Examples of Differences in Compounds and Mixtures and Their Utilization

The difference between compounds and mixtures – In everyday life, you often hear the terms compounds and mixtures. Most people think that compounds and mixtures are the same. However, it turns out that the two materials are something different. Compounds and mixtures actually belong to three classes of matter, namely elements, compounds and mixtures. However, in this article we will only discuss compounds and mixtures, that is because they are both combinations of elemental matter.

Matter itself can be defined as something that fills up to occupy space and also has a mass. That makes everything in this universe belong to the class of matter. Materials are very easy for us to find in our daily lives, such as books, tables, chairs, cupboards, pillows to our own bodies which are material.

The many types of matter that make up the universe make matter classified into two types, namely pure substances or so-called single substances and mixtures. Pure substances or single substances themselves can be further classified into two types, namely elements and compounds. Meanwhile, mixtures can be further divided into two types, namely homogeneous solutions or mixtures and coarse mixtures or heterogeneous mixtures.

Well, in this article we will discuss the differences in compounds and mixtures clearly and in detail based on differences in properties, constituent components, formation processes, mass ratios to separation techniques. However, before knowing the difference between a compound and a mixture, it’s a good idea to first discuss the meaning, examples, and types of the two.

A. Definition of Compounds

A compound is basically a single substance consisting of two or more substances as a result of a chemical reaction. Substances in compounds themselves can still be decomposed if there is a chemical reaction, so that these substances change into simpler forms. Therefore, a compound can be defined as a new substance that is formed from a combination of various elements through chemical reactions which then react with one another.

We can see chemical reactions in compounds by observing the following examples:

If a sugar is placed in a spoon and then burned over a fire, then what happens is that the sugar changes to a black color and has a bitter taste. The nature of sugar after burning is very different from sugar in its original white color and sweet taste.

In this example, it is known that sugar is a compound, while sugar has a black color and a bitter taste because the combustion process is the element carbon. This happens because sugar has a chemical composition, namely oxygen, hydrogen, to carbon (C12H22O11).

This example proves that a compound is a pure substance formed from two or more elements through a chemical reaction. Compounds can also be broken down into the elements that make them up. On the other hand, many of the properties of elements differ from those of compounds.
For example, water or H20 is the result of a combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the form of a gas, but oxygen itself has properties that can help combustion so it is highly flammable. However, water is a substance that can dampen fires. Water can be separated into elements of hydrogen and oxygen by means of electrolysis.

Examples of Compounds and Their Benefits

  • Sodium chloride with the chemical formula NaCl can be used as table salt
  • Sodium hydroxide with the chemical formula NaOH can be used as a dryer
  • Sucrose with the chemical formula C12H22O11 can be used as a sweetener
  • Sulfuric acid with the chemical formula H2SO4 can be used as a sweetener
  • Urea with the chemical formula CO(NH2)2 can be used as fertilizer
  • Hydrochloric acid with the chemical formula HCl can be useful for cleaning floors
  • Magnesium hydroxide with the chemical formula Mg(OH)2 can be used as an acid antidote
  • Aspirin with the chemical formula C9H8O4 can be useful for reducing pain
  • Baking soda with the chemical formula NaHCO3 can be used to make bread
  • Carbon dioxide with the chemical formula CO2 can be used to refresh drinks
  • Calcium carbonate with the chemical formula CaCO3 can be used as a building material
  • Ascorbic Acid with the chemical formula C6H8O6 can be beneficial for vitamin C
  • Ammonia with the chemical formula NH3 can be used as a coolant
  • Acetic acid with the chemical formula CH3COOH can be used as food vinegar
  • Water with the chemical formula H2O can be used for drinking
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So, here are two types of compounds that we need to know about, including:

1. Organic Compounds

An organic compound is a compound or a single substance whose main chain is the element carbon. Organic compounds are actually substances that make living things or organisms as a source to form together with certain elements. Organic compounds will not show back their original properties which are elements in a process of preparation.

Some examples of organic compounds, namely:

a. Salt or NaCl
b. Sugar or C12H22O11
c. Urea or CO(NH2)2

2. Inorganic Compounds

An inorganic compound is a single compound or substance whose main sequence does not consist of a particular atom. Inorganic compounds can be found in nature. That’s because inorganic compounds do not form a complex molecular bond that can allow the presence of carbon.

Some examples of inorganic compounds, namely:

a. Nitric Acid or NHO3
b. Sodium Chloride or NaCl
c. Aluminum Hydroxide or Al(OH)3
d. Carbon Dioxide or CO2

B. Mixed

All living things that breathe on planet Earth must carry out activities that breathe air and emit carbon dioxide or CO2. In the composition of the air that daily supports all living things, this is a mixture of gases such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and so on. The same goes for drinks that have tin containers or what people call soft drinks, weights or brass, to dough for building materials or even dough for cakes. These various substances can be put into the form of a mixture.

Mixture itself has an understanding as a process of combining a form consisting of two or more types of substances. With the characteristics of the substances that carry out the combination, they still have their original properties because no chemical reactions occur.

Mixtures have two types of combinations, namely homogeneous mixtures with heterogeneous mixtures. The following is an explanation of the two mergers:

1. Homogeneous Mixture

Homogeneous mixtures or solutions can be said to be a process of combining two or more types of substances that cannot be seen the difference. Substances that have combined will turn into one type of solution together in it or it can be said that there are no boundaries.

To better understand the incorporation of substances in a homogeneous mixture, it can be seen from the following explanation:

If a spoon of salt is mixed with a glass of water, it can make the water in the glass taste salty. Salt particles are invisible to the eye even with a microscope, however, salt particles are actually still in the water. For the record, homogeneous mixtures or solutions do not always have a liquid state, but some also have a gas-like or solid form like metal.

Some examples of homogeneous mixtures, namely:

a. Alcohol
b. Vinegar or CH3COOH
c. Sulfuric Acid or Battery Water or H2SO4
d. water
e. Perfume

2. Heterogeneous Mixture

Heterogeneous mixtures are a process of combining one or more single substances, in which the properties of each single substance can still be seen in a mixture. In contrast to a homogeneous mixture, a heterogeneous mixture will not be able to combine these elements or substances.

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To better understand the incorporation of substances in a homogeneous mixture, it can be seen from the following explanation:

If a spoon is filled with coffee and then dissolved in a glass of water, soaking it for a while will cause the coffee powder that is put into the glass to settle to the top so that it has a different color from that at the bottom.

Some examples of heterogeneous mixtures are:

a. Oil mixed with water
b. Lime mixed with water
c. Sand mixed with water
d. Flour mixed with water

Examples of Mixes and Their Functions

Mixed Name Ingredients Function
Coffee water Water and coffee Drink
Sugar water Water and sugar Drink
Air O2, CO2, N2, and H2O Breathing
Syrup Water, sugar and dye Drink
Bronze Copper, zinc, tin Medal
Brass Copper, zeng Ornament
stainless steel Steel, chrome, nickel Kitchen tools, medical devices
White gold Gold, silver, copper Jewellery
Tenol Tin, lead Cable splicing while soldering

C. Differences between Compounds and Mixtures

After you understand the meaning of compounds and mixtures as well as types and examples, of course you already know the differences between the two materials. However, to make it easier for you to differentiate between the two materials, here are the differences between a compound and a mixture:

circumstances Compound Mixture
Compiler Composed by more or two elements Composed by several elements or several compounds
Characteristic The properties of compounds differ from the elements that make up the compound The properties of the mixture are in accordance with the constituent elements of each mixture
Formation Formed through chemical reactions Formed through physical changes
Mass comparison Comparison of the constituent masses of fixed and certain compounds The ratio of the mass of the components of the mixture is not certain
Separation method Through chemical reactions the constituent elements of compounds can be separated Through a physical process the elements of the mixture can be separated

D. Summary of the Differences between Compounds and Mixtures

1.In a compound, there are chemical bonds or chemical reactions between the elements, while in a mixture, there are no chemical reactions or chemical bonds between the elements.

2. The number of elements in a compound will remain according to their origin, while the elements of a mixture will be adjusted according to the number of each variable.

3. The particles in the compound will not be able to maintain all of their original properties, but the particles of the mixture can retain all of their original properties.

4. Compound components will require a very large energy input when separating, whereas mixed components only require relatively small energy because they can be easily separated.

5. Compounds can be formed as a result of chemical reaction processes, while mixtures can be formed as a result of mechanical means and are not too difficult.

Broadly speaking, the difference between compounds and mixtures has characteristics or characteristics that at first glance are similar, but not the same. A compound is a type of matter that can be formed due to the combination of two or more elements with unequal calculations or comparisons in a chemical process. Meanwhile, a mixture is a type of matter that can be formed from two to more substances with various properties by chemical processes.

Thus, such is the complete explanation of the differences in compounds and mixtures along with examples and their meanings this time. Hopefully this article can provide benefits as well as add insight and knowledge to all of us.

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