Prayer to Pay off Debt Taught by Rasulullah SAW

Prayer to pay off debt – Sinaumed’s, you need to know those of you who are in debt. Islam does allow its people to be in debt. Rasulullah SAW also owed a Jew when he needed something.

Debt in Arabic is called al-qardh . Etymologically, this term means “to cut”, while the word qardh in Islamic terms means “to give wealth” on the basis of affection for those who need it and use it properly, and it will be returned to those who give it.

Islam does not prohibit a person from being in debt. However, Islam also emphasizes that a person should only owe when he is in a state of need and not delay paying it off within a predetermined time.

People who are negligent in paying their debts until they leave these debts will experience losses, even on the Day of Resurrection. From Ibn Umar, Rasulullah SAW said:

Whoever dies while still having a debt of one dinar or one dirham, the debt will be repaid with kindness (on the Day of Judgment) because there (in the hereafter) there will be no more dinars and dirhams” (HR Ibnu Majah) .

However, not everyone can pay off their debts easily. Maybe, they wanted to pay it off quickly, but still didn’t get enough amount. Therefore, apart from trying to pay off their debts, people who have debts can pray to pay off debts, practice and pray at night to make it easier to pay off debts.

Allah SWT provides solutions and strength to all of His servants in facing all trials and obstacles. Rasulullah SAW himself on the other hand teaches us prayers to pay off debts so that they are quickly paid off, even though the amount is as big as Mount Uhud.

In this review we will explain the practice and prayer of paying off debts to Allah SWT so that it is easier to pay off debts.

Practice to Make it Easier to Pay Off Debt

Sinaumed’s, if you are currently in debt, there is nothing wrong with doing good deeds and praying that it will be easier to pay them off. However, there are practices that are sometimes forgotten by someone and must be done before reading a prayer to make it easier to pay off debts.

What are these practices? Check out the following explanation.

1. Surrender to Allah SWT

The first principle before we pray to Allah SWT is to be sure that every prayer that is said is generally always answered by Allah SWT, especially if we pray fervently. Let’s think about it, the common reason humans seek Allah SWT. The answer is because there is something you want to ask Him for.

Unfortunately, many people forget Allah SWT when they are not in need. However, when you need Him, for example when you are caught in debt, you must immediately seek the Creator or draw closer to Allah SWT.

People who seek Allah SWT to ask and pray are not only practiced by today’s society. However, people have been doing it for a long time and indeed until whenever they will need Allah SWT. There are also various ways to look for it, starting from routine midnight prayers or routinely reading the Koran because of their desire to seek Allah SWT.

No matter how strong a person is, whether it’s physically, mentally, psychologically, and so on, he will always ask Allah SWT for help. Allah SWT will be very angry if there is someone who doesn’t want to pray to him, really arrogant people don’t want to pray to Him. He has prepared a home for such people, namely hell.

We need to practice first a sense of surrender to ask Allah SWT that is so deep, without any arrogant feelings in the heart. This is done so that we are loved by Allah SWT. That way, any prayer can be answered even if it is considered difficult for a servant, such as a debt that is paid off immediately.

2. Doing the Night Prayer

Performing night prayers to pay off debts is a form of our endeavor so that all matters can be made easy by Allah SWT. Praying at night to pay off one’s own debt means praying hajat, which is a sunnah practice when we have a wish that we want to fulfill, for example, like a debt problem.

Keep in mind that praying to pay off debt does not mean that it can give you money just like that. This practice is to ask for smooth sustenance so that you can pay off debt immediately. The night prayer to pay off debts or this hajat prayer is done in two rak’ahs and is done after 12 at night.

Here’s how to pray the night prayer to pay off debts.

a. The intention of Hajat Prayer

The intention when praying at night to pay off debts or pray hajat can be said silently. The following is the lafaz of the intention of the hajat prayer:

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“Ushollii sunnatal haajati arba’a roka’aatin lillaahi ta’aala” .

It means:

“I intend to pray sunna hajat four cycles because of Allah Ta’ala.”

b. Reading Iftitah and Al-Fatihah Prayers

The iftitah prayer is a sunnah prayer that is read after the takbiratul ihram, namely at the first takbiratul ikhram and before reading the letter Al-Fatihah in prayer. This iftitah prayer contains hope that is offered to Allah SWT.

This iftitah prayer reading has several kinds of readings, some are long and some are short. Even though the law of reading the iftitah prayer is sunnah, our prayers will not be complete without reading this iftitah prayer. Therefore, some people think that reading this prayer is mandatory.

Rasulullah SAW once said:

A person’s prayer is not perfect until he recites the takbir of praising Allah SWT and glorifying Him, then reciting the Al-Quran which is easy for him ” (Narrated by Abu Daud and Hakim).

Almost the same as the readings in other prayers, the iftitah prayer also contains a lot of virtue, especially in the sense that the content has beautiful meanings and shows more devotion to Allah SWT.

This shows that the nature of our lives as creatures created by Allah SWT is not free from all sins and mistakes. Iftitah prayer is one place to make a request to Allah SWT. Therefore, reading the iftitah prayer is a source of reward for every Muslim.

The following is the pronunciation of the iftitah prayer:

Allaahu akbaru kabiiraw-walhamdu lillaahi katsiiran, wa subhaanallaahi bukrataw-wa’ashiila. Innii wajjahtu wajhiya lilladzii fatharas-samaawaati wal ardha haniifam-muslimaw-wamaa anaa minal musyrikiina. Inna shalaatii wa nusukii wa mahyaaya wa mamaatii lillaahi rabbil ‘aalamiina. Laa shariikalahu wa bidzaalika umirtu wa anaa minal muslimiina”.

It means:

“God is the Greatest with the greatest. All praise is due to Allah. Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening. I turn my face to God who created the heavens and the earth with all obedience and submission, and I am not one of those who associate partners with Him. Verily, my prayers, my worship, my life and my death belong only to Allah SWT, the Lord of the worlds, with whom He has no partners. With all that I was ordered and I am among those who surrender.

After reading the iftitah prayer, proceed with reading Surah Al-Fatihah. Al Fatihah is the first surah that someone reads in every cycle of prayer. Al-Fatihah is the opening surah in the Qur’an. This surah, which consists of seven verses, has many other names, including Ummul-Kitab, Ummul-Quran, as-Sab’ul Matsani, Asy-Syifa , or Ar-Ruqyah .

There are differences of opinion about the location of the revelation of Surah Al-Fatihah. The general opinion is that this surah is classified as a Makkiyah sura or one that descended in Mecca. However, there is also another opinion which says that this sura was revealed in Medina (Madaniyyah). The third opinion, Surah Al-Fatihah was sent down twice, namely in Mecca and Medina.

Rasulullah SAW said, “It is not valid to pray for someone who does not read Surah Al-Fatihah” (HR Muslim). Judging from this hadith, it is clear that reading Surah Al-Fatihah is an obligation in prayer and is one of its pillars, even prayer is considered invalid if you do not read this sura. In the view of Imam Nawawi, this hadith is considered to be the basis for the Shafi’i school of thought that reading Surah Al-Fatihah is obligatory for those who pray, both in congregation (as priests or congregation) or individually.

The following is the reading of Surah Al Fatihah in Arabic and Latin:

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ – ١ bismillāhir-raḥmānir-raḥīm (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful).

??? _ _

الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِۙ – ٣ ar-raḥmānir-raḥīm (The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful).

مٰلِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّيْنِۗ – ٤ maliki yaumid-dīn (Owner of the Day of Judgment).

??? _ _

??? _ _

صِرَاطَ الَّذِيْنَ اَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ ەۙ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوْبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّاۤلِّيْنَ ࣖ – ٧ ṣirāṭallażīna an’amta ‘alaihim gairil-magḍụbi ‘alaihim wa laḍ-ḍāllīn (yaitu) jalan orang-orang yang telah Engkau beri nikmat kepadanya; not (the way) of those who are angry, and not (the way) of those who go astray.

c. Read Short Surahs

After reading Surah Al-Fatihah, proceed with reciting verses from the Al-Quran or short surahs. In this hajat prayer, it would be better if we read Surah Al-Ikhlas in the first rak’ah or Surah Al-Kafirun three times, while for the second rak’ah we can recite the verse of the chair.

Surah Al-Ikhlas is the 112th sura in the Quran. Surah Al-Ikhlas consists of four verses and includes the Makkiyah surah. Surah Al-Ikhlas explains monotheism by showing the nature of God Almighty. In accordance with what is mentioned in the first verse with the sound, “He is Allah, the Almighty”.

In the second verse with the sound, ” Allāhuṣ-ṣamad “, it is explained that Allah SWT is a dependent. Sometimes, humans often deny it by looking for another dependent place, by branching out their hearts to mortal things, even though Allah SWT is the only one. As for the third verse, it is also explained about the uniqueness of Allah SWT, namely not having children and being begotten. This means that Allah SWT is not the same or not equal to everything he created.

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The following is the reading of Surah Al-Ikhlas in Arabic, Latin, and its translation.

قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – ١ qul huwallāhu aḥad (Say Muhammad, “He is Allah, the One and Only).

اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ -٢ allāhuṣ-ṣamad (Allah SWT is the place to ask for everything).

لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – ٣ lam yalid wa lam yụlad (Allah SWT neither begotten nor begotten).

وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ ࣖ – ٤ wa lam yakul lahụ kufuwan aḥad (And there is nothing equal to Him).

d. Bow with Tuma’ninah

After reading a short surah, then proceed with bowing and being able to read the following readings:

Subhaana rabbiyal ‘adziimi wa bihamdih (3x)

It means:

“Glory be to my Lord the Most Great and by praising Him”.

e. Iktidal with Tuma’ninah

Next, proceed with doing iktidal and read the following passages:

“Sami’alloohu liman hamidah”.

It means:

“Allah SWT hears those who praise Him”.

Then, continue with the following reading:

“Rabbanaa lakal hamdu mil’us samaawati wa mil’ul ardhi wa mil ‘umaasyi’ta min syai’in ba’du”.

It means:

“O our Lord, for You alone is all praise, the fullness of the heavens and the earth and all the things that You desire afterward.”

f. Bow down with Tuma’ninah

After iktidal, then prostrate and read the following reading:

“Subhaana rabbiyal a’la wa bihamdih” (3x)

It means:

“Glory be to God the Most High and I praise Him.”

g. Sitting Between Two Prostrations

Next, proceed by sitting between the two prostrations and reading the following:

Robbighfirlii warhamnii wajburnii warfa’nii warzuqnii wahdinii wa’aafinii wa’fu ‘annii”

It means:

“O Allah, forgive my sins, have mercy on me, fulfill all my shortcomings and elevate my rank, give me sustenance, give me guidance, give me health, and forgive me.”

After sitting between the two prostrations, then prostrate again with the same recitation as the previous prostration. Finish up to the second cycle.

After the first cycle is completed, continue until the second cycle is completed in the same manner as the first cycle. The reading that distinguishes it is only the short letter, because in the second rak’ah we are encouraged to read the verse of the chair. When finished, end the prayer service with greetings.

Prayer to Make it Easier to Pay Off Debt

Apart from carrying out prayer services, there are also prayers that you can read to make it easier to pay off debts.

The following will describe prayers when facing difficulties paying debts. These prayers are quite familiar and are read by many priests during remembrance after prayers. The prayer in question is as follows.

Allahumma ikfina bikhalalika an haromika wa bifadhlika amman syiwaka “.

It means:

“O Allah, suffice me with Your lawful sustenance (so that I avoid) from that which is unlawful. Enrich me with Your enjoyment (so that I do not ask) other than You “.

This prayer with a clear history, God willing, will free you from debt, while for those who work, God willing, they will be given the best sustenance from their work. Another prayer to ask for ease in paying off debts, is a prayer that you can read before going to bed. The following is the argument:

It has been told from Zuhair bin Harb, it has been told from Jarir, from Suhail, he said, “Abu Salih has ordered us if one of us wants to sleep, he should lie down on his right side and then say:

Allahumma robbas-samaawaatis sab’i wa robbal ‘arsyil ‘azhiim, robbanaa wa robba kulli syai-in, faaliqol habbi wan-nawaa wa munzilat-tawrooti wal injil wal furqoon. A’udzu bika min syarri kulli syai-in anta aakhidzum binaa-shiyatih. Allahumma antal awwalu falaysa qoblaka syai-un, wa antal aakhiru falaysa ba’daka syai-un, wa antazh zhoohiru fa laysa fawqoka syai-un, wa antal baathinu falaysa duunaka syai-un, iqdhi ‘annad-dainaa wa aghninaa minal faqri “ .

It means:

“O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens, Lord of the great Throne, Lord of us and Lord of all things. The Rabb who splits the grains of plants and fruit seeds, the Rabb who sent down the Torah, Bible and Furqan (Al-Qur’an). I seek refuge in You from the evil of everything that You hold on to the forelock (all creatures by the power of Allah). O Allah, You are the beginning, before You there was nothing. You are the last, after You there is nothing. It was You who was born, there is nothing above You. You are the Mind, nothing escapes You. Pay off our debts and give us wealth (adequacy) until we are free from poverty.” (Muslim HR).

Well, that’s a brief explanation of the practice and prayer taught by Rasulullah SAW so that the debt is paid off immediately. The following is a book recommendation from sinaumedia that Sinaumed’s can read to learn about Islamic law so that they can fully interpret it. Happy reading.

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