10 Regional Songs from Medan and Their Lyrics and Meanings

Traditional songs from Medan – Hello Sinaumed’s friends, welcome and see you again. In this discussion, sinaumedia friends will discuss Indonesian Traditional Songs again, especially regional songs from Medan.

Medan city is located in the northern part of Sumatra. The coordinates are 3 degrees 35 minutes north latitude and 98 degrees 40 minutes east longitude. The city of Medan is bordered by the Malacca Strait to the north and Deli Serdang Regency to the west, east and north.

Medan Sumatra is a strategic location in the Malacca Strait shipping lane. Thus, this city becomes a gateway for domestic and international economic activities through the Malacca Strait.

Medan is also bordered by areas rich in natural resources, which determine Medan’s economic strength, and Deli Serdang Province, which strengthens mutual cooperation with the surrounding area.

In addition to its very rich natural resources, Medan also has very diverse folk songs. Like most other Indonesian folk songs, regional songs from Medan also use the regional language, namely the Batak language. The regional songs can tell about the social conditions of the Medan people or tell about their customs.

Whether due to heredity or individual ability, we all know that many Medan people or what are commonly called Batak people can sing very well, especially in high notes that ordinary singers cannot.

This is evidenced by the many top Indonesian singers who are actually Batak people, from legendary singers to the present day, from Victor Hutabarat to Judika Sihotan.

But do you know what songs are still Medan folk songs today? Which songs are also used as songs to celebrate their customs and culture? Let’s look at some collections of Medan folk songs.

Medan Regional Song

Did you know that almost all the lyrics of Medan Regional Songs or Batak Traditional Songs have a very high pitch, which is in line with the vocal abilities of most of the singers there, so don’t be surprised if it’s difficult for non-Batak people to sing Medan songs.

All right, Next. Below, please refer to the lyrics of the North Sumatra song with a brief explanation, especially for those of you who like classical music and Batak music.

1. “Sinanggar Tulo”

The next popular folk song from Medan is called Sinanggar Tulo . Who doesn’t know this song? Its popularity is no longer in doubt, both in Medan and nationally and even internationally.

Apart from that, the Sinanggar Tulo song is also often performed at traditional events, traditional ceremonies, weddings and the like, accompanied by the phenomenal Tor-Tor dance. Although the show is filled with happiness and joy, the meaning is different. In fact, the meaning of this song reflects the sadness of a man when he has to comply with his mother’s request, when the mother wants her child to have a lover who comes from the same tribe as her mother.

Lyrics of the song “Sinanggar Tulo”

Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo

Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo

Sada dua tolu
Binilang ni da pamilangi
Jong jong hami na tolu
Jumolo hami marsattabi

Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo

Mardalan motor sedan
Marsibolusan dohot lereng
Mardalan si poriban
Buriapus molo hubereng

Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo

Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo

Sahat sahat ni solu
Sai sahat ma tu botte an
Leleng hita mangolu
Sai sahat tu panggabean

Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo

Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo atulo
Sinanggar tulo tulo atulo

2. Na Donang Do Hita Nadua

The meaning of “Na Donang Do Hita Nadua” is taken from the Batak language which means “Joy for us both”. The lyrics of the song are composed by the Toba Batak tribe, one of the ethnic groups that produces the most singers in North Sumatra.

The meaning of the song ” Na Donang Do Hita Nadua” is to tell the story of a man and a woman, love is close, loyal, happy and together until old age. Although the lyrics are quite short, the meaning proves that a good and positive love relationship will definitely be happy.

Lyrics of the song “Na Donang Do Hita Nadua”

Nasonang do hita naduaSaleleng ahu rap dohot hoNang rodi na sari matuaSai tong ingoton ku doho
Hupeop sude denggani basamHuboto do tu ahu do rohamNang rodi na sari matuaSai tong ingoton ku doho
Nasonang do hita naduaSaleleng ahu rap dohot hoNang rodi na sari matuaSai tong ingoton ku doho
Hupeop sude denggani basamHuboto do tu ahu do rohamNang rodi na sari matuaSai tong ingoton ku dohoSai tong ingoton ku doho

3. Butets

The traditional song of the Butet of North Sumatra in the Batak language is “Women/Girls”. The word Butet is used as a nickname for girls who have not been given an “official” name, such as a newborn baby. Apart from that, it is also used as a common name for unknown.

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With lyrics and a slow tempo, the song Butet is not only used as a song in traditional activities but also represents the struggle for independence for the people of North Sumatra.

Lyrics of the song “Butet”

Butet,Dipangungsian do amangmu ale butetDa margurilla da mardarurat ale butetDa margurilla da mardarurat ale butet
Butet,Sotung ngolngolan ro hamuna ale butetPaima tona manang surat ale butetPaima tona manang surat ale butet
I doge doge doge i dogei doge dogeI doge doge doge i dogei doge doge
Butet,Sotung sumolsol roha muna ale butetMusunta i ikkon saut do talu ale butetMusunta i ikkon saut do talu ale butet
I doge doge doge i dogei doge dogeI doge doge doge i dogei doge doge
Butet,Haru patibu ma magodang ale butetAsa adong da palang merah ale butetDa palang merah ni negara ale butet
I doge doge doge i dogei doge dogeI doge doge doge i dogei doge doge

4. Ketabo

The traditional song from Medan hereinafter is called “Ketabo” . The meaning of the name Ketabo is: “come on or come on”. This song was created by Nahum Situmorang and comes from the city of Padang Sidempuan.

The meaning of the song Ketabo talks about an invitation or warning to listeners, or anyone, to visit their city, namely Sidempuan. This city is very famous for its juicy salak fruit.

Therefore, in the lyrics of Ketabo it is explained that when Sidempuan is experiencing salak fruit season, there will be many beautiful girls who trade here. The lyrics also suggest that visitors may visit the girls’ home to form a relationship.

Meeting the girl’s house is called “Markusip”, which in Mandarin means Making Love.

Lyrics of the song “Ketabo”

Ketabo ketabo
Ketabo dongan tu Sidempuan an
Musim ni salak sannari disi dongan
Tonggi tonggi sapot tai tabo
Musim ni salak sannari disi dongan
Tonggi tonggi sapot tai tabo
Tusi do tusi do
Ro do bujing bujing i tu pokken an
Jeges jeges sude
Jengkar jengkar dongan
Jogi jogi sude lago lago
Jeges jeges sude
Jengkar jengkar dongan
Jogi jogi sude lago lago
Ile baya didia muda manyapai ho
Ile baya tabo begeon dabo
Ketabo ketabo
Ketabo dongan tu Sidempuan an
Anso marhusip hita naro on dongan
Ketabo ketabo ketabo
Anso marhusip hita naro on dongan
Ketabo ketabo ketabo

5. Anju Ahu

The next best song for North Sumatra is called Anju Ahu , if you mean the song “Flirt with Me”, “Excuse Me” or even “Know Me”. This song is quite popular among the Batak people in remote parts of the country.

The meaning of Anju Ahu ‘s song is to tell the story of a troubled couple. Men who are currently facing difficulties hope their partners can understand and sympathize as well as comfort and pay attention to their situation.

Lyrics of Song “Anju Ahu”

Anju ahu sai anju ahu ale anggiDina muruk manang marsak rohangkiNang so hupa boa arsak nadi rohaHolongni rohangku sai hot doi
Anju ahu sai anju ahu ale anggiEngkelmi mambahen pa sonang rohangkiTung saleleng ahu di lambung miAnju ahu sai anju ahu ale anggi
Nang so hupa boa arsak nadi rohaHolongni rohangku sai hot doi
Anju ahu sai anju ahu ale anggiEngkelmi mambahen pa sonang rohangkiTung saleleng ahu di lambung miAnju ahu sai anju ahu ale anggiAnju ahu sai anju ahu ale anggi

6. Dago Host Sarge

The meaning of the name Dago Inang Sarge is “O Mother”. This song comes from the Tapanuli Regency whose creators are Nahum Situmorang and NN (No Name), although until now it is unclear who the creators are for sure and it is not yet valid.

The meaning of the song Dago Inang Sarge is actually more directed to feelings of sadness in a romantic relationship. Both partners accepted each other’s situation, but in reality their mother did not agree and gave a heartbreaking response.

Lyrics of the song “Dago Inang Sarge”

Dago Inang sarge … dago inang sarge
Dago inang sarge …
Dasongoni do ho hape …(2x)Tuginjang ninna porda
Da tutoruan pambarbaran
Tuginjang ninna roha
Patutoruhom do sibaran


Tudia ma luluan
Bonani sotul da bahen soban
Tudia ma luluan
Boru sitompul siadopan

Dago Inang sarge … dago inang sarge
Dago inang sarge …
Dasongoni do ho hape …(2x)

Habang pidong sibigo
Paihut – ihut aek sibulan
Sai luhut na tapangido
Sai tubu dilehon Tuhan

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Sahat – sahat ni solu
Sai sahatma da tu bontean
Leleng hita mangolu
Sai sahat ma tu panggabean

Dago Inang sarge … dago inang sarge
Dago inang sarge …
Dasongoni do ho hape …(2x)

7. A Sing Sing So

The next song is called A Sing Sing So. This song was first popularized by Gordon Tobing, a legendary Batak singer. Simple lyrics with relaxing music make this song suitable for all ages.

This legendary song from Medan is often sung with the choir, and it’s no wonder that it becomes number one on the international stage. The popularity of this song continues to grow despite its old age.

The meaning of the song A Sing Sing So tells the story of a boy rowing a boat on Lake Toba, where his love is filled with longing and full of hope, he dreams that his distant lover will become his soul or soul mate for life. This song sounds sad and gloomy, besides that this song has been popularized by great musicians from generation to generation.

Lyrics of the song “A Sing-Sing So”

Sing sing so 11xUeeee…Lugahon ahu da parahuUlushon ahu da alogoTu huta ni da tulang iUeeeee…Lugahon ahu da parahuUlushon ahu da alogoManang tudia pe tahoSotung manimbil roham da hasianPaima so ro si rokkap ni tondimTiur do tongtong langka ni baoaniTarsongon parbinsar ni mata ni ari da.Ueeeee… lugahon ahu da parahuUlushon ahu da alogoTu huta ni da tulang iUeeeee.lugahon ahu da parahuUlushon ahu da alogoManang tudia pe tahoUeeeee… lugahon ahu da parahuUlushon ahu da alogoTu huta na uli…

8. Sik Sik Sibatumanikam

The next lyrics are titled Sik Sik Sibatumanikam. This song is full of joy and fun. This song can also be translated in the sense of an invitation, so that people have fun in a cheerful atmosphere during the events that take place there.

Although the true meaning of this song has not been fully verified, its existence is still maintained by the Batak people as well as Indonesia.

Lyrics of the song “Sik Sik Sibatumanikam”

Wo ho wo hoSik sik sibatumanikam diparjoged sormadigottamDinamanginani sibambangkar jula-jula sibambangkar jula-jula
Wo ho wo hoSik sik sibatumanikam diparjoged sormadigottamDinamanginani sibambangkar jula-jula sibambangkar jula-jula
Habang birik birik habang birik birik sattabi diloloanonDipatakkas dipatilik dipatakkas dipatilikBohi naguraponon
Habang birik birik habang birik birik sattabi diloloanonDipatakkas dipatilik dipatakkas dipatilikBohi naguraponon
Teringat si butet di medan kenalan waktu di parapatUdara segar tambah sejuk lihat si butet selalu senyumKu remas-remas tangannya di pinggir danau tobaKu ajak foto bersama untuk kenagan di rumah
Wo ho wo ho
Sik sik sibatumanikam diparjoged sormadigottamDinamanginani sibambangkar jula-jula sibambangkar jula-jula
Sibambangkar jula-jula
Taradingdang dingdangdo taradingdang dingdangdoHoras

9. Madekdek Magambiri

The next Medan regional song is titled Madekdek Magambiri. The meaning of Madekdek Magambiri in the North Sumatran language is “The Fall of the Candlenut Fruit”. What does it mean? The meaning of the song Madekdek Magambiri is a story about how parents love and care for their children.

Apart from that, the meaning of the song Madekdek Magambiri also describes the behavior of children, of course not much different from their parents. As there is a saying “Eat the fruit is not inferior to the tree”.

Thus, this song is compared to the hazelnut falling as a child, and the tree as a parent.

Lyrics of the song “Madekdek Magambiri”

Madekdek magambiri da hasian
Sai madekdek tu alaman da hasian
Molo dung hubege soarami dahasian
Na lobian na butong mangan dahasian
Molo dung hubege soarami dahasian
Na lobian na butong mangan dahasian


Madekdek magambiri dahasian
Sai madekdek tu alaman da hasian
Molo dung hubege soarami dahasian
Dina lao modom au marnipi da hasian
Molo dung hubege soarami dahasian
Dina lao modom au marnipi da hasian

10. Lisoi

The second most popular traditional song from Medan is called Lisoi. This Tanah Batak song was re-composed by Nahum Situmorang and covered again by Seringai Band.

The meaning of the Lisoi song itself is a description of how Batak people interact, both in Medan and outside the region. Even though it shows the manners and behavior of the Batak people in association.

Lyrics of the song “Lisoi”

Dongan sapang kilalaan o parmitu
Dongan saparti naonan o parmitu
Arsak rap mangka lupa hon o parmitu
Tole marap mangen dehon o lo tutu


Lissoi lissoi lissoi lissoi o parmitu lissoi
Lissoi lissoi lissoi lissoi ma aru arui
Lissoi lissoi lissoi lissoi o parmitu lissoi
Lissoi lissoi lissoi lissoi inum ma tuakmi

Sirupma sirupma dorgukma dorgukma handitma galasmi
Sirupma sirupma dorgukma dorgukma ingkon rumardoi

Lissoi lissoi lissoi lissoi o parmitu lissoi
Lissoi lissoi lissoi lissoi inum ma tuakmi lissoi

Indonesia is a country that is rich in identity, culture and customs, so it is not surprising that every province has traditional songs that are characteristic of the region.