Positive, Negative Impacts and Examples of Globalization

Example of Globalization – In living life, we are not alone. We interact with other people who have different backgrounds. They exchange views, information, lifestyle, and technology. Of course this is like a two-edged knife. On the one hand, it has a positive impact. However, on the other hand it has a negative effect.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), globalization is interpreted as the process of entry into the scope of the world. Globalization is the process of entering information, thought, lifestyle, and technology into the world. Simply put, globalization is a phenomenon of international integration that occurs due to the exchange of world views.

Globalization arises due to various factors such as technological and scientific developments, free trade, ease of movement from one country to another, political cooperation between one country and another, increasingly advanced people’s way of thinking, and so on.

To understand more about globalization, Sinaumed’s can listen to the following explanation which has been summarized from various sources on the internet.

Definition of Globalization According to Experts

Launching from the Bola.com page, here are the opinions of several experts regarding globalization. Sinaumed’s can look for common threads from the following various opinions.

  • Cochrane and Pain, put forward the signs of globalization as the emergence of a global economic and cultural system that makes people around the world become a single global society.
  • Cohen and Kennedy, argue that globalization is a set of mutually reinforcing transformations of the world, which include changes in the concept of space and time, market dependence and economic production in different countries, increasing cultural interaction, increasing shared problems in the economic, environmental, and common problems. other.
  • Achmad Suparman, globalization is a process of making an object or behavior a characteristic of every individual in this world without being limited by territory.
  • Malcom Waters, globalization is a social process which results in geographical restrictions on socio-cultural conditions becoming less important, which are incarnated in people’s consciousness.
  • Dr. Mubyarto, globalization has two meanings: first, as a description/definition, namely the process of merging world markets into a single market; secondly, in the economic field, which makes the economy more efficient and healthier towards the progress of the world community.

Features of Globalization

Launching from the Money.Kompas.com and Bola.com pages, the following are the characteristics of globalization that Sinaumed’s can look at to understand more about globalization.

1. Boundaries Between Countries Are Getting Thinner

In this world, there are more than two hundred countries. Each country has certain territorial boundaries. However, due to the influence of globalization, these boundaries are no longer important. Everyone can get information even if far from the country.

The development of technology and communication is a factor causing the disappearance of the country’s boundaries. Nowadays, people can easily contact relatives, friends or colleagues who are in other countries by using a telephone.

2. Ease of Disseminating Information

The process of globalization has also changed the concept of information dissemination. Everyone can exchange news or information quickly and easily even though they are from different continents. Globalization makes it easy for every country and every person to show themselves to the whole world.

Achievements of a person or country can easily spread to all corners of the world. Likewise, crimes or tragedies will quickly spread to all countries in the world. Meanwhile, the media used to disseminate information are usually via the internet, radio, and television.

3. Expanding Trading Activities

Globalization cannot be separated from the increasingly massive trade between countries. Trading activities continue to grow due to the influence of globalization in the economic field. Ease of access supports world economic and trade activities which are becoming more open across national boundaries.

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Not only that, economic activity is now also related to the movement of labor. In this era of globalization, a worker can own or determine for himself which country he will work in according to his wishes and abilities.

4. Cultural Exchange

In the era of fast-moving information flows, it is possible for us to exchange stories or information quickly and practically. For example, we can learn a culture from another country through films, music, fashion styles, photos, and so on.

5. Concept Changes

In the past, to communicate, you had to send letters or meet in person, which took a long time. However, now to use international meetings do not have to visit the country. Technological developments make it easier for humans to connect with each other without having to meet in person.

6. Market and Production

Each country will be interdependent with other countries. This is due to the growth of international trade. This is also influenced by the existence of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which also influences market behavior and production.

7. Increased Interaction

The intensity of interaction between one country and another will quickly have an impact on our lives. With globalization, it is easier for us to interact and establish relationships with various people in all parts of the world.

Causes of Globalization

Globalization does not just happen. It is influenced by many things. The following are the causes of globalization which have been summarized from the Money.kompas.com page.

1. Development of Information Technology and Transportation

In this modern era, access to information and transportation is getting easier. This makes buying and selling activities between countries easier. We can transact with buyers or sellers in other countries without having to meet in person. For example, shopping through e-commerce, holding meetings via zoom meetings, and so on.

2. Increasing International Cooperation

International cooperation also facilitates the occurrence of transactions between countries which then helps increase the number of products entering from abroad and vice versa. Thus, globalization will also affect international trade.

3. Ease of Transportation

Sending goods and services between countries is now easier. This causes many foreign products to enter and become part of people’s lives. Not infrequently these foreign products are then adapted by the community resulting in a merger of cultures.

For example, South Korean fashion trends have become a mecca for young people and other Indonesian people to mix and match clothes. It’s not uncommon for them to mix and match Indonesian fabrics with Korean-style clothes.

4. Open Economy

Global trade occurs because countries are open to each other to exchange products. This product itself cannot be separated from the elements and culture of the country of origin, which in turn can influence other countries.

For example, beauty products from South Korea that contain ingredients that are uncommon or difficult to find in Indonesia. However, due to the popularity of beauty products from South Korea, beauty is considered as Korean standards, which are widely adapted by local products.

Example of Globalization

Globalization is a part of modern life. Launching from the Akupintar.id page, here are some examples of globalization that is happening right now.

1. In the Field of Economics

  • Purchase goods using a credit card or bank account
  • Buying and selling online through e-commerce. 
  • Pay for items purchased with a digital wallet application.
  • Export and import activities from one country to another become easier.
  • There is cooperation in the economic field by the countries of the world.
  • The existence of a free trade policy that facilitates international transactions.
  • Many foreign products enter the domestic market.

2. In the Social and Cultural Sector

  • Foreign culture is easier to enter and be accepted in the country.
  • The use of English as an international language is important.
  • The shift in people’s lifestyles to become more advanced and modern.
  • People prefer to work in the industrial sector rather than agriculture.
  • International fashion and clothing trends are becoming more in demand.
  • Increase or decline of social norms in society

3. In the Field of Politics

  • Expanding and enhancing international relations and cooperation.
  • Active participation in international politics to achieve world peace,
  • Established an international organization.

4. In the Field of Education

  • Student exchange.
  • Ease of accessing the internet to support learning activities.
  • Technology-based learning and teaching.

The Positive Impact of Globalization

Globalization is like a two-edged knife. On the one hand it provides benefits and on the other hand it has a negative impact. Launching from the Money.kompas.com page, here are the positive impacts of globalization.

1. Society is Increasingly Advanced

Technology can easily enter and be accepted by society because of globalization. Technological developments are expanding to reach all over the world. For example, motorbikes, cars, laptops, gadgets, and other technologies are increasingly easy to obtain.

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Disclosure of information makes it easy for every industrial actor to imitate or adapt technology from one or several production houses. The discovery and development of this technology led to progress in people’s lives.

2. Increased Work Morale

Globalization causes competition to be faster. We must continue to strive to be equal and even ahead of other countries. Thus, it will become a developed country. As a society, both from the lower and upper classes must continue to struggle to survive in this globalization era.

The competition must be faced with a high enthusiasm for learning. This is because, in the future, competitors will not only come from their own country, but also from other countries. Sinaumed’s can’t just sit idly by and wait for good luck to come. Trying to pick up good destiny and change is also needed especially in this era of globalization.

3. The market is getting wider

In terms of the economy, the impact of globalization is to facilitate the sale of products from within the country to be sold abroad. Each country can get a wider market. However, the condition is that the product has high competitiveness.

4. Cultural Exchange

Globalization provides convenience in the exchange of information. This makes it easy for foreign cultures to enter a country. Thus, the culture will be absorbed easily in other countries.

5. Social Spaces Are Increasingly Open

Technology makes it easy for humans, including in terms of connecting with other people. One can exchange news easily. Existing facilities also provide open space to add networks or expand association throughout the country.

For example, by using email, chat, telephone, video calls, and other ways to be able to meet colleagues or friends who are abroad. Sinaumed’s does not need to go to meet in person in the country of origin of family, relatives, friends or colleagues. Just use the application available on the smartphone or other device.

Negative Impact of Globalization

In addition to the positive impact, globalization also has a bad impact. The following are some of the negative impacts of globalization that have been summarized on the Money.kompas.com page.

1. The Flood of Imported Products

The negative impact of globalization, namely the number of imported products. In the era of globalization, trade between countries has become easier so that many foreign products have entered the country. Ranging from various electronic goods, motorbikes, cars, and other goods belong to foreign companies.

Indonesia’s population is a potential target market for various foreign products. In addition, in this era of globalization, trade barriers between countries are becoming increasingly limited. Prices of goods become cheaper. This causes domestic products to be increasingly excluded. Domestic production activities are neglected.

2. Narrowing of Employment Fields

Globalization causes competition in the world of work to increase. Globalization causes many foreign workers to easily enter the country. These workers are experts who master various fields of life.

This reduces job opportunities for domestic workers. Of course this makes job competition even more intense. Indonesian workers do not only compete with domestic workers. They also have to take into account the influx of foreign workers.

3. Dependence on Developed Countries

The impact of globalization also causes dependence. Developing countries including Indonesia are usually not ready to face globalization. Economic facilities and infrastructure in developing countries are still lacking. Therefore, developing countries will compete to seek capital loans from developed countries.

This causes developed countries that provide loans to manage resources in developing countries freely. In general, developing countries are still victims of globalization. Therefore, every country began to develop itself to increase its competitiveness.

4. Fading Social Values

Cultures from abroad can easily enter Indonesia. This causes people to imitate these cultures. Thus, causing indifference to others or fading sensitivity.

The value of togetherness in gotong royong and deliberation began to disappear. People are busy working every day so they don’t care about the environment around them. Communities that live in the spirit of gotong royong will fade away.

Then, turning into an individualistic society that is only concerned with personal needs. Not only that, the cultural values, norms and traditions of society have also changed.

5. Environmental Damage

Globalization also damages the environment. The existence of high competitiveness and demands to progress make countries do various ways. One of them is by carrying out development or other innovations by exploiting natural resources without paying attention to the environmental damage that will occur.

As a result, air pollution is increasing, disasters are happening everywhere, the earth’s temperature is rising, sea levels are getting higher, melting ice at the poles, and other damages. This natural damage is not being felt by the owners of capital, but by the people whose homes are close to industrial areas or other areas affected by the climate crisis.