Understanding Physics: History, Properties, and Benefits

Understanding Physics – When studying the nature of physics, maybe Readers will like it, because he is really interested in that science. Even so, there are those who are guaranteed to feel otherwise, because they are not really interested in physics. Physics itself is almost the same as mathematics, which many say is a science that is difficult to understand.

If pure mathematics contains numbers with calculations, then physics contains a combination of theory with calculations. Physics is a subject that has been known since sitting on the bench class VII junior high school. If Readers at the high school level enters the science major, then physics lessons will also become friends because this subject will appear more frequently in the lesson schedule every day.

In certain departments or study programs, students at tertiary institutions will also get physics courses. So, check again the types of courses that will be obtained. If you have avoided physics all this time, then also avoid study programs that provide these courses.

Although, few people like physics, but this one lesson is actually interesting to learn. After understanding the formula and how to calculate each material, it is guaranteed that the calculation process will become easier and the same goes for the process of understanding word problems.

Therefore, it never hurts to learn about the nature of physics which is one of the most useful lessons in everyday life. This means that physics is an important science to understand because it is from this knowledge that many useful things can be found.

What is Physics?

Learning about physics can begin with understanding the meaning of physics itself. Physics according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) has a definition as a science that discusses and studies matter and energy, which includes light, heat, and sound energy.

The definition of physics continues to develop and is put forward by many experts. Among them are:

1. Efrizon Umar

According to Efrizon Umar, physics has a definition as one of the most basic sciences of all sciences. So that physics becomes a basic science that is useful for understanding, studying, and developing other knowledge from various fields.

2. Young Hugh D

Meanwhile, according to Young Hugh D, physics is said to be one of the sciences which is the underlying science of other sciences. This definition is of course no different from the definition stated by Efrizon Umar.

3. Bambang Ruwanto

Bambang Ruwanto also expressed his opinion regarding the understanding and nature of physics. Physics is characterized by Ruwanto as basic sciences (science) and is included in the fundamental sciences. So Ruwanto also mentioned that physics is a science that forms the basis of various other sciences.

4. Osa Pauliza

Osa Pauliza also expressed his opinion related to the understanding of physics. Pauliza said that physics is a science that studies something that can be measured and has a value expressed in a certain unit. This unit varies according to the type of substance or object being measured.

5. Goris Seran D

Goris Seran D also explained the meaning of physics. According to Goris, physics is a branch of natural science and is one of the foundations for advanced and modern technological developments now and in the future.

6. Ari Damari

Ari Damari also conveyed the understanding of physics as a science that studies various phenomena and natural phenomena. So that all events and phenomena in nature will be studied in depth through physics.

History of the Development of Physics

After understanding the meaning of physics in terms of the definition in the previous explanation, Readers also needs to know the history of physics from birth to development and becomes the basis of other sciences.

Since ancient times, people have been curious about the nature of matter on earth. For example, why can fruit fall from a tree and then fall not far from the tree? Then, the question is why every different material has different properties?

Another thing that makes human curiosity and curiosity arise is about various things that exist on earth. For example, with the shape of the earth, the appearance of the sky during the day and night. the process of rising and setting the sun in the afternoon, and so on.

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Various things and events as well as all kinds of objects around humans basically attract human interest. So that this encourages the birth of basic knowledge in science, namely physics.

Dikp from various sources, the nature of physics continues to grow rapidly since the Egyptian people began to do various kinds of research which then gave birth to a lot of practical knowledge. This physics was then used by the ancient Egyptians to create pyramids.

Because, in physics, all the processes of calculating inclined planes and the mechanical advantages of pyramid construction are studied. These two things then encouraged the construction of the pyramids and is one of the wonders of the world.

Then, the Greeks also had a high interest in physics and made the Greeks widely known as a society that admired physics. In the end, many physicists or scientists emerged from Greece and Egypt.

The theory of physics then continued to develop, starting from the 17th century, when many theories of physics were still wrong. Entering the early 17th century, Galileo Galilei conducted experiments to find out more about physics. Research conducted by Galileo later became the key to the scientific method to the present.

For example, being the originator of Newton’s Law of Motion and then also sparking the theory of Newton’s Law of Gravity. Since they were first released and published, these two basic laws of physics are still relevant and studied today by many people.

The theory and development of the nature of physics then continues and finds various things in the scientific field of physics. In his time scientists Robert Boyle, Thomas Young, and others were the forerunners of the presence of the best physicists and physicists around the world.

Properties of Physics

The next point to be discussed is regarding the various properties of physics. What is meant by the nature of physics is all the properties of matter that can be seen directly by the sense of sight, namely the eye. In addition, physical properties can also change shape.

For example changes in shape from liquid to solid, from solid to gas, from gas to liquid, and so on. All these changes indicate the existence of physical properties of an object that is being treated in a special way. Whether it’s warmed, frozen, and so on to observe the results.

1. Physical Form of Substance

The first type of physical property is the state of matter, which is the study of all states of matter that exist in nature. The form of this substance is then divided into three, namely:

A. Solid

The first state of matter in physics is solid, that is, a state of matter that has a fixed shape and volume. Solids are composed of particles that are arranged regularly and close together, so that their shape and volume are always the same.

B. Liquid

Next is liquid, which is a form of a substance that has a fixed volume, but its shape can easily change. The particles that make up liquids are close together, but are loose and arranged in an orderly manner like solids, but the attractive force is weak.

The state of the liquid is easy to change, but the volume is fixed because the particles in the liquid cannot leave other particles. So even though the shape is easy to change, the volume will remain the same.

C. Gas

The last form is gas. Gas is a form of matter that has shape and volume properties that can easily change. The particles that make up the gas are far from each other, irregular, and the attractive force between the particles is also weak.

This makes the gas form easy to change because the particles that compose it can move freely without being bound by anything. In addition, the volume is also easy to change.

2. Substance Turbidity

The second physical property is turbidity or what can be said to be the degree of turbidity of a liquid. Because the term turbidity is only owned by liquid substances. Turbid liquid can deflect light or light that is shot at it, while clear liquid will continue the light.

3. Substance Boiling Point

In the essence of physics there is also a physical property called the boiling point. The boiling point is the temperature of a liquid when it boils (is heated). Some people after knowing the definition of the boiling point may feel confused about the difference between yawning and yawning.

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So, boiling and evaporating are two different things. Boiling means the temperature at which a substance comes to the boiling point. While evaporating means the temperature at which a substance is below the boiling point. For example, clothes that are dried in the sun, the water inside the cloth will evaporate and not boil.

However, when boiling water on the stove, the water will boil and not evaporate. Boiling does not change the structure and volume of liquids. However, when it evaporates, it changes state, from liquid to vapor or gas.

4. Substance Solubility

The next property is the solubility of substances, or what is often referred to as a solution. Solution is a condition in which a homogeneous mixture is formed between two substances or two different components. One of these two substances has a role as a solvent, and the other becomes a solute.

Substances that are solvents generally have a greater amount, and vice versa. In substances that have a role as a solute has a smaller amount. For example, when dissolving detergent in a bucket of water, the amount of detergent is generally only one or two tablespoons, while the amount of water can be up to one liter.

The solubility process is also known to be influenced by various factors, for example:

  1. Temperature, because it dissolves substances at high temperatures faster than substances dissolved at room temperature. For example, stirring sugar dissolves faster in warm water than in cold water.
  2. The volume of solvent, the greater the amount or volume of the solvent, the faster the dissolution process. For example, dissolving a teaspoon of sugar in 100 ml of water will be slower than dissolving it in 500 ml of water.
  3. The size of the solute, because the larger the size of the substance, the more difficult it will be for the substance to dissolve. For example, dissolving granulated sugar in 100 ml of water will be faster than dissolving rock sugar in 100 ml of water. Because the size of rock sugar is bigger when compared to granulated sugar.

5. Viscosity

The next characteristic in the nature of physics is viscosity or what is more familiar with the name viscosity. Viscosity itself is the resistance of a liquid to flow, so that a dilute liquid will flow faster when compared to a thick liquid. An instrument for measuring the viscosity of liquids is known as a viscometer.

Branch of Physics

Physics is included in the basic science of all sciences and then has many branches of science. Some of them are:

  1. Mechanics, namely the branch of physics that specifically studies motion.
  2. Quantum Physics, which is a branch of physics that studies atoms and sub-atoms.
  3. Electronics, namely physics that studies about the flow of electrons in a device. For example on TV and various electronic equipment.
  4. Thermodynamics, namely the branch of physics that studies heat energy or temperature transfer.
  5. Astronomy, namely a branch of physics that specifically studies about the stars or about objects in outer space.
  6. Medical Physics, which is a branch of physics that studies medicine.
  7. Biomechanics, namely studying the forces and laws of fluids that exist in the human body.
  8. Biooptics, namely studying the organs of the eye and also its use of various optical devices such as glasses and contact lenses.
  9. Bioelectric, namely studying about striated cells in cells in the body.
  10. Geometric Optics, namely a branch of physics that studies light and various tools that can be used to help human vision.

Benefits and Role of Physics in Life

Physics for most people is a science that is difficult to understand, understand, and so on. Even so, physics has been taught since junior high and even elementary school and is still integrated with science lessons. This is inseparable from the benefits of physics in everyday life, such as:

  1. Physics will help humans to always think logically, because they can think about everything and all events in a systematic and explainable manner.
  2. Helping to understand all natural phenomena that are good for the development of human civilization, so that they can understand which natural phenomena can be enjoyed and which ones are classified as dangerous.
  3. Make it easy to learn science from other fields because physics is very relevant to all fields of science.
  4. Supporting technological progress, because all technology until now is based on physics.