Definition of Destiny Mubram and Examples in Life

Definition of Destiny Mubram and Examples – In Islam, destiny is known as ‘Qodar’. The word destiny comes from the word qadara which means provision, because in fact Allah SWT has determined all matters according to His will.

Faith in destiny or Qodho and Qadar is one of the pillars of faith that every Muslim must believe in. Qodho and qadar may often be considered as continuous terms and have the same meaning, but this is not the case.

Qodho has the meaning of something that has been determined by Allah SWT for His creatures, whether in the form of creation, change, or annihilation of something. Whereas Qodar, means something that has been determined by Allah SWT since time immemorial, and Mubram’s destiny is included in it. That way, Qodar existed first, then followed by Qodho.

A good Muslim must have faith and believe in the destiny that happens in his life, whether it is good or bad destiny, Mubram’s destiny and Muallaq’s destiny. Qodar In the book Islamic Religious Education and Morals, destiny is divided into two kinds, namely the destiny of mubram and the destiny of converts.

If we discuss destiny, it refers to something that must happen in human life. Destiny can be the slightest thing, for example when we meet someone on the street.

Fortune, birth, death, fate, to one’s soul mate, all of these have been predetermined in a line of human destiny and no one can guess and no one knows, except Allah SWT.

That’s why, because we don’t have knowledge about how the destiny of our life will be, we must compete to become a Muslim who obeys Allah SWT, that is what is called the destiny of Mubram.

Then, what are the different kinds of destiny, and how is Mubram’s destiny and its examples in everyday life? Come on, see the following explanation!

Destiny Concept

Destiny, as well as Qodho and Qadar, is something that all humans on this earth do not know about destiny in their lives. Even though it is real, there are some destinies that can be changed by humans through the efforts of the humans themselves. For example, living with little finances, we can change it by working hard, then it can change our destiny.

There are wise words related to destiny, namely “the task of a human being is only to try and do the best he can, for the result, just leave everything to Allah SWT.” Well, this sentence emphasizes to humans to strive for Qodho so that it can become their Qodar.



Levels of Faith in Destiny

In fact, believing in destiny has four levels, whoever does not believe in it, means not believing in destiny.

1. Knowledge (Knowledge)

At the first level, namely knowledge or knowledge is when a person must believe that Allah SWT knows everything, from something that exists (tangible), something that doesn’t exist, or that might happen, to something that is impossible to happen and is happening. He knows in detail everything that happens in the heavens and on earth. Both His own deeds and the deeds of His creatures.

This explanation is contained in the holy book of the Koran which is found in surah Al-An’am verse 59, which means:

“And with Allah are the keys to all that is unseen; no one knows but He alone, and He knows what is on the land and in the sea, and not a leaf falls but He knows it, and not a grain falls in the darkness of the earth, and nothing is wet or dry, but written in a real book.” (QS. Al-An’am: 59).

2. Writing

The second level is writing or the Bible. In this case all humans must have faith and believe that everything has been recorded in the book regarding the entire universe until the Day of Judgment.

Allah SWT says in surah Al-Hajj verse 70 which means:

“Do you not know that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on the earth?; that such is contained in a book (lauh mahfuzh). Verily, that is very easy for Allah.” (QS. Al-Hajj: 70).

3. Will

The third level is will. The will of Allah SWT is general in nature, so that nothing in the heavens and on earth happens without the will and desire of Allah SWT.

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If Allah SWT wills it, it will happen, and if Allah SWT doesn’t want it, it will not happen. Allah says which means:

“Verily His condition when He wills something is only to say to him: “Be it!” then it happened” (QS. Yasin: 82)

4. Creation

The last level is creation. The point is, humans must have faith and believe that Allah SWT created everything that exists throughout this universe, even to the death of His creatures.

This is expressed as in the Al-Quran surah Az-Zumar verse 2, which means:

“Indeed, We have sent down to you the Book with truth. So worship Allah by purifying obedience to Him.” (QS. Az Zumar: 2).

Before discussing mubram destiny and its examples, we also need to know that the types of destiny are divided into two parts. There is a destiny that is based on the prevailing destiny, the second is a destiny that is based on God’s will and human effort.

Mubram’s Destiny and Examples and Other Destinies

1. Mubram’s Destiny

Destiny mubram according to language can be interpreted as a provision or decision that no one can avoid anymore. Any decision or anything that has happened is by the power of Allah SWT.

In terms, mubram’s destiny is absolute destiny, letter lock , patented for humans that is bound to happen, cannot be changed in any way. This is because Allah SWT has made Mubram’s destiny an absolute provision and humans are not given a role to make it happen.

Mubram’s destiny is closely related to human birth and death. In fact, how a human being is physically from the womb has been arranged in Mubram’s destiny.

The example of Mubram’s destiny covers the sex of the baby, the physical characteristics of the baby, the time of death of the human, the age of the human, to the mate.

This has also been mentioned in the Koran in surah Al-A’raf verse 34, which means:

“And each nation has. So when the time comes they cannot postpone it even for a moment nor can they advance it.” (QS. Al-A’raf: 34)

Example of Destiny Mubram

  • Birth
    No one knows for sure when a woman will conceive or a couple will have a child. As humans, all we can do is try with all the limitations we have. For example, as a couple, you have spent a lot of money to do a pregnancy program, but if Allah SWT doesn’t want it, then the results won’t go according to what you expect.
  • Matchmaking
    As humans, we never know for sure whether the person we are currently in a close relationship with is our soul mate. Only Allah SWT knows this, so as human beings, we only need to surrender, while trying to improve ourselves, and draw closer to Allah SWT in living life.
    Matchmaking as a destiny is as stated in the Book Loving Muhammad: The Path of Destiny of Great Women. Please click the following link to get the book.
  • Death
    In matters of death, no human will ever know when his death will come. The reason is, death is a destiny that has been set in time by Allah SWT without anyone being able to know and change it.
  • Natural disasters
    Tragedy of natural disasters also belongs to Mubram’s destiny. Disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, are destiny that cannot be changed. We, as human beings, can only continue to strive and pray to Allah, the Almighty and All-Knowing when this disaster will come.
  • Doomsday
    Regarding the doomsday, no one knows for sure when it will arrive. Religiously, a Muslim has been told the signs of the coming of the Day of Judgment. However, no one knows for sure when, month, date, hour the doomsday will occur.

2. Destiny Muallaq

Muallaq’s fate had a significant difference from Mubram’s. Muallaq’s destiny contains the provisions of Allah SWT which include human endeavors and efforts themselves. Indirectly, efforts, prayers, and endeavors made by humans are believed to be able to change their destiny. The things that can be changed by humans through effort and prayer include one’s goals and dreams, success, to sustenance.

Examples of Destiny Muallaq

  • Being a smart kid
    The success of a child in achieving achievements in school. The child tries and learns, not just waiting for fate. He always tries hard to reach his goals. That way, what the child achieves, apart from being based on the provisions of Allah SWT’s destiny, is also assisted by the efforts and prayers that the child is doing.
  • Poor people become rich
    People who initially live in poverty, but he has the urge within himself to support his family until he is sufficient. Then, that person aligns with the right lifestyle. He worked hard, ran many businesses, and was frugal, until in the end he was able to bring his family out of his former life of deprivation.
    Muallaq’s destiny has actually been written in Lauhul Mahfuz, but it can change due to two things, namely the prayers that the man himself has sincerely said and the good deeds that the man has done in his life.
    This is also found in the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi which contains:
    “Nothing can reject destiny other than prayer, and nothing can extend life except doing good.” (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
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Destiny Based on Prevailing Destiny

1. General destiny (At-Taqdiirul ‘Aam)

This destiny of Allah SWT applies to all nature because He is the All-Knowing, All-Creating, and Most Willing. This is indicated in the Quran which means:

“Do you not know that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on the earth? That such things are contained in a book (Lauh Mahfuzh). Verily, such things are very easy for Allah”. (Al-Hajj: 70)

2. Destiny that applies to humans (At-Taqdiirul Basyari)

Destiny of this type applies to all mankind, Allah SWT will later determine which people will be happy and those who will be unfortunate, it depends on the deeds and practices of each human being himself.

This is stated in the Al-Quran which means:

“And (remember), when your Lord brought forth the offspring of the sons of Adam from their sulbi and Allah testified against their souls (saying), Am I not your Lord. They said, Yes (You are our Lord), we are witnesses. (We do that) so that on the Day of Resurrection you will not say, Verily, we (Bani Adam) are the ones who are heedless of this (oneness of Rabb).” (Al-A’raaf: 172)

3. Destiny that applies to age (At-Taqdiirul ‘Umri)

In this destiny, whatever provisions will happen to all of His creatures, be it in the form of life, happiness, misery, age, until the end of death is a decree from Allah SWT.

This has been expressed as in the hadith of ash-Shadiqul Mashduq (Prophet Muhammad SAW) in Shahihain from Ibn Mas’ud, which means:

“Verily one of you collects his creation in his mother’s belly for forty days, then it becomes a clot like that (forty days), then it becomes a lump of flesh like that too, then He sends an Angel to blow the soul on him, and is commanded ( to write) in four sentences: to write his fortune, his death, his deeds, and (his) woe or happiness.”

4. Destiny that applies annually (At-Taqdiirus Sanawi)

This destiny is related to the night of Lailatul Qadar which occurs every year, namely in the month of Ramadan. Of course this blessed night is included in the destiny of Allah SWT which cannot be contested by all mankind. In the Al-Quran it is stated that:

“On that night the Angels descended and also the Archangel Jibril with the permission of their Lord to arrange all matters. That night (full of) prosperity until dawn.” (Al-Qadr:4-5)

5. Destiny that applies daily (At-Taqdiirul Yaumi)

A destiny, not only valid yearly, but also daily, even throughout human life. Be it the destiny of life, death, sustenance, even things like the rain that will fall are also determined by fate. This is explained in the Al-Quran in surah Ar-Rahman, which means:

“All the time He is busy.” (QS. Arrahman: 29)

By believing in the destiny of Allah SWT, all human beings will feel that they cannot be arrogant, because they will realize that everything has been determined by Allah SWT. In addition, humans should always be grateful and also patient for everything that has been determined and given by Allah SWT, regardless of its type.

When Muslims believe and have faith in the destiny that God has given them, they will be more optimistic and will not give up easily when living life, because there are things that can be fixed if we are willing to try.

Sinaumed’s , that’s an explanation of mubram’s destiny and examples, as well as explanations of other destiny in more detail. As good Muslims, of course we must always have faith and believe in whatever destiny happens in our lives. If #FriendsWithoutLimits has the desire to make everything happen, then try really hard, don’t forget to always pray to Allah SWT so that you will be given ease in doing it.

For those of you who want to expand your knowledge about mubram destiny and its examples, or destiny as a whole, you can #MoreWithReading other religious books that you can get at .