difference between hire and recruit

The Difference Between Hiring and Recruiting

What is Hiring?

Hiring is the process of filling a job position in an organization. It involves finding suitable candidates to fill a specific job requirement. The process of hiring usually involves posting job vacancies on job boards, social media platforms, and company websites to attract potential job seekers. Hiring is mainly done to fill existing job vacancies within an organization or to cover temporary staff shortages.

What is Recruiting?

Recruiting is the process of generating a pool of job candidates for a specific job position. The recruitment process involves searching, identifying, and attracting potential candidates through various means. The recruitment process is usually more long-term oriented than hiring. It is mainly focused on creating a talent pool of potential candidates who match the job requirements of an organization.

The Main Differences between Hiring and Recruiting

The main differences between hiring and recruiting are:

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1. Purpose: The primary purpose of hiring is to fill an existing job vacancy within an organization, while the primary purpose of recruiting is to create a talent pool of potential candidates for future job vacancies.

2. Timing: Hiring is usually done to meet an immediate job requirement, while recruiting is a long-term process aimed at creating a pool of potential candidates for future job vacancies.

3. Focus: Hiring is focused on filling a specific job requirement, while recruiting is focused on building relationships with potential job candidates and creating a talent pipeline.

4. Scope: Hiring is limited to filling a specific job position, while recruiting is a broader process aimed at creating a pool of potential candidates who match the job requirements of an organization.


While hiring and recruiting may seem similar, they are fundamentally different in their purpose, timing, focus, and scope. Understanding the differences between these two processes is crucial for organizations that want to build a strong talent pipeline and ensure their long-term success. So, whether you are hiring or recruiting, make sure you understand these differences to make the right decisions for your organization’s staffing needs.

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Table difference between hire and recruit

Aspect Hire Recruit
Meaning To employ someone for a job or position To actively search for and attract candidates for job openings
Focus On filling a specific job vacancy On building a pipeline of potential candidates for future openings
Process Typically initiated by the employer/supervisor Can be initiated by employer or candidate
Timeframe Short-term focus, the hiring process usually takes a few weeks to a few months Long-term focus, recruiting can span over several months or even years
Outcomes To fill a specific open position with the most qualified candidate To build a network of strong candidates to draw from in the future and improve the employer’s reputation as a desirable place to work