10 Best Libraries in Indonesia

Sinaumed’s, if you plan to go to the library to look for learning resources or you are a person who likes to read books in the library for a long time, of course what you are looking for besides a complete collection of books is the comfort of being in the library. For example, a comfortable reading room, lighting, an interior that can support a reading atmosphere, and complete facilities.  Along with the development of the times and technology, libraries that used to seem ordinary are now designed to be attractive and comfortable. So, we feel more comfortable and feel at home for long when visiting the library. The library now, there are also several instagramable photo spots ,as well as complete facilities. What are the best libraries in Indonesia, Sinaumed’s? Read this article until it’s finished!

University of Indonesia Library (UI, Depok)

This library is located on the campus of the University of Indonesia, built in June 2009 and inaugurated on May 13, 2011. This library has 2.5 hectares of land with an area of ​​33,000 square meters . This library is also equipped with 3-5 million book titles, reading rooms, 100 silent rooms, parks, restaurants, banks and bookstores. The library is known as the ” Crystal of Knowledge ” It has a total of eight floors, where each floor has its own facilities. On the first floor, there is a circulation area, this place is used to return books that have been borrowed. In addition, on this floor there is also a place for storing bags and goods where every visitor is required to leave his bag when he wants to visit the collection area. After the bag or goods are deposited, visitors will get a clear bag that can be used to carry items that need to be carried, such as laptops, cellphones, and wallets. On the 2nd floor, there is a textbook room and various other spaces that can be utilized by visitors. On the 3rd floor, the UI-ana collection room is a collection of theses, theses, dissertations, and on this floor there is also a special reading room. on the 4th floor, there is a reference book collection room and can only be read in places both by visitors outside the UI and visitors to the UI community. On the 5th, 7th and 8th floor there are classrooms and on the 6th floor there is a multipurpose room. For visitors to the UI Library who are not UI members, they must pay Rp. 10,000.00 to enter the library. This library has a very soothing view of the eye, which is facing the lake. The library is open for services Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 19.00 WIB and on Saturday, from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. For further information, such as what collections are in this library, Sinaumed’s can first visit the website at lib.ui.ac.id. On the 5th, 7th and 8th floor there are classrooms and on the 6th floor there is a multipurpose room. For visitors to the UI Library who are not UI members, they must pay Rp. 10,000.00 to enter the library. This library has a very soothing view of the eye, which is facing the lake. The library opens services Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 19.00 WIB and on Saturday, from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. For more information, such as what collections are in this library, Sinaumed’s can first visit the website at lib.ui.ac.id. On the 5th, 7th and 8th floor there are classrooms and on the 6th floor there is a multipurpose room. For visitors to the UI Library who are not UI members, they must pay Rp. 10,000.00 to enter the library. This library has a very soothing view of the eye, which is facing the lake. The library opens services Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 19.00 WIB and on Saturday, from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. For more information, such as what collections are in this library, Sinaumed’s can first visit the website at lib.ui.ac.id. This library has a very soothing view of the eye, which is facing the lake. The library is open for services Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 19.00 WIB and on Saturday, from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. For further information, such as what collections are in this library, Sinaumed’s can first visit the website at lib.ui.ac.id. This library has a very soothing view of the eye, which is facing the lake. The library is open for services Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 19.00 WIB and on Saturday, from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. For further information, such as what collections are in this library, Sinaumed’s can first visit the website at lib.ui.ac.id.

Soeman HS Library, Pekanbaru

The Soeman HS Library is located on Jl. General Soedirman no. 462, Pekanbaru, Riau. This library was inaugurated on October 28, 2008 by Vice President Jusuf Kalla. This library with a magnificent architectural design is the grandest library in Indonesia. The name of this library is taken from the name of a poet from Riau, namely Soeman HS. This library is a landmark of Pekanbaru city. The Soeman HS Library has a collection of more than 200,000 copies and the building is equipped with air conditioning, of course, making this library even more popular to visit. This library has six floors, where each floor has a special reading area that can be used by visitors to read the existing collections and of course also equipped with free wi-fi. The model of this library building is inspired by the Al-Quran reading mat and also the shape of the book that is being opened. The facilities that can be found in this library, namely an auditorium which is usually used for seminars or training events, Malay cultural booths as a place to read comfortably without outside noise disturbance, atrium, meeting room, internet room, prayer room, canteen, andenergy corner.

Freedom Institute Library, Jakarta

Initially, this library was not open to the public, because this library was used only for the benefit of the foundation. In 2002, the library was opened to the public. The library, which closed in 2015, has finally reopened at a new location. Now this library is located on the ground floor of Wisma Bakrie 1, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Karet Kuningan, South Jakarta. This library has operating hours from 09.00 to 16.30 WIB, Monday to Friday. To enter this library, visitors are required to register for membership first by filling out a membership form, filling in personal data, and also attaching a KTP. This membership is free of charge or free. As library rules in general, it is not permitted to eat or drink in this library. To enter into the collection section, the bag is deposited at the storage area. For important items such as laptops and cellphones, it is permissible to bring them into the collection room. There are many and varied collections of books in this library, unfortunately collections can only be read on the spot and cannot be borrowed. The facilities provided are quite complete and very comfortable, wi-fi service is also provided and meeting rooms can be used for the public, but must be with the permission of the library. This library does not allow visitors to borrow books. However, there is another way that this library provides There are many and varied collections of books in this library, unfortunately collections can only be read on the spot and cannot be borrowed. The facilities provided are quite complete and very comfortable, wi-fi service is also provided and meeting rooms can be used for the public, but must be with the permission of the library. This library does not allow visitors to borrow books. However, there is another way that this library provides There are many and varied collections of books in this library, unfortunately collections can only be read on the spot and cannot be borrowed. The facilities provided are quite complete and very comfortable, wi-fi service is also provided and meeting rooms can be used for the public, but must be with the permission of the library. This library does not allow visitors to borrow books. However, there is another way that this library providesphotocopy , where visitors can photocopy book pages or one book at a time to take home.

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National Library of the Republic of Indonesia

The National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, or more commonly known as the National Library, is the highest national library in the world. This library was founded in 1980. However , physically it was only implemented in 1981. Until 1987, National Library of Indonesia was still in 3 places, namely on Jl. Merdeka Barat 12, Jl. Merdeka Selatan 11, and Jl. Imam Bonjol 1 (now the Proclamation Text Museum). On March 6, 1989, the library was inaugurated with the signing of a monumentation decree by the president of the Republic of Indonesia through presidential decree No. 11 of 1989. This library has a building 126.3 meters high and a total of 24 floors, including three floors of underground parking, or basement .The 1st floor is the main lobby, the 2nd floor is the library membership service room, information retrieval , aand auditorium space. The 3rd floor is a reading promotion zone. The 4th floor is an exhibition hall and canteen. The 5th floor is an office. The 6th floor is a prayer room and data center. The 7th floor is for children, elderly and disabled services. The 8th floor is an audio visual service. The 9th floor is an archipelago manuscript service. Floors 10-11 are closed monograph collection storage rooms. Floors 12-13 are reading rooms for closed monograph collections. The 14th floor is a rare book collection service. The 15th floor is for reference services, online collections and library science. The 16th floor is a collection of photos, maps and paintings. Floors 17-18 are offices of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences, floors 19 are multimedia services. The 20th floor is the latest and international periodical collection service. The 21st floor is a class 000-499 open monograph collection service. The 22nd floor is a class 500-999 open monograph collection service. The 23rd floor is a collection service for bound magazines. 24th floor, the last floor which is a collection service for Indonesian culture,executive lounge and foreign guest reception room. For more complete information about the national library, Sinaumed’s can visit the official website at perpusnas.go.id. National Library also provides an online library where Sinaumed’s can borrow collections online in the form of e-books through the iPusnas application which can be downloaded for free in the playstore.

Malahayati University Library, Bandar Lampung

The Malahayati University Library was established in 1993, simultaneously with the founding of the Library institution and was ratified by a Chancellor’s Decree in 1994. This library is located on Jl. Pramuka No.7, Bandar Lampung is also known as the longest library, and this library is located within the Malahayati University campus. If other libraries have high rise buildings, the Malahayati University library actually has an elongated building. Plus, this library has a unique design surrounded by an artificial river that makes the atmosphere comfortable. So, Sinaumed’s can look for books while looking at the river around the books, that’s exciting. Visitors can also see miniature traditional houses when visiting this library. This miniature traditional house can be used as a place for discussions and other events, but it must be with the permission of the officer at a certain rate and a minimum number of people in it. In addition, there are also print and digital collection rooms as well as reading and discussion rooms with complete facilities. This library is also equipped with an internet connection that makes it easier for visitors to find book references through the library’s website. This library has operating hours from 10.00 to 22.00 WIB. To be able to access all collections and facilities in this library, visitors are required to make a membership card. The tariff is Rp. 20,000.00 for the community members of Malahayati University and Rp. 30,000.00 for non-civics at the University of Malahayati. but must be with the permission of the officer with a certain rate and a minimum number of people in it. In addition, there are also print and digital collection rooms as well as reading and discussion rooms with complete facilities. This library is also equipped with an internet connection that makes it easier for visitors to find book references through the library’s website. This library has operating hours from 10.00 to 22.00 WIB. To be able to access all collections and facilities in this library, visitors are required to make a membership card. The tariff is Rp. 20,000.00 for the community members of Malahayati University and Rp. 30,000.00 for non-civics at the University of Malahayati. but must be with the permission of the officer with a certain rate and a minimum number of people in it. In addition, there are also print and digital collection rooms as well as reading and discussion rooms with complete facilities. This library is also equipped with an internet connection which makes it easier for visitors to find book references through the library’s website. This library has operating hours from 10.00 to 22.00 WIB. To be able to access all collections and facilities in this library, visitors are required to make a membership card. The tariff is Rp. 20,000.00 for the community members of Malahayati University and Rp. 30,000.00 for non-civics at the University of Malahayati. This library is also equipped with an internet connection which makes it easier for visitors to find book references through the library’s website. This library has operating hours from 10.00 to 22.00 WIB. To be able to access all collections and facilities in this library, visitors are required to make a membership card. The tariff is Rp. 20,000.00 for the community members of Malahayati University and Rp. 30,000.00 for non-civics at the University of Malahayati. This library is also equipped with an internet connection that makes it easier for visitors to find book references through the library’s website. This library has operating hours from 10.00 to 22.00 WIB. To be able to access all collections and facilities in this library, visitors are required to make a membership card. The tariff is Rp. 20,000.00 for the community members of Malahayati University and Rp. 30,000.00 for non-civics at the University of Malahayati.

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Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta Library

The Grhatama Pustaka Library was inaugurated on December 21, 2015, by the Governor of DIY Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, on an area of ​​2.4 hectares. This public library is located at Jalan Janti no.344 Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. This library has three floors where each floor has different service units and varies from children’s collection services to film screening services in the audiovisual room. This library also provides various complete facilities ranging from wi-fi facilities, a prayer room, and even provides facilities for persons with disabilities. To register for membership in this library, the method is very easy, that is, you only need to go to the registration section in the information section and fill in your biodata online. The library has operating hours from 08.00. 00.00 to 22.00 Monday to Friday and 08.00 to 16.00 for Saturday and Sunday. To register for membership, it is necessary to bring a KTM or KTP domiciled in Yogyakarta. The results of the card can be waited for approximately half an hour. For more information, Sinaumed’s can visit the library’s official account at  https://m.facebook.com/Grhatama-Pustaka-1508932409408987/ .

Bandung Microlibrary Library

This library is located in Taman Bima, Bandung City. Built in 2015, this library has a very unique design because the building is made from an arrangement of 2000 waste plastic ice cream buckets. Uniquely, the ice cream bucket hole forms a binary code pattern, which reads “Books are the Window of the World” .Because of this unique design, the Bandung Microlibrary Library won architectural awards, one of which was the Lafarge Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction Asia Pacific award in 2017. This library was deliberately made with 2000 plastic ice cream buckets, to show that plastic items if used creatively will add value to these used items. If Sinaumed’s wants to come to this unique library, this library operates from 08.30 to 17.00 WIB every day from Monday to Friday. This library provides various facilities such as a collection of books, traditional toys, PAUD teaching aids, knowledge sharing activities , story telling , an English club., likes to read, and can also gather with the community which of course can be used by all groups who visit this library.

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Library

The ITB library was founded in 1920, at the same time as the Technische Hoogeschool (TH) which was the forerunner of ITB during the Dutch occupation. During the Dutch occupation, this library was known as the TH library. The TH library is known abroad because it has a very high quality collection and a broad scope covering all fields of knowledge. This library was closed and reopened during the Japanese occupation under the name “Bandung Kogyo Daigaku”. In 1974, all parts of the library were taken over and handled by Indonesian staff. In 1975, planning began for a permanent library building designed according to the function of a college library. The university library owned by ITB has operating hours from 08.00. 00 to 21.00 WIB on Monday to Friday, and 08.00 to 13.00 WIB on Saturday. Meanwhile, during the semester break period, the library opens services from 08.00 to 16.30 WIB on Monday to Friday. This library has various facilities, such as prayer room, bookstore, function room, to audiovisual room. The ITB Library also has four floors, where each floor has a different collection. The 1st floor is for a collection of books and a collection of collaborations. The 2nd floor is for joint preparation hold collections and weekly collections. 3rd floor for weekly collections, printed journals, clippings, Indonesian national standard documents and reference collections. 4th floor for general collections and special collections. For public collections that can be accessed openly by users, Meanwhile, special collections are stored in a closed room and library staff will serve those who need them. For more information about this library, Sinaumed’s can look at the official website, namely at lib.itb.ac.id 

Wow, that’s a lot, Sinaumed’s, the best library in Indonesia. Not only storing a lot of books, but the library is now also suitable as a place to study while hanging out with friends, equipped with very instagramable photo spots. Sinaumed’s, you can visit one of the many interesting libraries above, to hang out or do assignments in a comfortable atmosphere.
