Mosaic is a work of art, see the history and method of making it

Mozaik is – Hello Sinaumed’s, have you ever heard of the word Mozaik? Yes, it’s
like something put together by sticking together the pieces to make a beautiful new visual

But really, what is Mosaic? How found? And so forth. This time we
will discuss all things related to Mosaic.
What exactly is a mosaic? Let’s ask the

Definition of Mosaic according to experts

1. According to Hajar Pamadhi and Sukardi

Pamadhi and Sukardi argue that Mosaic is the creation of two or three dimensional works of art using materials or
materials from pieces that are deliberately made by cutting them into pieces or in the form of pieces and then
arranging them by sticking them on a flat surface by gluing them.

2. According to Soemardji (1992)

Soemardji argues that mosaic is a work of art which contains elements that are arranged and glued together in
such a way on a plane surface so as to form an image or design.

3. Sumanto (2005)

Sumanto believes that mosaic is a way of creating images, paintings or decorations by gluing small pieces of
certain materials.

That means according to the experts. In general, mosaic can be interpreted as a two- or
three-dimensional work of art that uses materials such as glass, ceramics, colored paper or other media that
are cut into pieces, and can even use materials that are no longer used because they are broken or torn.
These materials are then arranged and affixed to the patterned areas, so that they become a new
work of aesthetic value.

History of Mosaic

That said, this work of art was introduced by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia around 4000 or 5000 years ago.
At that time, mosaics were made using clay plates on the walls, so that they formed the desired
pattern of images.

Then it developed, the Egyptians made mosaics using materials such as gemstones which were used to decorate walls
and furniture.

The Greeks also developed using colored natural stones, the stone materials used are the materials of choice, in
order to produce natural and permanent colors.

The Romans began to use the material to make mosaics in the form of chips. Usually the motifs
of these works depict something, ranging from simple motifs, to everyday stories and heroic myths.
The materials used usually use ceramics, glass, and clay to produce special effects.

The Difference between Mosaic and Similar Works

Mosaics, collages, and montages are two or three-dimensional works of art that apply the art of pasting
pieces of material and arranging them to form an image.
But who would have thought, even though
they were similar, in fact the three of them had differences.
Where does the difference

For montage, montage is a work of art that uses an image from magazines, books, newspapers, etc. to be
arranged into a new work of art.
For example cutting a picture of a car in a newspaper or
magazine, then putting it together in a new field.

A collage is a work of art by attaching several types of materials such as newspapers, seeds, and beads to
a patterned area.
Meanwhile, mosaic is gluing one type of material into a new shape.

It is clear now the difference? Then, what exactly is the function of this mosaic?
Let’s try to see one by one!

Mosaic function

1. Aesthetic practical function

Aesthetics has the meaning of everything related to the appreciation of beauty. The aesthetic
practical function here is a work of art with a decorative function to beautify or beautify a room.

2. Expression function

As a function of expression, this work will exist based on the expressions that appear from the maker.
Usually, mosaic artists have a myriad of creative ideas, which are then expressed in their mosaic

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3. Educational function

Creativity in making this work will involve motor functions, intellect, absorption, emotion, and aesthetic
So by itself, each of these functions will increase with the frequency of making this

4. Psychological function

In terms of psychological functions, mosaics act as a medium for channeling various kinds of emotions that
a person experiences.
Now many people refer to it as healing media .

5. Social function

As a social function, mosaics function as a means of preserving cultural values ​​that are strong in society, so
that they can be entertainment, present beauty, and as part of education in society.

Materials Used

More curious about this work? You can, you know, make this work by utilizing the materials
around you.
What materials can be used to make mosaics?

The following are materials that can be used in making mosaic art:

1. Ceramics

Works of art that use ceramic materials, usually use ceramic pieces consisting of various colors that match
certain motifs or according to patterns that have been designed.

2. Glass

This artwork usually uses pieces of glass in various shapes and sizes according to the desired pattern.

3. Paper

In making it, usually use colored paper or paper that is commonly used for origami, then cut according to needs.

4. Seeds

Seeds of plant origin can also be used to make mosaics, such as green bean seeds, black soybean seeds, saga
seeds, and so on.

5. Stone

The types of stone that are often used to make mosaics are usually natural stone chips, marble, brick chips,
gravel, or flagstone.

6. Leaves

Leaves are also a material that can be used to make mosaics. From a variety of shapes and
characteristics, leaves can be arranged into an interesting pattern in a mosaic artwork.

7. Rubber

In mosaic works, processed rubber is usually used, such as used tires which are cut into small pieces or made
into pieces to match the required shape and size.

8. Metal

There are several types of metals that can be used as mosaic materials, including brass, zinc, and
It is also possible that precious metals such as gold can also be used to make

Of course, according to the funds you have, Sinaumed’s. Even though it is cut into small pieces
according to the desired needs, gold is still of high value.

9. Mika

Mica is a kind of mineral. The word mica comes from the Latin word micare
which means sparkling.
So, the mica used in this mosaic art is a mineral such as aluminum
silicate or glass magnesium, when used for mosaics, it will look sparkling.
In addition,
mica also serves as electrical insulation.

10. Skin

The skin is the outermost part of living things. The skin that is often used as a mosaic
material is the skin of fruits or plants, often even shells or eggshells are used.

Of course, apart from the materials mentioned above, we also need other supporting materials to make a mosaic
work of art, such as mats, glue or adhesive, pencils, cutting tools, as well as erasers.

Mosaic Making Method

In making mosaic art, there are several methods that must be considered. Methods in making
mosaic works of art are needed so that the resulting work has aesthetic value and is full of beauty.

Several methods are often used in making mosaic artwork, including:

1. The direct method

The direct method uses the technique of sticking one by one the pieces of material used on the surface of another
three-dimensional object.

2. Indirect method

This indirect method is based on first arranging the mosaic pieces on another medium, then transferring them to
the surface of a three-dimensional object.

3. The indirect method twice

This method is the same as the indirect method, but the process is carried out twice. So,
after the first method is done, it is done by repeating the same method.

How to Make a Mosaic

After the materials and methods, you know. Now is the time for you to try to make it, Sinaumed’s.
Here’s how to make it:

1. Prepare the necessary materials

This is the first thing you have to prepare. As stated above, the materials that need to be
prepared include mats, glue, pencils, cutting tools, erasers, the desired material can be paper, leather,
leaves, rubber, and so on.

2. Determine the base to be used

Selection of base, related to the material to be used. It is recommended to choose a base that
is sturdy and thick, so that the material used can stick perfectly.
Several base materials can
be selected, such as cardboard, board, canvas,
duplex paper, and cardboard.

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3. Make a pattern on the base plane

After determining the base to be used. The next step is to make a pattern or sketch on the
base area to be used.
Patterns are made, according to what is desired by using a pencil, so
that they can be easily erased if a drawing error occurs.

The patterns can be animals, plants, landscapes, humans, and so on. Make sure the pattern
drawn is of sufficient size to attach the pieces of material properly.

4. Apply adhesive

After the base plane and pattern image are ready, apply glue to the area where the pieces of material will
be attached.
So that the material is easy to set, don’t give too much adhesive.
Paste the material on the wider area first, then stick on the small parts.

5. Wait for it to dry completely

After all the materials are glued to the base plane, wait until the adhesive dries and sticks perfectly.
To make it look prettier, put a frame on the finished mosaic work.

Examples of Extraordinary Mosaic Works

Here are some examples of famous mosaic works made by world-class artists.

1. Secret Between You and Me

The mosaic work above is called Secret between you and me, made by Atsuko Laskaris, a Japanese-born
artist who is now working in California.
This work depicts a little girl who has wings like
a butterfly playing with a butterfly.
This work includes intricate work and has amazing

2. Autumn Landscape

This mosaic artwork entitled Autumn Landscape was created by an artist named Sandra Bryant.
Sandra and her husband, Carl Bryant, are artists who create works of art such as large murals
for the public, mosaics for housing, and many other works.

Sandra uses small pieces of glass and ceramic to create very intricate mosaic works. Autumn Landscape uses
a material in the form of glass which was made in 2006.

3. Secret Mosaic Staircase

This time, it’s not a series of glass or ceramic pieces arranged for wall hangings or indoor decorative
ornaments. Secret Mosaic Staircase is a work on the 163 steps that lead to the top.

This work was created by Irish ceramics Aileen Barr involving 300 workers. Over two and
a half years of work, the work involved 2000 handcrafted fontanels and 75000 mirror fragments, stained
glass and tiles to complete the sea to sky design, incorporating the names of more than 220

How about it, Sinaumed’s? Interesting right? If you have an interest in making
mosaic art, you can start learning from now on.
If you don’t understand the methods and
techniques, you can use the following book as a guide for learning to make mosaic art.

Related Book Recommendations

1. Mosaic Skills

This book by Silvana Solichah contains 108 pages containing various examples of handicrafts from mosaic
In making crafts or handicrafts, it takes patience, touch, and creativity.

Every effort to produce beautiful works of art, must have various kinds of challenges. This
book will show you how, step by step, to produce beautiful work.
This book guides the process
from start to finish in producing works.

Many tips are given to make it easier to be creative, so that it has artistic value. More
Get this book soon, and have fun practicing.

2. The Most Beautiful Mosaics

An Andrea Hirata makes mosaic works in another form. Andrea Hirata is a novelist with his
famous work, namely Laskar Pelangi.
Laskar Pelangi is a novel by Andrea Hirata which has been
adapted to the big screen.

The Most Beautiful Mozaik-Mozaik Novel is a book that contains a collection of editor-chosen chapters that
are considered the best of all the books by Andrea Hirata.
In each chapter, we will be
presented with feelings of conflicts that are raging in our hearts.

Tells about the feelings full of memories of a beautiful childhood, playing with friends, respect for teachers,
beautiful surroundings, not burdened with piled workloads, the struggles of Belitung village children who are
trying to stay able to go to school, even though it is full of struggles against the inevitability and all the
turmoil of other feelings, which can make sad and touched.

Even though this book contains a collection of many books, it does not diminish your reading experience in
following the storyline.
More curious about this book? Please visit to propose this book by Andrea Hirata.

That’s a brief review of mosaics, Sinaumed’s. Have fun creating works of art. Always
remember, sinaumedia will accompany you with quality readings that can be found at so that you can #MoreWithReading.

It turns out that you don’t always have to use new materials to make mosaics, you know, Sinaumed’s. You can
also use existing materials, including those that have been thrown away.
Wouldn’t it be
interesting if it could become a new and valuable work?