5 Ways to Become a Good Presentation Moderator and Their Tips!

How to Become a Presentation Moderator – Presentation is not a strange activity for all of us, especially if you are already in high school, college, or even already working. In high school, aka high school or the world of work, we often make presentations in front of friends or co-workers, even superiors.

For some people, presentation is not something that is difficult to do. Especially if you are used to it, and understand all the material. Presentation is easy! However, not everyone can do that.

Out there, there are lots of people who hate presentations, even if they’ve done it many times before. Yes, people’s names are different. There are those who are confident performing in front of many people, but there are also those who prefer to work in a corner alone.

Apart from personality, one of the reasons why many people never get used to giving presentations and speaking in front of many people is because of a feeling of nervousness that cannot be overcome. Well, it’s normal to feel nervous when speaking in front of many people. Especially if you don’t know them well. However, that does not mean this nervous feeling can be left alone.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to become a presentation moderator. Here are 5 tips for overcoming nervousness and how to become a good presentation moderator. Check out this article until it’s finished.

7 Tips for Overcoming Nervousness that You Must Follow

Overcoming the feeling of nervousness that arises when speaking in front of many people is not an easy thing to do. However, you can’t let yourself be overcome by nervous feelings every time you give a presentation. After all, presentation is an important part of our career.

The better the presentation we do, the better the boss’s view of us will be. For those of you who are often nervous during presentations, here are 7 tips to overcome nervousness that you must try!

1. Keep Positive Thinking

Our thoughts not only affect our mood, but also greatly influence what we will do everyday. If your thoughts are positive, then whatever we do is likely to go well. Different story, if your thoughts are negative, everything we do can fall apart.

Likewise when you give a presentation, we must keep thinking positively. Avoid overthinking let alone to feel depressed. Take a deep breath, just believe in yourself and do your best, then everything will be fine!

2. Know Who Will Be Your Audience

It’s called a presentation, it’s impossible to do it in an empty room. Just like speeches, presentations are also done in front of many people. To ensure the presentation runs smoothly, you must first identify who the audience is or the people who will listen to your presentation later.

Why is this important? This is because by knowing who the audience is, you can find out what kind of presentation style they expect. For example, you excel in front of classmates and lecturers, so your speaking style doesn’t need to be too formal and take your presentation too seriously.

Occasionally, don’t forget to throw a joke. This is because students usually get bored easily, so presentations that are too serious will make them lose interest.

It’s a different story if you excel in front of your boss and co-workers for an important project. For this one presentation, you obviously have to be serious and speak as convincingly as possible. Avoid joking because it will only make your presentation messy and lose focus.

3. Master the Material You Will Present

Most people, especially students will usually only present what they see, or in other words read the material that appears on the slide. In fact, in a proper presentation, the slides that appear only contain summary points. To make the audience understand, it is you who must explain in detail every point on the slide.

For that, before the presentation is done, you should make sure you have mastered all the material that you and your group members will present that day. Remember, all material, not just your material. Moreover, if you act as a moderator in the presentation later.

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One way to be a good presentation moderator is to master the material. Apart from making you more confident, mastering the entire presentation material will also enable you to answer various questions that arise during the question and answer session.

4. Practice, practice, practice

Well, this is also the mistake of many people who are going to do presentations. In addition to mastering the material that you will discuss, you also have to practice it. You can train yourself for presentations in various ways. You can practice speaking in front of a mirror, or practice presenting in front of your group of friends.

By practicing, not only can increase self-confidence. More than that, from practicing speaking in front of mirrors or friends, you will also know where your strengths and weaknesses lie. That way, you can first fix existing deficiencies and increase the strengths you have.

5. Make Eye Contact

When we start a presentation, we can start by looking at everyone present. After the presentation starts, you can only focus on a few people that you think are important. For example, when you are presenting in front of a large number of classmates and lecturers, you can only focus on the lecturers and the people sitting in the front row.

Likewise, if you are giving a presentation in front of important colleagues, bosses, and clients, then the client and the boss are the two people you should focus on, because they are the ones you have to convince. This rule also applies when the question and answer session begins. When giving answers, you can give answers while making regular eye contact with the person asking.

By making eye contact, you can easily convince others, as well as make yourself more focused. After all, believe me, focusing on one or two people will be much easier than you having to share your focus with everyone.

6. Think of Mistakes That Might Happen

Thinking about mistakes that might occur is an important thing you have to do before a presentation. But you also have to know the limits! Remember, you are doing this in anticipation of how to fix the error.

But as much as possible avoid thinking too seriously let alone negative thoughts. Stay positive so you don’t lose the confidence and focus that you have built so hard.

7. Get used to speaking in front of many people

There is a sentence that says that you can get used to it. People are good at public speaking mostly because they are used to doing it. Because they often present and appear in public, after a while they become experts and know how to control the audience.

On the other hand, those who are shy and nervous are usually not used to it. So, if until now you are often nervous, it could be because you rarely appear in front of many people. After the presentation is over, try to get in the habit of showing up more often.

Appearing here does not mean you have to present, for example being active in various organizations or diligently voicing opinions when in class and important meetings. With little things like that, you will get used to facing stares and speaking in front of many people.

5 Things You Must Prepare Before Your Presentation

Apart from preparing yourself so you don’t get nervous during presentations, there are a number of other things that you must prepare so that the presentation can go well. Anything?

Determine the Presentation Topic to be Covered

It’s called a presentation, you obviously have to know what you’re going to talk about later. So that the discussion doesn’t go anywhere, you need a topic to discuss in front of the people who will listen to your presentation later.

To make a presentation run smoothly, it’s a good idea if you present a topic that relates or relates to the audience. Deciding on a presentation topic is actually quite easy because the topics discussed are limited or have already been determined, so you only need to find, study, and master as much material as possible.

Do Research About Audience Comprehension Levels

Not only do you know who will be listening to the presentation, you also have to know their level of understanding of the topic that you will present during the presentation. By knowing it, you will at least know what material will be delivered.

For example, if the audience tends to have a low level of understanding or are unfamiliar with the topic, then you can start with light discussion and convey it in language that is easier to understand. Meanwhile, if the listener understands the topic well enough, then you can present the material with a more detailed and in-depth discussion.

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Create Presentation Slides

You already know the topic that will be presented, as well as the level of understanding of the audience, now it’s your turn to make a presentation slide complete with an outline . As much as possible, make a structured outline and short and concise contents of the slides. Avoid writing all the material on the slide because it will confuse you and your audience.

After all, presentation slides must be kept short, because their function is only to guide you to stay on topic. As for the details, it will be your job to explain it to the audience.

Presentation Slide Design

Apart from the material, presentation design is also very important. The presentation slides themselves can actually be adjusted to the conditions of the presentation later. If you are doing a presentation, then make the slide design as simple and professional as possible to convince the audience.

As for presentations in front of the class, you can make creative slide designs. Being creative here doesn’t mean the slide design has to be busy, OK! Being creative here means making the design as attractive as possible but not overdoing it so that the audience stays focused on the explanation that you will present later.

5 Ways to Become a Good Presentation Moderator

Presentation will not be complete without the presence of a moderator. This moderator will lead and ensure that the presentation goes well. For those of you who get the task of being a moderator, here are 5 ways to be a good presentation moderator!

1. Appear with Confidence

Compared to other team members, the moderator is the one who appears and speaks in front of many people the most. They will be the first to open the presentation, direct the course of the presentation, to provide conclusions and closing sentences.

Because of that job, the moderator obviously has to have high self-confidence. Imagine, if a moderator is still nervous and shaking while speaking, the presentation that has been prepared might go awry.

If that’s the case, it’s not only the audience that feels disappointed, but also the group members presenting the material. After all, they had prepared these materials long ago. It’s not fair if their hard work is spoiled by moderators who can’t control their nerves.

2. Master the material well

Even though moderators don’t always have the task of conveying one of the contents of the presentation material, they still have to master the entire material well. The goal, of course, is to ensure that the presentation runs smoothly. Another reason is, when a speaker has problems conveying his material, the moderator can help explain it to the audience.

3. Learn how to bridging

Bridging is transferring one session to the next. At first glance, this task looks easy. However, what we see is actually not always as easy as we imagine so far. A good moderator should be able to bridging smoothly.

For that, they have to be able to relate one material to another without making it sound strange to the audience, and that’s definitely not an easy task to do.

4. Listen and focus on the material presented

Again, the moderator does not have the duty to deliver the material. But that doesn’t mean they can lose focus and let their minds wander everywhere. However, they must stay focused and listen to what will be conveyed.

This was done so he could prepare engaging responses and seamless bridging from one session to the next. After all, what happens if a moderator is more silent and daydreaming during a presentation?

5. Build an Atmosphere to Make the Presentation More Enjoyable

A presentation will not be complete without a question and answer session. Apart from providing an opportunity for the audience to speak, this session will also make the presentation atmosphere more lively and enjoyable.

It is the moderator’s job to create a pleasant atmosphere. In this session, the moderator must be able to create an atmosphere that is both proactive and enthusiastic. This atmosphere is important to encourage the audience to be more active in the question and answer session.

But on the other hand, the moderator must also be able to keep the atmosphere conducive. Because sometimes, the audience is too excited so that the question and answer session turns into a debate. To avoid unnecessary coachman debate, the moderator must be able to control the atmosphere.

Apart from creating a pleasant atmosphere, another task for the moderator is to discuss the material summary plus the closing sentence. Now, so that the summary you are saying is connected with the main material, you have to really study the presentation material well.

For Sinaumed’s who want to learn all about how to make presentations or become a presentation moderator, you can visit sinaumedia.com . As #FriendsWithoutLimits , we always try to provide the best and newest products for Sinaumed’s, so that you have #MoreWithReading information .

Author: Siti Marliah

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