Astronomy Department Job Prospects

Astronomy Major Job Prospects – Are there any of you who aspire to become Astronauts, Sinaumed’s? If yes, then study at the  inline department with that profession, namely the Astronomy Department . This major will then answer various questions about How do stars and planets work?

How does life grow and develop? How did the universe begin? to the question Is there life on other planets? Then what are the job prospects for Astronomy Department graduates? Check out the details below, Sinaumed’s!

Astronomy itself is the oldest science in history, where ancient prehistoric tribes have long used this knowledge to read the constellations. The Department of Astronomy itself studies physics, biology, chemistry, and evolution related to stars, planets, and other space objects.

By emphasizing the application of physics to celestial objects, you will learn about the structure and evolution of the universe, starting from the characteristics, movement, distribution of meteorids, asteroids, comets and other celestial bodies.

An understanding of Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics is needed to understand natural phenomena in extreme time spans, such as the formation of the element helium from hydrogen through fusion reactions in the sun’s core.

You will also be faced with a wide choice of areas of expertise including Star Physics, the Galactic Solar System and Cosmology. The science or study of astronomy itself in its development is divided into more specific specialized branches of science, namely Practical Astronomy, Astrometry, Astrophysics, Cosmogony, and Descriptive Astronomy, Planetary Astronomy to Stellar Sinaumed’s Astronomy.

There is only one university that offers Astronomy majors in Indonesia, in fact the only one in Southeast Asia, namely the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Enter the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) ITB.

FMIPA ITB itself provides Astronomy majors for bachelor, master and doctoral levels which have been accredited A by BANPT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education). ITB as the only university with a major in Astronomy in Southeast Asia, this University then cooperates with the DKI Jaya Planetarium and Observatory, LAPAN (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space), SRON, University of Leiden, Kyoto University, Gunma Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory, AAO , University of Amsterdam, The University of Tokyo, as well as various other countries in the world such as the US and India.

Astronomy Department Job Prospects

Even though the knowledge learned in the Astronomy study program seems specific, in fact an Astronomy graduate has quite broad job prospects in Sinaumed’s.

The most important prospect for these graduates is of course to become an Astronomer, besides that graduates of the Astronomy study program who also study physics, mathematics, or even programming can enter many industries. Below are some job descriptions for graduates majoring in Astronomy from Sinaumed’s:

1. Astronaut

Astronaut profession as a term for people who have undergone training in the human space flight program to lead, fly planes, or become space crew members.

The term “astronaut” itself is sometimes used to refer to astronauts from the United States or other countries. The astronaut himself is different from a cosmonaut who comes from Russia or the Soviet Union. Astronauts then go into outer space to carry out certain missions.

For example Sally Ride with the STS-7 mission in 1983, Edwin Aldrin with the Apollo 8 mission in 1969, and so on. Astronauts will then stay aboard the International Space Station and take part in research and experimental activities.

In the course of his career after carrying out various general training and completing various exams, he will then be assigned to a mission. This job will allow you to dive into various experiences in real space travel, and be able to call yourself an astronaut.

The career path of an astronaut itself starts at the GS-12 level to the highest GS-15. This level will also affect the amount of income of an astronaut. This Professional Responsibilities include:

  • Set up satellites for various communication and technology needs of all countries in the world.
  • Undergoing training related to space knowledge both theoretically and physically, namely flying on spacecraft and carrying out various specific missions
  • Documenting and observing outer space, taking important objects and samples from there to be brought to earth for more thorough study and research
  • Maintain the safety of the spacecraft and all the crew on board
  • Report various events that occur in space
  • Carry out various activities with space exploration.
  • Documenting and observing the environment of destinations in outer space.
  • Make a report of all events that occur in space.

2. Astronomer

Astronomers are currently still making and studying various observations, but in modern astronomy, telescopes are now controlled remotely and astronomers can then wait for the results of their observations from a more comfortable and warm room.

After the results are obtained, then analysis and processing and observation of data are carried out. If you are interested in pursuing this profession, continue your education up to a doctoral degree, Sinaumed’s. Then you can research various things in the world of astronomy and then publish them in scientific journals. The duties of the Astronomer Profession include:

  • Collaborate with other astronomers to carry out various research projects
  • Present research findings in scientific journals and scientific conferences.
  • Studying celestial phenomena, using space-borne and ground-based scientific instruments and telescopes
  • Analyzing various research data to determine their significance by utilizing computer technology
  • Develop theory based on observations and theories from other astronomers, as well as their personal observations
  • Processing and analyzing various data. This part is then usually carried out at the institute where the astronomer works. The previously retrieved data is often still raw and contains noise in it. This data must then be processed again after being analyzed and made interpretations of the various phenomena being observed. This analysis then uses statistics and other analytical tools, as well as consulting various literature for comparison.
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3. Research Institute

For those who love Astronomy and graduates from this department, you will then have the opportunity to work in various research institutions including planetariums, outer space. Southeast Asian countries themselves have SEAN (South East Asia Networking) which still needs space and celestial research workers.

You can also work at BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology), NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) and LAPAN (National Aeronautics and Space Agency).

Researchers themselves play an important role, and become an indicator of the progress of a country. Research activities are usually carried out by a unit, institution or special center owned by a company, university or government agency whose job is to conduct research in the fields of science and technology.

The methods used in Research usually use standard scientific research techniques without expecting definite results (a form of pure scientific research) or to obtain predictive results that have commercial value in the near future. The researchers’ own tasks include:

  • Carry out various monitoring, evaluation, research, and reporting of research conducted
  • Developing the latest products in their fields which are then useful for life
  • Perform testing and evaluate the results of tests performed
  • Develop various plans, technical policies, and research programs conducted
  • Conduct various collaborations with companies related to the procurement of services and goods for company development and research activities carried out
  • Support various quality research implementations covering the health, agro, environment, and industrial sectors
  • Carry out, create and develop the latest technology to improve the quality of the products produced by the company
  • Ensuring the quality of performance within a company is in accordance with predetermined standards


4. Science journalist

In the media field, an Astronomy graduate also has the opportunity to become a columnist or editor.

You can write in popular magazines or scientific journals. Through writing, journalists will then convey various scientific and astronomical concepts in a more creative way and attract readers.

The profession of a journalist or journalist is someone who carries out journalistic activities or someone who regularly writes news and his writings are published in a mass media. Another definition of a journalist is a person whose job is to collect, select, search, process news and then present it in the shortest possible time to the wider community through the mass media. Starting from print media and electronic media.

Called journalists include editors, news cameramen, news photographers, reporters, editors and audio visual editors. Profession as a journalist itself is a profession that is quite heavy, and important. This Professional Responsibilities include:

  • Authenticator – The community needs the role of journalists who can then check the authenticity of information or news
  • Sense Maker – Able to explain whether the information obtained makes sense and is realistic or not
  • Investigator – Journalists must keep an eye on power and uncover crimes that have occurred
  • Withness Bearer – Journalists must monitor and research certain incidents and be able to work closely with reporters.
  • Empowerer – Journalists must empower citizens and journalists to produce continuous conversations between the two.
  • Smart Aggregator – A journalist must also be smart in sharing trusted and reliable news sources, this report must also be enlightening
  • Organizers or journalists must do good news organization, whether it’s news that is new or old.
  • Role Model – Not only creating and producing works, but also paying attention to his attitude in behaving. Because journalists are in the public sphere that must be used as an example, Sinaumed’s.

5. Academics/Lecturers

Being a teacher or lecturer whose job is to encourage fans of celestial bodies to love the world of science more and more is suitable for those of you who have passion as a teacher. However, to pursue this profession, you are required to continue your studies up to the Masters or Doctoral level.

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Lecturers with their role as educators are synonymous with having the ability to teach and deliver material in front of the class. But the lecturer himself is not just a profession that is carried out to earn a living.

He also pursues a profession to give full commitment and dedication in the field of knowledge he masters. These two things will then produce a variety of useful knowledge and be able to move the students.

In addition to carrying out lectures, lecturers are also expected to continue to conduct research in their field of expertise. As a scientist, lecturers also play a role in the regular publication of scientific papers and research results at academic conferences.

Don’t worry about educational costs, lecturers can easily get scholarships, not only that they will also be facilitated in terms of research costs, because there are many scholarship awarding institutions that prioritize lecturers. The professional responsibilities include:

  • Creating a climate or atmosphere in learning that is conducive and enjoyable
  • Plan and carry out the learning process, as well as assess and evaluate the results of the teaching and learning process
  • Making a Learning Strategy, lecturers must choose and use training or instructional methods by using the right procedures when learning or teaching new things to their students, Sinaumed’s
  • Improving and developing various academic qualifications and lecture competencies in a sustainable manner in line with developments in art, technology and science
  • Act objectively and non-discriminatively on the basis of considerations of religion, ethnicity, race, gender, certain physical conditions, or socio-economic background of students in the learning process
  • Having various tasks and implementing them in the form of dedication. This task itself covers the humanitarian, professional, and social fields.

6. System Analyst

The System Analyst profession is someone who is responsible for coordinating, researching, planning, and selecting software. Not only that, the system analyst is also tasked with supervising the system that best suits the needs of a company or a business organization.

System analysts themselves play an important role in the system development process. A systems analyst must have these four skills, including analytical, technical, managerial, and interpersonal skills or communicating with others.

Analytical capabilities also enable a systems analyst to understand organizational behavior and the functions within it, this understanding will then be very helpful in identifying the best possibilities and analyzing a problem and its solution, while technical expertise will help a systems analyst to understand the limitations and potential of a technology. information.

A system analyst is also required to have the ability to work with various types of operating systems, programming languages, and the hardware they use.

Managerial skills will also assist a systems analyst in managing projects, resources, risk and change. Meanwhile, interpersonal skills will help systems analysts interact with end users as well as programmers, analysts and other professions. The responsibilities of this profession include:

  • System analysts are responsible for making assumptions about the purpose of the investigation based on interviews with developers or programmers
  • Identify outputs and inputs as well as user needs as the system is developed
  • By using sampling and accounting principles, structured analysis, the system analyst’s job is to ensure that the solutions offered are effective
  • Create specifications and flowcharts which will then be used by a programmer
  • Manage applications, observe performance and coordinate system tests to ensure improvements have been made
  • After conducting an investigation, a system analyst will perform an analysis of the assumptions that then emerge. This analysis itself can be in the form of a direct experiment on what you want to improve or what you want to develop further
  • The system requirements that have been mature will then be followed by designing. This design can be architecture, module, interface, and data. Usually, in design development, system analysts will then work closely with the back end, front end, and full stack developers
  • If the design development is successful, the system analyst will be required to implement it in a case. This case itself can be in the form of making a new system or application in product development.
  • Systems analysts can also become intermediaries for a company selling software or software with the organization where they work, to then be responsible for various development cost analyzes, determining the required timeframe and design and development proposals.
  • Systems analysts are also responsible for feasibility studies of computer systems before making a proposal to company management

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Source: from various sources