Latin and the Meaning of Surah Al-Ashr and Its Meanings!

In the Al-Quran there are a lot of things that are full of meaning and can be used as a guide for life, one of the surahs of the Al-Quran which is full of meaning is Surah Al Asr. Then, what are the virtues of this letter and its interpretation? To find out, you can see this article, until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s.

Latin Surah al-‘Ashr



Meaning: “For the sake of time.”

إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ لَفِى خُسْرٍ

innal-insāna lafī khusr

Meaning: “Verily, man is in loss.”


illallażīna āmanụ wa ‘amiluṣ-ṣāliḥāti wa tawāṣau bil-ḥaqqi wa tawāṣau biṣ-ṣabr

Meaning: “Except for those who believe and do good deeds and advise advising them to obey the truth and advice advising them to remain patient.”

Overview of the Qur’an Surah Al-Ashr

Surah Al Asr or for the sake of time/time is the 103rd sura containing verses 1-3 in the Al-Quran. This letter contains an explanation of the nature of the advantages and disadvantages in life as well as a warning about the importance of the time that is lived by humans.

Woe to humans who waste their time with things that are less useful. Except for people who have faith, always carry out good deeds instructing each other towards truth and patience.

Surah Al Ashr has a special feature because it contains a warning about time and human safety. Then this Al Asr letter also teaches humans if they don’t use time for useful things then it will only lead them to losses. Conversely, if you interpret Surah Al Asr correctly, then you can make the best use of your time in the way of Allah SWT.

Surah Al Ashr is one of the parts of juz amma which is included in the Makkiyah letter because it was revealed in the city of Mecca. Surah Al Asr consists of three verses so that it is included in the class of short letters in the Al Quran. Imam Syafi’i Rahimahullah said, “If Allah had not sent down a letter to His creatures, except for only Al Asr’s letter, it would have been sufficient for them.”

The benefit of reading Surah Al-Ashr is that Surah Al-Ashr is included in Al-Mufashshal given to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In addition, so that he has primacy and privileges compared to the previous prophets. Second, people who read it will later be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection with a radiant face, laughing and being happy until they enter heaven.

Interpretation of the Qur’an Surah Al-Ashr

There are several interpretations of Al Asr’s letter taken from the book of Tafsir Jalalain. Starting from the first verse Allah swears by mentioning the period. Time means time. Allah swears by his creatures, so that it becomes a signal for Rasulullah SAW and other believers.

In other words, the first verse of Al Asr’s letter has the meaning that the Prophet and other believers pay full attention to the time they have. Do not waste time and good opportunities that come to us. Instead, fill the time with good deeds because time can never be repeated again.

This practice is recommended based on a hadith narrated by At Tabrani which is listed in the book Al Mu’jam Al Ausath. This history was conveyed by Abu Medina Ad Darimi who belonged to the Companions. From Abi Madinah Ad-Darimi, he was a friend, he said, “There are two companions of Rasulullah SAW who when they meet they will not separate unless one of them reads to the other Surah Al Asr (Wal Ashri innal insana lafii khusrin), then one of them greets the other.”

This history is the basis for recommending reading Surah Al Asr before leaving the assembly. The meaning contained in this letter is to remind each other not to become losers.

Content of Surah Al-Asr

Al-Ashr means the time of Asr (afternoon). It can also be interpreted as pressing something or blackmailing. Surat Al Asr teaches the importance of using time for positive things. How much time do we go through without any increase in faith and charity. This letter suggests that time is precious. So that it must be utilized as best as possible of course to worship Allah SWT.

Khusrin can mean negative. Insan means forgetting and feeling happy, or human nature. Alladzina Amanu wa ‘amilus-sholihati watawa shau bil-haqqi wa tawashau bis-shabr (except those who believe and do good deeds and advise each other to truth and advise each other to patience).

All humans will be wretched except for those who believe in Allah, Angels, books, Messengers, the last day, qada and qadar. Faith is an absolute requirement for a person to enter God’s heaven. Believers and do good deeds are the best human beings. The character of human faith is “Al-Imanu yazidu wa yanqush” (faith goes up and down).

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So, faith can rise depending on one’s obedience. In contrast to the faith of the angels who are always the same because they do not increase or decrease.

While the faith of the Prophets continued to increase and never diminished even though they were given severe trials. Furthermore, in order to avoid losses, be people who always advise each other in truth and patience.

It is not enough for us to just have faith and do good deeds, but we must advise each other to fight for the truth. We are also required to be patient. Patience is guarding the tongue, limbs and deeds from the wrath of God.

The scholars say, there are 3 kinds of patience, namely patience in obedience (worship), patience in avoiding immorality and patience in facing Allah’s destiny.

The Excellence of the Qur’an Surah Al-Ashr

Although Surah Al-Ashr has very few verses, it contains virtues that are important for every Muslim to know. These virtues are related to faith based on knowledge, preaching in the way of Allah SWT and doing good deeds.

Here are some of the virtues of Surah Al-Ashr that you need to know:

  • Practicing Knowledge Owned and Known

One of the virtues of Surah Al-Ashr is to practice the knowledge that we have and know. Practicing means applying it in our daily lives and being able to give advice to others so that other people also hope to know and apply it in their daily lives because of Allah SWT.

The point is that all of our lives are based on and because of Allah SWT. The verse in Surah Al-Ashr is also supported by the hadith of the Prophet which also explains the importance of practicing the knowledge one has. Like the following hadith:

“A knowledgeable person will remain a fool until he can put his knowledge into practice. If he practices it, then he becomes a pious.”

Not only that, there are other hadiths about practicing the knowledge possessed in the following hadith narrated by Ad Darimi:

“A servant will not move from his place on the Day of Resurrection until he is asked about his knowledge, what he has practiced from that knowledge.”


  • Patience in Preaching

The next virtue of Surah Al-Ashr is about being patient in preaching in the way of Allah SWT. Because behind that patience there is the help of Allah SWT who will be present to you. In preaching, of course, there are obstacles and obstacles, even a little.

We are required to be patient to deal with it and of course all only because of Allah SWT. Sometimes there are those who ridicule and badmouth us in preaching, so you have to be patient. This is explained in Surah Al-An’am verse 34 as follows:


Meaning: “And indeed the messengers before you were belied, but they were patient with lies and persecution (which was done) against them, until Our help came to them. And nothing can change the sentences (statutes) of Allah. And verily, some of the message of the apostles has come to you.” (QS. Al-An’am: 34).


  • People who Do Good Deeds Are Not Losers

People who have good deeds will not be included in the group of losers. Doing good deeds is doing good deeds. Besides that, it also practices everything that was ordered by Allah SWT and Sunnah by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Benefits of Charity Sholeh

Every human being likes to do good. Instinctively, the urge to do good or to share goodness is present in every human being, even those who are evil. On the other hand, because good deeds can also provide return benefits for the perpetrators.

In Islam, good deeds are religious orders. Allah promises a multiplied reward for every good deed. People who are fond of doing good deeds are called pious people. Among Muslims, the title of pious is a dream for everyone.

Etymologically, the word shaleh comes from the Arabic shāliḥ which means avoiding damage or evil. Good deeds mean charity/deeds that do not damage or contain elements of damage. So a pious person means a person who is protected from damage or things that are bad. In this case, of course, his behavior and personality, which includes words, attitudes, actions, even thoughts and feelings.

Not only that, in the dictionary of al-Mu’jam al-Wasīth the word shaluḥa as the root word shāliḥ also means useful. By combining these two meanings, a pious person means a person whose behavior and personality is protected from destructive things, and on the other hand brings benefits to the surrounding environment. With these qualities, he became a figure of hope and role model for those around him.

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We live in this world is a charity field for the afterlife. Because we live in this world temporarily while the afterlife lasts forever. As an intelligent Muslim, we must be sure of this, that every good deed we do will be rewarded in the form of a reward from Allah SWT, no matter how small our deeds are, there will definitely be a reward from Allah SWT.

Allah says in QS al-‘ashr/103:2-3. The verse emphasizes that in fact humans are in loss, except for those who do four things, namely:

  1. Have faith in Allah SWT.
  2. Do good deeds or good deeds
  3. Advise each other for the truth
  4. Advise each other for patience

The word good deeds comes from the word “amilus”, which is all actions that are beneficial to oneself or others, and in accordance with rational reason, the Qur’an and as-Sunnah. Faith must be proven by good deeds and good deeds proven by true faith.

The opposite of good deeds is sayyi’ah charity, namely charity that brings harm to both the perpetrator and other people. Every good or bad deed, even though it is very small, will still get a fair reward from Allah SWT.

A good deed will be valid if it fulfills the following conditions:

  1. Good deeds are done by knowing the knowledge.
  2. Good deeds are done with sincere intentions because of Allah SWT.
  3. Good deeds should be done in accordance with the instructions of the Qur’an and Hadith.

There are three kinds of good deeds, namely:

  1. Good deeds towards Allah SWT, namely carrying out the commands of Allah SWT. And leave His prohibition. Examples are prayer, zakat, fasting, reading the Koran and other worship.
  2. Good deeds towards humans, namely carrying out rights and obligations towards fellow human beings. Examples are giving a smile, being friendly, speaking polite words, and helping the poor.
  3. Good deeds towards the natural environment, namely preserving nature, for example, by disposing of garbage in its place, keeping it clean, recycling garbage and doing greenery. There is a good deed called charity jariyah.

Charity is a good deed that is done sincerely by expecting the pleasure of Allah SWT. And bring reward for the culprit even though he has died.

In addition, we also need to have a good attitude. Kindness or Husnudzon is a commendable behavior that a Muslim must have. the opposite of husnuzan is suudzon or prejudice. There are three kinds of good, namely:

  • Be kind to Allah SWT

Of course we must be grateful to Allah SWT for giving gifts and pleasures that are priceless to humans. So humans should be grateful to Allah SWT. We also have to be patient for all the trials given by Allah SWT. does not aim to hurt His servant, but to test his obedience, faith, and patience.


  • Be kind to yourself

Someone who is kind to himself will have a confident, optimistic, and hard-working attitude.


  • Be kind to others

Being prejudiced against others will foster harmony in people’s lives.

Being kind certainly provides many benefits to our lives. The following are the benefits of thinking well, namely:

  1. Life becomes calm and optimistic.
  2. Believe that there is wisdom behind all suffering and failure.
  3. Build a strong personality.
  4. Makes a person firm in his stance because it is not easy to accept bad influences from other people.
  5. Make someone creative.
  6. Causing someone not to despair easily.
  7. Friendship and brotherhood relations are getting better.
  8. Avoid regret in relationships with others.
  9. Always happy and happy for the happiness of others.

Between faith and good deeds is a unity that cannot be separated. Someone who believes without being followed by good deeds, his faith is meaningless. And conversely, good deeds without being based on true faith have no value before Allah SWT.


From all the discussion above, it can be said that Muslims should not just waste time, so they must use the time to do various kinds of good things. That way, pious deeds will increase.

In fact, by doing good deeds, you can also get good things from other people. Apart from that, pious practice can also increase friendship ties. So, never forget to do good deeds in the life we ​​live.

Thus the discussion about the letter al Asr, I hope all the discussion above is useful for you. To find out more in-depth information about Surah Al-Ashr, you can get it by reading the books available at .

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Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine