8 Properties of Liquids, Here’s a Complete Explanation with Examples

Properties of Liquids – Various liquids, Sinaumed’s must have often encountered in the environment, such as water for drinking, bathing, cooking are examples of liquids. Many properties of liquids are utilized for the needs of everyday human life. There is even a saying that humans cannot live without water. That means that this liquid is very important for the existence of living things on earth. 

Sinaumed’s needs to know that not only water is an example of a liquid, there are several examples of liquids that are included in liquids, such as oil, grease, syrup, and so on. Sinaumed’s needs to know and understand the properties of liquids because the concept of the theory of liquids is in physics lessons that Sinaumed’s will learn from elementary school. 

Apart from being proficient in physics lessons at school, mastering the material properties of liquid objects also allows Sinaumed’s to make the most of these objects in the necessities of everyday life. The following is an explanation of the concept of the properties of liquids, starting from their definition, characteristics, process of changing matter, to examples of liquids that Sinaumed’s can find in the surrounding environment:  


Liquids are one of the shapes and forms of objects in the form of liquids with special properties and are different from solid objects and gaseous objects. Liquids have unstable properties because their constituent molecules move freely and continue to change according to the shape and shape of the container. The properties of the liquid then become the characteristics or characteristics of the liquid that Sinaumed’s can recognize easily. 

Liquids are synonymous with liquids, but some liquids have a viscosity, aka not too runny, such as oil, shampoo, laundry soap, and so on. The viscous liquid still has the main properties of a liquid, namely it still follows the shape of the container. Liquids are included in the category of volatile objects because they have a very low molecular density. An identical change for liquids is that they are easily soluble, that is, they are easily mixed with other substances or freeze and evaporate. 


After knowing the meaning of liquids above, it is clear that liquids have different properties from other objects. Following are the properties of liquid objects that Sinaumed’s needs to know to identify these objects in everyday life: 

1. The shape can change according to the container

The most obvious property of liquids is that the liquid will follow the shape of the container. Why did it happen? Liquids have a volume that is not fixed so that the shape becomes not fixed according to the shape of the container that holds it. The nature of liquid molecules is not tight and solid but rather tenuous and makes it easy to flow and adapts to the container under the influence of pressure. 

Sinaumed’s would never have found a liquid that had a shape of its own or was different from the shape of its container. So the shape of the liquid will be influenced by the shape of the container, which is usually a solid object that has denser and harder molecules. For example drinking water in a glass, then the shape of the liquid object will form a glass object. 

2. Occupies Space

Still related to the previous properties that follow the shape of the container, it means that liquid objects will always occupy space. To find out the shape of a liquid, we must provide space for the liquid so that it does not seep in all directions. This shows that liquid objects always need a container or space to maintain their mass under certain conditions. If the liquid is not in a space or container, it will flow from a higher place to a lower place or seep in all directions, aka eliminating its mass.  

3. Has Mass

Even though liquid objects follow the shape of their container and always require space, these objects also have mass or weight. Sinaumed’s was able to prove that liquid objects have mass when lifting an empty bottle is lighter than lifting a bottle filled with water. The mass of liquids is also influenced by the shape of the material in the liquid and the pressure of the density of the molecules. 

The mass of liquid objects usually uses cc, milliliter, liter, and so on. To calculate the mass of a liquid object, of course, it must be released from the mass of space that occupies it or its container, which usually comes from solid objects which also have their own mass. Usually, to measure the mass of a liquid, you can measure it in the container, so the mass of the container cannot be counted.  

4. Flow To A Lower Place

Because liquid objects always occupy space, they can move freely if they are in space or a place that is not flat or stationary. The free movement of liquid objects will always flow from a higher place to a lower place. Why can liquids flow to a lower place? Liquids have pressure that adjusts to Earth’s gravity so they always go to a lower place. 

In addition, liquid objects will always follow the space or container, so if the shape of the space or container also directs water to flow, then the liquid will flow. Its flexible molecular density also makes it easy to compress under certain conditions. 

5. Can Dissolve A Certain Substance

The properties of liquids that are different from other objects are that they can dissolve certain substances in the liquid itself. Its nature that can dissolve certain substances will change the liquid object with several symptoms of change, such as changes in color, taste, and giving off a certain aroma or smell. This dissolving property can occur completely or is called experiencing a chemical change or it can only undergo a physical change which cannot dissolve completely. 

Grames could prove the nature of this liquid, for example, in warm water mixed with sugar, it would turn sweet. Then when it is dissolved again with coffee grounds it will change color and aroma. This proves that warm water can dissolve sugar and coffee grounds into another liquid by adding new chemical elements. 

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6. Can Seep Through Small Cracks

Liquids can seep through small gaps because these objects have pressure and must occupy a certain space or container. If the liquid is in a space with gaps or pores, the liquid will easily seep in because the molecules and volume can move freely. These small gaps still create spaces that will force liquid objects into them. Sinaumed’s was able to prove the nature of this liquid when watering plants, the water will be absorbed into the soil because the soil material has cavities or the material is not tightly packed so water will be absorbed into it.  

7. Pressing in all directions

The nature of liquid objects that can press in all directions is related to the nature of liquid objects that always need space and form a container. This includes the properties of liquids that easily seep into pores or crevices because liquids have pressure to move in all directions. Under certain conditions the liquid will then move from a higher place to a lower place because of the nature of the liquid which has great pressure on the earth’s gravity. 

Sinaumed’s was able to prove the nature of this liquid object when water is shaken in a container, the water will also move to exert pressure on the container. Or when Sinaumed’s shakes the liquid in the bottle, it will also produce pressure in the container.  

8. Surfaces of liquid objects that are always flat

Liquids will always have a flat surface in a state of rest because they have pressure to form according to their container. So regardless of the shape of the container, the surface of the liquid will always be flat. Sinaumed’s was able to prove this property in liquids. When he placed water in a concave basin, the surface of the water in the basin remained flat, it was impossible to curve or wave. If the surface of the water is wavy like in a sea or river, it is because the water is under pressure to go in all directions, causing the water to keep moving and not in a calm or still state. 

Book Recommendations Related to the Properties of Liquids

If sinaumedia needs to study the properties of liquids and other physics materials, you can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at www.sinaumedia.com . Sinaumed’s will find many reference books for physics subjects from elementary, junior high, high school and equivalent levels or theory books with a broader perspective. The following is a recommendation for sinaumedia books that Sinaumed’s can read to study physics in accordance with the curriculum at school: Enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits 




From the explanation of the properties of liquids above, Sinaumed’s can recognize the striking characteristics of liquids to identify whether the object is included in the liquid or not. The following are the characteristics of objects that Sinaumed’s needs to know to identify liquids: 

  1. The shape of a liquid always changes according to the shape of the container
  2. Liquids have a certain mass 
  3. The surface of liquids is calm and will always be flat
  4. Can dissolve a certain other substance 


As with other types of objects, liquid objects can also change shape and form, either into the same form or another form, namely solid or gas. In the process of change, liquids can undergo physical changes or chemical changes in various ways. Changes can also affect changes in the properties of liquid objects, both chemical elements or their physical form which will automatically have new object properties. 

Changes in liquid objects can also cause other symptoms such as changes in color, taste, and the appearance of a certain aroma or smell. Here are some ways liquids can change using physical changes or chemical changes:

1. Freezing

Freezing is the process of changing form from a liquid to a solid due to a lower temperature change. An example of changing a frozen liquid into a solid is ice cubes made from water and then frozen in the freezer. Changes in form by freezing usually do not change the composition of the chemical elements so that they can be called physical changes. 

These changes can also be returned to their original form, for example the ice cubes can return to liquid again after being placed in an open room at room temperature. In the freezing process there are no symptoms of discoloration or emitting a specific aroma. 

2. Yawning

Evaporation is a change in shape and form of a liquid object into a gas that requires heat or heat energy. An example of a liquid change that evaporates can be found by Sinaumed’s when boiling water or a liquid until it boils, steam will come out of the heated water and can run out over time because the water evaporates into the air. Liquid objects by evaporating do not change chemical elements so they are referred to as physical changes because water that evaporates into the air still contains oxygen and minerals. 

In addition to boiling water, Sinaumed’s can also find examples of changing liquids into gases in the use of perfume. Perfume has a liquid form, but after being sprayed on the body or clothes, the liquid perfume will evaporate into the air with a slightly different material composition. The smell of perfume that is still in liquid form is not too different when it has evaporated into the air, it’s just that the aroma is not too strong. This shows that there is a chemical change in the liquid perfume which evaporates into the air, the element of oxygen will increase so that it slightly changes the aroma of the liquid perfume.  

3. Dissolve

One of the properties of liquids is that they can dissolve certain substances, so this can change the shape or form of liquid objects into other elements. This liquid solution can then have symptoms of change, such as changes in color, taste, and the appearance of a certain aroma or smell. Examples of changing liquids by dissolving can be found by Sinaumed’s when making syrup, coffee, tea, milk, and other solutions that mix liquids with liquids or dissolve liquids with solids.  

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Changes in liquids by dissolving is one example of a chemical change that can change form and shape in terms of color, taste, and smell. Chemical changes in liquid objects are also marked by the inability of these objects to return to their previous shape or form. For example, Sinaumed’s will have difficulty separating sugar that has dissolved in tea or coffee drinks. 


After knowing the definitions, characteristics, and properties of liquids above, Sinaumed’s can identify examples of what types of objects fall under the category of liquids. The following are examples of liquid objects that Sinaumed’s can find in the surrounding environment or in daily activities: 

  1. Syrup drink
  2. Cooking oil for cooking purposes
  3. Soy sauce for cooking ingredients
  4. Liquid milk for direct drinking or for food ingredients
  5. Oil for vehicle needs
  6. Gasoline for the needs of motor vehicles
  7. Watercolor for painting purposes
  8. Liquid detergent for washing clothes
  9. Liquid soap for washing dishes
  10. Liquid soap for bathing
  11. Coconut milk for food
  12. Infusion fluids for a person’s medical needs
  13. Shampoo for washing
  14. Perfume to scent the body or clothes
  15. Coconut water to drink
  16. Fruit juice to drink or as a food ingredient
  17. Tea drinks as a solution of water with sugar and tea 
  18. Coffee drink as a solution of water with sugar and coffee grounds

So, that’s an explanation of the properties of liquids , starting from the definition, characteristics, process of changing objects, to examples of liquids that Sinaumed’s can find in the surrounding environment. Has Sinaumed’s been able to distinguish the properties of liquid objects from the properties of other objects? Every shape and form of an object has its own properties and characteristics in physics lessons. The states of matter such as solid, liquid and gas have different symptoms in dealing with energy when changes occur or under certain conditions in open space.


1. Alcohol

Alcohol or commonly referred to as ethanol is a liquid substance that is formed due to the fermentation of food ingredients. These ingredients start from vegetables, fruit, and grains. To achieve fermentation, a special yeast is needed which can react with the sugar content in the food.

The general public is more familiar with alcohol as a drink to be consumed at certain times. However, this is only one of the many uses of alcohol in everyday life. In addition to consumption, alcohol can also be used as fuel, cleaning tools, and other uses in the medical world.

2. Petroleum

Unlike cooking oil for cooking, petroleum is made from the fossilized remains of prehistoric creatures, generally sea creatures, usually in the form of sea plants, algae, or bacteria that live in the sea. Its use is different from cooking oil.

The use of petroleum is leaning towards industrial. Starting from simple things such as fuel for vehicles or space heating, to more massive uses such as producing electricity and as a raw material for industrial objects such as plastics, polyurethanes and solvents.

3. Seawater

Sea water is different from fresh water which is used for drinking. Sea water has salt in it, which makes most living things unable to drink it. This salt content comes from residual fresh water flowing into the sea, or minerals from the deep sea.

Even so, sea water can also be consumed after being processed first. The main product most commonly produced by seawater is salt, which is used for cooking. In addition, sea water can also be processed to become cosmetic and beauty ingredients.

4. Sulfuric Acid

For those who don’t know, sulfuric acid is a chemical that has a basic ingredient of sulfur trioxide. Sulfur trioxide is mixed with water and after going through a chemical process, it becomes sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is known as a dangerous chemical if used carelessly.

Even so, sulfuric acid can also be one of the most flexible materials for use in various industries. Sulfuric acid is a basic ingredient for things like fertilizers, detergents, dyes, medicines, and many more. Of course, the levels are adjusted according to needs so as not to endanger consumers.

5. Magmas

Magma is hot liquid matter that can be found in the earth. Magma itself is formed from molten rocks found in the earth’s mantle. What distinguishes magma from lava is that lava is magma that has reached the earth’s surface through volcanoes, while magma is only under the earth’s surface.

Like sulfuric acid, magma is a dangerous object because of its heat and ability to melt various objects. However, scientists have succeeded in utilizing magma as a power plant. One of these power plants can be found in Iceland.

From the explanation of a number of these liquid objects, Sinaumed’s can conclude that depending on the point of view of use, objects that we think are dangerous objects can turn into useful objects for human survival.


The shape of a liquid object is something interesting to observe. Apart from being solid like a solid object and still being able to move freely like a gas object, liquid objects also have the properties of both types of objects as well as a number of unique properties.

In addition, the use of liquid objects can also be found both on a small scale and on a large scale. Of course, solids and gases each have a number of uses. However, liquid objects are so applicable, making them a type of vital object in human life.

Discoveries for the use of liquid objects cannot be separated from the role of scientists who carry out experiments tirelessly, and even their lives could be threatened because of these experiments. And finally, we can use these objects in everyday life, without high risks.

Of course, Sinaumed’s could follow in their footsteps. With a strong will, Sinaumed’s can become a scientist and bring a lot of good to the wider community. All of that can be started by increasing Sinaumed’s’ curiosity about something.

Sinaumed’s can find information from the internet, learn from experts, and of course read books. If Sinaumed’s is interested in pursuing science, one of the popular books that can be recommended for reading is the book ” Sciencepedia ” issued by the National Geographic science magazine.

Hopefully, with this article, it can add to Sinaumed’s’ knowledge in the field of science, and inspire Sinaumed’s to apply the new knowledge he has acquired.

Of course, sinaumedia offers other interesting books on the www.sinaumedia.com website . There, Sinaumed’s can find various kinds of books with different topics according to your wishes. Because we, #FriendsWithoutLimits, always provide the best and newest for Sinaumed’s.

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