The Meaning and Meaning of Pancasila as State Ideology

Pancasila as the state ideology means that Pancasila is used as an ideology as a guide by the Indonesian people in carrying out their lives. The values ​​contained in the five principles of Pancasila form the foundation of society in socializing, religious life, human rights, and working together.

A. Definition of Ideology

Ideology is also called a system of ideas which will organize all thoughts about life, then complement it with various means as well as policies and strategies, where the goals to be achieved are adjusted to the reality of the values ​​that exist in the philosophy that is the source.

Means, it can be concluded that ideology is the result of thought whose contents include certain values ​​in order to achieve a certain goal to be achieved. Ideology is also known as the identity of a country. Because ideology actually has a very important function for a country, where ideology is used as a thing that strengthens the identity of a state community.

B. The Function of Ideology

Just as an identity card is generally owned by everyone as an identification, ideology can also be used as an identification of a nation. In addition, ideology has other functions, namely cognitive function and basic orientation.

As a cognitive function, ideology can be used as a basis for a nation in world life. Meanwhile, the basic orientation function means that ideology is something that can be used as a source of insight and meaning for the people, and can be a guide for the people in achieving goals.

Ideology has a central position for every nation. This is because the ideology of its role includes various things and becomes a guide for the community in achieving its goals.

Another role that ideology has is as a tool in preventing various conflicts in society. Of course this is with the aim that people can live in peace and at the same time have a high sense of solidarity. Ideology also has a role as a unifying nation. Because basically every nation in this world has a diversity of ethnicities, languages, customs, cultures, and religions.

Ideology here acts as a unifier of the diversity that exists in society. Of course this has the goal of creating a good state life. Ideology as the identity of the Indonesian nation can be seen from the ideology of Pancasila that is owned. The Pancasila ideology was formulated by the Committee of Nine based on a speech by Ir. Sukarno.

C. Position of Pancasila in the Life of the State

The formulation of Pancasila as the state ideology was a long process, various philosophical and ideological interpretations were carried out in order to achieve the values ​​we know today. The book entitled Pancasila by Prof. Drs. H. Achmad Fauzi DH.MA will help Sinaumed’s understand more deeply about Pancasila as the national ideology.

Pancasila itself has several positions in the state life of Indonesian society, namely:

  1. As the soul of the Indonesian nation
  2. As a characteristic of the personality of the Indonesian nation
  3. As a way of life for the Indonesian nation
  4. As the basis of the state
  5. As the source of all laws
  6. As a noble agreement when the Indonesian state was founded
  7. As the goals or ideals of the nation

This position clearly states that Pancasila is a guideline for the Indonesian people in carrying out their activities as a nation. Therefore, it can be said that Pancasila is a guide in the life of the state for the community. Just as the direction of a ship without a compass is uncertain, so the country will be directionless if there is no Pancasila.

In addition, Pancasila also has historical value because the process of its formation was the result of an agreement between group representatives when establishing the Indonesian state. Based on its position and function which turned out to be so important, Pancasila must be able to maintain its nobility by every citizen.

D. The Role of Pancasila as State Ideology

The role of Pancasila as the state ideology provides guidance to the Indonesian people in determining attitudes and behavior. The values ​​contained in the five principles of Pancasila are used as a benchmark for rules by this nation in acting in social and state life.

The position of the values ​​contained in the five principles of Pancasila is as a moral rule. Therefore, its implementation must also be based on the beliefs and awareness of its users.

If the rules of Pancasila as the state ideology are violated, then the punishment is in the form of moral and social sanctions. Those who violate and are not guided by Pancasila values ​​will not be subject to legal sanctions. It’s good that they feel ashamed of all their attitudes and behavior that violate Pancasila norms.

Pancasila as the state ideology experienced several periods of development. Like Pancasila during the Old Order, Pancasila during the New Order, and Pancasila during the reform era. Various parties and experts agree that the ideology of Pancasila is a collection of mutually agreed upon ideas and is a characteristic of the Indonesian nation. The result of the agreement stated that Pancasila is the state ideology that must be maintained and practiced in the life of this nation of different ethnic groups.

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With Pancasila as the state ideology, it also played a role in the formation of the 1945 Constitution. Apart from that, Pancasila also played a role as a guide in making laws, both at the regional and national levels. Therefore, with the existence of Pancasila, every legislation that has been made must be based on the voice of the people and a reflection of the Indonesian people.

Pancasila is also used so that the Indonesian nation has strong roots and foundations and has a clear identity and is a characteristic that distinguishes it from other nations. In a book entitled Pancasila Education from Ahmad Asroni, S. Fil, et al, Sinaumed’s will understand more deeply the existing values ​​of Pancasila ideology.

E. The Function of Pancasila as State Ideology

Not only its role, Pancasila as the state ideology also has a function. Then, what are the functions of Pancasila as the state ideology?

1. Serves to provide Indonesian people with the ability to develop and maintain Indonesian national identity.

2. Provide oversight of every societal behavior and be critical of various kinds of efforts so that the ideals of the nation contained in Pancasila can be realized.

3. Directing the entire Indonesian nation so that they can achieve their goals, especially those related to the ideals of the Indonesian nation and state.

4. Maintain, strengthen, and unite all Indonesian people to become one unit, so that the unity of the Indonesian nation is maintained and reduce the occurrence of conflicts between members of society.

5. Serves to serve as a guideline for the life of the nation and state for the Indonesian nation, so that social life can be lived in harmony.

From the several functions of Pancasila as the state ideology above, it can be said that Pancasila has the main function of maintaining the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation and state.

F. The Meaning of Pancasila as State Ideology

In understanding Pancasila as the state ideology or the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia more deeply, a book entitled Pancasila in Meaning and Actualization by Ngadino Surip et al. will help Sinaumed’s have meaning and knowledge about Pancasila.

The meaning of Pancasila as the state ideology is as follows:

  1. The values ​​contained in Pancasila are used as a reference in achieving goals related to the activities of the life of the state.
  2. The values ​​that exist in Pancasila are values ​​in the form of mutual agreement, and become a means of unifying the nation.

Pancasila as the state ideology as well as the goal or ideals for the realization of the life of the state is contained in the MPR’s decree regarding the vision of Indonesia in the future, namely:

  1. The ideal vision is the noble ideals of the Indonesian nation as stated in the 1945 Constitution.
  2. The intermediate vision is the vision of the Indonesian nation until 2020.
  3. Five year vision, as stated in the GBHN.

Realizing Pancasila as the ideals of the Indonesian nation means at the same time creating a nation that is devoutly religious, full of humanity, democratic, full of unity, just and prosperous. Thus, it can be said that this Pancasila is a guide for the Indonesian nation and state in maintaining the integrity, unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

G. History of the Development of Pancasila Ideology from Time to Time

1. Pancasila ideology in the Old Order era

During the Old Order era, Pancasila was still in the stage of being built to become a belief as well as a characteristic of the Indonesian people. President Soekarno, who carries the concept of Pancasila, stated that even though it comes from an unclear mythology, it can still guide the Indonesian people towards prosperity.

At this time the development of Pancasila was influenced by various conditions and situations in the world which were still in chaos. The Old Order period was a period of searching for the form of Pancasila, especially its influence on the life of the state.

In understanding the origination of Pancasila values ​​promoted by President Soekarno, a book entitled The Birth of Pancasila: A Collection of Speeches by Bpupki (2019) will help Sinaumed’s have an overview and understanding of what happened during the long process of its origination.

2. Pancasila Ideology in the New Order Era

At this time the political turmoil in Indonesia was very worrying. It started with the outbreak of the G30S/PKI incident. Then the events of the issuance of the Eleven March Order (Supersemar) in 1966. Although the New Order government succeeded in defending Pancasila as the state ideology, its implementation in the following years turned out to be out of line. Many of the government policies are not in line with the values ​​in Pancasila.

During the New Order era there were several government actions that deviated from Pancasila values, including the following:

  • The presidential power lasted for 32 years.
  • There is a unilateral interpretation of Pancasila through the p4 program.
  • There is suppression of ideas or thoughts unilaterally, so that people are afraid to express their opinions.
  • There is oppression in physical form as happened in East Timor, Aceh, Irian Jaya, and others.
  • There is discrimination against non-indigenous people, as well as minority groups.

In a book entitled Unraveling the Veil of the New Order by Jusuf Wanandi, who is an insider in political circles who has worked with the President’s main advisors for decades, he gives an overview of all the events that occurred during the new order of the Indonesian state.

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3. Pancasila Ideology During the Reformation Period

What is meant by reform is an activity of rearranging, reformatting, or rearranging everything that is considered out of track, and conditioned to return to its true form, in accordance with its original purpose. Reform can also be interpreted as an update towards something even better and in line with expectations.

There are several conditions that must be considered in order to carry out reforms or updates, such as the following:

  • There are deviations.
  • Must refer to a certain framework structure.
  • Reform must be able to return the system to the basis of a democratic state.
  • Reform must strive to be done for the better.
  • Reform must be based on Belief in the One and Only God, and guarantee national unity.

The objectives of the reforms are as follows:

  • To make gradual changes in order to find renewal of values ​​in the life of the nation.
  • To carry out arrangements for the entire state structure including laws and regulations that deviate from the goal.
  • To make improvements in various aspects of life, such as the political, economic, social and cultural fields, as well as defense and security.
  • Eliminate all activities and habits in society that are not in accordance with reform, such as KKN, authoritarian rule, irregularities and other irregularities.

At this time, Pancasila, which was originally a source of values ​​and a reference for the code of ethics for the state and its apparatus, turned out to be changed and used as a tool to justify political activities in this country. all political activities in the name of Pancasila, when in reality its values ​​are completely contradictory.

Reforms were carried out in various fields in the name of Pancasila. But apparently it still doesn’t have much effect on the socio-economic life of the community. The existence of globalization also adds to the challenge. The position of Pancasila as the state ideology is in danger of being displaced. Especially now that Pancasila carries an open ideology.

Pancasila as the state ideology has experienced various developments. During the old order, Pancasila was still in the stage of being built to become a belief and characteristic of the Indonesian people. In fact, Pancasila is only used as a tool to perpetuate power with the existence of a presidential term for life.

During the New Order era, Pancasila was made the basis of the state along with the 1945 Constitution by the Indonesian people. But it turned out that Pancasila was again only used as a tool to perpetuate the authorization of presidential powers for 32 years.

The reformation era which was expected to bring good and new influences on Indonesian society also turned out to have deviated from its goals. Indonesian people are expected to return to practicing the noble values ​​of Pancasila. But the reality is that in the reform era, people’s state life is even further away from these values.

The people in this country are experiencing moral decline, moreover because of the influence of globalization. Corruption is also carried out openly, as if it has become part of the culture in this country. The values ​​of Pancasila are increasingly far from being practiced by the community.

This reform era took place after the end of President Soeharto’s term of office on May 21, 1998 and until now there have been no changes promised before, the form of KKN is still ongoing. In this book entitled Reformation & the Fall of Suharto by Basuki Agus Suparno, he will describe various political interests fighting in the name of reform.


Pancasila as the state ideology and way of life of the Indonesian nation should be used as a reference in everyday life. Even though the flow of globalization has entered this country very quickly, Pancasila should have been able to filter it. The noble values ​​contained in each of the Pancasila precepts must be able to become a filter for foreign cultures trying to enter.

Pancasila as the view of the state is actually a manifestation of the cultural values ​​belonging to the Indonesian people whose truth is believed. The ideology of Pancasila comes from people’s habits from ancient times. These Pancasila values ​​grow and develop from time to time. That is why the Indonesian people should practice the values ​​contained therein, because Pancasila is a reflection of the nation’s personality.

Pancasila as the state ideology has gone through several phases of development. Even though it was maintained, Pancasila experienced several deviations in practice. However, the roots of Pancasila values ​​are too strong so that they can still survive today. Pancasila as a way of life will continue to be a reference for the Indonesian people in living the life of the nation.

So, that’s an explanation of Pancasila as the ideology of the Indonesian state which has its own meaning for the nation’s generation. Pancasila ideology has a historical journey starting from the beginning of the formation of the Indonesian state and even today it is still the main state ideology in this nation. That is why as a nation’s generation we need to know and understand the concept of Pancasila as the ideology of this country.