5 Definition of Defending the Country According to Experts and the 1945 Constitution

What is the meaning of state defense? State defense is no stranger to hearing. Since attending elementary school, students have been introduced to defending the country.

The definition of defending the country is an effort to protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. What efforts must be made in defending the country? Before getting to that stage, let’s look at the basic things about defending the country.

This article will discuss the meaning of defending the state in general and according to experts, the concept of defending the state, the meaning of defending the state in Indonesia, the elements of defending the state, the functions and objectives of defending the state.

Definition of State Defense

State defense is a behavior and attitude of citizens. This attitude or behavior is inspired by his love for his country or nation. In this case, what is meant is the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia or NKRI.

This love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, in establishing the survival of the state and nation as a whole. The obligation to defend the country is not only a demand from state apparatus such as the POLRI or TNI, as well as security forces. However, this task is also carried out by all Indonesian citizens which can be adapted to the profession and abilities they have.

State defense is a concept. This concept is drawn up by the statutory bodies and officials of a country. The concepts discussed here are regarding the patriotism of a citizen, a group or all components of a country. These things are done in the interest of maintaining the existence of the country.

All citizens have the same obligation in terms of state defense. This is a manifestation of the love of a citizen. This love is of course directed to the homeland that has given life to that person. Things like this already happen when someone is born into the world, grows up and is in an effort to find a livelihood.

Definition of State Defense According to Experts

1. According to the 1945 Constitution

a. UU no. 3 of 2002

The definition of defending the country is an attitude and behavior of the state that is imbued with love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in establishing the survival of the nation and state as a whole.

b. UU no. 20 of 2002 article 1, paragraph 2

The definition of defending the country is the attitude and behavior of citizens who are inspired by their love for the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in ensuring the survival of the nation and state.

c. UU no. 56 of 2002

The definition of defending the country is the attitude and behavior of citizens who are inspired by their love for the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in ensuring the survival of the nation and state.

2. Sunarso

The definition of defending the country according to Sunarso is that it contains four essentials that need to be defended. First, the independence and sovereignty of the state. Second, the unity and integrity of the nation. Third, territorial integrity and national jurisdiction. Fourth, the values ​​of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

3. Darji Darmodihardjo

According to Darji Darmodiharjo, the notion of defending the country is the implementation of the national security doctrine. The point is to try to create a national security defense system. National security is expected to be able to secure and succeed in the national struggle in general.

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4. Purnomo Yusgiantoro

The definition of defending the country is an attitude of community behavior. This attitude is imbued with love for the Republic of Indonesia or the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, to ensure survival in the nation and state.

5. Chaidir Basrie

The definition of defending the country according to Chaidir Basrie is an attitude, determination and action taken by citizens. These actions are carried out in a comprehensive, integrated, regular and sustainable manner based on a sense of love for the motherland. In addition, there is also an attitude of awareness of the Indonesian state, awareness in the nation, pain and also loyalty to Pancasila.

The Concept of Defending the State

The concept of defending the country can be categorized into two types. The two types or concepts put forward by an expert named Sutarman, namely physical type and non-physical type. Physically, this concept can be interpreted as an effort in defense against a physical attack or aggression.

Such attacks can occur from parties that threaten the existence of a country. While the non-physical concept is interpreted as an effort to participate in an active role. Playing an active role here is to advance the country and nation.

There are many ways to do this. Either through education, social, moral, or increasing the welfare of the people who make up the country. In the implementation of state defense, a citizen can do it in two ways.

Physical and non-physical ways. Defending the country which is carried out physically includes such as the struggle by taking up arms. For example when there is an attack from a foreign country, which threatens the sovereignty of the Indonesian nation.

Meanwhile, defending the country which is carried out non-physically is defined as all efforts to protect the nation and state, as well as state sovereignty through a process. The process is carried out to increase nationalism.

Nationalism is a series of love and awareness in the process of living within the nation and state. In addition, an awareness in the process of living within the nation and state. As well as efforts to foster a sense of love for the motherland.

Defending the country can also be done by cultivating an activity. Activeness in playing an active role to realize the progress of the state and nation. Things like this must be instilled from an early age to all citizens.

The basis for the concept of defending the country is the presence of conscription activities. The subject of this concept is the state defense apparatus or a soldier. Either as a self-chosen job, or as the result of an unconscious design which is conscription.

There are several countries that carry out compulsory military service for their citizens who meet the requirements. Such as Iran, Israel, Singapore and others. In addition, a country that has a fully volunteer military will generally not require the services of its national conscripts, unless it is faced with a recruitment crisis during times of war.

In several countries, such as England, Spain, Germany and the United States, defending the country is carried out through military training. Generally one weekend per month. They can do it as an individual or a member of the regiment.

An example is the British Territorial Army. In some cases the bosa militia formed part of a military reserve force. An example is the United States National Guard.

In other countries such as the Republic of China or Taiwan, Israel and the Republic of Korea, it is mandatory for their citizens to serve for several years after a person has completed a national service. A military reserve force is different from a formation reserve, sometimes it will be called by the name military reserve. It is a designation for a non-committal group or unit of military personnel.

The meaning of non-committal is non-committal in battle by their commander. It makes them available to handle unforeseen situations. Like strengthening the defense of his country.

Definition of State Defense in Indonesia

State defense is the attitude and behavior of the colors of the Indonesian state. This attitude is imbued with his love for the Republic of Indonesia or the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This was done based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, when establishing the survival of the nation and state as a whole.

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Every citizen has the right as well as the obligation to participate in the defense of the state. The terms of the defense are regulated in the law. The awareness of defending the country is essentially a willingness to serve the country.

In addition, the willingness to sacrifice in defending the country. The spectrum of state defense is very broad. From the smoothest to the hardest. Such as starting good relations between fellow citizens, until together to ward off real threats to armed enemies.

Included in it are the best attitudes and actions for the nation and state. In Indonesia, the state defense process has been regulated formally. These arrangements are in the Act. Some of them have been mentioned in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, especially in article 30.

In that article, it is explained that defending the country is an obligation. This obligation must be carried out by all Indonesian citizens, without exception. The implementation of the obligation to defend the country is a proof and a process for all citizens.

This was done to show their willingness to serve the nation. As well as the awareness to sacrifice yourself. The point is to defend the country.

The understanding of defending the country is so broad. Among them began by fostering good relations among fellow citizens. Then proceed to the Cooperation process to deal with threats from various foreign parties.

This is clear evidence of a sense of nationalism that is instilled in every attitude and behavior of citizens when viewed from their position as citizens. Within the concept of defending the law, there is also a philosophy regarding how to act and behave in the best way, of course for the nation and state.

Elements of State Defense

There are several important elements that need to be known, before carrying out the process of defending the country. Understanding the elements of defending the country correctly will also raise awareness of the importance of defending the country. These elements are as follows:

  • Have a soul of love for the motherland.
  • Willing to sacrifice for the welfare of the nation and state.
  • Have the belief that Pancasila is the state ideology.
  • Have an awareness in the nation and state.
  • Have the initial expertise to defend the country.

Legal Basis in Defending the Country

1. Ideal Foundation

The ideal foundation is the one that is in accordance with what is aspired to, wished for, or desired. The ideal foundation for defending the country in Indonesia is Pancasila

2. Constitutional Basis

The constitutional basis for defending the country in Indonesia is the 1945 Constitution (amendment). There are several articles that discuss efforts to defend the country, including the following:

a. Article 27 paragraph 3, the 1945 Constitution

Stating that all citizens have the right and obligation to participate in the defense of the country.

b. Article 30 paragraph 1, the 1945 Constitution

State that:

  • Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in the defense and security of the state.
  • Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in the defense and security of the State.
  • State defense and security efforts are carried out through Sishankamrata (TNI as the Main component and the People as the Supporting component).

3. Operational Basis

The operational basis for defending the country in Indonesia is listed in Law no. 3 of 2002, on the meaning of defending the country.

State Defense Function

  • The functions of state defense are as follows:
  • To protect and defend the country from an outside threat.
  • To maintain and maintain the territorial integrity of the Indonesian state.
  • Defending the country is an obligation of all citizens.
  • Defending the country is a historical call and must be carried out by all citizens.

The Purpose of Defending the Country

Defending the country certainly has a purpose. There are several objectives of defending the country, including the following:

  • Aiming to do the best things for the nation and the country.
  • Aims to maintain the welfare and survival of the nation and state.
  • Aims to preserve the culture of the nation and state.
  • Aims to maintain and maintain the identity and integrity of the nation and state.
  • Aims to carry out the values ​​contained in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Those are explanations about defending the country. Starting from the notion of defending the country to the function and purpose of defending the country. As good citizens, we must participate in efforts to defend the country, OK, Grmaeds!