Knowing 13 Characteristics of Open Ideology in Indonesia

Characteristics of open ideology – It is important for every individual and every group to
know these things.
Ideology is an idea that contains a certain thought, culture, and way of
Ideology is used as a lens through which to view the world and develop a logical system
of ideas.

In general, the types of ideology are divided into two, namely open ideology and closed ideology, the
characteristics of open ideology are certainly different from closed ideologies.
An open mind
is a view of life that is flexible or not rigid.
While closed ideology is a teaching that
contains goals and standards that need to be accepted and obeyed in everyday life.

Basically, the existence of a system of thought in a country can help the people of that country see
various kinds of problems and their solutions.
Even experts say that if there is no ideological
system in a country, reality will prevent that country from determining the right direction, especially when
facing big problems, including social problems.
Thus, systems of thought are divided into open
ideologies and closed ideologies.

So what exactly is open ideology? What are the characteristics of an open ideology?
What is the difference between open ideology and closed ideology? Why is Pancasila
also known as an open ideology?
So, so that Sinaumed’s isn’t confused by these
questions, let’s look at the following reviews!

Definition of Ideology

Ideology is a term of Greek origin. Consists of two words, idea and logic. Idea
means to see (idea), and logic comes from the word logos which means knowledge or theory.
it can be interpreted that ideology is the result of discovery in the mind in the form of knowledge or
Ideology can also be interpreted as a collection of systemic concepts that are used as
principles, opinions (events) that provide direction for survival.

Ideology is always synonymous with the state system. An expert named GS Padmo Wahyono argues
that ideology gives meaning as a nation’s vision of life, a nation’s philosophy of life as a set of values
​​that are desired and need to be realized in social life.
This ideology will of course bring
stability in direction, especially in social life, as well as encouragement towards what one wants.

So, from this it can be formulated that ideology is a set of ideas that form beliefs and understandings to
realize human ideals.
If drawn based on the interests of a country, then ideology is a
collection of basic ideas, ideas, beliefs, and beliefs that are systematic in accordance with the directions
and goals to be achieved in the life of the nation and state.

Definition of Open Ideology

An open ideology is a way of life that is not rigid, dynamic and flexible. This means that an
open ideology is one that can develop and grow over time.

An open ideology is an ideology that is not absolute. It can also be interpreted that its
values ​​and ideals are not imposed from the outside, but are explored and taken from the spiritual, moral
and cultural wealth of the people themselves.
An open ideology is an ideology that can interact
with the times and with internal dynamics.

Openness itself is also known as an open-minded system. Therefore, Pancasila as the ideology
of the Indonesian nation is considered an open ideology because it has values ​​and ideals that are not
imposed from outside.

In Indonesia, Pancasila as an open ideology has a value dimension, namely ideal value and practical value.
These two values ​​are the basis of the ideology of the Indonesian nation which always accepts
natural influences and Pancasila will go with the times.

The Difference between Open and Closed Ideology

The difference between open and closed ideology can be seen from the characteristics of both and the relationship
between the people and their rulers.

In an open ideology, what characterizes it are the values ​​and ideals extracted from the richness of the
customs, culture, and religion of the people.
Open-minded ideologies also tend to embrace
In the relationship between the people and their rulers, according to an open ideology,
the rulers are responsible to the community as representatives of the people to whom the people’s rights are

Examples of countries that adhere to the ideology of openness are Indonesia, South Korea and the United States.

Meanwhile, in a closed ideology, values ​​and ideals are usually created from the thoughts of individuals
or groups in power.
In this case, society must sacrifice itself in the name of these values
​​and ideals.

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Closed ideologies also tend to resist reform and do not accept other worldviews or values. In
the relationship between the people and their rulers, the people uncompromisingly adhere to the ideology
built by their rulers, and the rulers tend to be authoritarian.

Examples of countries with closed ideologies are North Korea, China and Saudi Arabia.

Characteristics of Open Ideology

There are two kinds of ideology in this world, open ideology and closed ideology. Indonesia
itself also adheres to an open ideological system with Pancasila as the basis of our country.
Actually what is the meaning and characteristics of open ideology so that it can be applied in

Ideology is an idea or opinion that is dynamic, flexible and not rigid so that it continues to develop
according to the demands of the times.
This kind of ideology was born because people’s values
​​can achieve their goals but remain in line with developments or the demands of the times.

Even though an open ideology is synonymous with flexibility and progress over time, it actually has a
broader nature.
In fact, the characteristics of open ideology are always related to the social
conditions of society.
What are the characteristics?

1. In accordance with Community Culture

Indonesia has a diverse culture in its society. The foundation of our country, namely
Pancasila, reflects the characteristics of this first open ideology seen from its precepts.

The culture that exists in Indonesian society is treated in such a way that shared ideas emerge as a
unitary unit of diversity in Indonesia.
Ideologies such as Pancasila exist to justify the
different beliefs, values ​​and norms of this society.

2. Is Dynamic

The third characteristic is dynamism, because Indonesian society will always be dynamic following the
Indonesians at the time of independence did not necessarily have the same mindset as
today’s society.

They experience psychological and cultural development and change. Uniquely, Pancasila is
still relevant and alive today even though it was born on June 1, 1945. These are the unique characteristics
of Pancasila with an open-minded ideology.

3. There is Freedom of Opinion

An open ideology always gives its people the opportunity to speak and act to express their opinions.
The fourth precept of Pancasila fulfills the characteristics of this open ideology.

Furthermore, freedom of speech and expression is everyone’s right. However, this freedom must
be accompanied by responsibility and respect for applicable standards.

4. Upholding Pluralism

Indonesia’s diversity must be maintained with the value of pluralism that belongs to all people.
Pluralism is an act that promotes diversity, multiculturalism and religious tolerance.

Indonesian society cannot be separated from its differences, but pluralism means accepting all these
Furthermore, pluralism means eliminating thoughts or feelings that can hinder the
development of social intolerance.

5. Derived from the Community

Open-mindedness is born and comes from society and is present in every group that creates it.
All these noble ideas or notions about the environment gave rise to state ideology.
This ideology will then be used in the management of social systems, such as politics, economics,
and social structures.

6. Prioritizing Consensus Deliberations

Deliberations should prioritize the words and results of consensus of all participants after careful
Pancasila as an open ideology was also born from deliberation and consensus among
the founding fathers of our nation.
In the process of deliberation, our logic and reason are
formed so that we can make decisions together.
This decision must benefit society.

7. Human Rights (HAM) Must Be Respected

An open ideology also demands human rights so that all the needs of citizens are met. If the
state guarantees the survival, freedom, equality and security of its citizens, they will be protected from
unwanted actions.
Citizens can also adopt the openness ideology adopted by the state.

8. Open Government System

An open government system is a government in which citizens have the right to know about government processes to
create effective public oversight.

The concepts commonly associated with open government are transparency and accountability. Transparency is a
feature of open ideology because the public can know what information the government has about its regulatory

9. Reflecting the Philosophy of Society

On the second point, ideology comes from society. Therefore, Pancasila as an open ideology is
also identified with the philosophy or values ​​of life owned by the community.

10. Adequate Legal System

Finally, having a full legal system means that no citizen is exempt from the law. If you
commit a crime, there is no difference in legal treatment of citizens of a particular country.

11. Reality

Open ideology is realistic, reflecting the reality of life which is always developing in a society where
ideology is born and develops.
This characteristic prevents a fixed dogmatic connotation of an
ideology, leading to a contextual meaning.

12. Are Idealistic

Open ideology is idealistic. The goal of idealism is a concept that is able to provide hope,
optimism and encourage followers to apply it in everyday life so that they can achieve the desired goals.
The quality of this idealism will come into play if the values ​​contained in the ideology are
still actual and in accordance with human reason.

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13. Is Flexible

Open ideology is flexible, that is, it can always adapt to the development of the situation.
An open ideology can provide guidance through consistent and consistent interpretations.
It is this characteristic that allows each generation to maintain its own status and maintain the
direction or ideals that were conceived as the goal from the start.

The Excellence of Pancasila as an Open Ideology

The existence of the Pancasila ideology which is owned by the Indonesian nation certainly has many
advantages compared to the ideological system adopted by most countries in the world.
are the advantages of Pancasila as an open ideology.

1. The First Precepts of Pancasila

From the early precepts of Pancasila, it was considered superior, especially to atheism of communism, which
was based on the master teachings of dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxism.
This first principle will in fact enliven other precepts, such as Humanity, Unity, Democracy, and
Social Justice.

2. The Second Precept of Pancasila

The Second Precept of Pancasila contains the content of “Justice and civilized humanity…” indirectly
indicating that the concept of “Human” is more balanced and wise, compared to the Master of
In both of these conceptions, he actually regards humans as
“self-determining agents of free action”.

Thus, the human concept of Pancasila is considered more complete, comprehensive and balanced in its views and
treatment of the people.

3. The Third Precept of Pancasila

The Third Precept of Pancasila, “Indonesian unity” is considered superior to the concept of racial unity
(NAZI) and the unity of chauvinistic (fascist) countries.
In a chauvinistic union of races and
nations, there are elements of self-improvement (for example, superiority of the Aryan race in India) and
humiliation (inferiority of others).

Meanwhile, the unity of the Volksgemeinschaft model initiated by the Nazis actually contained the will to
power and expansion of power (through expansion) as well as the desire to maintain the purity of the Nazi
foundation and homeland from elements considered foreign.
For example, components that are
considered foreign are Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and others.

Now, based on the principle of Indonesian unity, this version of Pancasila is based on a greater respect for
differences and diversity.

4. The Fourth Precept of Pancasila

The fourth precept of Pancasila is considered superior to the popular understanding promoted by socialism
and fascism.
In Soekarno’s speech at the BPUPKI meeting on June 1, 1945, he said that “The
basis is the basis for deliberation, the basis for representation, the basis for deliberation.
if the collective is rich But we are the founders

So it is clear that the populist principles of Pancasila are superior to the universalist principles of socialism
Socialism and Marxism which respect “social solidarity” with a focus on class struggle and antagonism.

5. The Fifth Precept of Pancasila

The Fifth Precept of Pancasila has implications for the concept of social welfare and economic democracy.
This, of course, goes beyond the free market concept promoted by libertarian capitalism, especially
in its new form, neoliberalism.

According to Sri Edi Swasono, Indonesia’s economic system is centered on ideas that are always associated
with the fifth precept of Pancasila.
Therefore, its economic activities will use the principle
of equity for the welfare of society, not only for individual welfare.
This is also seen in the
cooperative concept.

Factors Causing the Disclosure of Pancasila

Sinaumed’s must have thought, why does Indonesia adhere to Pancasila as an open ideology? Of
course, various factors favored this evolution.
This driving factor came from the Indonesians
themselves and some from outside.
So, here are some factors that explain why Pancasila is
considered an open ideology and is well accepted by the people of Indonesia.

1. Dynamics of a Rapidly Developing Society

The global community will always grow rapidly, both in terms of information technology and culture.
Therefore, the changes or dynamics of Indonesian society will also develop rapidly.
Therefore, it is hoped that this dynamic ideology of Pancasila can open up and accept goodness from
outside and release deviations from the noble values ​​of Pancasila.

2. Closed Ideology Is Incompatible
with Indonesian Ideology

Basically closed ideology has never been in accordance with Indonesian ideology, especially the noble
values ​​of Pancasila which are recognized as the way of life of this nation.
In fact, many
countries in the world that adhere to a closed-minded system have even gone through a recession until they

3. Raise Awareness of the
Enduring Values ​​of Pancasila

Because Indonesia has made Pancasila an open ideology, the next generation must realize that the existence
of Pancasila values ​​is eternal.
. However, Pancasila values ​​can be adapted to
current developments, as long as they do not take negative externalities.
By being open to
outside influences, he will reinforce the perception that Pancasila values ​​are truly timeless.

The Open Ideology Dimension

Pancasila can be an open-minded ideology because it is rooted in politics and the Indonesian people’s
philosophy of life.
In addition, Pancasila can also adapt to the dynamic development of the
This makes Pancasila an open ideology that reflects the reality that lives, grows and is
internalized by the people.

Meanwhile, there are three dimensions of open ideology, namely the dimension of reality, the dimension of
flexibility, and the dimension of idealism.
The dimension of reality itself is an ideology that
is able to reflect the reality of life that develops and is inhabited by society.
While the
dimension of flexibility is flexibility including current and future challenges.

The dimension of idealism is openness to accept a better age according to idealistic values.
In other words, the ideology of openness will move and develop through the manifestations and
experiences of everyday life.