difference between hinduism and buddhism

Understanding the Differences between Hinduism and Buddhism

When it comes to religion, Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the most popular and widely practiced in the world. Both have millions of followers worldwide and share many similarities. However, they also have numerous differences that set them apart from each other. Here, we delve deeper into the key differences between Hinduism and Buddhism.


Hinduism is the oldest religion that originated in the Indian subcontinent more than 3,500 years ago. In contrast, Buddhism emerged in the 6th century BCE in ancient India as a reforming movement within the Hindu tradition.


One of the key differences between Hinduism and Buddhism is their core beliefs. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, meaning it worships multiple gods and goddesses. Buddhism, on the other hand, is nontheistic and does not place importance on a supreme deity. Instead, it is a philosophy that preaches the attainment of spiritual enlightenment through meditation, self-discipline, and the Eightfold Path.

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The two religions also have different sets of scriptures. Hinduism has numerous texts, including the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita, among others. These texts comprise the Hindu sacred scriptures, which the religion’s followers learn and follow. Meanwhile, Buddhism’s holy scripture is the Tripitaka or Pali Canon, which is a collection of texts with the Buddha’s teachings.

Caste System

The caste system is an integral aspect of Hinduism, and it has existed for centuries. It divides people into specific social classes that determine their status and roles within society. Buddhism, however, does not recognize the caste system and believes that everyone is equal regardless of their social status.

Reincarnation and Karma

Both Hinduism and Buddhism believe in reincarnation and karma, but they differ in their interpretations. Hinduism believes in the concept of atman, which is an eternal, individual soul that undergoes multiple reincarnations. Buddhism does not believe in atman and states that nothing is permanent. Instead, it teaches that people undergo multiple births, and their actions or karma determine their future lives.

In conclusion, Hinduism and Buddhism share many similarities, but they also have several differences that set them apart. Understanding these differences can help in deepening your knowledge and appreciation of each religious tradition.

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Table difference between hinduism and buddhism

Aspect Hinduism Buddhism
Founder No specific founder Gautama Buddha
Belief in God Believes in multiple gods and goddesses No belief in God, instead focuses on the individual’s path to enlightenment
Reincarnation Believes in reincarnation/rebirth Believes in reincarnation/rebirth but seeks to end the cycle through enlightenment
Aim To achieve moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death) To attain enlightenment or Nirvana
Sacred Texts Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads Tipitaka (Pali Canon)
Caste System Believes in caste system Rejects caste system and emphasizes equality
Rituals Emphasizes rituals and ceremonies Emphasizes meditation and personal experience