6 Banten Traditional Weapons That Become Indonesian Cultural Heritage

Banten Traditional Weapons – Banten Province has a culture that is still beautiful today. Sinaumed’s may be no stranger to the Baduy tribe in Banten, which is an indigenous tribe that still carries out all its activities based on cultural values. The Baduy tribe shows that the Banten region does have noble cultural values ​​that we need to preserve.

One of them is the traditional Banten weapon which has history and cultural values ​​to this day. although not all Banten people are like the Baduy tribe who live in the middle of the forest and are far from modern life as we live now. But Banten has a long cultural history, including in terms of traditional weapons.

There are several types of traditional Banten weapons which are Indonesian cultural heritage that we need to preserve, because maybe some types are hard to find in our daily activities. For more details about the types of traditional Banten weapons, here is an explanation:

Get to know Banten Traditional Weapons

In every area visited by domestic and foreign tourists, tourists are very surprised to see a culture that is different from the culture of each region. As a foreign tourist, you will be amazed by Indonesian culture in every area you visit, from traditional dances, traditional clothing to traditional weapons.

The presence of these heroes in Banten is inseparable from Banten’s traditional weapons. Weapons are an element of human culture, and their age parallels the emergence of human civilization. Traditional weapons can also be seen as cultural products that shaped the progress of metallurgical science and technology among the people of the archipelago in the past.

Traditionally shaped weapons were developed in to meet human needs. Traditional people use weapons to protect themselves from enemy attacks. Guns, on the other hand, are also used for breeding and hunting animals to meet food needs. Traditional weapons are dominated by men.

This is inseparable from the social culture that is attached to the understanding of fathers and the depiction of male leaders. That’s why guns seem to be a must for men. For example, in Banten culture, the machete is considered a symbol of male strength, which is symbolized by weapons of war or fighting.

The same thing can be seen in the culture of people in other regions in Indonesia. Like the famous weapon Parang which has become a traditional Banten weapon. Of course there are various types of traditional weapons brought by warriors in Banten Province. What are the traditional Banten weapons besides the machete? Here is the complete list:

6 Banten Traditional Weapons That Become Cultural Heritage

In practice, traditional weapons in all regions of Indonesia have different characteristics as well as their own history and cultural values. However, there are several types of traditional weapons that may seem almost the same at first glance, it’s just that there are some striking differences in culture and function.

So, after understanding at a glance about getting to know Banten’s culture and traditional weapons above, here is a summary of the list of types of Banten traditional weapons that are Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

1. Banten machete

The Banten Golok is one of the historic weapons as a symbol of civilization during the Banten Kingdom. In the past, this machete was used as a defense against enemies and those who wanted to threaten their safety. This Bantenese machete was brought by the Champion to protect himself from enemy attacks and as a symbol of honor and status as a warrior or hero.

Golok can be interpreted in the Indonesian dictionary as a sign of a sibling or a dagger. For this type of object, the Banten area is known by the two names of the machete and the badog. Physically the two objects are the same, but both have different functions. Several types of Banten machetes can be sold at very high prices.

At this point, many use the machete to increase courage, strength, knowledge of kanuragan, authority, and guardians, as well as speed up the absorption of knowledge. Banten has several types of machetes, including the popular Ciomas Golok. This type of machete is well known not only in Indonesia but also abroad.

Just like a machete that is never separated from the name Banten. This machete made by Ciomas is called the Banten Golok. When Sinaumed’s thinks of Banten, the Banten machete and Ciomas machete come to mind. The history of the development of the Banten Kingdom is closely related to the founding of the Ciomas Golok. This machete is a type of weapon that has been widely used in the past, including against invaders.

2. Bedog

The bedog weapon is a type of traditional weapon with a wider blade and slightly curved tip. This Banten traditional weapon is usually used to cut down trees and bamboo. Bedog can also be used in the kitchen to break coconut shells and slaughter chickens and goats. Therefore, weapons are rarely used to repel enemy attacks.

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This traditional bedog weapon has an iron or mixed steel blade and a wooden handle. The Bedog weapon is also equipped with a sheath which ensures the sharpness of the blade. Its size is quite large and its weight does not make it difficult to carry it, both for kitchen needs and for war purposes. When Bedog was used to attack company soldiers, it usually came from the Ciomas area.

Some say the Parang and Bedog are the same weapon, even though they are very different. The word Bedog itself is a synonym for a large knife that is used to facilitate human daily life, such as cleaning the yard. While machete weapons are used in warfare. Apart from the function, the structure of the weapon is also different.

The bedog is sturdier with the thickness of the material because it is for cutting purposes, while the machete is lighter but sharper because it functions as a weapon of war. Although at first glance they may look almost identical, machetes and bedogs are different traditional weapons.

3. Ciomas Banten machete

Known as the Ciomas Golok, this traditional Banten weapon is a historic weapon in the Banten region. This Ciomas machete is no different from an ordinary machete and is also used as a hidden weapon for self-defense. The Ciomas Parang is said to have a mysterious value like the Keris weapon. Many believe that Ciomas’s machete or machete is very effective for attacking enemies.

However, the term “capture” does not mean that machetes are used to physically injure the enemy. Or, you might be able to “defeat” an enemy without pulling out a machete. In the old colonial era, this machete was very famous as a weapon that was used as a tool of war by the Banten champions against the colonialists.

The name “Glok Ciomas” for this traditional weapon comes from an area called “Ciomas”. This area is one of the famous places for making machetes, including in Golok Ciomas. Banten people call this machete as “bedog”. However, there are some differences in that the regular bedog serves as part of the kit.

These bedogs are sometimes referred to as “Bedog Ciomas” to distinguish them as equipment or weapons. This specifically refers directly to weapons. Banten’s traditional weapon called Golok Ciomas has a special feature in the manufacturing process. We also have to be able to follow the unwritten rules that have been passed down from generation to generation during the Sultanate of Banten.

This can provide its own value for the Ciomas Golok. This machete weapon will only be produced in the month of Maulud, the month the Prophet Muhammad was born. As we already know, the majority of tribes in Banten embrace Islam. Of course, the birth month of the Prophet Muhammad SAW has its own meaning. Even more special, you need to do some special rituals to make this Ciomas machete.

Unlike the production of other machetes. It’s the same as forging Ciomas machete iron using only a hammer or a special place called Ki Denok. Palu or what is commonly called Ki Denok is one of the relics of the Islamic Kingdom of Banten. The sledgehammer was a gift from the Sultan of Banten. Due to the very strict rules for making this machete, the Ciomas machete is one of the most artistic of the machetes.

Another function of the Ciomas Golok is the balance of forms. It is considered superior to other weapons. Not everyone has this Ciomas machete weapon, because the making of this machete is not arbitrary, only certain people are allowed to have this special weapon, and of course they can do evil.

Today, the artisans who produce the Ciomas Golok may be a memory for domestic and foreign tourists. The Ciomas area is very popular as a machine location. Therefore, the world’s largest mast has been produced at Sysmount. This large weapon is called Golok Nyi Gede, and the name Golok refers to the name Nyai Kawunganten or Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin.

This type of machete weighs about 1,500 kilograms, about 250 kilograms of wood weighs, and the rest is about 250 kilograms. In case you were wondering, this huge machete weighs 2 tonnes. The length of this large machete is 5 meters and the handle is 1.7 meters long, and the frame or scabbard is about 5.6 meters long. The purpose of this large machete is the pride of the Banten people regarding the cultural heritage of Banten’s ancestral heritage. So from being a symbol of the family.

4. Congkrang Or Sickle Banten

The Congkrang weapon is a traditional weapon in the form of a curved blade and is also known as the Banten Sickle. Like the Bedog weapon, the Congkrang is generally used to help Banten people in their daily lives. For example, farmers take Congkrang to the field and clean grass and trim weeds.

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The breeders also have Congkrang to collect grass and leaves, because it is for their cows and goats. This traditional weapon is usually used around the world when kept at home, and kept in the kitchen. Sickles are usually hidden under the mattress or under the bed. The most important point is that this weapon is absolutely not for children to play with.

Even though it is included in the type of weapon, this Congkrang or Sickle is not used in battle when there are enemies. The champions from Banten often used machetes to fight the cruelty of the VOC soldiers. Congkrang is still produced today in Banten. But the thing that is very disappointing is that there are always bad people who take it and turn it into a tool to steal bags and other acts of robbery.

5. Sulangkar machete

The Sulangkar machete is one of the original traditional weapons inherited from the culture of the people of Banten. Usually the people of Banten use this Sulangkar Golok by giving poison to the part of the machete, such as poison from caterpillars, scorpions, or buduk frogs. That is why the effects of this weapon attack are so fatal. The Sulangkar machete consists of several iron options.

Such as black plate iron material, using Steel and other steel materials used for iron filings. In ancient times, the Banten people used this Sulangkar machete to poison their swords in order to paralyze their enemies. The scrap metal used must also contain carefully selected iron.

This includes scrap metal used by ancient people who were known to be strong and very sturdy even though the material was scrap iron. The people of Banten are said to believe that this ancient iron contains many powerful mysterious elements. This old iron is believed by the people of Banten, including supernatural powers. The method for making the Sulangkar Machete Weapon is very complicated.

So that the iron components are assembled by burning and then forged into iron plates or formed according to the desired size. After being molded into a machete, it is then refined into a ready-to-use machete. The handle of the Sulangkar Machete is made of wood and is made of buffalo horn. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of each individual.

6. Machete

The machete weapon is a traditional Banten weapon whose blade is longer than the machete. At the end of the war, people used this weapon to break bamboo. In ancient times, traditional houses were built from bamboo, so a sharp machete was needed before looking for bamboo slats. Like the Koran, this weapon is used every day.

The best way to clean a machete is to wash it thoroughly after using it in the garden. However, don’t immediately put it in the container after it’s exposed to water. First, dry the machete with a clean cloth so it doesn’t rust. This weapon is relatively more frequently used than the machete, so the tip of the machete is sharpened regularly to prevent blunting.

Banten has a variety of weapons and has become famous as a village master. The sharpness of machetes and other weapons does not make those who have them arrogant. This weapon is actually made to protect against enemy attacks. At the same time, when Indonesia was still colonized by the Dutch, these traditional weapons became tools of war.

Traditional Banten weapons such as machetes and bedogs still exist today because they are used to slaughter sacrificial animals, cut meat, and break coconuts. The machete itself is stronger and sharper than an ordinary kitchen knife. There are also machetes for souvenirs for foreign guests visiting the Banten area. That is why this weapon is also very attached to Banten culture.

So, that’s an explanation of Banten’s traditional weapons based on their history, function, and cultural values. Is there a type of weapon that Garemds recognizes? Exactly, Banten culture shows the beauty of Indonesian culture which we really need to protect.

Apart from traditional Banten weapons, if Sinaumed’s is interested in learning more about other Banten culture, you can get related books at www.sinaumedia.com . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia will always provide the best products so you can have #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Lala