difference between since and for

Understanding the Key Difference Between Since and For

When it comes to writing in English, there are several common words that can cause confusion for non-native speakers. Two of the most commonly misused words are “since” and “for.” While they may seem similar on the surface, they have distinct meanings that can change the context of a sentence. In this article, we will dive into the difference between “since” and “for” and how to use them correctly.

The Meaning of Since

“Since” typically refers to a specific point in time. It is often used to mark the beginning of an action or event. For example, “I have been working at this job since 2015.” Here, “since” is used to denote the time period when the speaker began working at the job.

Another way that “since” can be used is to indicate the reason for something. For example, “Since it is raining outside, I will stay indoors today.” In this case, “since” is used to indicate that the reason for staying inside is the fact that it is raining outside.

The Meaning of For

In contrast, “for” is used to indicate the duration of an action or event. It is often used to indicate how long something has been happening. For example, “I have been working at this job for five years.” In this case, “for” is used to indicate how long the speaker has been working at the job.

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“For” can also be used to indicate the purpose of an action or event. For example, “I am going to the grocery store for bread.” In this case, “for” indicates that the purpose of going to the grocery store is to buy bread.

The Difference Between Since and For in Practice

To better illustrate the difference between “since” and “for,” here is an example:

“I have been living in this city since 2010.”

“I have been living in this city for 10 years.”

In both cases, the speaker is indicating how long they have been living in the city. However, “since” indicates the year in which the speaker began living there, while “for” gives the duration of the speaker’s time in the city.


In summary, “since” and “for” are two words that are frequently used interchangeably but have different meanings. “Since” indicates a starting point or reason for something, while “for” indicates the duration or purpose of something. By using these words correctly, you can avoid confusion and more clearly convey the meaning of your sentences.

Table difference between since and for

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Difference Between Since and For

Since For
Since is used to refer to the starting point of an action, event, or period of time. For is used to refer to a duration of time during which an action, event, or process takes place.
Since is used to refer to a specific point in time. For is used to refer to a period of time, usually measured in hours, days, or years.
Since can be used with a specific point in time or a past event. For is used with a duration of time that extends from a point in time in the past to the present.
Since can be used with a present perfect tense to indicate that an action started at a specific point in time in the past and has continued up until the present moment. For can be used with a present perfect tense to indicate that an action started in the past and has continued for a specific period of time up until the present moment.
Examples: Since Monday, Since 2001, Since I was a child, Since I started learning English. Examples: For 3 years, For a week, For 2 hours, For a long time.
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This will create a table with two columns, one for ‘since’ and the other for ‘for’, with multiple rows explaining their difference. The table has a border of 1 around it. You can edit this code and add your own styling and design to fit your requirements.