Learn Regular Verbs & Examples of Regular Verbs

Regular Verb – Learning a foreign language in today’s era is certainly a must. The entry of the world into the era of globalization has made it easier for people to interact and communicate with foreigners. Of course, we don’t want to be embarrassed when we speak a foreign language, do we? That is why it is important to hone foreign languages ​​from now on.

Those of you who are just starting to learn English must first understand the use of verbs in English. For those of you who are learning about tenses or the basic forms of verbs and their language structure, then you will feel familiar with the terms Regular Verb and Irregular Verb.

Before discussing more about Regular Verbs, it would be better if you were able to first understand the basic components of a Verb. Unlike in Indonesian where all verbs have the same form to express past and present conditions, in English there are basic differences in the verb forms to show present, past, and past which are still being done now.

The division of verbs in English is divided into three, namely Infinitive (V1), Simple Past (V2), and Past Participle (V3). Infinitive is the basic word form of a verb (not bound by past or present tense). Simple Past is a verb form to describe past events. While the Past Participle is a verb to describe past events that have occurred and have actually been completed.

The past participle can function as an adjective or as part of a verb. So, it’s clear about the differences in the forms of verbs in English? To understand it better, please refer to the following article which will discuss in depth and detail the meaning of Regular Verbs, the language structure of Regular Verbs, examples of Regular Verbs, as well as exercises (questions and discussion) regarding Regular Verbs.

A. Definition of Regular Verbs

Understanding Regular Verb is a regular verb form that has definite rules in forming the simple past tense and past participle of the verb. In English, the “definite” rule refers to adding “-ed” or “-d” to the verb base to make the past tense.

Find other examples of verbs in the Phrasal Verb Dictionary: English Phrasal Verb Dictionary, which is a master book as well as a guide that Sinaumed’s can use to better understand various verb variants.

B. Examples of Regular Verbs

In this section you will learn and find out examples of Regular Verbs and their meanings:

Base Form (V1) Simple Past


Past Participle (V3) What is the meaning of the word
Accept accepted Has Accepted Accept
arrived arrived Has Arrived Arrive
avoid avoided Has Avoided stay away
Borrow Borrowed Has Borrowed Borrow
call called Has Called Call
deliver Delivered Has Delivered Deliver
earn Earned Has Earned Get
Gather Gathered Has Gathered Gather
happened Happened Has Happened Happen
improve Improved Has Improved Repair
increase increased Has Increased Increase
likes Liked Has Liked Like
Listen Listened Has Listened Listen
Miss Missed Has Missed Feeling lost/Missing
open opened Has Opened Open
pass passed Has Passed Pass
Prepare prepared Has Prepared Prepare
Reject rejected Has Rejected Reject
Save Saved Has Saved Save / Save
Wow Sewed Has Sewed Sew
Treats treated Has Treated Treat
Terrify Terrified Has Terrified Scare
Travel traveled Has Traveled Travel / Sightseeing
Vanish Vanished Has Vanished Eliminate / Eliminate
Yawn Yawned Has Yawned Evaporate
wonder Wondered Has Wondered Curious


C. Rules (Formulas) for Making the Past Form of Regular Verbs

In simple terms, Regular Verbs can be used to form a verb that expresses present or past events. Here’s a detailed explanation:

1. If the Regular Verb is used to describe events that are taking place ” now

If a Regular Verb is used to describe an event that is taking place ” now “, then only Verb 1 is used or the original verb without the affix “ed” or “d”. Or you can also use the affix “-ing” when referring to events that are being carried out at the time the sentence is stated.

Example :

“I am studying (V1+ing) Economy right now as my major in Oxford University”

(I am currently studying economics as my field of study at Oxford University)

“I run (V1) across that bridge every morning to make my body stay fit and healthy”

(I run across that bridge every morning so my body is always fit and healthy)

– If a Regular Verb is used to describe past or past events, then the verb used must be added with the ending “ed” or “d” to show that the sentence stated is past. A simple marker of a sentence that states the past is containing adverbs such as yesterday, last month, last night, this morning, seconds ago, and many more.

Find various examples of verbs and their meanings in the Complete English-Indonesian-Indonesian Dictionary Accompanied by Tenses-Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs below.


“I studied Math so hard last night because I’m so terrible at Math and I don’t want to fail the exam”

(I studied math really hard last night because I’m really bad at math and I don’t want to fail the exam)

In the example above, because the sentence contains a marker of the past tense, namely ” last night “, so in phrase 1 the sentence above (I studied Math so hard) the past form of the verb “study” is used, namely ” studied “. Only Phrase 1 in the sentence above has the verb changed to the past tense. Because Phrase 2 (I’m so terrible at Math) and Phrase 3 (I don’t want to fail the exam) are not affected by the presence of the past marker “last night” due to the presence of conjunctions or connecting words, namely ” becauseandand

Then if you want to express past events using Regular Verbs, when should you add the affix “ed” or “d” to the verb? To find out, see the following explanation:

2. Adding “ed” to most verbs:

Example :

– Jump > Jumped

“She jumped into the pool this morning to save her beloved cat” – Past Tense

(He jumped into the pool this morning to save his beloved cat)

– Walk > Walked

“Adam walked her home from the office last night ” – Past Tense

(Adam drove him home from work last night)

3. If the verb ends with [consonant-vowel-consonant], then double the last consonant and add “ed” :

Example :

– Chats > Chatted

“I chatted Jim last night to let him know that language class is cancelled” – Past Tense

(I messaged Jim last night to let him know the language class is out)

– Stop > Stopped

“Daria stopped someone to steal snacks at that supermarket this morning when we passed by on the way to college” – Past Tense

(Daria stopped someone from stealing snacks at the supermarket this morning as we were passing by on our way to college)

4. If the last consonant letter of the verb is “w”, “x”, or “y”, then immediately add “ed” without needing to double the last consonant:

Example :

– Sew > Sewed

“Chika’s mother sewed a beautiful gown that she wears today” – Past Tense

Chika’s mother sewed a beautiful dress for Chika to wear today

– Play > Played

“I played piano on Taylor Swift’s concert tour last year ” – Past Tense

I played the piano on Taylor Swift’s concert tour last year

– Fix > Fixed

“Mr. Andrio fixed my broken car when I was trapped on the high road in the middle of the night 2 days ago ” – Past Tense

(Mr. Andrio repaired my car which was damaged when I was stuck in the middle of the night on the highway two days ago)

5. If the verb ends with the letter “e”, then add the suffix “d” to the verb:

Example :

– Introduced > Introduced

“She introduced her brother to us yesterday ” – Past Tense

(He already introduced his sister to us yesterday)

– Dance > Danced

“Anita danced gracefully in the audition of The Dance Icon Indonesia competition a week go ” – Past Tense

(Anita danced gracefully when she auditioned for The Dance Icon Indonesia competition last week)

6. If the verb ends with [consonant + “y”], then change the letter “y” to “i” and add “ed” :

Example :

– Cry > Cried

“I cried all night after my brother’s funeral” – Past Tense

(I cried all night after my sister’s funeral was over)

– Marry > Married

“Antonio told me last night that he wants to get a divorce after being married for two years with his wife” – Past Tense

(Antonio told me last night that he wants a divorce after two years of marriage to his wife)

7. If the verb ends with [vowel + “l”], then double the last consonant and add “ed” :

Example :

– Travel > Traveled

“Harris traveled around Bali 3 days a go ” – Past Tense

(Harris traveled around Bali 3 days ago)

To make the process of learning English easier, you don’t always have to memorize formulas or patterns. In the book 30 Minutes of Being Proficient in English for Class XI High School / MA below, you can learn English with interesting and also fun exercises.

D. Practice on regular verbs

1. Last month I _____ all my Major in this college

  • Revise
  • Revises
  • Revised
  • Revised

2. Karina _____ her teeth every morning

  • brushes
  • Brushed
  • brushes
  • Brushed

3. She _____ by the croissants and pastries shop everyday before going to work

  • Stop
  • Stopes
  • stopped
  • Stopied

4. Their assistants _____ their clothes every Monday?

  • cleaned
  • clean
  • cleans
  • cleans

5. Students please _____ to me!

  • Listened
  • Listens
  • Listen
  • Listenies

6. He usually _____ his flower shop at 7 AM

  • opened
  • Opens
  • Opens
  • open

7. My father _____ his car outside just 10 minutes ago

  • parks
  • Park
  • parked
  • Parkes

8. It _____ so hard last year

  • Rain
  • Rained
  • Rains
  • Raines

9. Last night, my father helped my sister to _____ the cake for my Mom’s birthday

  • decorated
  • Decorated
  • Decorates
  • decorate

10. Our family _____ Japan in 2010

  • visit
  • Visits
  • Visited
  • visited

11. Carla _____ us his beautiful home last weekend

  1. shows
  2. Showed
  3. Showd
  4. Show

12. I _____ very high in the High Jump Finals last week

  • Jumped
  • Jump
  • Jumps
  • jumps

13. Daniel wants to _____ in Google since he graduated from college

  • Worked
  • Works
  • Work
  • Works

14. My family _____ in Surabaya from 2002 to 2012

  • Lived
  • Lives
  • Lives
  • live

15. All of the trainees _____ really hard to get chosen as the member of the new boyband

  • Practices
  • practice
  • Practiced
  • Practiced

16. My brother _____ me to accompany him to go to the cinema last Saturday

  • Want
  • Wants
  • wanted
  • Wants

17. The plane _____ in the airport 15 minutes ago

  • arrived
  • Arrives
  • arrived
  • arrived

18. He _____ my Harry Potter’s book two weeks before we graduated

  • Borrowed
  • Borrows
  • Borrow
  • Borrowed

19. Since he went to California last summer, I really _____ to talk to him by phone every night

  • Miss
  • Misses
  • Missed
  • Miss d

20. On Saturdays, I usually _____ cakes with my mother

  • Baked
  • Bakes
  • Bake
  • Bakies

E. Answers to regular verbs questions

1. C. Revised

Revise > Revised (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “last month” in the sentence).

2. A. Brushes

Because there is an adverb “every morning” which shows activities carried out routinely, the Regular Verb is used in the form:

Infinitive (V1) + s / es (because the subject is singular: Karina).

3. A. Stop

Because there is an adverb “everyday” which shows a habit, the Regular Verb is used in the form:

Infinitive (V1) + s / es (because the subject is singular : She)

4. D. Cleans

Because there is an adverb “every Monday” which indicates a habit that is done repeatedly, the Regular Verb is used in the form:

Infinitive (V1) + s / es (because the subject is singular : Assistant).

5. C. Listen

Because the subject in the sentence is in the plural, namely “students” and in the sentence there is no adverb indicating the past tense, the  infinitive (V1) is used.

6. B. Opens

Because there is an adverb “usually” which indicates a repeated habit, the Regular Verb is used in the form:

Infinitive (V1) + s / es (because the subject is singular: He).

7. C. Parked

Park > Parked (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “10 minutes ago” in the sentence).

8. B. Rained

Rain > Rained (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “last year” in the sentence).

9. D. Decorate

Even though the sentence contains an adverb that shows the past, namely “last night”, but because there is a “to” before the word “decorate” which shows a to-infinitive. The characteristic of to-infinitives is always followed by the first form of the verb (V1). The formula is:

“to” + V1 (infinitive)

10. D. Visited

Visit > Visited (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “in 2010” in the sentence).

11. B. Showed

Show > Showed (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “last weekend” in the sentence).

12. A. Jumped

Jump > Jumped (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “last week” in the sentence).

13. C. Work

Using the first form of the Regular Verb (V1) because there is a “to” before the word “work” which indicates a to-infinitive. The characteristic of to-infinitives is always followed by the first form of the verb (V1).

14. A. Lived

Live > Lived (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “from 2002 to 2012” in the sentence).

15. B. Practice

Because the subject in the sentence is in the plural, namely “trainees” and in the sentence there is no adverb indicating the past tense, the  infinitive (V1) is used.

16. C. Wanted

Want > Wanted (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “last Saturday” in the sentence).

17. A. Arrived

Arrive > Arrived (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “15 minutes ago” in the sentence).

18. A. Borrowed

Borrow > Borrowed (using the second form of the verb (V2) to show the past because there is an adverb “two weeks before we graduated” in the sentence).

19. A.Miss

The first form of the verb (V1) is used, namely “miss” because “miss” here refers to the description of the time “every night”. The past adverb “last summer” shows the adverb of time for Phrase 1 which is separated by the conjunction “since”.

20. C.Bake

Because the subject of the sentence is “I” and there is no adverb indicating the past tense in the sentence,  the infinitive (V1) is used.

So, that’s an explanation of regular verbs, starting from their meaning, forms, rules, and examples of questions and answers. Can Sinaumed’s use the correct regular verbs in English? Sinaumed’s really needs to practice a lot and get used to English so that it is easier to master it. Because learning languages ​​will be more effective if you are used to using and practicing them.

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