What is State Defense Initial Capability and Examples of Its Basic Values!

What is State Defense Initial Ability – Did you know that state defense initial ability is included in the basic values ​​of state defense. So, in this article, we will discuss in more detail what is the initial ability to defend the state and the form of defending the state for citizenship education. Both of these are quite important things for us to learn as Indonesians.

In addition, we are also obliged to practice it in everyday life. By practicing the basic values ​​of defending the country, we are like practicing the values ​​contained in Pancasila.

What is State Defense Initial Capability?

What is State Defense Initial Capability? The initial ability to defend the country can be interpreted as the potential and also the readiness of every citizen to defend the country according to their profession and abilities in their respective environment. Every citizen of this country basically has the initial ability to defend the country. This can be seen in physical, psychological, and spiritual abilities.

Psychic abilities such as for example willing to obey various existing regulations. While physical ability is like having physical health. As for spiritual abilities, for example, diligently carrying out worship according to their religion.

Having the initial ability to defend the country can be reflected in attitudes and behavior, including:

1. Have the ability, integrity, and also confidence in defending the nation and state.
2. Be able to understand and identify threats that exist in each environment and remain responsive to report them to the authorities.
3. Have high emotional and spiritual intelligence and intelligence.
4. Have knowledge of local wisdom in responding to every threat.

Form of State Defense

The form of defending the country has been stated in Law no. 3 of 2002, namely through civics education, compulsory basic military training, service as a soldier of the Indonesian National Armed Forces which is done voluntarily or compulsorily, and service according to profession.

The four forms of defending the country have been explained in more detail in Law no. 23 of 2019, regarding Management of National Resources for Defense.

Civic education

According to Article 7 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 23 of 2019, it states that citizenship education is carried out through fostering awareness of defending the country by instilling the basic values ​​of defending the country. Having knowledge of local wisdom in responding to every threat is a form of initial state defense capability that we must have.

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In Article 7 paragraph 2 of Law Number 23 of 2019, it is stated that fostering awareness of defending the country is carried out in the scope of education, work and society. Regarding fostering awareness of state defense in the education sphere, Law Number 23 of 2019 also states that this development is carried out through the national education system. The national education system is also carried out in every track, level, and type of education by the government through the ministries in the education sector. Within this scope, the most important citizenship education is Pancasila Education and Citizenship Education or PPKn.

Basic Values ​​of Defending the Country in Everyday Life

What meaning is contained in article 27 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution and examples of its implementation in everyday life? Efforts to defend the country can be done by instilling basic values. The provisions contained in Article 27 Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution explain that every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in efforts to defend the state. Simplified, then article 27 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution explains our obligation to make efforts to defend the country.

The purpose of defending the country is none other than to maintain the survival of the nation and state, preserve the existing culture, practice the values ​​of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and maintain the identity and integrity of the state. In the past, this state defense contest was an attempt to carry out a struggle or physical effort to fight for and defend independence. Then, in this modern era, defending the country is no longer just taking up arms or fighting other nations, but includes many things, one of which is fighting the effects of globalization.

Then, what is the meaning of Article 28 Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution and examples of its implementation in everyday life? Basically, the concept of defending the country can be interpreted broadly. However, if elaborated, defending the country is a matter of obligation, soul, and also honor. Then, in everyday life, efforts to defend the country can be done in various ways. One of them is by instilling six basic values ​​as follows:

1. Love the Motherland

Planting state defense that can be done is by growing a sense of love for the motherland. Then, to be able to foster a sense of love for this homeland, the Indonesian people must know the history of Indonesia’s independence, the potential of natural resources, the potential of human resources, and also its strategic geographical position. By understanding Indonesia’s condition like that, a sense of love for the motherland will grow as a sense of belonging, a sense of pride, and also a sense of responsibility to protect it.

2. Awareness of Nation and State

Love for the motherland alone is not enough. Therefore, this feeling of love must be supported by an awareness of a harmonious nation and also an awareness of the state that upholds the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the 1945 Constitution. archipelago, national resilience, and free and active foreign policy.

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3. Loyal to Pancasila as the State Ideology

Pancasila is a state ideology formed by paying attention to the national character. To be able to build loyalty to Pancasila, it is necessary to understand the basic values ​​of defending the country in the form of upholding discipline, developing political ethics, developing a democratic system, and also fostering a sense of obedience to the law.

4. Willing to Sacrifice for the Nation and Country

Indonesian independence did not come easily. The previous heroes had a sense of self-sacrifice, persistence, and also a high unyielding spirit, so that they could win independence from foreign nations. Instilling a sense of self-sacrifice is definitely very necessary. To be able to build awareness and also a sense of self-sacrifice, it is important to understand aspects such as the conception of the soul, spirit, and fighting values, ethical, moral and constitutional responsibilities, as well as the attitude of prioritizing national interests over personal or group interests.

5. State Defending Initial Capability

If interpreted, the initial ability to defend the country is the potential and also the readiness to carry out acts of defending the country in accordance with the abilities of a person and their profession anywhere. Basically, every citizen has the initial ability to defend the country based on aspects of their respective abilities, such as self-confidence, professional values, and so on.

6. Passion to Create a Sovereign, Just and Prosperous Country

The spirit to realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation is one of the national attitudes and determination based on the determination of national unity and integrity. With the spirit to realize a sovereign, just and prosperous country, one will be able to utilize the potential of national resources and local wisdom in facing threats and challenges according to the times.

This is an explanation of what is the initial ability to defend the country and how to cultivate an attitude of defending the country. For Sinaumed’s who want to learn all about the initial skills of defending the country and other knowledge related to love for the motherland, you can visit sinaumedia.com to get related books.

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