The Opposition is the Opposing Party, Check Out the Explanation!

Opposition is – In the political life of the country, of course, it is no stranger to the existence of friends and foes. The opposing party or the opposite side of the authority is referred to as the opposition. Can contradict both his words and actions which will then correct an error from the authorities.

This team is generally very firm in voicing the truth. This team also often colors the democratic process, both in democracy that runs within the scope of parliament or other bureaucracy. Below is the definition of the opposition team, its function and role in politics that you need to know.

Opposition in Government

In a democratic government system, the terms coalition and opposition often appear. After the holding of the general election the position of these parties which will become the opposition as well as the coalition will be seen.

According to political researchers from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), coalitions are parties or coalitions of parties which are then formed in a certain period with common political goals. The nature of the coalition itself generally works within a certain period.

For example, coalitions of political parties are then initiated during elections to be able to nominate and support candidates in a presidential and vice presidential or regional head election.

In addition, the government coalition formed by political parties then succeeded in winning their candidates in the presidential election, as well as working together during a government period to support government performance specifically with support from within parliament when making policies.

While the opposition can then be interpreted as a position opposite from the government, or as a political party that acts as an opponent in the representative assembly. They criticize the opinions and various political policies of the ruling majority group. Those who become the opposition are a combination of parties with positions outside the government coalition within a certain period.

Coalition positions are generally determined by the party’s vision and mission and ideology. With roles that are opposite to each other, being in the opposition and coalition in a government then has various advantages as well as disadvantages.

There are a number of notes. The advantage of being part of a government coalition is being able to be involved in influencing the direction and shape of a policy. However, the coalition parties themselves have limitations in further criticizing various government policies because of their attachment to the coalition’s commitment to supporting the government and their involvement in a government policy. Meanwhile for opposition groups, access to influence government policies directly.

However, the opposition has the ability to be flexible and objective in monitoring and criticizing government policies. In the concept of parliamentary and presidential democracy, the existence of the opposition is important as a group of supervisors and counterweights ( checks and balances ) on government and executive policies. The role of the opposition in a self-government is very important in preventing the practice of abuse of power which will lead to authoritarian rule.

Definition of Opposition According to Experts

Etymologically, opposition comes from English opposition with the meaning of confronting, refuting, and refuting. While in terms of terminology, the opposition is a group or party which then opposes the ongoing government politics.

The opposition team is a team or group whose positions are opposite each other, but can also be interpreted as a party opposing parliament or the bureaucracy which then criticizes opinions and various policies that are not in accordance with existing norms.

Definition of Opposition According to KBBI

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word opposition is an opposing party in the representative assembly whose function is to oppose and criticize the opinions and various political policies of the ruling class. Another meaning of opposition is the conflict between two elements of language to show various differences in meaning.

Definition of Opposition According to Expert Opinion

The following is the definition of opposition based on several expert opinions.

1. Kamil

Understanding according to Kamil is as a rational side as a consequence of the institutionalization of control to power.

2. Rooney

Understanding according to Rooney is an opponent or resistance to something.

3. Robert A. Dahl

Understanding according to Robert A. Dahl is as an inseparable part and becomes one of the foundations, apart from participation in what is called polyarchy or a form of government with democratic overtones.

4. Shapiro

Understanding according to Shapiro is as its essence as a consequence of people’s participation in a government.

5. Eep Saifullah Fatah

Understanding according to Eep Saifullah Fatah is every word and deed that will correct mistakes while underlining and supporting everything that is already true. So, the point is to carry out monitoring activities on political power that can be wrong and right. While in political science, the definition of this term is a party with policies or stances that conflict with the group’s policy lines that run a government.

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Opposition Team Functions

Opposition as a group or party that does not approve or does not support a political policy that is being conveyed. This team often plays an important role in the world of politics, namely in controlling the running of government so that it remains in accordance with a corridor of law and national values.

The format itself is in the form of the teaching of balancing the power ( check and balance ) of the state which is then placed in the framework of the constitution. The check and balance system itself is a mechanism to be able to correct and straighten a government and encourage growth in a better direction.

Therefore, any restriction on freedom and ban on expressing thoughts is a very principle violation of the demands of a state’s philosophy or human rights.

The role of the opposition political party itself is very important in monitoring and balancing power in an objective, consistent and truthful manner. In addition to siding with the interests of the people at large. Opposition in parliament will then narrow the possibility of tyrannism and authoritarianism.

1. As a Balancer of Power

As a counterweight to power, the meaning of the counterweight itself is the existence of forces outside the government that provide alternative thoughts and attitudes and cause a balance so that the government is not too far from the interests of the majority of the people. The existence of the opposition itself is to alert a democratically elected government if the policies it takes are contrary to the will of the people.

2. Keeping a Voiced Policy Alternative

The presence of the opposition then allows the emergence of many policy options that can be used as a complement to government policies.

3. As a Stimulus of Healthy Competition in Government Elites

Government generally experiences stagnation or decline, if it does not receive challenges from parties who are competent and able to show the public about policies that are better and make sense when compared to a government policy.

Types of Opposition

In the world of politics, there are various terms that we may have often heard. One that is very familiar is the ‘opposition’. This opposition itself is closely related to a political party. Ahead of general elections, such as presidential elections, there are always political parties which then declare themselves as opposition parties.

What exactly is the opposition? According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the opposition itself is defined in two different fields. In this world of politics, the opposition is then interpreted as ‘the opposing party in the representative assembly and so on which criticizes and opposes the opinions or political policies of the ruling groups.

While in the linguistic field, the meaning of the word opposition itself is interpreted as a conflict between two elements of language to then show a difference in meaning. From the two meanings of the word opposition according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word opposition with its linguistic meaning is then more often associated with the world of political opposition. In fact, people still often define the word opposition as something that is opposite to each other.

The presence of parties as an opposition in government then becomes important, especially for a country with a democratic government system. In accordance with Lord Acton’s quote ‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’, namely an absolute government is then believed to give birth to absolute evil as well.

Therefore the government needs opposition groups to keep its government not absolute and remain balanced. Along with the development of government systems in the world, the opposition then appeared in several conceptual forms. Currently, there are at least four opposition concepts that have developed in various parts of the world:

1. Ceremonial Opposition

This opposition is also interpreted as something that is ceremonial and ceremonial. However, if interpreted further, the ceremony itself can be interpreted as something that is official and more formal. Based on this definition, ceremonial can then be interpreted as an oppositional concept formed only as a formality and a trick.

2. Opportunist Destructive Opposition

Opportunist destructive opposition is a concept that always tries to damage the government’s image by using any means. All policies made by the government will then always be criticized and found fault, even when these policies are actually good for the people.

The government’s weaknesses highlighted in this destructive-opportunist concept are then expected to undermine the authority of the authorities so that this group can carry out coups more easily. The aim of the opportunist destructive opposition group is to overthrow the ruler quickly in order to take over the government.

3. Ideological Fundamental Opposition

This opposition is not much different from the destructive opportunists because they both want the ruler to fall so that he can be replaced by another ruler. The difference is in the ideological elements brought in the ideological fundamental opposition.

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This concept is not just wanting a change of rulers, but also at the ideological level. They consider the basis of a country that has been adhered to so far is inappropriate, so they want to replace it with a state basis that is considered better.

4. Democratic Constructive Opposition

This opposition is the best when compared to other types, formed because of the struggle of the opposition groups for the benefit of the general public. If the three previous concepts of opposition actually have the potential to disrupt the existing order because they will only replace the old authoritarians with new authoritarians, then the constructive then democratic opposition functions in creating a real balance.

The concept of democratic constructive opposition will then criticize the government if the government’s policies are judged by the people. This opposition group is also still able to see the positive side that can be achieved by the government so that the people then evaluate the government in a balanced way.

Related Book Recommendations

1. Democracy and Bureaucratic Culture

As a social thinker and humanist, Dr. Kuntowijoyo is always serious and responsible. His works of thought which have been collected in this book demonstrate his clarity, authenticity and radicality in dissecting the fundamental and urgent problems of our nation.

For example, Pancasila, democracy, social diseases found in bureaucratic culture, land issues, industrialization, changes at the village level, and undercurrents, all are highlighted and discussed sharply, so that the reader will not only be able to understand the problem, but also grasp the direction of the problem. .

2. Consolidation of Democracy and Leadership


Hendardi’s writings, which are summarized in this book, document and analyze important historical periods when Indonesia underwent a change from the New Order to the Reformation era.

With a writing style that tends to be straightforward, readers can clearly understand the issues raised. Take for example the article “DPR Interpellation: An Event for Washing Dirty Clothes” , July 29, 2000. He highlighted the session for submitting the DPR’s right of interpellation to President Abdurrahman Wahid a few days earlier.

He wrote, “Instead of being a manifestation of the DPR’s control over the government, the DPR session has been used as an arena for ‘washing dirty clothes’ by some political parties in the DPR, especially Golkar, with President Abdurrahman Wahid as the rinse-off point.”

In the same article, he regretted that such a large amount of political energy in the DPR was not mobilized to encourage national attention in the current crisis in Maluku. So reading this book, it is clear that Hendardi has a thorough understanding of issues surrounding democracy, power and political relations, and national leadership.

As documentation, this book also invites us to understand how important it is to maintain alignment in efforts to strengthen civil society. This is the contribution of Hendari, a human rights (HAM) activist who has worked at the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), then founded the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI) and the Setara Institute.

3. Tempo Series: Struggle for Liberal Democracy 1950-1959


In the 1950s, Indonesia experimented with implementing Parliamentary Democracy—commonly called liberal democracy—in order to bring the new country out of various problems. However, during 1950–1959, debate after debate never ended and seven cabinets took turns controlling the country.

Even though it has to be admitted that during this period the Supreme Court had teeth, prosecutors and judges had prowess, and human rights were respected, undermining arose. On October 17, 1952, two tanks aimed their muzzles at the Palace. Soekarno was asked to immediately dissolve parliament, but he refused because he did not want to be seen as a dictator.

Ultimately, however, in 1959, Parliamentary Democracy breathed its last. Based on special coverage of the weekly news magazine Tempo, August 2007, the 1950–1959 Liberal Democracy Struggle explores the details of Indonesia’s experiments in democracy in the 1950s.

This book is the first edition of the “History of the Republic” series, a series that examines and rereads the early days of the Republic of Indonesia.

4. Democracy in the Post Truth Era (2021)


Disinformation in the post-truth era is a serious threat to the development of a healthy electoral democracy. Why not. In the post-truth era , personal emotions and beliefs are more important than objective facts in building public opinion, so that lies and truth are difficult to identify.

Post-truth politics develops thanks to various forms of disinformation through new media platforms , especially social media. This book shows that social media has the capacity to spread misinformation, generate wild conspiracy theories, speak negatively about certain groups without any clear basis, and cause polarization in society.

Post-truth political practices bring negative consequences to the eroding of healthy debate traditions in society, the occurrence of political deadlocks, uncertainty related to policies, and can even make people alienate themselves from political dynamics.

Written in easy-to-digest language, Democracy in the Post Truth Era gives us a fairly complete description of post-truth politics , especially in Indonesia.

Now we can better understand that the opposition is a party that seeks to balance the forces that are in power. Sinaumed’s can learn about politics by reading books that you can get at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides the best products so you have #MoreWithReading information.

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