

Layang Kanggo Mother (Mulyati)

Mak, sliramu anyeksèni kridhaning aji the culture of manungsa Jawi

tansah also cinathet sesuluh hamemayu hayune nagara iki

Wiwit from the Kartini era

kenceng ancas ing nguni:

sluman-slumun yasa dadi ramu

valley manah tansah dadi sangu

“Don’t knock on the neck, the gifts, and the room

Don’t get confused, don’t get confused, don’t be surprised, just calm

just so pisan-pisan angadhepi mompyoré nowadays

just getun jroning panemu kang becik

just be surprised if it’s just a pethingan

aja aleman ginayuh nyandhak sesawangan kerepan”

Mom, I’m wong dhusun

wiwit little tansah miserable and getun

my expert is just tandur karo matun

naning ora kendhat my anggon dikon kèri

sabab akèh sawan manis sing tansah mbebayani

Mom, the small level of soft food, urip needs to be served

sing kudu kasinau, chapter bakuné kadewasan dhiri

dadia wong kang piguna

rawé-rawé pait bitter with rantasi

ngadeg jejeg or pijer miyar-miyur

sarwa ndedonga kabèh kaagungane Ingkang Maha Widhi

Mak, worship prostrate plus pangèstu

I’m really saderma

don’t be reckless, bro

kabèh iku merga ati rinasa prungsang

the barrel of the sacred seagrass

kanggo benchmark gesang

order of peace of mind of the inner foe

Nglembah Manah (Suyati)

Ngger, I wish you were talking about managing it

Tatane tembung kang rinakit duwe meaning

Miliha tembung kang becik dirungokake

Get rid of rough and sarcastic lines

Kareben adoh saka panacad also panyendhu

Kang nuwuhake doesn’t feel good at heart

Utawa makes Rinasa grisi ears

Winedhar ing ukara say ing suwara

Kanthi’s words are soft and slow

Don’t get excited

Sinartan patrap kang pray

Netepi werdining subasita

Datan snuggles with the etiquette

Ngger, sanaja mung saklimah tembung

Efforts pure ora gawe confused

Sakecap tembung kang kawedhar

You can make Greged, ask me to eat

Can aweh panglipur kang nandhang branta

Can dadi pamuji urip raharja

So, that’s a brief explanation of the Javanese Geguritan Example . Sinaumed’s can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at www.sinaumedia.com to obtain references about literary works apart from examples of Javanese language geguritan.

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