7 Functions and Roles of Pancasila for the Indonesian Nation

Functions and Roles of Pancasila – Today, the existence of Pancasila, which is known as the foundation of the Indonesian state, also serves as the basic mold that forms the character of the Indonesian nation. In fact, Pancasila has been used as the basis and ideology of the Indonesian state for more than 70 years, but not everyone understands its function and role, especially in the midst of current globalization.

For this reason, the younger generation has been prepared as well as possible with the Pancasila character through learning Pancasila Education which is given at schools and universities.

Since Pancasila has been appointed as an open ideology for the Indonesian state, of course its function and role will continue to develop in line with the times. Yep, the existence of Pancasila as an open ideology turned out to be very innovative for all circles of the Indonesian nation. So, what are the functions and roles of Pancasila for the Indonesian nation?

How do you grow the value of Pancasila awareness in the midst of today’s globalization era? How do you grow the value of Pancasila awareness among the younger generation? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s immediately see the following review!

Understanding the Functions and Roles of Pancasila for the Indonesian Nation

In fact, elements of the function and role of Pancasila for the Indonesian nation will always be combined into one discussion. However, in the following description, we will separate the functions and roles of each Pancasila for the Indonesian people, so that it is easier to understand.

The Function of Pancasila for the Indonesian Nation

According to the 2015 Pancasila Module, it states that there are 3 functions of Pancasila namely 1) As a View of Life; 2) As the basis of the State; and 3) As a National Ideology. So, here is an explanation of the three embodiments of the function of Pancasila!

1. Pancasila as a View of Life

As a Basic Belief System

This means that all activities in the life of the Indonesian people must be in accordance with the Pancasila precepts. This Basic Belief System in general is a basic belief system that is used as a basic reference in thinking, behaving, and behaving.

So, for the Indonesian people, the existence of Pancasila certainly functions as a basic belief system view of life, because it contains basic ideas about a life that is considered good. Philosophically, Pancasila does contain positive values, both in the way of thinking, behaving, and behaving in the order of social life.

Kinship as a View of Life

This means that the notion of kinship is a basic idea in the real life of the Indonesian people. Try Sinaumed’s to think again, since the time of our ancestors, the condition of the Indonesian people is interrelated one by one, one by one, and one by one, right ?

As a Source of Ethics, Morals, and Culture

Philosophically, Pancasila is not only the basis of the state, but also contains values ​​that are considered good as well as guidelines for how to think, behave and behave in this social life.

Behavior that has become a patterned habit will later form the local culture. Thus, this Pancasila serves as a source of ethics, morals, and culture of Indonesian society.

2. Pancasila as the Foundation of the State

If you look at the definition, the basis of the state is a set of values ​​that have been explored and developed within society itself since centuries ago, of course, which contain the idea of ​​the ideals of the state and legal ideals, then used as a source for drafting basic law.

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Meanwhile, in the Indonesian legal system, the highest legal norms are Pancasila and the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. Yep, all the paragraphs in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution are embodiments of the Pancasila precepts.

Try Sinaumed’s to remember again, in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution there was an affirmation that: “…, then the Independence of the Indonesian Nationality was drafted in an Indonesian Constitution, which was formed in an arrangement of the Republic of Indonesia which has people’s sovereignty based on the belief in the One God. Almighty, Humanity…..”

So, this provision clearly confirms that the existence of Pancasila and its precepts is contained in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which is then used as the basis of the state.

3. Pancasila as National Ideology

Apart from being the basis of the state and a way of life, the existence of Pancasila is also a national ideology for the Indonesian nation, in the form of an open ideology to be precise. Basically, ideology is a collection of ideas, ideas, or beliefs that thoroughly and systematically regulate how a group of people behave in all aspects of life.

The boundaries of ideology are not only as ideas, aspirations, and philosophy of life of a nation, but also in the form of political beliefs resulting from a common will.

Meanwhile, Pancasila is considered as an open ideology because in real terms it is rooted and lives in the life of its people, thereby proving that Pancasila has a dimension of reality. Not only that, even Pancasila can develop in accordance with the dynamic development of society.

The Role of Pancasila for the Indonesian Nation

Next is the role of Pancasila for the Indonesian nation which is still related to the element of function. The main role of Pancasila is as the foundation of the state, which then develops into the following:

  1. As the basis of the state. That is, to be the source of all the origins of law and order in Indonesia.
  2. Covering the atmosphere of mysticism (Geistlichenhintergrund)
  3. Realizing the ideals of law as a basis, both in writing and in writing.
  4. Become the eternal spirit of the 1945 Constitution, especially for state administrators and Indonesian people.

Know the 7 Functions and Roles of Pancasila According to Suryana

According to a research journal entitled Cultivating the Value of Awareness Among the Young Generation: Theoretical Studies by Widdy Yuspita Widyaningrum, states that there are 7 functions and roles of Pancasila by Suryana (2015), which are as follows.

1. Pancasila as the Foundation of the State

  1. As the basis for managing a sovereign and independent country.
  2. As a basis for regulating the administration of a clean and authoritative state apparatus, so as to achieve the national goals stated in the Preamble to the 4th paragraph of the 1945 Constitution.
  3. As a basis, direction, and guidance for the life activities of the Indonesian nation in daily life.

2. Pancasila as a source of national basic law

This emerged after the reform through the MPR Decree No. III/2000. Then, it was changed to Law Number 10 of 1004 concerning the Formation of Legislation.

3. Legal Sources Consists of Written and Unwritten Legal Sources

The source of national basic law is Pancasila. This has been written as in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution and the body of the 1945 Constitution.

4. Pancasila as the Way of Life of the Indonesian Nation

This implies that all activities in the life of the Indonesian nation must be in accordance with the Pancasila precepts. Given that Pancasila is the embodiment of values ​​originating from the life of the Indonesian nation itself.

5. Pancasila as the Noble Agreement of the Indonesian Nation

This means that the Indonesian people who are already independent have agreed to make Pancasila the basis of their country. The agreement materialized on August 18, 1945, with the ratification of Pancasila as the basis of the state by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI), which represented all Indonesian people.

6. Pancasila as State Ideology

This means that Pancasila is the common goal of the Indonesian nation which is then implemented in the form of national development. This is done by creating a just and prosperous society that is evenly distributed both materially and spiritually based on Pancasila within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is independent, sovereign and united in an atmosphere of safe, peaceful, orderly and dynamic national life as well as in the world’s social environment. independent, friendly, orderly, and peaceful.

7. Pancasila as the Unifier of the Nation

This is because Pancasila clearly has general and universal values, making it possible to accommodate all of this diverse life so that it can be accepted by all groups.

The Role of Pancasila in Globalization and Modernization

Based on a research journal article entitled The Role of Pancasila in Facing the Era of Globalization and Modernization by Nidya Kameswari Perbawa, states that Pancasila can still play a major role for the Indonesian nation, especially in today’s globalization and modernization life.

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In this globalization and modernization life, Pancasila will function as a barrier, so that people can filter out good and bad cultures alias according to Pancasila values. Remembering that in this sophisticated life, we still have to realize Pancasila in terms of morals and behavior.

According to Lickona (2013), there are at least 10 values ​​that must be instilled by the younger generation in terms of behavior, namely wisdom, justice , firmness , self-control , love and affection . , positive attitude , hard work , resourcefulness , integrity , and humility .

So, therefore Pancasila plays an important and big role in efforts to deal with the phenomenon of globalization and the influence of modernization in Indonesia, especially for the younger generation. It turns out that this role can be realized from each of the five existing precepts, namely

1. Belief in the One and Only God

This means that every Indonesian has faith in God and carries out His obligations, and does not impose his will on others. If people already believe in the existence of God in their religion, then even negative global influences will not be able to “disturb” them.

For example, ISIS is a form of bad influence in terms of religion and controls the issue of radicalism, even in many countries. However, the Indonesian people, who already believe in the existence of God in their respective religions, understand that Islam in this country will not interfere with this form of ISIS. Although there are some who are affected, the wider community already understands that this teaching is wrong.

2. Just and Civilized Humanity

This means that all Indonesian people must recognize the equality of fellow human beings, both in terms of rights and obligations. Recognizing that equality is not only carried out among fellow Indonesians, but also among neighboring countries.

3. Indonesian Unity

That is, there is a patriotism-unity that prioritizes the interests of the nation over individual interests. In this case, it is clear that through the phenomenon of modernization Western cultures were brought in, but in fact Indonesian people are already “already” in love with their own culture. As a result, western culture, especially bad ones, is not easily accepted by the Indonesian people.

4. Democracy Led by Wisdom of Wisdom in Deliberations/Representations

Namely with the existence of a democratic culture that applies to all decision-making activities, both on a large and small scale. So, it can be concluded that through this 4th precept, it will filter out western culture which has a negative influence.

5. Social Justice for All Indonesian People

That is, by maintaining a balance between the rights and obligations of each Indonesian citizen in an effort to promote social life. When the phenomenon of globalization and modernization enters Indonesian life, bad influences can be filtered out.

How to Grow the Value of Pancasila Awareness in the Young Generation

According to a research journal entitled Growing Awareness Values ​​Among the Young Generation: Theoretical Studies by Widdy Yuspita Widyaningrum, there are at least 4 ways to foster awareness values ​​of Pancasila, especially among the younger generation. Bearing in mind that if Pancasila is not grown consciously, its position will be fragile under the times.

1. The younger generation must have the view that Pancasila is a way of life as well as the foundation of the state

The first way is to make the younger generation aware that Pancasila is something that should be used as the basis of the state as well as a way of life in living this daily life. If they are already aware of this, then over time they will also be able to maintain the original Indonesian cultural values.

Later, if there are new values ​​that develop, then their position will remain under the personality of the nation, while Pancasila will still be firmly adhered to as a way of life, both in speaking and behaving.

2. The Speed ​​of Young Generation’s Ability to Adapt to the World

According to historical records, many lost civilizations were due to the inability to adapt to world changes. While Pancasila as the basis of the state and outlook on life is dynamic, aka still able to keep up with the times, but in a positive way.

3. There is an integration function of various elements to form a centripetal force

This means that the younger generation of Indonesia will be able to manage and maintain the relationship between parts, which will then develop into components in an effort to foster the values ​​of Pancasila awareness.

4. The Young Generation Needs to Have a Common Goal to Transform

This means that the younger generation needs to have a common goal from time to time to transform, because it continues to be improved by the dynamics of the community and by its leaders. Bearing in mind that the Indonesian state was formed by a common past history, in the future it must further strengthen the similarity of ideals, outlook on life, hopes and goals. In this case, of course, it is the younger generation who plays the most role.



Pancasila Module: Education and Training to Improve Understanding of Citizens’ Constitutional Rights. (2015). Center for Pancasila Education and the Constitution of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

Perbawa, Nidya Kameswari. (2021). THE ROLE OF PANCASILA IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION. In Proceedings of the National Seminar on the Faculty of Law, Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 29-38).

Widyaningrum, Widdy Yuspita. (2019). Cultivating Value Awareness Among Young Generation: Theoretical Study. Journal of JISIPOL, Vol 3 (3).

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