16 Impacts of Climate Change on Earth to Watch Out For

Impact of Climate Change – Climate is an average weather condition. Weather is a state of the atmosphere at a certain time. Climate can also be interpreted as the average size and variability of the relevant quantity of a particular variable.

For example, such as temperature, rainfall and wind in a certain period, whether it’s within a span of months or years or even millions of years. Please note that the climate can change continuously.

This is none other than due to interactions between its components and external factors such as volcanic eruptions, variations in sunlight and factors caused by human activities such as changes in land use and also the use of fossil fuels.

Climate Change Impacts

As previously explained, climate can change, where climate change can be interpreted as a condition of significant changes in climate, air temperature and rainfall within a certain period of time, such as months or years or millions of years.

The impact of climate change can also be felt in various ways. Starting from the environment, health to the economic side.

There are several impacts of climate change that could occur. This point will explain in more detail related to some of the impacts of climate change.

1. There is an increase in Earth’s temperature

One of the impacts of climate change is an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases. If this condition occurs continuously, the temperature on the earth’s surface will also increase.

Based on data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) it is stated that in 2021, the earth’s temperature will increase by 0.86°C compared to the annual average temperature that occurred in the period between 1951 and 1980.

In addition, NASA also explained that in the last 10 years, the earth’s surface temperature had increased by 1.02°C in the period 2016 to 2020. NASA also stated that these conditions were caused by human activities which were able to increase the population of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. other glass toward the Earth’s atmosphere.

When global warming occurs it can cause several problems to the environment. Starting from rising sea levels, forest fires to the changing patterns of animal migration.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) explains that global warming can be an example of climate change which can increase the risk of drought, changes in rain patterns and increase the intensity of extreme weather.

2. The occurrence of a Destructive Storm

The next impact of climate change is the presence of stronger destructive storms in conditions that occur more frequently in some areas. As the temperature increases, it will cause more water temperature conditions to evaporate.

This condition will cause more extreme rainfall and also flooding. This is what will cause a destructive storm conditions. In addition, the frequency and extent of tropical storms can also be affected by an increase in ocean temperatures.

Starting from cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons which are known to be stronger than warmer sea levels. Not infrequently these storms can also destroy settlements to cause death.

3. Increased Drought

The occurrence of climate change can also cause a condition of changes in water availability so that it can trigger drought conditions in various regions. Global warming can also lead to worse drought conditions in some areas which are already experiencing water shortages.

In addition, drought can also cause losses in several sectors, especially in the agricultural sector. This is none other than because the field of success in agriculture is influenced by the availability of water.

In addition, water drought can trigger sand and dust storms that can move billions of tons of sand to various parts of the world.

4. Ocean Volume and Temperature Increase

The next impact of climate change is an increase in sea volume and temperature. Counted in recent years, the temperature of sea water has increased more rapidly until it reaches the entire depth of the sea water.

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When the condition of sea water temperature increases, the volume of sea water will also increase. This is due to the expansion conditions. In addition, there is an increase in the volume of sea water due to the melting of the ice sheet.

When the volume of sea water increases, it can threaten communities in coastal areas and islands. Not only that, because the ocean will also absorb carbon dioxide. When climate change occurs, carbon dioxide emissions will also increase.

It should also be noted that if more carbon dioxide is absorbed by seawater, the life of marine life and coral reefs will also be threatened.

5. Causing the existence of several species to become extinct

Climate change can also cause some species to become extinct. For example, when climate change occurs, such as extreme weather, it will cause some species to become endangered. This is also because many species whose existence is not able to adapt to the changes in the environment that occur.

6. Disturbing the Food Supply Process

Besides being able to make some species become extinct. Climate change can also disrupt the food supply. Starting from the fisheries, agriculture to livestock sectors will be disrupted by the climate change that is happening. Where when the activities of the sector become less productive, then the supply process will also be disrupted.

7. Increase Health Risks

The occurrence of climate change can also cause health risks to humans. The impact of climate change is caused by air pollution, extreme weather changes and others.

In addition, long dry spells caused by climate change can also trigger bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites to develop more rapidly. Where these microorganisms can develop quickly when there is high humidity in the dry season. This condition can also cause many people to become more susceptible to diseases that have to do with bacteria and the air, such as skin diseases.

Not only that, because the long dry season can also cause an increase in forest fires. When this condition occurs, the air quality will worsen so that it can trigger infections in the human respiratory tract.

Climate change can also cause the emergence of various diseases. For example, such as malaria and dengue fever. Where this disease will usually appear more easily in flood conditions. When floods hit, the environment will also become dirty and dirty, making it easier to cause some of these diseases.

8. Decreased Quality of Clean Water

Too much rainfall that occurs due to climate change has also resulted in a decrease in the quality of clean water sources. Not only that, because the increase in temperature can also cause chlorine levels in clean water.

9. The quantity of water is reduced

The existence of global warming can also cause the amount of water in the atmosphere to increase. This also has an impact on increasing rainfall. Although in fact the increase in rainfall can also increase the source of clean water.

However, rainfall that is too high can result in conditions that allow the water to return to the sea at a higher rate without having time to store it as a source of clean water for human use.

10. Habitat Change

Starting from warming temperatures, rising sea levels to the occurrence of floods and storms are the impacts of climate change. Some of these impacts can cause major changes to the habitat as a natural home for various species such as animals, plants and various other organisms.

11. Decrease in the Quantity and Quality of Forests

Forest fires are one of the impacts that occur due to climate change. The existence of forests can also be used as the lungs of the earth that produce oxygen or O2. In addition, forests can also help greenhouse gases which are one of the causes of global warming.

12. Increase in Greenhouse Gases Due to Deforestation

Trees in forest areas that start to die due to changes in forest use or because they dry up on their own caused by increasing temperatures in climate change will be able to cause the release of carbon dioxide. In addition, the death of every existing tree can also cause a reduction in the absorption of carbon dioxide. That means, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases will increase more drastically.

13. There are cases of skin cancer, cataracts and decreased immune system

Ozone depletion can also cause an increase in the intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth’s surface. This condition will cause skin cancer, cataracts and also a decrease in the human immune system. Of course, when the immune system decreases, humans will be more susceptible to disease. Humans will be more susceptible to several diseases such as asthma, allergies, cardiovascular disease, heart disease and stroke.

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14. Agricultural Area and Productivity Has Decreased

Previously it was also explained that climate change also affects the agricultural sector where when the temperature is too hot it will cause reduced water availability and natural disasters that can trigger damage to agricultural land.

Temperatures that are too hot and also reduced availability of water will also more easily hamper agricultural productivity. This climate change can also cause changes in planting and harvesting periods. In addition, climate change also has an impact on increasing the emergence of pests and disease outbreaks in plants which were previously rare.

15. Some Coastal Areas Will Sink

An increase in sea level can also cause a shift in land boundaries in coastal areas which can then cause the sinking of coastal areas and settlements in the area.

16. The Sinking of a Small Island

The increase in the earth’s temperature will cause the melting of ice on the earth’s polar lands. These conditions can lead to an increase in sea level which can submerge small islands.

Factors Affecting Climate Change

There are several factors that cause climate change conditions. Some of the points below are factors that allow climate change to occur.

1. The Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse gases are one of the causes of climate change. Some gases in the Earth’s atmosphere also have a role in this. For example, the glass in a house will trap the sun’s heat which will then stop it from returning to space.

There are so many of these gases that occur naturally. Although various human activities around it can also increase its concentration in the atmosphere such as methane carbon dioxide or CO2, fluorinated gases CO2 and nitrous oxide which are also the most abundant gases produced by human activities and account for 64 percent of global warming in human terms.

2. Increased Emissions

Climate change can also be caused by an increase in existing emissions due to human activities. For example, burning oil, coal and gas can produce nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide.

In addition, Ha is also caused by deforestation or forest logging. Basically, trees can help regulate the climate, and absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Therefore, when logging occurs, any beneficial effects are lost immediately and the carbon dioxide stored in the trees in the forest area is released into the atmosphere.

This condition will cause an increase in the greenhouse effect on earth. Not only that, because the increase in emissions can also be caused by an increase in the number of farms, especially cattle and sheep farms. Both types of livestock can trigger methane production in larger quantities.

It should also be noted that nitrogen-containing fertilizers can also produce nitrous oxide. The gas will fluorinate which will then produce a stronger heating effect which is about 23,000 times greater than CO2.

3. Global Warming

The cause of climate change also comes from global warming activity. Power plants and other industrial installations can emit CO2. Currently the global average temperature can reach 0.85 degrees Celsius when compared to the end of the 19th century.

Climate scientists explain that the cause of global warming is human activity. This has been observed since the mid-20th century. Where there is an increase of 2 degrees Celsius compared to the temperature in pre-industrial times which is also considered by scientists as a threshold.

Furthermore, it was found that there is a much higher risk that catastrophic changes to the global environment are likely to occur. Therefore, many countries explain and instill in their citizens how important it is to keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius.

4. There is a change in the Earth’s orbit

Climate change can also be caused by changes in the earth’s orbit. In the last 800,000 years there has been an earth cycle in Earth’s climate between ice ages and warmer interglacial periods.

After the ice age ended 20,000 years ago, global temperatures then rose by an average of about 3 to 8 degrees Celsius in the last 10,000 years. In addition, the researchers also linked the increase in temperature in the last 200 years to an increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Current levels of greenhouse gases are well above the natural cycle of the last 800,000 years or so.

Where the earth’s orbit around the sun is an elliptical circle. But sometimes it is also nearly circular, in that the earth is roughly the same distance from the sun as it moves around its orbit.

At other times the ellipse is more prominent, allowing the earth to move closer and farther from the sun as it orbits. When the earth is closer to the sun, the climate will become warmer.

So, that’s a summary of the impacts of climate change and several factors that cause climate change to occur.

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