Characteristics and Properties of Flat Shapes

Characteristics and Characteristics of Flat Shapes – What Sinaumed’s will come to your mind when you hear about flat shapes? Yes, of course it will be related to one of the subjects at school, namely mathematics.

A flat shape is a two-dimensional shape of figures that has a flat surface in terms of area, length, width, and circumference.

Then, what shapes are included in flat shapes, right Sinaumed’s? There are various kinds of flat shapes, including squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, kites, trapezoids, pentagons or pentagons, and hexagons or hexagons.

You can also read one of the following book recommendations if you want to know more about flat shapes that you don’t know yet.

In this article, we will discuss some of the characteristics and properties of flat shapes that were previously mentioned. Therefore, let’s refer to the article below.

The following are some of the characteristics and properties of flat wakes, including the following.

1. Square

A square is a two-dimensional shape that has four sides that are the same length and has four right angles of 90 degrees.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a square flat wake, among others:

  • Has sides that are the same length.
  • Has two diagonals that are the same length (both of which intersect and form a perpendicular and divide it into two equal parts).
  • It has four right angles that are equal in size, which is 90 degrees.
  • Has four fold axes of symmetry.
  • Has four corner points.
  • Has four axes of rotational symmetry.

2. Rectangle

A rectangle is a two-dimensional plane shape that has two pairs of sides that are the same length and parallel, has four right angles with opposite sides of the same length.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google).

The characteristics and properties of a rectangular flat wake, among others, are as follows.

  • Has four sides (where the two sides are opposite each other in length and parallel).
  • It has four right angles that are equal in size, which is 90 degrees.
  • It has two diagonals (crosses) that intersect into two equal parts.
  • Has two fold axes of symmetry.
  • Has two axes of rotational symmetry.
  • It has rectangular sides that are perpendicular to each other.

3. Circle

A circle is a flat shape composed of curves with the same distance or it can be said to be a perfectly curved line that has a center point.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a circular flat wake, among others:

  • Has a distance on the edge of the line to the center point which is commonly referred to as the radius or denoted by r
  • It has an infinite number of folding and turning symmetries.
  • It has a total circle of 360 degrees.
  • Has one central point.
  • It has a diameter that divides a circle into two equal sides.
  • Has a radius that connects to the center point with a circle arc point.
  • Has a constant diameter.
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Sinaumed’s can also read one of the following book recommendations to get to know how other circular shapes work in order to understand flat shapes in school subjects. Just click below!

4. Triangle

A triangle is a geometric flat shape that has three sides in the form of straight lines with three angles. Triangles have several forms, namely isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, right triangle, arbitrary triangle, obtuse triangle, and acute triangle.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a triangular flat wake, among others, are as follows.

  • Equilateral triangle 
  • It has three angles that are the same size, namely 60 degrees.
  • Has three sides that are the same length
  • Has three fold axes of symmetry.
  • Has three axes of rotational symmetry.
  • Isosceles triangle 
  • Has one fold axis of symmetry.
  • It has two opposite sides that are the same length.
  • Has one axis of rotational symmetry.
  • Right triangle 
  • Has one slanted side.
  • It has no fold axis of symmetry.
  • It has two sides that are perpendicular to each other.
  • It does not have a rotary axis of symmetry.
  • One of the angles, namely a right angle of 90 degrees.
  • Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the slanted side.
  • Any Triangle 
  • Has three unequal sides.
  • It has three angles with different magnitudes.
  • It has no fold axis of symmetry.
  • Has one axis of rotational symmetry.

5. Parallelogram

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral or two-dimensional shape that has the shape of two pairs of edges that are the same length and parallel to its partner and has two pairs of angles (not right angles) that are the same size as the angle opposite it.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a parallelogram flat wake, among others:

  • It has two diagonals that are not the same length.
  • It does not have a folding axis of symmetry and a rotational axis of symmetry.
  • It has two pairs of opposite sides that are equal in length and parallel to each other.
  • It has four opposite angles that are equal and paired (two obtuse angles and two acute angles).
  • Have adjacent angles of 180 degrees.

You also read one of the book recommendations on this one to find out more about flat shapes or basic mathematics that you don’t know or master. Just click below Sinaumed’s!

6. Rhombus

A rhombus is a type of two-dimensional flat shape that has the same length on its four edges and sides and has two pairs of angles that are not right angles as big as the angle opposite it.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a rhombus flat wake, among others, are as follows.

  • It has four vertices that face each other and are the same size.
  • It has two diagonals that are of different lengths.
  • Has two fold axes of symmetry.
  • Has two axes of rotational symmetry.
  • Has sides that are not perpendicular.
  • Has two adjacent angles that add up to 180 degrees.
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7. Kites

A kite is a geometric shape that has a quadrilateral shape of two isosceles triangles whose bases coincide with each other and have diagonals that are perpendicular to each other.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a kite’s flat wake, among others:

  • Has one fold axis of symmetry.
  • It does not have a rotary axis of symmetry.
  • It has four paired sides that are the same length.
  • It has four vertices (a pair of opposite angles are equal).
  • It has two distinct diagonals that are perpendicular to each other.

8. Trapezoid

A trapezium is a flat shape that has the shape of a quadrilateral with a pair of parallel opposite sides.

Look at the example image below.

Source: Mathematical Formulas.blogspot (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a trapezoid plane include the following.

  • Trapezoid has various forms, namely arbitrary trapezoid, right-angled, and isosceles.
  • Has four sides (two parallel sides).
  • Has four angles (two adjacent angles add up to 180 degrees).

9. The pentagon

A pentagon or pentagon is a type of two-dimensional plane shape that has five straight sides and five angles with a total of 540 degrees.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a pentagon or pentagon flat wake, among others:

  • Has five axes of symmetry.
  • Has five angles that are the same size.
  • It has five sides that are the same length.

10. Hexagons

A hexagon or hexagon is a flat shape that has six sides with straight lines and six angles.

Look at the example image below.

Source: (Google)

The characteristics and properties of a hexagon or hexagon are as follows.

  • It has six sides that are the same length.
  • Has six angles that are equal in size
  • Has six axes of symmetry.

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So, that’s the discussion in this article about the characteristics and properties of plane shapes . Hopefully, after reading this article, you can add insight and knowledge about flat shapes that are not yet known.

If Sinaumed’s has an interest in finding some other information about flat shapes, you can look for references to related books which are only available on the website , which are ready to become #Friends Without Borders in accompanying you in developing and moving forward every day. Happy learning and hopefully useful!

Author: Elsya Islamay