When is the Right Time to Read a Book?

When is the Right Time to Read a Book? – Finding the right time to read can basically be done at any time. There is no specific provision that reading must be at such and such an hour, let alone reading a book. You can determine a suitable time to use reading.

For some people, reading books can actually be used as a means to relax or the cool term now is healing. Someone who often reads books will easily get additional knowledge and knowledge. This is of course very different from the habit of reading or finding information through social media.

When reading a book, everyone is known to have a different time to read a book. There are those who like to read books before their activities, in between activities, even the most that is after a routine or before going to bed. This is because there is no right time to read properly and correctly.

A. The Right Time to Read a Book

Books we know are one of the best sources for discovering a science. It’s just that, along with the rapid development of information technology or what we know as the digital era, the interest in reading for the younger generation is decreasing.

Well, for those of you who just want to start reading books, you can try reading books at the following times. By trying some of the right times to read the following books, it is hoped that you will be more consistent and more enthusiastic about reading books or seeking knowledge.

So, here are some times to read books that you need to know, including:

1. At Dawn or Morning

First, the right time to read a book is in the morning or more precisely at dawn. Reading in the morning will make someone more focused on understanding something. This is because the atmosphere of dawn or morning is very calm.

In addition, the sound of roosters crowing and fresh air can make reading more enjoyable. Coupled with the road atmosphere which is still quiet and there are no vehicles passing by, the brain will feel more focused and very suitable for gaining knowledge.

For some people, morning is the best time to read a book. Reading books can also be one of the best choice activities before starting activities. Not only that, morning time is the right time for the brain to receive and understand reading.

In the morning, the state of mind and feelings is still fresh and warm, so it is perfect to start with reading books. It’s just that this time is not suitable for some people who have a habit of getting up early and immediately starting their activities. What’s more, those who wake up must immediately get ready for school or work with a predetermined morning schedule.

2. When it Rains

Then, the right time to read a book is when it rains. Many people like the atmosphere when it rains because it can give a warm and more serene feeling for reading activities

Rain can be said as a medicine to calm the soul and mind. Rain can make the atmosphere cooler and calmer. This is certainly very suitable for people who like to create imagination and find inspiration on the sidelines of their daily activities. In addition, rain can also make a person more sensitive, for example, like remembering the past.

In addition, the brain’s thinking power that is created when it rains will experience a three-fold increase due to a comfortable atmosphere. Therefore, a suitable companion on a rainy day, of course, is a book and a cup of warm drink, which is a very serene combination.

3. After Bathing

Furthermore, the right time to read a book is after you take a shower. When you finish bathing, you will have a fresher body and mind than before. Of course, this time is perfect for reading books.

For example, when you wake up in the morning. If you still feel sleepy and it’s hard to do activities. Bathing can be an effective medicine to relieve drowsiness while making the mind fresher. It is common knowledge that one of the reasons why someone does not read a book is due to laziness. However, there are also some people who don’t read books because they are bored.

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Most people who don’t really like the activity of reading books have the assumption that small and lots of writing will very quickly cause drowsiness. Therefore, bathing can be used as a medicine or solution to relieve drowsiness and boredom. Some people also claim to be able to overcome various obstacles so that they focus more on starting to read books.

4. Early in the Day

The right time to read the next book is in the early morning or just before going to bed at night. For example, if you are going to sleep but your eyes are still awake, you can try reading a book to find peace at night. It is also believed to be more effective in improving sleep quality.

In today’s era, many people are suffering from insomnia or difficulty sleeping because of thoughts that are raging in the early hours of the morning. When studied literally, early morning can mean a silence and sleep time for the world. Silence and silence without your own voice can really be used to create a good atmosphere for sleep.

Therefore, if you often wake up and have trouble sleeping, reading books can be a medicine to improve the quality of your sleep. However, it could be that by reading a book, it will be more difficult for you to sleep because your mind is increasingly raging. You can choose a light book like a novel or about mindfulness.

5. Wake Up

Finally, different from in the morning. The best time to read this book is when you wake up from sleep. When you wake up, your brain will be more motivated to find various activities to do next.

Therefore, the first thing you need to avoid when you wake up is not recommended to hold. Operating a cell phone when waking up from sleep is known to further increase the feeling of being lazy to get up or go to bed.

Waking up is basically the most productive time for a person, whether waking up in the morning, afternoon, evening or night. The feeling of waking up will make it easier for you to focus. No wonder, this time is perfect for reading books.

B. How to Take Time to Read Books

After knowing the importance of reading books and the right time to read books. In this section, we’ll talk about the most effective ways to spend time reading books. Of course, planning reading time can be very easy, it’s just that without strong motivation, the plan can be in vain.

Well, here are some ways to spend time reading books. By applying this method, you are guaranteed to have more strong motivation to be able to spend a little time reading books. Some of these ways include the following:

1. Always Carry Books

The first way to take the time to read books is to always carry books or other reading resources with you. When you want to travel anywhere, you can deliberately read the book you are reading. By getting used to being near books, it will be easier for you to be interested in reading a book.

Also, there are many situations where you should be able to read books. For example, when you are on your way to somewhere, or when you are in a queue waiting for a call. This silent time will certainly be more useful if you use it to read certain books or reading sources, even if it’s only for a moment.

2. Read books digitally

The second way that you can take the time to read books is to have an electronic book or commonly called an ebook on a smartphone. If carrying books wherever you go is quite a hassle, you can maximize your smartphone to store various types of books digitally or electronically.

In the current era of advances in information technology, reading books digitally is more in demand. Besides being practical and not taking up space, digital books are also somewhat cheaper than the price set for printed books. Digital books will be perfect for those of you who have a fairly tight time, but still want to take the time to read books. Some people also prefer digital books because they can reduce the excessive use of paper.

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3. Reading at night or in the morning

The third way that can make you have free time to read books is at night or in the morning. Apart from being able to do it on the sidelines of your daily activities, you can try reading books at night after your activities or in the morning before your activities.

At these two times, a person usually doesn’t do too much activity. Therefore, one of the good things that can be used to fill free time is to read books. The activity of reading books basically doesn’t need to take long, you just need to spend half an hour or fifteen minutes. The most important thing is to read books consistently.

4. Get Rid of Distracting Things

Fourth, the way to take the time to read books is to get rid of various things that can be distracting. Several things are known to cause distractions when reading books, namely social media, cellphones, or games. These three things are considered to be able to change your focus from reading books to enjoying time with a smartphone.

Therefore, for those of you who want to seriously read books, you can get rid of all electronic devices that can interfere with focus in advance. This distraction itself is better known as a distraction, distraction from smartphones has the potential to take up your free time which should be used for useful activities, such as reading a few pages of a book.

5. Setting Targets

The way to take the time to read the next book is to set a target in reading the book. You can do this by setting a clear target regarding the time to complete the reading.

For example, like when you want to spend two books in one month. So, you can make a book reading agenda every day for at least 30 minutes. In this way, both unconsciously and consciously, you will be more motivated to consistently spend time meeting your goals in reading books.

6. Join a Reading Community

Then, the way you can take time to read books is to join a book reading community. The book reading community itself is now more widely known as literacy activists. There are a lot of literacy activists in Indonesia, it’s just that this community still doesn’t really attract the interest of people in various regions.

By having friends with the same hobby, namely reading books. Then it will be easier for you to interact regarding your reading activities. If you are fit to join a book reading community, you will become more interested and more enthusiastic about spending time reading books.

In addition to increasing the enthusiasm for reading books, you will also have new experiences that you can get from reading stories of your friends. Fellow members of the book reading community will encourage one another. This is of course effective for increasing the desire to read books consistently.

7. Read your favorite type of book

The final way to take the time to read books is to read the types of books you like. Before you read, one of the most powerful factors to make someone interested in reading a book is curiosity or liking for something.

Books are things that can provide clear and in-depth answers to something you want to know. Well, for those of you who want to start reading books, you can start based on a topic or theme that you like. This method is believed to be very effective so that you can have a reading habit that doesn’t feel burdensome, instead it’s fun.

You can find various interesting books on Sinaumedia.com. Sinaumedia.com provides various types of books according to your wishes. Come on, collect your favorite books so that when you have free time, you can read them right away.

Thus is the discussion about the right time to read books as well as several ways to spend time reading books. You can apply this series of explanations in your daily life so you can spend more time with quality activities.