Reading Tahmid, Takbir, Tahlil and its virtues

Readings of Tahmid, Takbir, Tahlil and Their Virtue – In addition to the obligatory practices carried out by Muslims, there are additional practices or sunnahs that can be carried out by Muslims. These practices also have no less benefits than obligatory practices.

These practices are reciting dhikr in the form of tahmid, takbir, and tahlil. There are many benefits to be gained if you read it often. This article will discuss the readings of tahmid, takbir, tahlil, and the virtues of these readings.

Tahmid reading

The reading that is usually done by Muslims and has many benefits is reading tahmid. This reading is pronounced with the pronunciation “Alhamdulillah” ( اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ) which means “All Praise be to Allah SWT” . Usually this reading is recited when finished praying, or in recitation activities. However, actually this reading is not only used at times like that. There are so many reasons to pronounce the tahmid reading.

One of them is when you are getting a favor from Allah SWT. The favors also vary, such as getting sustenance, health, luck, and others. The tahmid reading is used to indicate that we are grateful and grateful to Allah SWT.

However, what needs to be remembered is that gratitude or gratitude to Allah SWT is not only when you are getting happiness. Even though we are experiencing a disaster, we also still have to be grateful by reciting the phrase tahmid or “Alhamdulillah”.

The Virtue of Reading Tahmid

There are many virtues in reading tahmid, including the following:

1. The key to achieving the love of Allah SWT

Tahmid reading is a sentence to be grateful or thank Allah SWT. In addition, this reading which means “All Praise be to Allah SWT” is reading to praise Allah SWT. When this sentence is often uttered, it means that it often means praising and giving thanks to Allah SWT. Therefore we can reach the love of Allah SWT through reading this tahmid.

2. Closing when praying for believers

One of the other virtues for people who read tahmid is the closing prayer of a believer. In the Qur’an, Allah SWT explains that when you finish reading a prayer or it is a closing prayer, you should read the Tahmid sentence.

This is stated in the letter Yunus verse 10 which means “Their prayer in it is, “Subhanakallahumma” (Glory be to You, O our Lord), and their salutation is, “Salam” (peace be upon you). And the closing of their prayer is, “Al-hamdu lillahi Rabbil ‘alamin” (all praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds)”. So for a Muslim when finished praying should read tahmid or “Alhamdulillah”

3. The main prayer or dhikr

There are sentences that are loved by Allah SWT. One of them is the sentence tahmid or “Alhamdulillah”. Then the reading of tahmid is the main prayer or dhikr. There is one hadith which contains the words of Rasulullah SAW regarding the favorite reading of Allah SWT.

The hadith reads “Narrated by Samuroh bin Jundub, he said that Rasulullah SAW said, “There are 4 sayings that are most liked by Allah, namely: Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa ilaaha illallah (tahlil), and Allahu Akbar. No sin on you where ever you start.”.” (HR. Muslim, No. 2137).

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4. Removing sins

The next virtue when reciting tahmid is being able to erase sins that have been committed before. Tahmid reading can help to erase sins followed by other readings. Other readings are tahlil and takbir. This is also in the hadith No. 158 narrated by Ahmad.

The present reads “From ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said, “No one on this earth says: Laa ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar, subhanallah, wal hamdulillah, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah, but his sins will be erased even as much as the foam in the ocean.”.”

5. Increase fortune

In the Qur’an, precisely in the letter of Abraham verse 7, Allah says “And (remember) when your Lord announced, “If you are grateful, I will surely add (favors) to you, but if you deny (My favors) , then surely My punishment will be very severe.”

The letter explains that when we are grateful for the favors given by Allah SWT, then Allah SWT will continue to increase His blessings for us. One of the uses of reading tahmid is to show our gratitude. Therefore, Sinaumed’s, no matter how many favors Allah SWT gives, we must always be grateful by saying the sentence tahmid or pronouncing “Alhamdulillah”.

6. Relieve the problem

When you get a problem or a difficulty, the way to relieve it is to read tahmid. One of the tahmid readings is when we are receiving a favor from Allah SWT. However, Sinaumed’s needs to remember that the favors from Allah SWT do not always feel good for us. Because what is good for Allah SWT is definitely good for us, even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

Therefore, when we have a problem, we should continue to read tahmid. When we read “Alhamdulillah” when things are not good, then it will alleviate the problems we are experiencing. Reading “Alhamdulillah” will make us feel more relieved and calm.

Takbir reading

The takbir is recited by reciting the phrase “Allahu Akbar” (ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ). This takbir pronunciation means “God is Greatest”. The meaning of this sentence is one of the characteristics possessed by Allah SWT, namely the Greatest. A trait that none of his creatures have. This takbir is often recited during dhikr.

The Virtue of Reading Takbir

There are several virtues of reading takbir, including the following:

1. Give goodness to life

Hadith no 2072 narrated by Muslim explains that there was a Bedouin Arab who came to Rasulullah SAW, then said: “Teach me dhikr for me to read!” Rasulullah SAW said: “Say: There is no God who has the right to be worshiped except Allah, the One and Only, for Him there is no partner. Allah is the Greatest. Praise be to Allah a lot. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the worlds and there is no power except with the help of Allah, the Most Honorable, the Most Wise.” The Bedouin said: “That sentence is for my Lord, which one is for me?” The Prophet said: “Say: O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me and give me sustenance.”

The virtue of takbir based on this hadith is for the good of life. Often reading takbir and coupled with other dhikr readings will make it easier to get close to Allah SWT. So that life becomes easier.

2. Can help erase sins

Referring back to hadith no. 158 narrated by Ahmad. Reading takbir readings will help erase the sins committed before. Takbir readings are also added to other dhikr readings.

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3. Get peace of mind

Getting peace of mind is also a virtue of reciting takbir. Takbir reading which means “God is Greatest” can give you peace of mind. When reading takbir it will remind us that Allah SWT is the Greatest, everything can happen according to His will. Nothing is impossible for Allah SWT.

4. Strengthen piety

One of the virtues of reading other takbir readings is strengthening piety. When we often read takbir or dhikr, we will be closer to Allah SWT. Then over time our piety will become stronger.

5. Complete Ramadan fasting

After fasting Ramadan for one month, it is closed by celebrating Eid al-Fitr. To perfect Ramadan fasting, ahead of Eid al-Fitr it is recommended to read takbir. Reading or reciting the takbir is also combined with reciting tahlil, or reciting “Laa ilaha illallah”.

Tahlil reading

The priority of reading tahlil

There are several virtues of reading tahlil, including the following:

1. Freed from hellfire

The virtue of reciting tahlil is that you will be free from the fires of hell. Hadith no 873 narrated by Muslim explains, once Rasulullah SAW heard the muezzin saying ‘Asyhadu alla ilaha illallah’. Then he said to the muezzin, “You are free from hell.”

2. Improving faith

Reading tahlil can also improve faith to become stronger. If you always read the tahlil sentence, then the longer the faith becomes even better.

The hadith narrated by Ahmad and Thabrani from Abu Hurairah RA explains that Rasulullah SAW said, “Always renew your faith.” A friend asked, “O Messenger of Allah, how do we renew our faith?” Rasulullah SAW said, “Increase your words Laa Ilaaha illallah (there is no god but Allah).”

3. The key to open the 8 doors of heaven.

From Ubadah bin Shamit radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah SAW said, “Whoever says, ‘I testify that there is no god who has the right to be worshiped properly except Allah alone, there is no partner for Him, Muhammad is His servant and His messenger, and (testify) that Jesus is a servant of Allah and the son of His servants, and His words were conveyed to Maryam and the Spirit from Him, and (also testify) that heaven is true and hell is true, so Allah will surely enter him into heaven from any of the eight gates of heaven he wishes.” (HR. Muslim no. 149)”

If you often read the tahlil sentence every day, then he can enter through one of the 8 doors. He can choose whichever door he wants to enter.

4. Brings Good Luck

In one of the hadiths narrated by Bukhari, Rasulullah SAW answered a question from Abu Hurairah RA who asked who the luckiest person would be to get intercession later. Then the Messenger of Allah replied that he was the one who uttered the phrase Laa ilaha illallah with a sincere and sincere heart.

That’s some information about reading tahmid, takbir and tahlil and the virtues of reading it. There is a lot of other information about prayers or readings that Sinaumed’s can practice. Find many other interesting books at sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will display the recommended books that Sinaumed’s is looking for.

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Source: from various sources

Author: Wida Kurniasih