9 The virtues of Surah Al Mulk, Complete with Latin Arabic Letter Readings

The virtues of Al Mulk’s letter – Surat Al Mulk is the 67th letter in the Koran and has 30 verses. Al Mulk’s letter is included in the Makiyyah letter group which was revealed after the At Tur letter. Surah Al Mulk is taken from the first verse in this surah, namely Al Mulk which means power or kingdom.

In Surah Al Mulk, it is explained about Allah who controls the heavens and the earth and all the secrets in it. Besides meaning power or kingdom, Al Mulk’s letter is also referred to as At Tabaarak which means the most holy.

Surah Al Mulk, like other surahs in the Al-Quran, has several advantages if it is read regularly or read correctly. One of the virtues of this letter is that it will defend those who read it when on the Day of Judgment, then he will ask Allah to save the memorizers of this letter from the torment of hell fire. Want to know the virtues of Al Mulk’s other letters? Check out the following explanation.

Reading Surah Al Mulk, Arabic-Latin

Before knowing the virtues of Al Mulk’s letter, Sinaumed’s needs to know the lafadz or reading of the verses of Al Mulk’s letter and its meaning first. The following is the reading of Al Mulk’s letter, complete with Arabic and Latin.

تَبٰرَكَ الَّذِىۡ بِيَدِهِ الۡمُلۡكُ وَهُوَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَىۡءٍ قَدِيۡرُۙ

(1) Tabaarakal lazii biyadihil mulku wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shai-in qadiir


(2) Allazii khalaqal mawta walhayaata liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu ‘amalaa; wa huwal ‘aziizul ghafuur

الَّذِىۡ خَلَقَ سَبۡعَ سَمٰوٰتٍ طِبَاقًا‌ ؕ مَا تَرٰى فِىۡ

(3) Allazii khalaqa sab’a samaawaatin tibaaqam maa taraa fii khalqir rahmaani min tafaawutin farji’il basara hal taraa min futuur

ثُمَّ ارۡجِعِ الۡبَصَرَ كَرَّتَيۡنِ يَنۡقَلِبۡ اِلَيۡكَ الۡبَصَرُ خَاسِئًا وَّهُوَ حَسِيۡرٌ‏

(4) Summar ji’il basara karrataini yanqalib ilaikal basaru khaasi’anw wa huwa hasiir

وَلَهقَدۡ زَيَّنَّا السَّمَآpecial

(5) Wa laqad zaiyannas samaaa’ad dunyaa bimasaa biiha wa ja’alnaahaa rujuumal lish shayaatiini wa a’tadnaa lahum ‘azabas sa’iir


(6) Wa lillaziina kafaruu bi rabbihim ‘azaabu jahannama wa bi’sal masiir

اِذَاۤ ???

(7) Izaaa ulquu fiihaa sami’uu lahaa shahiiqanw wa hiya tafuur

تَكَادُ تَمَيَّزُ مِنَ الۡغَيۡظ كُلَّمَاۤ اُلۡقِىَ فِيۡهَا فَوۡجٌ سَاَلَهُمۡ

(8) Takaadu tamayyazu minal ghaizi kullamaaa uliqya fiihaa fawjun sa alahum khazanatuhaaa alam yaatikum naziir

قَالُوۡا بَلٰى قَدۡ جَآءَنَا نَذِيۡرٌ فَكَذَّبۡنَا وَقُلۡنَا مَا نَزَّلَ اللّٰهُ مِنۡ

(9) Qooluu balaa qad jaaa’anaa naziirun fakazzabnaa wa qulnaa maa nazzalal laahu min shai in in antum illaa fii dalaalin kabiir

وَقَالُوۡا لَوۡ كُنَّا نَسۡمَعُ اَوۡ نَعۡقِلُ مَا كُنَّا فِىۡۤ اَصۡحٰبِ السَّعِيۡرِ‏

(10) Wa qooluu law kunnaa nasma’u awna’qilu maa kunnaa fiiii as haabis sa’iir

فَاعۡتَرَفُوۡا بِذَنۡۢبِهِمۡ‌ۚ فَسُحۡقًا لِّاَصۡحٰبِ السَّعِيۡرِ

(11) Fa’tarafuu bizambihim fasuhqal li as haabis sa’iir

اِنَّ الَّذِيۡنَ يَخۡشَوۡنَ رَبَّهُمۡ بِالۡغَيۡبِ لَهُمۡ مَّغۡفِرَةٌ وَّاَجۡرٌ كَبِيۡرٌ‏

(12) Innal laziina yakhshawna rabbahum bilghaibi lahum maghfiratunw wa ajrun kabiir

وَاَسِرُّوۡا قَوۡلَـكُمۡ اَوِ ???

(13) Wa asirruu qawlakum awijharuu bihii innahuu ‘aliimum bizaatis suduur


(14) alā ya’lamu man khalaq, wa huwal-laṭīful-khabīr

هُوَ الَّذِىۡ جَع release

(15) Huwal lazii ja’ala akumul arda zaluulan famshuu fii manaakibihaa wa kuluu mir rizqihii wa ilaihin nushuur

ءَاَمِنۡتُمۡ مَّنۡ فِىۡ السَّمَآءِ اَنۡ يَّخۡسِفَ بِكُمُ الۡاَرۡضَ فَاِذَا هِىَ تَمُوۡرُۙ‏

(16) ‘A-amintum man fissamaaaa’i aiyakhsifa bi kumul arda fa izaa hiya tomuur


(17) Am amintum man fissamaaa’i ai yursila ‘alaikum haasiban fasata’lamuuna kaifa naziir

وَلَـقَدۡ كَذَّبَ الَّذِيۡنَ مِنۡ قَبۡلِهِمۡ فَكَيۡفَ كَانَ نَكِيۡرِ

(18) Wa laqad kazzabal laziina min qablihim fakaifa kaana nakiir

اَوَلَمۡ يَرَوۡا اِلَى الطَّيۡرِ فَوۡقَهُمۡ صٰٓفّٰتٍ وَّيَقۡبِضۡ 000 ۘ م يُمۡسِكُهُنَّ اِلَّا الرَّe

(19) Awalam yaraw ilat tairi fawqahum saaffaatinw wa yaqbidn; maa yumsikuhunna illaar rahmaan; innahuu bikulli shai im basiir

اَمَّنۡ هٰذَا الَّذِىۡ هُوَ جُنۡدٌ لَّكُمۡ يَنۡصُرُكُمۡ مِّنۡ دُوۡنِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ‌ؕ

(20) Amman haazal lazii huwa jundul lakum yansurukum min duunir rahmaan; inilkaafiruuna illaa fii ghuruur


(21) Amman haazal lazii yarzuqukum in amsaka rizqah; bal lajjuu fii ‘utuwwinw wa nufuur

اَفَمَنۡ يَّمۡشِىۡ مُكِبًّا عَلٰى وَجۡهِهٖۤ اَهۡدٰٓى اَمَّنۡ يَّمۡula

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(22) Afamai yamshii mukibban ‘alaa wajhihii ahdaaa ammany yamshii sawiyyan ‘alaa siratim mustaqiim

قُلۡ هُوَ الَّذِىۡۤ اَنۡشَاَكُمۡ وَample

(23) Qul huwal lazii ansha akum wa ja’ala akum sam’a wal absaara wal af’idata qaliilam maa tashkuruun

قُلۡ هُوَ الَّذِىۡ ذَرَاَكُمۡ فِى الۡاَرۡضِ وَاِلَيۡهِ تُحۡشَرُوۡنَ

(24) Qul huwal lazii zara akum fil ardi wa ilaihi tuhsharuun

وَيَقُوۡلُوۡنَ مَتٰى هٰذَا الۡوَعۡدُ اِنۡ كُنۡتُمۡ صٰدِقِيۡنَ

(25) Wa yaquuluuna mataa haazal wa’du in kuntum saadiqiin

قُلۡ ???

(26) Qul innamal ‘ilmu ‘indallaahi wa innamaaa ana naziirum mubiin

فَلَمَّا رَاَوۡهُ زُلۡفَةً سِیْٓband ٔتۡ وُجُوۡهُ الَّذِيۡ تَفَرُوۡا وَقِيۡلَ هٰذَا الَّذِى

(27) Falaammaa ra-awhu zulfatan siiii’at wujuuhul laziina kafaruu wa qiila haazal lazii kuntum bihii tadda’uun

قُلۡ اَرَءَيۡتُمۡ اِنۡ اَهۡلَـكَنِىَ اللّٰهُ وَمَنۡ مَّعِىَ اَوۡ رَحِمَنَا ۙ فَمَنۡ

(28) Qul ara’aytum in ahlaka niyal laahu wa mam ma’iya aw Rahimanaa famai-yujiirul kaafiriina min ‘azaabin aliim

قُلۡ هُوَ الرَّحۡمٰنُ اٰمَنَّا بِهٖ وَعَلَيۡهِ تَوَكَّلۡنَا‌ۚ فَسَتَعۡلَمُونَ مَنۡ هُوَ فِِىٍ ِ ضَلِِٰ

(29) Qul huwar rahmaanu aamannaa bihii wa ‘alaihi tawakkalnaa fasata’lamuuna man huwa fii dalaalim mubiin

قُلۡ اَرَءَيۡتُمۡ اِنۡ اَصۡبَحَ مَآؤُكُمۡ غَوۡرًا فَمَنۡ يَّاۡتِيۡكُمۡ بِمَآءٍ مَّعِيۡنٍ

(30) Qul ara’aytum in asbaha maaa’ukum ghawran famai yaatiikum bimaaa’im ma’iin

The virtues of Surah Al Mulk

Al Mulk, like other surahs in the Koran, has priority for anyone who reads it. In this case, the primacy of Al Mulk’s letter can also be felt if Sinaumed’s memorizes 30 of its verses. What are the virtues of Surah Al Mulk? Check out the explanation carefully here.

1. Getting Intercession

Someone who reads Al Mulk’s letter or even memorizes it, will get intercession. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will provide help to His servants through the Messenger. In addition, for anyone who likes to read Surah Al Mulk, their sins will be forgiven.

2. Raising Someone’s Degree

Allah has determined 30 goodness, 30 forgiveness and 30 degrees exalted for anyone who reads Surah Al Mulk. The primacy of this letter is also explained in a hadith narrated by Ad Dailami.

3. Loved or Beloved by the Apostle

The third priority of Surah Al Mulk is for a Muslim who reads it, the Prophet will love him too. Apart from being loved or loved by the Apostle, a Muslim who reads Surah Al Mulk also gives peace to the readers and memorizers.

4. Given Multiple Rewards

For anyone who diligently reads Surah Al Mulk, Allah will multiply the reward up to 10 times for whoever Allah wills.

5. Abstain from Immorality

In Surah Al Mulk, it is explained that a Muslim who obeys Allah is someone who believes in the existence of Allah and will carry out his deeds even though he knows that Allah does not see or is invisible.

When someone reads Surah Al Mulk diligently, that person’s heart will be moved to distance themselves from immoral acts or actions that are hated by Allah and invite sin. This is stated in the letter Al Mulk verse 12.

6. Getting Help on the Day of Judgment

Not a single person, not a single creature in this world knows when doomsday will come. Therefore, as a believing Muslim, that Muslim should prepare himself for the Day of Judgment.

How to? Of course by multiplying the practice, so that there will be no regrets when the Day of Judgment arrives. One of the ways to increase practice is to read the Al-Quran and Surah Al Mulk to get closer to Allah and keep away from all sinful acts.

7. Saving Yourself from Torture in the Grave

Before humans are placed between heaven and hell, humans will of course live out their time in the grave. There are those who receive torture in the grave to be held accountable for all their actions while in the world, but there are also those who receive relief in the grave.

In Islam, the torment of the grave is something that is so painful, especially for someone who has not or has not prepared himself with his practices. In order to avoid the torment of a painful grave, a Muslim can increase the practice of sunnah, one of which is by reading and practicing Surah Al Mulk.

8. Making Someone A More Trusting Muslim

In Surah Al Mulk verse 15, Allah has shown that it is prescribed by law regarding orders to walk the earth to seek sustenance by trading, farming and other means.

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This command shows that trust does not only mean surrendering to Allah, but also working and trying to get something, such as the desired sustenance.

9. Make Prophet Muhammad SAW happy

One of the things that is a dream for a Muslim is that he is able to make the feelings of the Prophet Muhammad happy. This is evidenced by how often Muslims read and recite blessings. As it is known that prayer can make the Prophet’s heart happy.

Apart from reciting blessings, Sinaumed’s, who is a Muslim, can also please the Prophet Muhammad by diligently reading Surah Al Mulk. The virtue of Al Mulk’s letter is explained in a hadith narrated by Hakim.

“I like this letter (tabarakal lazi bi yadihil mulk) because it is in the heart of every believer” ( HR. Al Hakim ).

Those are the nine virtues of Surah Al Mulk. The virtues of Al Mulk’s letter can be obtained if Sinaumed’s is diligent and routinely reads Al Mulk’s letter every day, especially at night before going to bed.

The virtue of Al Mulk’s letter does not only apply to Sinaumed’s who memorizes it, but also to Sinaumed’s who reads it. Reading Al Mulk’s letter can be done anytime and anywhere, but the Apostle used to read Al Mulk’s letter before going to bed at night, besides that reading Al Mulk at night is the same as dhikr which means that both of them have very great virtues.

Content in Surah Al Mulk

As explained earlier, that Al Mulk means kingdom in Arabic. Surah Al Mulk consists of 30 verses and is included in the Makkiyah letter because it descended in Mecca.

Given the name of the letter Al Mulk, because the name of this letter refers to the first verse of this letter. For a Muslim who reads Al Mulk’s letter diligently and regularly, even while practicing Al Mulk’s letter, he can get many advantages from this letter. However, to get the priority of Al Mulk’s letter, it is better for Sinaumed’s to also understand the content in Al Mulk’s letter. Check out the following explanation.

According to a journal published in the Digital Library of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Al Mulk’s letter has a lot of wisdom and there are several main points of Al Mulk’s letter, including the following.

  1. Life and death is a test for a human being.
  2. Allah has power in creating the heavens which are layered.
  3. There is a threat of punishment for those who disbelieve.
  4. Explain about the promise of Allah SWT to the believers.
  5. Surah Al Mulk tells about how the last day or doomsday will happen, although no one knows.
  6. There will be a reward for the believers who do good and there will be a reward for the disbelievers.

In addition to these six contents, there are also other contents in Surah Al Mulk which can be learned from or used as human learning materials. Are as follows.

  • Explains that Allah is the One who created the heavens and the earth in layers and all of His creation has a balance.
  • Allah SWT gave an order to pay attention to everything in the universe.
  • Surah Al Mulk explains about the punishment that is threatened to disbelievers who do not want to know God’s commands.
  • Explains that God has made the earth in such a way, so that human beings on earth will find it easier to obtain sustenance.
  • Allah gives a warning to mankind, that only a few human beings want to be grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given.
  • Surah Al Mulk also explains about God’s promises to believers or believers.


Such is the explanation of the virtues of Al Mulk’s letter which is very numerous and can be felt if Sinaumed’s diligently reads Al Mulk’s letter. If Sinaumed’s is interested in reading the interpretations, primacy and content of other surahs in the Al-Quran, then Sinaumed’s can find information by reading the Al-Quran commentary which can be found at sinaumedia.com .

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Author: Khansa

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