difference between luminous and non luminous

Difference between Luminous and Non-Luminous

When it comes to understanding light, it is essential to understand the difference between luminous and non-luminous sources. Luminosity describes the property of emitting light, making the object visible in the dark, while non-luminous sources do not emit light and can only be seen when they reflect light from another source.

Luminous Sources

Luminous objects are those that produce their light and are visible because of this glow. Luminous sources are typically hot or heated objects that fluoresce or incandesce, which means they emit energy in the form of photons. For instance, the sun, a lightbulb, or a burning candle all produce light that can be seen because they are emitting photons. Luminous objects are continually producing light, and once the light source is removed, the luminosity fades.

Non-Luminous Sources

Non-luminous sources are objects that do not produce light but become visible when light reflects upon them. Non-luminous sources will only be visible when the surface reflects light that has come from a luminous source. Examples of non-luminous objects include the moon, planets, and objects that are visible through reflected light, such as a mirror, a car, or a building.

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It is important to note that non-luminous sources can reflect both natural and artificial light sources, and the quality of the reflected light can influence the perceived color of the object. Additionally, non-luminous objects cannot be seen at night without light to reflect their surface or without relying on inferred technology such as night-vision goggles.


In conclusion, the Difference between luminous and non-luminous sources of light lies in their capacity to emit light. Luminous sources produce light and are visible because of the light they emit, while non-luminous sources become visible through the reflection of the light emitted from luminous sources. It is crucial to understand these differences because it helps explain how we see the world around us and the mechanism of different lighting systems. From simple everyday objects like the sun or the moon to the latest technology in light sources, understanding the nature of light sources is essential.

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Table difference between luminous and non luminous

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Difference between Luminous and Non-Luminous Objects
Features Luminous Objects Non-Luminous Objects
Definition Objects that produce their own light. Objects that do not produce their own light.
Examples Sun, Light Bulb, Fireflies Moon, Table, Chair
Source of light Produced by the object itself. Reflects light from a source nearby.
Visibility Can be seen in the dark. Cannot be seen in the dark.
Energy consumption Consumes energy to produce light. No energy consumption for light production.
