Meaning of Connotation: Meaning, and Examples of its Application in a Sentence

The meaning of connotation – The meaning of connotation and denotation may have made you feel confused and even often changed the meaning. In fact, connotation and denotation have very different meanings. Connotation and denotation are often used in everyday conversation. It’s just that some people may not realize that they have used a connotation word in a sentence.

Therefore, there is no harm in knowing what the connotation means. By understanding what connotation is, then you can use connotation in the right time.

In order to understand the comments and more complete explanations, below the meaning of connotation will be explained, up to an example of the application of connotation in a sentence. See a more complete explanation below:

Meaning of Connotation in KBBI

Connotation then becomes one of the types of meaning in Indonesian that is attached to a word or an expression, so it is often also known as the meaning of connotation.

The meaning of the connotation itself can actually mean being positive and it can also mean negative. However, what exactly is the meaning of connotation? If you look at the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI). The meaning of connotation in KBBI is a mental link that creates a sense of value in a person when he is dealing with a word. This is one of the features found in the meaning of connotation.

In addition, connotation can also be considered as not the actual meaning. For example, “bunga desa” which means a beautiful girl in a village who is liked by many young men. Then, “long hand” which means an expression for someone who likes to steal, “right hand” which can also be interpreted as a confidant, and so on.

Connotation Meaning and Characteristics

The meaning of connotation can then also be interpreted with a figurative meaning. This means that the connotation attached to a word or expression then has a meaning that is not true. In short, there is another meaning contained in a word or expression with a connotation meaning.

After understanding the meaning of connotation, to make it easier for you to understand the meaning of connotation, the following below are the characteristics of connotation that you need to know:

  1. Connotation is a figurative meaning or not a real meaning.
  2. Connotation has additional meaning which is then conceptual.
  3. Connotation can also have negative and positive connotations as well as neutral connotations.
  4. The meaning of the connotation can then change from time to time.
  5. Connotation can then have different meanings influenced by the life outlook of a certain community or based on the norms that apply in a community group.

These are some of the characteristics and connotations that you need to know. Looking at these characteristics, it can be said that the use of this connotation can be used in everyday conversation. In addition, this connotation is actually more often found in literary works.

Meaning Connotation

The meaning of connotation is an additional meaning that is then consensual and related to the value of taste. Not only that, this meaning is then a result of the values ​​and norms held by a certain society, resulting in differences in the social function of words and meanings that are almost the same. However, the meaning of the word will then change along with the changes in values ​​and norms that occur in a society. The characteristics of the meaning of connotation are:

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1. Meaning Connotation Occurs If This Word Has Sense Value

As for the taste that is meant here, it can be in the form of a taste with a positive or negative taste value. If the taste is not worth it, it can also be said to have a neutral connotation.

2. The Meaning of Connotation of a Word That Can Be Different Between Community Groups

As for the meaning of this meaning, a community group that is one with another community group can have different connotations of a word or sentence. This is due to the view of life and norms found in the community.

3. The meaning of connotation can also change from time to time

For example, accidents on the toll road have claimed many lives. The meaning of the word ” eating the sacrifice ” here does not mean literally chewing or consuming, but resulting. Another example is “Mr. RT doesn’t like doing black campaigns.”

The meaning of the phrase ” black campaign ” does not mean a campaign using the color black, but means an evil or fraudulent campaign .

Another example is in ” Father and mother have eaten a lot of acid and salt of life .” Meaning: from the expression ” eating acid and salt of life ” this is not literally consuming acid and salt, but means having had good, bad and happy life experiences .

Examples of Application of Connotation in Sentences

After knowing the meaning of connotation and its meaning, it feels incomplete if we do not discuss the use of connotation in a sentence.

Because connotation means not the actual meaning, then the word, phrase, and sentence of connotation itself is often used in a literary work, one of which is a literary work of poetry.

Because, the meaning of connotation among them is the figurative meaning contained in a word or expression. Well, to help understand the meaning of the connotation as well as the example. Below is the application to a sentence:

  1. A military soldier died on a battlefield while fighting armed rebels. (Gugur in this sentence means to die).
  2. Pak Anas is a light-hearted and very generous figure. (Light hand has the meaning of helping).
  3. The accident that happened on the red bridge has claimed many victims. (Eating a sacrifice means causing, or causing.
  4. Tono became the right hand of an official in a bribery case. (The right hand has the meaning of a trusted person.
  5. As a writer Pak Indra has eaten a lot of life’s acid and salt. (Eating sour salt means having a lot of experience.
  6. Fadi’s house is haunted by the red man. (Dilalap jago merah has the meaning of burning fire.
  7. Since the pandemic occurred, many traders have gone out of business. (Rolling the mat has the meaning of bankruptcy.
  8. It’s been a long time since Mrs. Ira left her ex-husband’s house. (Lifting the leg has the meaning of moving or going out.
  9. Adi is a smart child even though he lives with a kara (A kara means alone or no family).
  10. Lila then became the talk of her neighbors after returning from Jakarta. (The fruit of the lips has the meaning of talking material).
  11. Jane apparently inherited blue blood from her grandmother. (Blue blood has the meaning of nobility.
  12. Many heroes have fallen on the battlefield. (‘Gugur’ has the meaning of passing away).
  13. Because of his big head, Reno was then shunned by his friends. (‘Big head’ means arrogant.
  14. The workers feel that the company they work for only makes them cash cows. (‘Sapi perah’ has the meaning of a person who is used by others in order to get a profit).
  15. The office is looking for a scapegoat to be able to defend its position. (‘Scapegoat’ has the meaning of a person who is blamed).
  16. Ririn is a child who is light-hearted and kind. (‘Light-hearted’ has the meaning of a diligent or helpful child.
  17. Every problem should be solved with a cold heart and head. (‘Cold heart’ has the meaning of patience.
  18. Pak Rizal became the right hand of the police when helping to solve the kidnapping case. (‘Right hand’ has the meaning of confidant).
  19. Mutia is the golden child in her family. (‘Golden child’ has the meaning of the most loved child).
  20. The instant success he got made him forget more and more about the mainland. (‘Lupa daratan’ has the meaning of pride or self-forgetfulness).
  21. An ink porter was doing news coverage. (‘Kuli ink’ has the meaning of journalist.
  22. Flowers are so beautiful and cute that they become rustic flowers. (Country flowers have the meaning of the most beautiful person).
  23. Fadlan doesn’t want to be arrogant, even though he is sitting on a soft chair in his office. (‘soft chair’ has the meaning of a good position).
  24. Toni lives with a kara. (‘sebatang kara’ means alone or without family).
  25. Jono’s house was burnt down by the red man. (‘jago merah’ has the meaning of Fire).
  26. Irfan is a descendant of blue blood. (‘blue blood’ means noble/honorable).
  27. Anisa has become a buah bibir since she succeeded in setting up a cake shop (‘buah bibir’ has the meaning of talking to a lot of people).
  28. Ahmad immediately raised his feet from the cost. (‘lift your feet’ has the meaning of moving/exiting).
  29. The increase in BBM is not just a rumor. (‘rumours’ has the meaning of an issue or the truth is uncertain).
  30. It turns out that he is a kakap class thief who has repented (‘kakap class’ has the meaning of great or powerful)
  31. Didin already knows Budi’s cleverness. (‘akal bulus’ means cunning or trickster)
  32. Dian could have worked in the office because she had insiders. (‘insider’ has the meaning of relatives or authorized acquaintances).
  33. Rossi is very good at riding his iron horse. (‘iron horse’ has the meaning of racing motor).
  34. The merchants have gone out of business. (‘bankruptcy’ has the meaning of bankruptcy)
  35. Benny is a person who is very good at tongue fighting. (‘bersilat tongue’ means good at talking or good at finding excuses.
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Thus the discussion about the meaning of connotation along with examples of its application in a sentence. After reading this article to the end, hopefully you will become easier in using connotation sentences, especially in creating literary works.