difference between uri and url

The Difference Between URI and URL

When it comes to the world of web development and SEO, you might hear terms like “URL” and “URI” thrown around quite a bit. While these two terms may seem interchangeable, they actually have distinct differences.

What is a URL?

URL stands for “Uniform Resource Locator”. This is the string of characters that specifically locates a resource, such as a website, on the internet. URLs have several parts, including the protocol, domain name, path, and other parameters.

For instance, the URL for the Google Search homepage is:


The protocol is “https://”, the domain name is “google.com”, the path is “/search”, and the remaining parameters are used for the search query and other information.

What is a URI?

URI stands for “Uniform Resource Identifier”. This term encompasses both URLs and URNs (Uniform Resource Names). In other words, a URL is a type of URI, but a URI is not necessarily a URL.

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A URI is simply a string of characters that identifies a name or resource. This can include URLs, as well as other types of identifying strings, such as ISBN numbers for books or UUIDs for software.

The Major Difference

So, what is the significant difference between URLs and URIs? In terms of functionality, there is not much difference between the two. However, the difference lies in the specificity of the term.

URLs are a type of URI that provides a specific location for a resource. In contrast, URIs can include both identifying names and locations for resources.

In other words, you can think of URIs as a more general term that refers to any string of characters that uniquely identifies a resource, while URLs are a subset of URIs that provides a specific location for that resource on the internet.


In summary, the difference between URLs and URIs lies in the specificity of the terms. URLs are a type of URI that specifically provide a location for a resource on the internet. In contrast, URIs are a more general term that can include any string of characters that uniquely identifies a resource. Understanding these differences can help developers and SEO professionals to use these terms correctly in their web development work.

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Table difference between uri and url

URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
URI identifies a resource by name or location. URL is a type of URI that identifies a resource by its location.
URI is a broad term that includes URLs and URNs. URL is a specific type of URI.
URI can be a name, a number, or a combination of both. URL is always a combination of protocol, domain name, and path.
URI can be relative or absolute. URL is always absolute.