Definition of Discus Throwing Sport: History, Basic Techniques & Regulations

Discus Throwing – For those of you who like sports activities or all kinds of things, you will definitely be familiar with this one sport. Guess which sport is it ? Yep, athletics.

As you know, the number of sports in athletics itself is known to be very numerous and varied. Well, one of them is the discus throwing sports number.

Are there any of you here who are unfamiliar with this sports number? No, for sure, discus throwing itself is very familiar to the ears of the people of Indonesia, let alone the world. What’s more, discus throwing has often been included in international sports competitions, namely the Olympics.

So, in this article, we will invite you to get to know and find out what can be learned from one of the numbers or types of sports in this athletics branch. If you want to know more, watch this article until it’s finished!


Do you already know the complete definition of discus throwing? Come on, what is the definition of discus throwing? If you don’t know it yet, don’t worry, first of all we will discuss the complete and clear definition of discus throwing itself along with the history, basic techniques, and rules of discus throwing.

In general, discus throwing is defined as one of the sports numbers or types of athletics which is carried out using tools in the form of wood with a plate-like shape equipped with an iron belt, or it can also be formed from other basic materials that have a flat and round shape to be thrown. Throwing discs in English is known as Discus Throw .

In language, discus throwing can be interpreted separately and in more detail. For the first word, namely the word throwing has the meaning or definition as a type of sport that is carried out by throwing, more or less like throwing bullets, javelins, hammers, and discs.

Then for the second word, namely the word disc itself is an object that becomes a tool for throwing discus sports. These discs have the shape of a plate surrounded by a frame made of iron belt material.

So, discus throwing is a sport in the form of throwing discs with a predetermined field. The winner of this sport is determined by who throws the disc the farthest, then he is the winner.



Understanding According to Experts

Is that all the understanding or definition of discus throwing? Oh of course not, other than the definition or understanding of discus throwing in general and language. It turns out that there is also an understanding or definition of discus throwing from experts in various fields who participate in expressing and voicing their opinions or views regarding the meaning or definition of discus throwing.

1. Mochtar

The definition of discus throwing according to Mochtar (2011: 124), explains that the notion of discus throwing itself is a type of sport that is carried out by throwing or throwing an object which is classified as an auxiliary tool. The object has a flat and round shape with a certain tool weight in accordance with the provisions.

The tool or auxiliary object is made of wood with edges made of iron or metal. In carrying out the throwing movement in the discus throwing sport, it is carried out using one hand from the side of the body in order to achieve the goal, namely to cover as far as the distance as determined by the rules.

2. Suherman

The definition of discus throwing according to Suherman (2001:19), explains that the notion of discus throwing is one of the sports numbers included in throwing sports in athletics. Discus throwing is a sport that uses throwing techniques that use rotation or rotation of the legs and body.

3. Adi

The definition of discus throwing according to Adi (2008: 73), explains that discus throwing is one of the number of competitions in athletics competitions. In this athletic competition, the athletes do it by throwing an object that has a round and flat shape called a disc with the distance as far as possible according to the rules and regulations that have been applied. In discus throwing each athlete is given 3 chances to throw. Discus throwing is a sport for both male and female athletes.

4. Javer

The definition of discus throwing according to Javer (2012: 91), explains that there are several general goals that will be achieved when carrying out discus throwing, namely the first goal is to throw the discus with maximum speed: this goal will be achieved if the discus thrower has a large body, so it is done by a thrower who is as big as possible. Next is the second goal, which aims to throw objects called discs using the best possible throwing point of view.

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History and Development

After knowing all kinds of definitions or understandings of the discus throwing sport, it’s time for us to tell you about how history was formed and the inclusion of discus throwing as one of the sports numbers contested in the athletics Olympics.

We will present the history of discus throwing in two types, namely the history of world discus throwing and the second is the history of discus throwing in Indonesia.

1. History of Discus Throwing in the World

If you have read the history of athletics, then you will definitely be familiar with a book called Odyssey . Yes, this book seems to be a history book of athletics in the world. Now, for the history of the discus throwing sport number itself is in the book too.

As usual, the book mentions that athletic movements which include basic human movements have existed since prehistoric times. In fact, since the existence of humans on earth, these athletic movements have been known and mastered. These basic movements were used by prehistoric people to sustain their lives.

Humans in prehistoric times certainly depended heavily on their physical performance, obviously because humans at that time did not yet have qualified knowledge, like humans in modern times. If prehistoric humans did not have efficient bodies, such as having deficiencies in jumping and throwing agility, not good at running fast, not skilled at walking, and many more.

It’s not just like having flaws, but prehistoric humans would be very easy to get caught by wild animals or even worse, it would be difficult to save themselves from natural disasters that existed in prehistoric times. This is what made prehistoric humans pay great attention to their physical health. This also makes athletics the oldest sport in the world.

Although the athletic sports movement existed in prehistoric times, the Olympic athletics competition was first held after humans entered ancient times. For when exactly, it is not known, but what is certain is that it happened around 1000 years ago before entering the year AD. .

It is known that the facts in the book entitled Poet of Greece , written by Homer himself, tell about the adventurous journey of Odysseus who was stranded on an island indicated as the Phaeacia archipelago belonging to King Alcinous. In the book, Odysseus is told to face the King Alcinous, then, the King decides to hold a ceremony with the aim of welcoming Odysseus to the islands. So what is the content of the welcoming ceremony?

The content of the welcoming ceremony was a contest that all of King Alcinous’ subjects participated in. In that competition, all of Phaeacia’s youth showed all their skills in various competitions, such as wrestling competitions, boxing competitions, running competitions, to discus throwing competitions.

Afterwards, at the end of the event, the King asked Odysseus to demonstrate the movements of one of the sports being contested, namely discus throwing. At first Odysseus didn’t feel comfortable demonstrating this and refused the King very gently.

However, he finally complied with the request of the King. Odysseus immediately entered the arena, without even removing the armor he was wearing and took a disc.

With his perfect basic technique, Odysseus threw the disc and the disc slid far and then fell according to the distance achieved by the athletes in the Phaeacia islands.

Well, what conclusions can we draw? We can conclude that from ancient times the Greek population knew and competed in all kinds of sports in athletics. This can be proven by the existence of sports numbers, such as sports numbers for running, jumping, and discus throwing which are known and contested to date in every Olympics.

2. History of Discus Throwing in Indonesia

The history of discus throwing in the State of Indonesia itself is known to be very related and cannot even be separated from the story of the history of the athletics sport itself. Then how did the Indonesian State recognize athletics?

The Indonesian state itself knows and knows the existence of athletics in the world through the Netherlands. More precisely when the State of Indonesia was still in the Dutch colonial period.

Then around the beginning of 1942 to 1945, to be precise when the colonial period had passed into the hands of the Japanese State, the activities of this athletic sport had experienced a development which was considered quite significant.

This fact can be proven from the large number of students and employees who start implementing gymnastic activities. Not only that, there are facts where discus throwing is one of the materials studied for sports subjects.

As time went on, Indonesia became independent in 1945, to be precise, the discus throwing sport became very well known by many Indonesians and spread throughout the region. Many Indonesian citizens began to study this discus throwing athletics and became professionals.



Basic Techniques


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After knowing the meaning and history, it’s time for you to know about the basic techniques of discus throwing. Then, what are the basic techniques in discus throwing?

1. Disc Holding Technique

Place the edge of the disc on the first indentation of your hand. Try to stretch your fingers a little with the same distance between the fingers on your hands. Please note, the longer your fingers, the easier it will be for you to hold the disc. Don’t forget to hold the disc firmly.

2. Posture When Throwing Discus

There are two ways that you can apply to your body posture when throwing discs. The two ways are to use a sideways style and use a backwards style. When you are about to make a throw, try to stand up straight sideways towards the throw by opening your legs wide.

The left foot is facing straight ahead according to the direction of the throw, while the right leg is behind right beside the left foot. Don’t forget to bend your knees slightly and point them to the right side. The right foot is used as a pedestal and lean to the right.

The right hand is used to carry the disc right beside the body with the arm straight and limp, for the left hand and the elbow is quite bent. Place your left hand and elbow in front of your relaxed body. It aims to maintain balance.

3. Advanced Attitude (Follow That)

For the third technique, this is similar to when doing shot put and javelin throwing. When the discus will be thrown from the hand, your right foot is rejected and the body is stepped up and forward. Then, end with the final attitude, namely after the disc is released, try to land on the right foot as quickly as possible.

For the left leg is lifted straight towards the back and released, accompanied by bending the body forward. All of this aims to keep your body balanced so you don’t fall forward, so you can still stand properly when the disc is released.

4. Steps to Take Prefix

For the implementation of taking the initial stance in discus throwing it is known to be the same as the prefix taken when taking the initial steps in shot put sports.

5. Final Step

The final step in discus throwing is a further movement that will be carried out by athletes to restore body stability and is useful for avoiding mistakes. This final step movement is carried out for the reason of braking, which is very useful for protecting and preventing athletes from violations and for athletes to stay in the circle.

This fifth movement is performed by changing legs very quickly after the disc is released from the hand. The right leg is bent and the left leg is swung backwards and floated with the aim of restoring body stability.

Ground Rules

Every sport that is contested or in the Olympics must have rules that have been determined in accordance with existing regulations, as well as various types of sports in athletics. One of them is discus throwing.

Discus throwing itself is known to have many existing regulations, but in this article we will only give as many as six points from the regulations that apply in discus throwing. Here are six rules that apply in discus throwing.

1. Requirements for Throwing Discs

An athlete or participant in a discus throwing competition is allowed to throw a discus, if the athlete is standing on the discus throwing track or arena. The discus throwing arena is a circle with a diameter of about 2.5 meters.

2. May not be exposed to soil that is outside the circle

An athlete or participant in a discus throwing competition is not allowed or is not permitted to touch or make physical contact with the ground that is outside the circle.

3. Can Only Touch the Upper Rim

An athlete or participant in a sports competition throws a discus to touch or make physical contact with the upper rim. An athlete or participant in a discus throwing competition is only allowed to touch or make physical contact with the inner rim.

4. Cannot Leave the Circle Before the Disc Lands

An athlete or participant in a discus throwing competition is not allowed to leave the discus throwing circle before the discus thrown falls to the ground. If an athlete or participant in a discus throwing competition does this, then the discus that was thrown will be considered a violation.

5. Number of Discus Throw Chances

An athlete or participant in a discus throwing sports competition is given the opportunity eight times to show his skills and the best abilities will be recapitulated or recorded in order to determine the overall result of an athlete.

6. Throwing Discs Invalid

If the disc that has been thrown falls or lands outside the zone or area that has been stipulated, then the throw will be considered as an invalid throw and will not be counted.



So, those are things about discus throwing that you can find out and identify with in this article. Are any of you athletes or interested in becoming disc athletes? There are lots of benefits that you can get from this type of athletics! So, never hesitate to pursue discus throwing, Sinaumed’s.

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