The Meaning of Compromise: Types, Benefits, Examples, and Its Application as a Key to Democratic Culture

The Meaning of Compromise Is – Reader must be familiar with the term compromise? Yes, this term is usually used in the context of negotiation efforts between two or more parties so that the problem becomes easier to solve. Even without realizing it, Reader must have often made this effort to compromise to solve everyday problems.

Especially in our country, which is famous for its multicultural society, there will always be social problems that occur. Whether it happens in the school environment, the work environment, or the home environment. These problems can in fact be resolved through family or peaceful means, but if it is proven that there is a serious violation, then of course you have to go through the legal process. Well, from so many alternative solutions to the problem can also be done with a compromise effort. So really, what is the compromise? In what kind of situations and conditions can we use this effort to compromise to solve the problems that occur? What benefits can be felt after applying this compromise effort in a problem solving?

Well, so that Reader is not confused about that, let’s read the following comments!

Meaning of Compromise

Based on KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia), the term “compromise” has a definition in the form of ‘ peaceful agreement or mutual reduction of demands (about disputes and so on) ‘. Meanwhile, according to Joko Untoro, compromise is a form of social problem solving through accommodation which means to get an agreement on the disagreement that has occurred. With this compromise, it is expected to reduce the number of claims between the two concerned parties.

Not only that, compromise can also be referred to as a concept to obtain a mutual agreement through communication between the parties concerned. This compromise is done because there is a difference of opinion or cross opinion which must be resolved by making a new agreement, which of course the new agreement must benefit both parties. Compromise as an effort to solve this problem can also be defined as a process of negotiation or consultation that gives and receives opinions consistently.

A simple example of the application of compromise: there is a young couple about to get married and they both compromise to talk about where to live. The wife does not want to live with her in-laws, neither does the husband. Finally, they made a new agreement in the form of finding a rental house as their temporary residence.

This compromise is included in constructive conflict management, which is a form of accommodation between the parties involved to reduce their demands so that the solution to a dispute can be quickly completed. Conflict management is said to be constructive when in the effort to resolve it, the continuity of the relationship between the related parties is still maintained and they interact harmoniously.

Features of Compromise

An effort to solve a problem or conflict can be called a compromise when it meets the following characteristics.

  • The position of both parties involved in the problem is the same.
  • Family nature in an effort to reach a mutual agreement.
  • Can be done with a cool head alias patiently and calmly.
  • Prioritize the discussion step in the process of solving the problem in order to get the best solution.
  • Done in order to reduce or even without giving rise to legal claims.

Conditions for Making a Compromise

A problem-solving effort can be called a compromise when doing the following conditions.

  • Each of the parties involved should lower their idealism in order to reach a new agreement.
  • Each of the parties must reduce their demands in order to reach an agreement.
  • Bearing in mind that each party should feel benefited by the existence of the new agreement. If only one party agrees, then it is not a compromise.

Purpose of Compromise

The main purpose of the compromise effort is to resolve the problem or conflict. Some other purposes are as follows.

  • So that the relationship between the two parties involved remains well maintained, so that the compromise process can proceed peacefully.
  • So that each party involved in the problem gets a win-win solution , aka both parties get a profit from the new agreement.
  • Invite the parties who were previously opposed to be willing to work together in solving the problem.
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Form of Compromise

Although the main purpose of the compromise is so that the problem or conflict that occurs between the two parties can be quickly resolved, but it turns out that this compromise has two forms that each have their own characteristics, namely as follows.

1. Separation _

That is, the parties involved in the problem or conflict are separated first until they reach a new agreement or agreement.

2. Arbitration _

That is, the form of conflict resolution outside the court by using the method of reconciliation. Usually, a third party will be used as a “referee” or mediator between the two parties.

Types of Compromise

Meanwhile, compromises also have their own types, each of which has specific characteristics as a differentiator, namely as follows.

1. Consensus

That is, the type of compromise with the conflicting parties is found somewhere together. Once they meet, they will find the best solution to the problem at hand. But with a note, that the agreement is not only based on one party.

2. Confrontation

That is, a type of compromise where the conflicting parties face each other directly and express their opinions to each other. In this type of compromise, there must be someone who has a skilled leadership spirit so that conflict resolution can proceed rationally.

3. Distributive Compromise

Namely a type of compromise with the parties involved having time to discuss problem solving. Usually, using a method in the form of dividing some of the profits and losses experienced by both parties, alias split the difference .

The Benefits of Compromise in Everyday Life

This compromise is often applied in everyday life, especially as an effort to resolve problems or conflicts, because it contains various benefits. The benefits are directly felt by the parties involved, namely:

  1. Resolve conflicts with family policy.
  2. It is considered to be able to solve the problem with a solution that does not harm both parties.
  3. It did not cause any casualties, because it was done peacefully.
  4. Preventing the occurrence of continuous conflict between the social groups of the community.
  5. Alleviate the problems that occur.

Examples of the Application of Compromise in Life

Unknowingly, this compromise is often done by everyone, even Reader is no exception . The problem or conflict that should be resolved in this compromise should not be heavy, but also light things. Well, here is the application of compromise in everyday life.

1. Compromise Between Employees and Superiors

Usually, before starting a new job, an employee will receive a work contract, the content of which can often be changed by mutual agreement. Whether it’s on the work system, the wages received, the duration of work, etc. If the agreement given in the contract is suitable, then the employee can start doing the job properly.

2. Compromise Between Newly Married Couples

There is a young couple about to get married and they both compromise to talk about where to live. The wife does not want to live with her in-laws, neither does the husband. Finally, they made a new agreement in the form of finding a rental house as their temporary residence.

3. Bargaining in the Market Between Sellers and Buyers

In this case, something that must be resolved is not related to a serious problem or conflict, but rather to the mere setting of prices. Even so, it still requires a compromise that is clearly mutually beneficial between the parties. When a seller has set a certain price for an item, but a buyer wants to buy it at a cheaper price. Then, there was a compromise between the two sides and gave a new agreement that could finally be approved.

4. Compromise Between Lecturers and Students

Usually before implementing learning, lecturers from a particular subject will give an agreement to their students about how the assessment system, learning system, and test system will be. Well, the students can “bargain” on the agreement until they reach a new agreement. The compromise that occurred between the two parties was done in order to avoid problems in the future.

Compromise as the Key to Democratic Culture

Based on a research journal article entitled ” Compromise as the Key to Democratic Culture ” by Irena Novarlia, states that compromise is the best and most elegant way, especially in an effort to resolve various differences of interests. Not only that, compromise is also part of democratic culture because it upholds equality, maintains a balance between rights and obligations, cultivates a fair and wise attitude, and prioritizes the unity and unity of the nation.

When talking about democracy, it is actually not an easy concept to understand because it has various meanings. When researched according to its origin, the word “democracy” comes from the Greek language ie demos which means ‘the people’ and kratos which means ‘power or authority ‘. Well, from there it can be concluded that this democracy has a definition in the form of “people who have power” . This concept of democracy has been applied in our country Indonesia by placing the people in a very strategic position in the political system, although the implementation is often different especially with other countries that equally use the concept.

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According to Affan, the meaning of this democratic culture can be seen normatively and empirically. When normatively, democracy should ideally be done by a country. While empirically, then this democracy is a manifestation of the political world. Empirically, this democracy is considered to have been accepted by society, because its norms are in accordance with what is happening in society.

In a democratic culture of course it has its principles. According to Miriam Budiarjo, the principles of democratic culture are as follows.

  • The existence of constitutional protection, that is, the existence of the constitution not only guarantees the rights of individuals, but also determines the procedure to obtain protection for the rights it guarantees.
  • There is an independent and impartial judiciary.
  • Having a free, honest, and fair general election.
  • Freedom to express an opinion for every citizen.
  • Freedom of association or organization.
  • There is citizenship education that is implemented in educational institutions.

Meanwhile, Henry B. Mayo also used to think about the principles in the running of the democratic system in a country, among others.

  • Resolve disputes or conflicts peacefully and institutionally.
  • Organize leadership change on a regular basis.
  • Guaranteeing the peaceful change that occurs in a society.
  • Limit the use of force.
  • Acknowledge and value diversity.
  • Ensuring justice is done.

Well, from those principles there is a principle that states that disputes or conflicts should be resolved peacefully, one of which is through this compromise. Compromise is a normal thing to do in family, community, and national life as a precise way to find a solution. This compromise is also considered to be the key to the existence of a democratic culture, if it is able to give birth to an experience where participating institutions can comply with their agreement.

Compromise that is done intelligently, turns out to be able to be a condition for a democracy. All citizens will have a solid basis on the awareness of the importance of developing compromise in the life of society and the country. Even if these existing decisions are taken without prior compromise, it often causes unstable things, especially for the parties involved.

Principles of Compromise in Democratic Culture

The existence of compromise principles does need to be developed as a key to democratic culture, namely in the form of:

1. Upholding Equality

Compromise is said to be the key to democratic culture because it means that everyone should be willing to share and be open in accepting differences of opinion, criticism, and suggestions from others. Thus, through this compromise also at the same time teaches that every human being has the same dignity and degree as a creature created by the Almighty God.

2. Maintaining a Balance Between Rights and Obligations

Compromise is said to be the key to democratic culture because in this social life, there are boundaries that must be respected together in the form of other people’s property rights. The application of these rights is not something absolute and without limits, but rather a form to create an order of daily life that is responsible to God as the creator, oneself, and others in the best possible way.

Therefore, through the effort of compromise, every human being on this earth still receives the nature of basic rights from the Almighty God in the form of the right to life, the right to freedom, and the right to own something.

3. Cultivating a Fair and Wise Attitude

Compromise is said to be the key to democratic culture when the society is able to develop a wise and fair culture, especially in order to create a life that respects the dignity and dignity of others. Not only that, every human being should also not discriminate and maintain unity and unity in the surrounding community.

A fair attitude in terms of compromise means that all parties involved must be willing to sacrifice half of their will in order to “win” a mutual agreement.

4. Consultation and Consensus

Compromise is said to be the key to democratic culture and occurs when in decision-making efforts, it is done through deliberation and consensus which is a form of basic value of Indonesian culture that has existed for a long time. Yes, in this consultation and consensus activity, it turns out that it means that on every occasion related to decision-making, it must be preceded by a compromise and be ready to listen to the opinions of various parties. Compromise in this consultation and consensus activity will certainly produce a decision that is able to satisfy the parties involved while avoiding the emergence of conflict.

5. Prioritizing Associations and National Unions

Compromise is said to be the key to democratic culture and occurs when in living the life of this community and state, we prioritize public interest over personal interest. From the awareness of every citizen of this matter, it turns out that it can be a form of love for the nation and the country.

Well, that’s the commentary on what compromise is and the form of compromise that turns out to be an important part of the democratic system in our country.