10 Benefits of Coal, What is it used for?

10 Benefits of Coal – Not only as a natural product, the benefits of coal can be found in everyday life. The benefits of coal that are widely known by the public are for electrical energy. This is because coal is a very reliable source. In addition, coal is also a very affordable source for electricity generation.

In Indonesia, coal is available in abundance. This makes the use of coal more and more needed by many people. The use of coal is also carried out by many industries. Because the use of coal is very profitable.

Not only as a power plant and industry alone. There are still many benefits of coal in human life. This article will discuss the benefits of coal in human life.

Bara’s New Definition

The elements of coal consist of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen and oxygen. Coal is an organic rock that has chemical and physical properties. These properties are very complex. In addition, it can be found in various forms.

Benefits of Coal

1. The Benefits of Coal in Everyday Life

a. Source of power generation

This benefit is very close to human daily life. Coal can be utilized as a source of power generation. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources records coal consumption.

In 2020, domestic coal consumption or the Domestic Market Obligation reached 121.89 million tons. The biggest use is to supply power plants or steam power plants.

Currently there are 237 coal power plants in Indonesia. The breakdown is as much as 31% in Bali, Java and Nusa Tenggara. 25% are in Sumatra and 17% are in Sulawesi. In addition, in Maluku it is 2% and in Papua it is 1%.

The total installation capacity of the coal fired power plant is 34.6 Giga Watt. A total of 98.9 million tons of coal use. The potential for Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) is 9.89 million tons.

This benefit is not only carried out in Indonesia. Many countries already use coal as the main fuel. These countries use coal for electricity generation. Such as India, Australia, China, Germany, Japan and several other countries.

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b. Produces gaseous products

Coal is an energy that can produce a product. The product is a gas product. Natural gas can come out of the coal that is still in the ground.

Coal that is still in the ground can directly produce natural gas. Then, the natural gas will be processed at the mining site. After that it can be a variety of products.

For example, such as fuel for industry. It can also be used for gas power generation. In addition, natural gas can be produced into diesel and hydrogen.

c. Help meet household needs

Although not much, another benefit of coal is to meet household needs. Coal in the form of briquettes can be utilized in this sector. Utilization is as an alternative fuel.

Coal can be used to replace kerosene. So that it will help in meeting household needs. An example is cooking. In addition, coal can also help warm the room.

2. Benefits of Coal in Industry

a. Support aluminum industry products

Another benefit of coal is to support aluminum industry products. This material can be obtained as a by-product. These results were obtained from the iron oxidation process during the steel industry activity.

The gas and coking heat from coal can separate some steel products. This will result in aluminum products being used for various types of industries. Examples include the kitchen equipment industry, the agricultural industry, the construction industry, and other industries.

b. Helping the steel products industry

The benefits of coal can also be found in the steel product industry. Steel is a material that has a very important role in human life. Steel can produce a variety of goods. These items can be used to help human life.

Many everyday materials are made of steel. For example in medical equipment, transportation equipment, agricultural equipment and others. Apart from that, it is also used in existing machines for household products.

c. Fuel in liquid form

The next benefit of coal is as a liquid fuel. Oil is one of the fuels that many people need. If oil is used continuously and wastefully, the supply will run out quickly. It is in this case that coal has a role.

Coal can be used as a liquid fuel. This is what makes coal able to replace fuel oil. Processing of coal will basically become fuel in liquid form. Coal will be processed into powder or lumps. Furthermore, it will be dissolved at a relatively high temperature.

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d. Can be processed for the production of the chemical industry

Another benefit of coal is in the chemical industry products. New coals can be processed into brick tar. Then, this tar can be reused. As for materials to make buildings that are waterproof.

In addition, it can also be used for building insulation. This material can also be used to make paint or cloth. In fact, it can also be used to make soap and shampoo.

3. Other Benefits of Coal

a. Helping the cement industry

Another benefit of coal is for the semes industry. Coal is a product of land or excavation. So that it can help in the cement production industry.

It can be said that coal is the raw material. However, coal is not a raw material in terms of material. However, coal is used during the combustion process.

b. Help the paper industry

Coal can help in the production of the paper industry. It can be seen that the heat generated from coal is very high. This is what makes coal can be used for the paper industry.

Coal is a very effective material to work with. This is because the heat produced by coal is fairly stable. This can be seen in fiber processing machines. The machine is used for the paper raw material industry.

c. Helping the production of agricultural fertilizers

The next benefit of coal is to help the production of agricultural fertilizers. Chemical agricultural fertilizers are inseparable from coal. Coal will play a role in the processing process.

This is because the production of agricultural fertilizer always requires a special gas. This special gas is used for combustion. It can be supplied from coal.

Many chemical products are produced from processed residues from burning coal. The coal will be refined with several special tools and equipment. This process forms the materials that make chemical fertilizers.

Those are the 10 benefits of using coal in life. Natural products that come from the earth really have many benefits. Even so, as humans we still need to maintain its sustainability. Do not be extravagant in using it.

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Author: Wida Kurniasih

Source: from various sources

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