15 Yoga Moves for Beginners, Must Try!

15 Yoga Moves for Beginners, Must Try! – Who doesn’t know yoga? Although considered an ancient practice, yoga has become a popular practice in recent years. Everyone from top celebrities to your co-workers practice yoga.

Practicing yoga has great health benefits for body flexibility and balance. In addition, several studies have shown that practicing yoga can help you fight anxiety, depression and stress.

Yoga is a sport that seems light, but is actually very hard to do. Why? Because the practice of yoga tests endurance, mental endurance, and extraordinary patience.

For those of you who want to get strong stamina and try to learn to be patient, yoga is perfect for you. In Indonesia, yoga classes are available in various fitness centers, ranging from light to heavy yoga classes.

If explored more deeply, yoga is an ancient spiritual symbol that originated in India and has existed since 5,000 years ago. The sport, which has been booming in recent years, was introduced by the Hindu philosopher Maharashi Patanjali in the book Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Yoga is the art of exercising the body, mind and deep breathing in the form of continuous, dynamic and flowing movements . Yoga is also often referred to as exercise with light breathing and meditation.

Yoga is commonly known as light meditation because the attitudes and movements are very simple, like people who are meditating. Sitting cross-legged in the middle of silence while closing your eyes for a few minutes is an example of meditation practiced in yoga. When doing yoga, the mind will only focus on breathing.

When the work from home policy makes your exercise schedule messy, yoga can be the solution. For Sinaumed’s who don’t have experience and are interested in doing it, you can try some yoga moves for beginners.

The names of yoga movements that come from Sanskrit may sound like chanting a mantra. However, behind all that there are a myriad of benefits that you can get.

Yoga should indeed be accompanied by a professional instructor who can correct wrong movements and prevent unwanted injuries. However, Sinaumed’s can try some basic movements or poses that are relatively simple at home independently, you know.

Curious to get to know yoga movements? Come on, see this article to the end.

15 Yoga Moves for Beginners

1. Mountain Pose

Illustration of Mountain Pose (source: greatist.com)

In Sanskrit, this movement is called Tadasana. How to do it? Sinaumed’s can start standing with feet hip-width apart, hold your breath for five to eight seconds, then exhale slowly, and maintain this pose. The advantage that you can get through this movement is relaxation and regulating breathing.

2. Chair Pose

Illustration of Chair Pose (source: greatist.com)

The chair pose movement in Sanskrit is called Utkatasana. How to do it? Begin in mountain pose, inhale, raise your arms, extend your fingers, and reach through your fingertips.

On an exhale, sit back and down as if you were actually sitting in a chair. The benefits of chair pose are that it strengthens your legs, upper back, and shoulders.

As a bonus, you will have the opportunity to practice patience in practicing this movement. Do the movement like the picture above.

3. Down Dog on a Chair

Illustration of Down Dog on a Chair (source: greatist.com)

In Sanskrit, the down dog on a chair movement is known as Uttana shishosana. Sinaumed’s can do this by placing your hands on the back of a chair and making sure that your palms are shoulder-distance apart.

Step your feet back, align them under your hips, and make a right angle with your body. This movement can help you stretch your thighs and open your shoulders.

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4. Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog illustration (source: greatist.com)

Downward-facing dog or in Sanskrit Adho Mukha Svanasana is a classic pose that can create a calming effect, stretch the lower thighs, and flex the body. You can start on all fours and move your hands 6 inches forward.

Tuck your toes and lift your hips up and back to stretch your spine. Spread your fingers wide, press your hands together, and rotate your arms so that your biceps are facing each other. Maintain the movement for about 20-30 seconds for each session.

5. Warrior II

Warior II illustration (source: greatist.com)

Warior II movement or in Sanskrit it is called Virabhadrasana II can be done with wide feet and slide the right heel outward so that the toes point slightly inward. Turn your left foot about 90 degrees and align your left heel with the arch of your right foot.

Bend your left knee to a 90 degree angle, then keep your knee in line with your second toe to protect the knee joint. This pose can be held for 30 seconds before switching sides.

Warrior II pose can help calm your mind. Apart from that, this pose also strengthens your feet and ankles while increasing your stamina.

6. Triangle Pose

Illustration of Triangle Pose (source: greatist.com)

This one movement in Sanskrit is called Trikonasana. Sinaumed’s can start standing with his feet wide and sliding his right heel out so his toes point inward.

Then turn your left foot to a 90 degree angle and align your left heel with the arch of your right foot. You need to keep your legs straight and raise your arms into a T to shoulder height.

Lower the front arm to the shin and mat, then raise the back arm toward the ceiling. After that, direct your gaze to the mat floor or up to the raised hand.

Do this yoga movement slowly and hold for about 20 seconds before changing directions. This pose is often a challenge for those of you who have tight muscles. Triangle pose is useful for helping to improve balance, stretch the hamstrings, and stretch the inner thighs.

7. Bridge Pose

Illustration of Bridge Pose (source: greatist.com)

In Sanskrit, the bridge pose is known as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. This movement starts with a lying position, bend your knees, and put your feet flat on the floor mat.

Keep your feet hip-width apart and your heels stacked under your knees. On an inhale, press your feet against the floor and lift your hips off the floor toward the sky.

Maintain this movement for one minute. This movement can help you calm your mind, reduce anxiety, and help the digestive process.

8. Bound Ankle Pose

Illustration of Bound Ankle Pose (source: greatist.com)

Bound ankle pose or in Sanskrit it is called Baddha Konasana is a great stretch for the inner thighs and groin. In addition, the movement of the bound arch pose can create a calming and cooling effect.

You can start this movement by sitting on the floor, bending your knees, and opening your knees to the sides like a book. Do the movement like the picture above.

9. Seated Forward Fold

Illustration of Seated Forward Fold (source: greatist.com)

One of the main goals of yoga is to stretch the body. This movement can help you achieve that goal.

Paschimottanasana or seated forward fold is a yoga movement that can help you stretch your hamstrings and lengthen your spine. This movement can be started in a sitting position and straighten your legs forward.

Grab the outer edges of your feet and turn your face as if you want to kiss your knees. Slowly your back will stretch and be able to touch the front of your feet. Maintain the seated forward fold position for one minute to get maximum results.

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10. Corpse Pose

Illustration of Corpse Pose (source: greatist.com)

Corpse pose or in Sanskrit it is called Savasana only needs to be done lying on your back without any muscles working. Even though the muscles are not working, this movement can provide benefits in rejuvenating the mind and body. Arrange your breath regularly so that oxygen flows throughout the body.

11. Plank Pose

Illustration of Plank Pose (source: greatist.com)

Plank pose or Kumbhakasana is a push-up movement without pushing the body down. You can maintain this position for a minute to feel the benefits.

Begin with a downward-facing dog motion . Reach your heels behind you and place your hands on the mat floor. This movement can be a core strength that strengthens the abs and increases stability.

12. Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Illustration of Four-Limbed Staff Pose (source: greatist.com)

If you do this exercise regularly, you can strengthen your arms, wrists, and abdominal muscles. The four-limbed staff pose or Chaturanga in Sanskrit is an arm balancing exercise that can make yoga movements more challenging.

From plank pose, spread your palms across your chest and inhale. As you exhale, bend your elbows to a 90 degree angle and keep your thighs elevated. Do this movement like the picture above.

13. Upward-Facing Dog

Upward-Facing Dog illustration (source: greatist.com)

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or in English is called upward-facing dog is a useful movement to stretch the abdominal muscles, hip flexors, and improve upper body posture. Begin this movement by lying face down on the floor, bend your elbows and place your hands on the mat parallel to your lower ribs.

Position your legs straight with the tops of your feet resting on the floor. Gently press your palms and pull your navel towards your spine in order to tighten your abdominal muscles.

On an exhale, push off the floor like you are doing a push-up. Do this movement for 15-30 seconds for maximum results. Perform the movement as illustrated above.

14. Warrior I

Warior I illustration (source: greatist.com)

Virabhadrasana I or in English is called warior I is a yoga movement that plays an active role in training the muscles of the lower body. In addition, this movement is believed to improve your body’s balance and stamina.

The first step, starting in mountain pose , spread your legs about 100 cm, and raise your arms overhead with your palms facing each other. Then shift your shoulders to your back, turn your right foot 90 degrees, and turn your left leg 45 degrees to your right.

Next, bend your right knee so that it is parallel to your ankle and don’t let your head fall back. Maintain the Warrior I move for 30 seconds to a minute and switch sides.

15. Intense Side Stretches

Illustration of Intense Side Stretch (source: greatist.com)

To do intense side stretch yoga movements or in Sanskrit it is called Parsvottanasana done from the triangle pose. After that, bring your right foot back and position your body facing forward.

Try to keep your legs straight and the soles of your back feet at a 45 degree angle to the side. Then join your palms behind your back, open your chest wide, and let your shoulders do the work.

Take a breath and make sure not to hold your breath. Do an inside side stretch movement to help calm your mind. This move can also stretch your spine, shoulders, wrists, hips, and hamstrings.

Now Sinaumed’s already knows various types of yoga movements. Please try at home and feel the benefits! Have fun practicing!

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