State Defense Indicators: Definition, Objectives, and Examples of State Defense Attitudes

Indicators of State Defense – As Indonesian people, of course we need to understand what state defense means. This awareness is a quite important part of the national strategy of the Indonesian nation and state to face various kinds of disturbances, threats, obstacles, and challenges. The history of the founding of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia or NKRI, which was obtained through a long struggle and full of sacrifices, cannot be separated from the roles and contributions of all components of the nation.

This awareness of defending the country has been mandated in Article 27 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which reads: “Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in efforts to defend the country.”

Definition of State Defense

The meaning or meaning of defending the country is already contained in the laws that have been determined by the state. According to the Republic of Indonesia’s House of Representatives website, in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 56 of 1999, article 1 paragraph 2, it explains that defending the country is the attitude and behavior of citizens imbued with their love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila and the Constitution. the Constitution or the Constitution in ensuring the survival of the nation and state.

These attitudes and behaviors do not just appear and become the awareness of every citizen from birth. Therefore, it needs to be developed from an early age and always maintained and developed on an ongoing basis through fostering awareness of defending the country. Physically, this can be interpreted as a defense effort to face physical attacks or aggression from those who threaten the existence of the country.

Meanwhile for non-physical, this one concept is interpreted as an effort to play an active role in advancing the nation and also the state, be it through education, morals, social, or increasing the welfare of the people who make up the nation. In the implementation of state defense, all citizens can do it, either physically or non-physically. The physical defense of the state that can be carried out includes by way of struggle to take up arms or join the war if there is an attack from a foreign country against the sovereignty of the nation.

Meanwhile, non-physical defense of the state is interpreted as an effort to safeguard the nation and state sovereignty through a process of increasing nationalism. Nationalism here is a series of love and awareness in the process of living in the country, as well as efforts to foster a sense of love for the motherland. Not only that, defense can also be carried out by playing an active role in realizing the progress of the nation and state.

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State Defense Indicator

In the process of defending the state, there are several things that are important values ​​that must be used as the basis for every member of the nation, including:

1. Love the Motherland

Love for the motherland is a feeling of love for the nation and also the country. This is because love for the homeland means that we must wholeheartedly and be willing to sacrifice to defend the nation and state from various kinds of threats, obstacles, distractions and challenges. In essence, love for the homeland is pride in being part of the homeland itself and a nation that ultimately wants to do something to be able to make its name proud.

In applying the value of defending the country, loving the motherland, it can be done every day by showing how our attitude is in living life as a society, as a nation, and also as a state, by never giving up, caring, and helping one another. Some attitudes and behaviors that reflect love for the motherland are:

– Proud to be Indonesian.
– Using domestic products.
– Comply with all existing laws and regulations.
– Always obedient to pay taxes.
– Willingly participate in the flag ceremony.
– Maintain environmental sustainability and cleanliness.
– Mutual respect for fellow citizens.

2. National and State Awareness

This awareness of nationhood and statehood means that individuals who live and are bound by the auspices of the state must have attitudes and self-behaviors that grow from their own will. This attitude and behavior must be based on sincerity and willingness to act for the good of the nation and state of Indonesia.

3. Believe in Pancasila as the State Ideology

The values ​​contained in Pancasila as the state ideology are a source of enthusiasm for state administrators and also government officials in carrying out their duties and authorities so that they remain focused on the foundations of the state along with the times and also the dynamics of society.

4. Willing to Sacrifice for the Nation and Country

Willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and also the state, namely by willingly sacrificing energy, time, thoughts and property for the public interest. It also has another meaning, which is willing to sacrifice for the nation and the state is selfless service given by citizens to the motherland with full awareness, sincerity in maintaining the continuity of the country.

5. Have the initial ability to defend the country

The last value of defending the country is having the initial ability to defend the country which is divided into psychological and physical. Psychologically, having emotional, spiritual and intelligence intelligence, always taking care of his body and soul, and having the characteristics of discipline, tenacity and hard work. While physically, namely having excellent health conditions, physical skills to support, by liking sports and always maintaining a healthy body.

Example of Defending the Country

After understanding what state defense means, here are some forms of state defense that can be applied as members of the nation of a country, including:

1. Preserving Culture

Awareness to preserve Indonesian culture, especially regional culture which is very diverse. So that this can prevent recognition from other countries which state that Indonesia’s regional wealth is the result of their original culture.

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2. Study diligently

For students, defending the country that can be realized is by being diligent in studying. Thus, in the future it will bring up intelligent human resources and be able to filter various kinds of information originating from foreign parties. That way, people will not be affected by misleading information from foreign cultures.

3. Obey the Rules

Comply with applicable legal regulations. This is a manifestation of our love for the homeland and defending the country. Because, by complying with applicable laws, it will create security and peace for the environment and create a sense of justice in society.

The Purpose of Defending the Country

The aim of fostering awareness of defending the country is one of the efforts to build the character of the Indonesian people who have a spirit of nationalism and patriotism, and have strong national resilience to ensure the upholding of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The following are some of the objectives of defending the country, including:

– Form a strong mental and physical.
– Form a disciplined attitude of time, activities, and other activity arrangements.
– Instill a sense of love for the nation.
– Train the spirit of leadership in leading oneself and a group.
– Forming faith and piety to the religion they adhere to.

Defending the Country in the Aspect of Life

Efforts to defend the country which are carried out for the sake of the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation can be carried out in various fields of life, including namely:

1. Ideology

The practice of Pancasila values ​​in everyday life is a form of defending the state in the field of ideology. For example, by always believing that God Almighty exists. Apart from that, we can also always worship and carry out religious teachings, respect each other and also love fellow human beings, place common interests above personal interests, adhere to consensus deliberation in resolving issues that concern common interests, and create a social life with social justice.

2. Politics and Law

In this sector, we can do this by actively participating in general elections, participating in regional head elections, always being active in expressing aspirations on a problem, not committing fraud, and paying taxes on time.

3. Economy

In the economic field, this can be done by increasing living standards with the aim of meeting economic needs by working, trading in accordance with existing regulations, and cooperatives to increase productivity and competitiveness, as well as to become a source of foreign exchange for the country.

4. Socio-Cultural

Here we can do it by living a life in a society that has the attitude of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, namely by increasing tolerance between ethnicities, races, religions, and also groups. In addition, we also need to develop each other’s interests and talents in art or sports life, preserve regional culture and customs as elements of national culture, preserve and protect the environment so as to avoid natural disasters.

This is an explanation of what state defense is, indicators of state defense, and also examples of state defense attitudes. For You who want to learn all about science related to defending the country, you can visit to get related books.