Lordosis Is: Definition, Causes, And The Difference With Kyphosis and Scoliosis

Lordosis is – The human body is a series of other parts that unite with each other in such a way. These parts have their own functions, such as the eyes to see, the heart to pump blood, the lungs to breathe, or the backbone to maintain body structure.

Yes, the human spine is deliberately designed with a slightly curved shape in the upper, lower back and neck so that it can function optimally. Namely to keep the head and pelvis aligned, support the head area, maintain body structure, and make it easier for us to move or bend.

If this shape changes for one reason or another, the function of the spine will be disrupted and we will feel certain symptoms depending on the change in the shape of the spine.

One of the spinal disorders is lordosis. This is a disorder that occurs when the spine in the lower back bends too much forward. In this article we will discuss further about lordosis. Listen carefully, okay!

Meaning of Lordosis

In short, lordosis is a spinal disorder that occurs when the lower part of the spine is too curved inward. This condition is also known as swayback. 

This excessive curvature can make the abdominal area protrude forward because it is pushed by the lower spine which is curved too inward. In addition, the hip area also protrudes slightly up and back.

The difference between Lordosis, Kyphosis and Scoliosis

Apart from lordosis, there are other spinal disorders that are often discussed, namely kyphosis and scoliosis. What’s the difference between the three? The main difference lies in the position of the bending of the bones.

If the spine bends forward, it is called lordosis. Meanwhile, if it bends backwards, it is called kyphosis. And if it bends to the left or right, it is called scoliosis.

Find other bone diseases that you shouldn’t underestimate in the book Bone Disease Not Only Osteoporosis: Recognize & Prevent 45 Bone Diseases from AZ compiled by Prieharti and Dr. Yekti Mumpuni.

There are 45 types of bone disease discussed in this 184-page book. The writing style and use of simple language make this book easy to understand, even for ordinary readers.

Causes of Lordosis

Generally, doctors cannot know exactly what causes a patient to have lordosis. However, in some cases, lordosis can occur due to:

1. Obesity

Obesity or being overweight has the potential to affect posture and put excessive pressure on the spine. Therefore, obese people are more at risk of experiencing lordosis.

2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can cause the lower spine to become porous and bend more easily when you’re carrying your weight. Usually lordosis due to osteoporosis is experienced by people who are elderly.

3. Pregnancy

Like obesity, pregnancy can also affect body posture. Including making the lower spine too curved inward. Even so, lordosis caused by pregnancy will heal by itself after the baby is born.

4. Spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis is a condition where the spine is misaligned because it shifts from its place. This condition has the potential to cause the lower spine to curve inward more easily.

5. Bad posture

Poor posture when sitting or lifting weights can also increase the risk of developing lordosis.

6. Injury, accident, or fall

Lordosis can also be caused by sports injuries, accidents or falls from high places. Usually lordosis occurs due to a broken spine.

7. Neuromuscular disorders

Neuromuscular disorders or impaired nerve and muscle function can also cause lordosis. For example, such as muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, or something else.

8. Achondroplasia

The last cause is Achondroplasia or impaired bone growth so that the sufferer looks stunted and his body is disproportionate.

Types of lordosis

Health experts divide lordosis into five types, namely postural lordosis, congenital lordosis, neuromuscular lordosis, and postoperative hyperlordosis laminectomy. Here’s a brief explanation for each type so you understand again:

1. Postural lordosis

Postural lordosis is a spinal deformity that often results from being overweight, especially if the abdominal and lumbar areas are more forward. In addition, it can also occur when the back muscles and abdominal muscles are weak so they are unable to properly support the spine.

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2. Congenital lordosis or trauma

Congenital lordosis is a condition when the spine of the fetus in the womb develops imperfectly. In the end, his spine became deformed and weak enough to bend excessively.

Not only disabled since infancy, lordosis can also be triggered by injuries during sports, accidents, or falls from high places.

3. Neuromuscular lordosis

This is a type of bone disorder caused by impaired muscle function in the body. For example, such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

4. Lordosis secondary to hip flexion contracture

This type of lordosis is generally caused by permanent shortening of the joints and muscles in the hip joint (contractures). This can happen due to injury, infection, or disturbed muscle balance.

5. Postoperative hyperlordosis laminectomy

This last type of lordosis often occurs after laminectomy surgery. Laminectomy is a surgical removal of the spine to gain access to the spinal cord or nerve roots.

This surgery can make the spine unstable and the lower back too curved (hyperlordotic).

Symptoms of Lordosis

One of the most common symptoms of lordosis is muscle pain that occurs when the spine curves abnormally. As a result, the muscles are pulled in different directions and become more tense. In addition, there are several other symptoms that may be felt by patients with lordosis, including:

  • Movement around the neck or back becomes limited
  • Buttocks appear more prominent
  • Numb
  • Body feels weak
  • Difficulty controlling urination and bowel movements
  • pins and needles
  • The upper body to the stomach is more forward
  • When viewed from the side, you can see an indentation in the abdominal area up to the waist
  • It is difficult to lie on your back while sleeping because the back area cannot attach to the floor perfectly due to being blocked by the buttocks.

Keep in mind, the symptoms of lordosis between one patient and another are different. However, if Sinaumed’s starts to feel physical symptoms accompanied by changes in the appearance of the spine, it is highly recommended to immediately see a doctor. Because the sooner it is detected, the treatment will be easier.

Procedure for Diagnosis and Treatment of Lordosis

Sometimes we are lazy or afraid to go to the doctor because we don’t know what medical procedures the doctor will do. So, to make Sinaumed’s bolder, here is information about the procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of lordosis that will be carried out by the doctor:

1. Physical check

Usually the doctor will start by asking what symptoms you are feeling and also check your body’s medical history. In addition, the doctor may also ask Sinaumed’s to make several movements, such as sitting, standing, sleeping on his back, and bending to observe an abnormal back environment.

2. CT scan and CAT tests

To see an image of the spine in your body, the doctor will perform an imaging test procedure using a combination of X-rays and computer technology. The results of this procedure are quite detailed, so doctors can get an overview of the fat, muscles, and also the organs around the spine.

3.MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

An MRI test is performed by combining high-powered magnets, radio frequency, and a computer to see detailed images of the spine in your body.

4. X-rays

An X-ray test is performed using a beam of electromagnetic energy to capture detailed images of the bones. Doctors usually use this test to determine the degree of curvature of the spine.

5. Bone scan test

A bone scan test is carried out to see what is causing the pain in your back, detect other bone diseases that may occur, and evaluate changes in the joints.

6. Blood test

Blood tests are not actually part of the standard diagnostic tests for lordosis. However, doctors sometimes do this test to identify certain metabolic problems that may be associated with abnormal body curvature.

How to Prevent Lordosis

Actually there is no single way that is proven to prevent lordosis disease. However, according to a study conducted in 2013 and published in the European Spine Journal, standing for too long can change the curvature of the spine. While sitting can reduce changes in the curve of the lumbar curve.

Still according to the study, you can actually prevent the possibility of abnormal curvature of the lumbar by resting while sitting as often as possible when standing for a long time.

How to Treat Lordosis

How to deal with lordosis varies greatly, depending on age, severity of spinal conditions, degree of curvature, stage of growth, and also the underlying cause.

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If the lordosis that you have is not related to spondylolisthesis (the spine is misaligned because it shifts from its place), muscular dystrophy, or achondroplasia (impaired bone growth so that the sufferer looks stunted and his body is disproportionate), then treatment usually focuses on the symptoms of your lordosis. feel.

In this case, the treatment for lordosis that is often recommended by doctors is:

1. Take pain relievers

Tingling, pain, or numbness can generally be relieved by taking pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

2. Specific physical therapy for lordosis

Specific physical therapy for lordosis sufferers is usually in the form of exercise. The goal is to reduce pain, increase physical function, and also develop the muscles in the back so they can better support the spine.

Several sports options that can be chosen for the healing process of lordosis include gymnastics, yoga, and stretching exercises. This exercise must be done regularly accompanied by supervision from a doctor or therapist.

3. Bracing therapy

Bracing is a device that is placed on the back of a lordosis sufferer. Later this tool will help stabilize the back and prevent the spine from curving excessively,

The use of this tool will be recommended if the spine is curved more than 30 degrees.

4. Spinal surgery

If the three previous ways of treating lordosis are considered ineffective, the doctor will usually propose surgery. This means, the operation will only be performed when the lordosis is considered very severe.

The goal of this spinal surgery is to restore a spine that is too curved forward.

However, if the lordosis is associated with other health conditions such as osteoporosis, treatment will also focus on treating this disease. So it is likely that the doctor will prescribe drugs that can reduce bone loss.

5. Home treatment for lordosis

Apart from doctor’s treatment, the lordosis healing process must also be supported by lifestyle changes. For example, you have to wear bracing regularly as recommended by your doctor or exercise must be according to the schedule given by your doctor.

In addition, as long as you are taking drugs, you must stop smoking and drinking alcohol. The problem is that cigarettes contain chemicals that can reduce overall health. Meanwhile, alcoholic beverages can interfere with the performance of the drugs you are already taking.

Lordosis is also closely related to the activities you do. Therefore, make sure to always stand, sit, and walk with good and correct posture.

Then, avoid activities that have the potential to put heavy pressure on the lower spine, such as standing too long or lifting heavy objects.

In addition, launching from tempo.co, the following exercises can help the healing process of lordosis:


  • Hip Flexor Stretch


The Hip Flexor Stretch is performed in a kneeling position on a soft surface in the following steps:

  1. Place your right foot in front of your body so that your knee can bend at a 9 degree angle, the position of your right knee is right above your right leg.
  2. After that, pull your shoulders down and back without arching your back. Then keep your pelvis and spine stable and neutral.
  3. Next lean forward onto your right hip while keeping your left knee on the ground and with your pelvis facing forward
  4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds to 45 seconds, then repeat 2-5 times for each hip. When it starts to feel comfortable, you can lean further into your hips to deepen the stretch.


  • Cat-Cow Pose

Cow cat pose can be started by placing your hands and knees on the floor or a soft surface, then do the steps below:

  1. Place your knees under your hips the same width as your hips, then tuck your toes in.
  2. Place your hands directly under your shoulders while facing forward and shoulder-width apart.
  3. Use your abdominal muscles to move your spine into a neutral position.
  4. As you exhale, slowly arch your spine toward the ceiling. Let your head fall down. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  5. Inhale and relax your spine. After that, pull the shoulder blades back. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  6. Finally, return the spine to a neutral position.
  • Supine Curvature

Supine bends can be done by following the steps below:

  1. Get into a lying position on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, about 1 inch from your buttocks
  2. Then extend your arms to your sides to shoulder height
  3. Take a deep breath and then let your shoulders relax
  4. Pull your shoulders down and back without arching your back. Hold this position throughout the exercise.
  5. Do gentle Kegel exercises, contracting the pelvic floor as if you were trying to stop urinating
  6. Draw your belly button toward your lower back without widening your ribs or hips
  7. Do Kegels while pulling your stomach in, repeat this step while breathing normally.

Author: Gilang Oktaviana Putra



  • https://www.siloamhospitals.com/formasi-siloam/artikel/apa-itu-lordosis
  • https://www.halodoc.com/artikel/this-what-dimaksud-lordosis-dan-type-types
  • https://hellosehat.com/muskuloskeletal/tulang-sendi-lainnya/lordosis/
  • https://www.alodokter.com/memahami-Cause-symptoms-and-how-to-overcome-lordosis
  • https://gaya.tempo.co/read/1630716/3-movement-peregran-yang-effect-for-penderita-lordosis