Media: Definition, Functions, and Types You Need to Know

Definition of Media – Nowadays, maybe everyone uses the media in carrying out activities, especially activities related to communication between one individual and another individual. With the media, it will be easier for everyone to carry out their daily activities. Therefore, the definition of media can be said to be very broad, for you a teacher will definitely determine the right learning media for his students.

Not only that, the media which is more often used as a communication intermediary is often used by workers or even political officials who wish to nominate themselves. Media that often appears during the Indonesian democratic party is usually better known as political communication media. So, don’t be surprised if during the Indonesian democracy party there will be a lot of information from various media that only contains political issues or facts.

Media that is used optimally, then any information provided will be maximized as well and listeners, recipients, or readers of information can get useful information. However, media that is used only for a number of purposes, does not rule out the possibility that the authenticity of the information in the media cannot be guaranteed, so that misunderstandings can occur between the information provider and the recipient of the message. In fact, it can lead to a conflict.

So that you can use the media properly and correctly, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the media. Apart from that, you also need to understand each type of media and the maximum benefits of media can be felt. Then, how to know and understand the definition of media to the types of media itself?

You don’t need to be confused about finding this information because in this article, we will discuss more about the meaning of media, the meaning of media according to experts, to the benefits of the media that have been used.

Definition of Media

Media is a word that comes from Latin and also has a plural form or is often called medium. Meanwhile, the word media literally means intermediary. In this case, the intermediary in question is the existence of an intermediary between the information or message source ( a source ) and the recipient of the message or information ( a receiver ). Therefore, we often see media in everyday life, such as newspapers, online articles , movies, television, and many more.

With the presence of the media in this world, someone will be easily helped, so that everything that is being done will be easily resolved. In fact, this media can reduce the occurrence of misunderstandings between information providers and recipients of information. In addition, the media can be used for us to learn, the more we learn the more knowledge and insight a person has.

Along with the times, the media has also developed, where previously the media was only in paper form, now the media can be accessed through electronic devices, such as cellphones , computers, laptops, and so on. Easy access to obtain media should be used wisely so that a person or group does not miss information.

In addition, in the world of education there will definitely be communication between students and teachers and is often known as learning media. It’s become very u

It is only natural that information in the form of knowledge that exists in the world of education must be given to the fullest so that students can receive knowledge and increase their insights.

With the existence of learning media when carrying out teaching and learning activities, communication between teachers and students will be more harmonious and they can understand each other with any information provided. So, teachers should choose learning media that are very suitable for the characteristics of students.

It feels incomplete when discussing the meaning of media, but not directly from the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). In KBBI, media is a tool (means) of communication such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, films, posters, and banners.

Definition of Media According to Experts

Now that’s the meaning of media that you need to know so that it’s easier for you to understand the meaning of media, so below is a definition of media that has been conveyed by several experts.


Schramm revealed that the media is a technology that carries messages or information that is instructional in nature and can be seen, read, heard, and manipulated.

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Leslie J. Briggs

According to Leslie J. Briggs, media is a tool in the form of a physical form that is usually used when conveying material content. Leslie J. Briggs also said that the tools in question, such as tape recorders, video recorders , pictures, cameras, televisions, graphics, and computers.

Purnawati and Eldawi

Punawati and Eldawi state that media is anything that can be used to deliver messages from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message, so that the recipient of the message received can influence the feelings, thoughts and attention of students and create teaching and learning activities.


According to Gagne, media is a type of component that exists in the environment of students and can increase interest in learning.


Sadiman stated that the media contains various kinds of things that are usually used to send messages or information to the recipient of the message, so that the recipient’s (student) feelings, thoughts, concerns, and interests in teaching and learning activities can run effectively and efficiently.


Media according to Miarso are various kinds of things that can function to provide messages or information where these messages can influence students’ attention, thoughts, and desires to learn.

Robert Heinich

According to Robert Heinich, the media is something that can carry an information or message that occurs between the source of the message ( source ) and the recipient of the information ( receiver ).


Arsyad stated that the media is something that can be used as an intermediary or sender of messages originating from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message. In this case, Arsyad also said that media can also be in the form of software or hardware.

Muhammad Rohani

Ahmad Spiritual said that the media is something that can be received by the human senses and functions as an intermediary, tool, or means of carrying out communication activities or is used for the teaching and learning process.

Santoso S. Hamikaya

According to Santoso S. Hamikaya, the media are various forms of intermediaries that are often used by someone to spread their ideas so that these ideas can reach recipients of ideas.


According to Degeng, media is a component related to delivery strategies that can be filled with messages to be conveyed to learners and usually in the form of materials, people and tools.

Blake and Horlsen

Blake and Horalsen revealed that the media is a communication channel that is usually used to deliver messages between the source of the message (coming from the sender of the message) and the content of the message (received by the recipient of the message).

From the definition of media that has been expressed by several experts, it can be said that the media is often used by many people, especially to provide information. Information provided with a medium can be well received by the recipient of the message or information as long as the sender of the message and the recipient of the message have good communication activities.

Some experts also say that this media is closely related to teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers or educators with students. Therefore, information, messages, knowledge, and insights can be well received as long as the feelings and attention of students can focus on the information provided by the teacher.

Media Function

Media that can be used in various fields, from education to politics, and many more. As for some functions of the media in general, namely:

1. As a Means of Information for the Community

Every community definitely needs information because with that information a person or group of people can broaden their horizons. The function of the media as a means of information makes it easier for people to get information. Only with mobile phones , you can get a lot of information. In addition, information can also be obtained through television. The more information received by the community, the more insight.

2. As a Means for Channeling Ideas and Thoughts

The second function of the media is as a means to channel ideas or ideas. Everyone must have ideas and ideas in his mind, so that someone can think creatively. Ideas and ideas that only exist in the head, if not expressed, then other people will not know. Currently, there are already various kinds of media that can be used to channel ideas and ideas, such as films, short stories, novels, and so on.

3. As an Educational Means in Teaching and Learning Activities

The next function of the media is as a means of education in teaching and learning activities. In the world of education, the media can be said to be very important for providing information to students, so that teachers will look for learning media that fits the characteristics of students and does not bore students when learning. Without learning media, students will have difficulty capturing or receiving scientific information.

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4. As a Means To Obtain Entertainment

The media not only functions to get information or provide information, but can also function to get entertainment. This function can be said to be able to eliminate the feeling of fatigue being experienced by someone. In general, media that can entertain someone is in the form of movies, music, books, and others.

5. As a means of supervising and controlling social activities

The next function of the media is as a means of monitoring and controlling social activities. With the existence of the media, it is not easy for every member of society to carry out activities or actions that are harmful. By reducing harmful actions, it can make a community environment more prosperous.

6. As a Means to Resolve Limitations on Senses, Space, and Time

Media functions as a means to overcome limitations on the senses, space, and time. Therefore, the existence of the media makes it easy for all people to obtain information. This is because there are already many media that can help us to provide information and receive information.

Media Types

After discussing the function of the media, now is the time for us to discuss the types of media. Media has three types, namely visual media, audio media, and audio visual media.

1. Visual Media

Visual media is one type of media that prioritizes the sense of sight, so this media is usually in the form of images, videos, and so on. In general, the visual media that is often used by many people is a projector and the information conveyed to the recipient of the information is also in a visual form.

There are two types of visual media, namely motion visual media and silent visual media. In fact, the two types of visual media can be combined into one unit. With the existence of visual media, there will be lots of people who are interested in receiving the information provided. In addition, the material provided in visual media will be easy to understand because it has examples of images in the form of facts.

2. Audio Media

Audio media is media that is usually used to broadcast information or messages through sound. Therefore, the auditory sensory organ becomes a sensory organ that is quite important in receiving messages through audio media. This audio media is usually found on radio broadcasts. However, along with the times and technology, audio media has developed into a podcast .

You can get various kinds of information in a podcast broadcast . Thus it can be said that messages received through audio media have the characteristics of providing verbal information and providing non-verbal information. Verbal information in the form of words or spoken language. Meanwhile, non-verbal information is in the form of vocalizations or sounds.

3. Audio Visual Media

Audio visual media is a type of media that combines visual media with audio media, so that the information provided is in the form of images or videos that have sound. Therefore, not a few people say that audio-visual media is more interesting to see and hear. The merging of these two media not only stimulates one sense organ, but can also directly stimulate two sense organs, namely the sense organs of hearing and sight.

Audio visual media is divided into two types, namely motion audio visual media and silent audio visual media. Motion audio visual media can be seen as sound images, films, and others. Meanwhile, audio visual media is silent in the form of sound books, sound pages, and so on.

Media Benefits

Basically, the media has many benefits that can be felt immediately or in the future. However, the main benefit of the media is that it can improve communication relations between individuals with one another. Here are some of the benefits of the media.

1. People can get information faster, so they don’t miss information. Information that is received more quickly is influenced by the development of technology or the internet.

2. It is easy for the public to provide information because information can be provided via mobile phones .

3. The information provided can be maximized, so that there is no misunderstanding between the sender and the recipient of the message.

4. The message is easily given to the recipient of the message because it doesn’t take a long time or is more effective and efficient.


Thus it can be said that the media is a tool that generally functions to provide information to other people or to other groups. The information provided can affect the condition of the sensory organs that we have. For example, a teacher is using learning media that only focuses on audio or sound, so that the sensory organs of students will immediately receive and listen to the information that has been given.

In general, every media used to communicate has existed for a long time, but not everyone uses the existing types of media. In other words, a person or group uses the media only for their needs or needs. So, be wise in using one medium or several media.

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