Concepts and Types of Family You Need to Know

Family Types – Keeping the family intact is everyone’s wish, including having a happy family. In practice, the family has an important role in a person’s life, because basically humans are social beings who cannot live alone. That means someone needs someone else to be trusted and to be a pillar or back when we are tired or in trouble.

The answer is of course family. However, does Sinaumed’s really understand the concept and types of family? The term family can of course be interpreted broadly, including how to determine the concept of family and the types of family. In order to understand it better, here is an explanation of the concept and types of families that Sinaumed’s needs to know:

Know How the Concept of Family

Human Resources (HR) is the most important aspect needed to advance the country. National development will run optimally if it is supported by quality human resources. Quality is not only related to physical growth, but also development, intelligence, and personality.

Family can be the first environment to develop quality talent. The family is the smallest socio-cultural institution in society and plays a very important role in shaping children’s behavior and forming an exemplary personality.

In the family, children accumulate their first direct initial experiences that are used as preparation for their future life. The family is a means of educating, raising, introducing the environment and developing the skills of all its members so that they can function properly in society.

Various studies have shown that family status greatly influences the development and life of a child, both economically and not economically. Therefore, the family system is the foundation and support for the existence of the state.

Deacon and Firebaugh (1988) state that the family as a producer of talent must function properly to produce quality talent. Government Regulation Number 87 of the Republic of Indonesia divides family functions into eight functions, namely religious, social and cultural functions, love, protection, production, outreach and education, economic development and the environment.

The function of the family must be the foundation and guideline for the whole family to create a rich and quality family. Therefore, family functions need to be fully understood, well prepared and taught by all families and couples who want to start a family. According to Endah and Herawati (2015), well-managed family reunions affect family welfare. Family care is the dream and hope of every family.

Richardson and Gleeson (2012) revealed that increased family functioning will have a positive impact on the quality and well-being of children. This condition occurs because family function influences the parenting style of parents towards their children. With the optimal implementation of family functions, it is hoped that families will have the opportunity to give birth to quality future generations and families to become quality national leaders.

So the family is the smallest unit in society. Family is defined by the concept of kinship when individuals become parents and are united in wedlock. In a broad sense, the family is an individual in fulfilling their obligations and providing support caused by birth, adoption, or marriage with the aim of creating and maintaining physical, mental, and emotional cooperation.

According to Helby, family is a group of people who are always close to the same household and live in close relationships. Family is two or more people who live in a household through kinship, marriage, and adoption, interact, and create and maintain culture in their respective roles.

This group of people are tied together by marriage, blood, adoption, and live in the same house. The family is basically the smallest social unit in society, but has a huge impact on the country and its environment. The next generation is born from the family, which determines the fate of the country.

If the family works well, we can develop a quality and reliable generation that will become the pillars of the country’s development. Family function is determined by the processes that take place in the family. A peaceful, happy and prosperous family is everyone’s dream.

In various parts of the world with different cultures and social systems, the family is an important social unit in building a society. Family is the eternal human legacy. Rising divorce rates are seen as a sign of declining family values.

He also points out that data on family systems is not always a good place to be for child development. This can be seen from the increasing number of cases of violence against children committed by people around us, including families.

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Family is a multidimensional concept. Social scientists are divided on how to clarify the universal definition of the concept of family. One of the scientists who started the family study was George Murdock.

In his book entitled ” Social Structure “, Murdoch states that the concept of family is a social group characterized by living together, with financial cooperation and reproductive processes (Murdoc, 1965). Through a survey of 250 community leaders conducted since 1937, Murdoch found three families, namely the nuclear family, the polygamous family, and the extended family.

Family Types

Regarding the existence of a family, the family can be divided into two parts, namely the nuclear family and the extended family. The nuclear family is a family with only three social statuses: husband, father, wife, mother and children. On the other hand, the nuclear family is formed after the male and female partners get married and have children, so parents use the family as a means of production.

Marriage is the foundation of a family, so when a human pair marries, a new family is born. Becoming a parent is one of the steps that a couple goes through with children.

In practice, type families can be divided into two types, as follows:

1. Traditional Family Type

  • The nuclear family or nuclear family is a family consisting of husband, wife and children
  • The Dyadic family is a family consisting of husband and wife, but no children
  • Single parent, namely a family where one parent has a child due to divorce or death
  • Single adults are households consisting of only one adult who is not married
  • The extended family is a family that consists of the nuclear family and other families
  • Middle-aged couples or parents whose parents live alone at home because their children already have their own household
  • Kitnetwork Families , multiple families living together and using shared services

2. Non-Traditional Family Types

  • Unmarried parent and child family , namely a family consisting of parents and unmarried children
  • Cohabitating couple are adults who live together without being married
  • Gay and lesbian families are people of the same sex living under one roof like husband and wife or partners
  • Nonmarital Hetesexual Cohabitation families are unmarried people who live with a partner in the same family, families who live together without marriage and often change partners
  • Faster family , namely families that accept children who are not related for some time. (Widagdo, 2016)
  • The stepparent family family with stepparents
  • Commune family is several family pairs (with children) who live in the same house without siblings, the same resources, facilities, the same experience, group activities/socialization of children through joint children’s education
  • The group network family is the nuclear family that is surrounded by a set of rules or values, lives close together, shares household goods and services, and is responsible for raising children.
  • Homeless families have personal crises formed due to economic and mental health problems and there is no permanent protection
  • Gangs are young, destructive family types who seek emotional connection and a loving family, but benefit from violence and crime in their lives.

Apart from the two types of families above, according to Kamanto Sunarto (1993: 159160), families can be divided into six types as follows:

  1. Affiliates are those who consist of internal and extended family
  2. Based on lineage consisting of parental, matrilineal, and bilateral families
  3. Based on the ruler, it consists of parish families, matriarchal families, and equal families
  4. Based on marriage consisting of monogamous families, polygamous families, and polygamous families
  5. Based on socioeconomic status, it consists of lower, middle and upper class families
  6. Based on its integrity, it consists of intact families, broken or divorced families, and pseudo-damaged families.

Now, from the types of families we can observe that children experience a process of growth and development which will be influenced by their environment and association, including the type of family. In a review of developmental psychology, the view of the parent-child relationship is generally related to the attachment theory first put forward by John Bowlby. He then identifies the impact of parenting behavior as an important factor in the parent-child relationship that has been formed since childhood.

Parenting is a parent’s primary responsibility, so it’s a shame that some people still play parental roles without their parents knowing. Parenting produces better results when the father and mother parents are together, that is, when the parents support each other, act as a team, and work together rather than against each other.

In general, fathers and mothers play different roles for the same purpose. Rotenberg’s research (1995) on the process of forming trust between parents and children found that mothers play a role in forming beliefs about the importance of trust and fathers play a role in shaping confident behavior.

The closeness of children with their parents can emerge through collaborative activities and exchanging stories. The closeness of children to parents influences the importance of children to the attitudes and behavior of parents in child rearing. However, parent-child intimacy does not mean there is no conflict in the parent-child relationship. Parent-child intimacy makes it easier to deal with parent-child conflicts, so that these conflicts do not have a negative impact on children’s development.

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Family Functions

Each family function has its own meaning and plays an important role in the life of a family. Below is a description of each of the eight family functions to know about:

1. Religious Functions

Religion is a basic need for all human beings. The family is the first place where religious values ​​are taught and religious identity is instilled in children born in Indonesia. Families develop religious values ​​and produce good and pious children. The family teaches all members to worship God Almighty with full faith and dedication. Because Indonesian families have different beliefs and religions, the implementation of religious functions must not ignore religious tolerance.

2. Socio-Cultural Functions

The family is the main vehicle for promoting and disseminating noble cultural values, which are an example of a lifestyle. The socio-cultural function provides the family and all its members with the opportunity to develop the richness of different cultures as a unit. Therefore, we can continue to support and promote noble values ​​that serve as role models for the nation’s life. The family is the first place for children to learn to deal with, adapt and learn about the habits that apply in society.

3. The Function of Affection

Affection is one important factor to shape a child’s personality. The function of affection means that the family must be a vessel or place that can provide an atmosphere of love and affection in the life of the family, community, state and nation. The function of affection can be realized in the form of affection, comfort and attention in the family. The function of family love is a solid foundation between children, husband and wife, parents and children, and intergenerational kin, making it the most important place for a loving family life. for this reason.

4. Protection Function

The family is a place of refuge or protection for all members and a place to create calm and warmth. Being in an atmosphere of mutual protection means that the family needs to be a safe, comfortable and peaceful place for all members. When the family works well, it protects its members and functions to maximize the growth and development of children. The family protects each member from harmful behavior and keeps the family comfortable and safe from discomfort.

5. Reproductive Function

The family is the regulator of healthy and planned offspring reproduction so that the children born to the next generation can meet the requirements. The family is a high-quality place for children with overall healthy reproductive function, including sexuality and sex education. The family is also a place where members are educated about sexuality issues. Continuity of planned offspring can support the creation of family care.

6. Socialization and Development Functions

Family is the first and most important place for teaching and future education for every child. That means family development includes education that is useful for children’s development and the development of their personality. The Socialization and Education function also shows that the family is a place for the development of interaction processes and a learning environment for good and healthy socialization and communication. Very intense interaction in the educational process with the family is very effective. Families tell children about their values, norms, how to communicate with others, and good and evil.

7. Economic Functions

The family is the most important place for regulating the use of finances, promoting and absorbing values ​​related to finances, meeting the necessities of life, and creating a prosperous family. Families need means to procure food, clothing, shelter and other supplies and to provide financial support to their members.

8. Environmental Development Function

The family plays a role in managing life while maintaining the physical, social, micro and macro environment. The family plays a role in protecting the local environment and the natural surroundings. Families need to know their neighbors and local communities and protect their natural environment. A family-friendly approach to the environment to provide the best for future generations.

Well, that’s an explanation of the concept and types of families. Sinaumed’s belongs to which type of family? Creating a happy and harmonious family is certainly not an easy matter. sinaumedia can learn about it through sinaumedia’s collection of books which can be visited at, enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits