Know the Functions of Water for Humans, Animals and Plants

Functions of Water for Humans, Animals and Plants – All plants, animals and humans also need water to survive. In other words, there is no life on earth that does not need water. Why is water so important? This is because more than 60% of our body weight consists of water. In fact, the body also uses water in all cells, organs, and tissues, to help regulate body temperature and in maintaining other body functions.

Basically, our body will lose water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it is very important to continue to rehydrate and replace water by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.

To find out what the functions of water are for humans, animals and plants, you can refer to this article, Sinaumed’s.

Functions of Water for Humans

1. Water as a Forming Cell and Body Fluid

Water is one of the main components of cells, besides fat. More or less there is about 70-85% water content in body cells, while fat then has a percentage of less than 10%. Not only being the main component of cells, but water can also be regarded as one of the main components of blood, which contains 82% water.

So, this implies that the function of water is to help form various body fluids. In addition, the function of water also plays a role in the formation of gastric juices, hormones, enzymes, and other fluids in the body. In fact, water is also present in the muscles of the body and has a function in maintaining muscle tone, so that the muscles are able to contract.

2. Water Regulates Body Temperature

Water also has a very important role in regulating temperature in the body. One of the functions of water is to produce, absorb, and conduct heat to all parts of the body and then maintain a stable body temperature. Apart from playing a role in producing, absorbing, and delivering heat to the body, water also functions to cool the body temperature through the production of sweat.

It should also be noted that most of the sweat that comes out of our bodies also consists of water and salt. Through the process of sweat production, it can be said that water in the body can cool the body temperature.

Besides being able to produce sweat, the function of water will also help the process of cooling body temperature through evaporation from the surface of the skin. In fact, this evaporation can also be interpreted as excess heat coming out of the body. The two cooling processes in the body, including sweating and evaporation of water from the surface of the skin, cause the temperature to decrease. That way, body temperature becomes more stable.

3. Water as a Solvent

The next function of water for the body is as a solvent. That’s right, this water is believed to be able to dissolve various nutrients that enter the body, as well as help the digestive process of the food we will consume. Therefore, water can help produce saliva when food arrives in the mouth, then dissolves the liquid, and can lubricate food so that it can enter smoothly into the esophagus.

Due to its nature as an inorganic substance, water can flow easily in the digestive process. This water can quickly pass through the small intestine where most of it is absorbed and then also functions as a component of mucus so that the remaining food substances enter the body which can then be excreted as feces. Apart from being a solvent, the function of this water also has a role as a reactant in biochemical reactions.

Large molecules, such as polysaccharides, fats, and proteins, are then broken down into smaller molecules. From the process of breaking these molecules in dire need of water. This is because water is also a major component in blood, saliva, urine, and lymph, water which also plays an important role in dissolving minerals, vitamins, glucose, and other nutrients so that these substances can be delivered to every cell and function properly.

4. Water As a Lubricant and Bearing

The next function of water for the body is as a lubricant or it can form fluid in the joints. Because water has a large percentage in the body, this fluid can make it easier for joints to move, so that the body becomes easier to move. In addition, water can also reduce friction between one joint and another.

For example, cartilage at the ends of long bones contains a lot of water which functions as a lubricant. When this bone contains enough water, the two joint surfaces can then shift smoothly and damage caused by friction is minimized.

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Conversely, if the cartilage does not get enough water, then there is an increased possibility of damage due to friction, which can cause pain in the joint area. The function of water is also known as a shock absorbing fluid cushion in body tissues such as the brain, eyes, amniotic sac in the uterus, and spinal cord.

Meanwhile, as a cushion, the function of this water is to keep these organs from experiencing a lot of vibration so they can work properly.

5. Water Protects Tissues, Spine, and Joints

The benefits of water for life not only quench thirst and regulate body temperature, but water can also make the tissues in the body moist. Plus, water can keep the body hydrated and help it maintain optimal moisture levels in these sensitive areas, as well as in the blood, bones and brain. In addition, water will also help protect the spinal cord, and act as a lubricant and cushion for the joint areas.

6. Water helps the body get rid of waste

Adequate water intake allows the body to excrete waste through sweat, from urination, and during bowel movements. According to the National Kidney Foundation , the benefits of water for life, apart from helping the kidneys remove waste from the blood, are also to keep the blood vessels that will flow to the kidneys then open and filter it.

As reported by the University of Rochester Medical Center. In fact, water is also very important in helping prevent constipation. However, as studies have noted, there is no evidence to suggest that increasing fluid intake will subsequently cure constipation.

7. Water Prevents Dehydration

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the body will lose fluids when you do strenuous exercise, sweat in hot weather, or contract an illness which will then cause vomiting or diarrhea. If you lose fluids for one of these reasons, it is very important for you to restore fluids properly, so you can avoid dehydration.

The doctor may also advise you to drink more fluids so that it can help treat other health conditions, including bladder infections and urinary tract stones.

Meanwhile, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult with your doctor about fluid intake. This is necessary because the body will use more fluids than usual, especially if you are breastfeeding.

Functions of Water for Animals

After discussing the function of water for humans, the next discussion is the function of water for animals. The following is the function of water for animals.

1. To Smooth Digestion

The first function of water for animals is to facilitate animal digestion. As with humans, animals also need adequate fluid intake so that digestion runs smoothly. Therefore, when animals have difficulty getting clean water, they can get sick or even die.

2. Maintain Body Temperature

Apart from improving digestion, the next function of water for animals is to maintain body temperature. With the presence of water, animals can feel cold when they are in very hot air. For example, when the temperature is hot, the animal will soak in the water. In fact, water can maintain the body, so that animals avoid disease.

3. Milk Production

The next function of water for animals is to help the mother produce milk. That way the milk needs of the mother are still fulfilled.

4. Drink

It is common that the function of water for animals is to drink. By drinking enough water, animals can avoid dehydration. The amount of water needed by the animals themselves varies depending on the body weight of each animal.

5. Water serves as a place to live

For some animals, water serves as their natural habitat, such as fish, shrimp, clams, whales, and so on.

6. Water Serves As A Cleaning Tool

Water for animals also serves to cleanse the body. Like humans, animals also need water to clean their bodies. For example, in buffalo animals that clean the body by entering the water.

Functions for Plants

One of the living things that should not be forgotten is the plant. In fact, the plant itself needs water to survive. The following is the function of water for plants.

  1. For aquatic plants serves as one of the main components for the process of photosynthesis. In fact, you could say that water is a source of energy in the process of photosynthesis. There is a lot of energy which is then used in the process of photosynthesis, so that the need for water for plants becomes higher.
  2. Water functions for the formation of protoplasm.
  3. Water functions as a nutrient solvent when the process of entering minerals from the soil into plants which then distributes them to all parts of the plant body.
  4. Water also functions as a compound that is utilized for plant metabolic reaction processes.
  5. Water can work as a reactant that affects various reactions in metabolic processes.
  6. Water functions as a producer of mechanical energy during the process of enlargement and cell division.
  7. Water will maintain the turgidity of the cells and keep them in good condition.
  8. Water functions as a compound that can be used to regulate the mechanism of movement of opening or closing stomata in plants.
  9. Water functions to extend plant cells and also as a material for various plant growth and development activities.
  10. Water functions to help the process of respiration in plants.
  11. Water functions as a transport medium that can move the results of the photosynthesis process.
  12. Water is used as a medium in the process of biochemistry, because water is also an excellent solvent in biochemical processes.
  13. Water has a function to regulate the temperature in plants to remain stable, because it has high heat and can regulate heat in plants.
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From all the explanations above, it can be said that water is very useful for the life of living things in this world. It’s hard to imagine what will happen when there is water again, surely it will be difficult for living things to live. With the presence of water, living things with one another can complement each other.

Therefore, we should all keep our water clean. This must be done so that the life of every living creature can last longer. Not only that, with sufficient clean water, we humans can be healthier and definitely fresher.

In fact, humans themselves need approximately 2 liters in one day. That way, the human body becomes cleaner and definitely healthier.

This is an explanation of the function of water for humans, animals and plants. So, how many liters of water have you drunk today?

Recommended Books Related to the Functions of Water for Humans, Animals and Plants

To get a more complete insight into the function of water for humans, animals and plants as well as the science of water in general, let’s read the recommendations for the best books below.

1. Come on, Get to Know Water Closer

Did you know that March 22 is World Water Day? Precisely in 1992, in its 47th session in Rio Jeneiro, the UN has set this date as the world “Water Day”. This is done to remind us of how important water is as a source of life.

Water is very necessary for the continuation of human life on planet earth. Humans cannot live without water. So do other creatures, such as animals and plants. Well, this book discusses water which is the source of life for living things.

2. I’m a Great Boy: The Importance of Clean Water

When Sani wants to take a shower, water doesn’t come out of the tap. Sani shouted for Father. Then, Father brought clean water for Sani to bathe. Mother also told me that the water that came out of the sink faucet was cloudy and smelled a bit. Is that cloudy and smelly water dangerous?

The advantages of this book include: 1. The author has been in the world of early childhood for a long time 2. Tells stories and introduces education on the importance of clean water for eating, bathing and cooking activities. 3. Children will love the funny stories and interesting illustrations. 4. Packed with important facts and education for parents and teachers. Target consumers: 1. Children (Ages 4+) 2. Parents – Teachers.

3. Harvesting Rainwater: A New Source of Drinking Water

The idea to write this book was sparked when Indonesia was hit by many problems, especially those caused by heavy rains. Flash floods occur everywhere, but then give way to prolonged dry seasons, forest fires and drought.

Communities find it difficult to obtain water, both for agriculture and for daily drinking water needs. Rainwater that falls abundantly for free is allowed to pass, even though this is a golden opportunity to be harvested. If all Indonesian people were willing to get used to using water and were more enthusiastic about harvesting rainwater and processing it for their daily needs, especially drinking water for the family, great benefits would certainly be obtained.

4. Water Governance in Paris

In 2010, Paris ended its 25-year water privatization contract and returned water management to the city government. This bold move that was initially viewed with skepticism by many parties turned out to be a success story that was used as a reference by other cities in the world. From a political decision taken by the Mayor to become a reality that went well,

Paris has gone through major technical, economic, social and cultural transformations. This book traces back the steps taken by Paris to achieve the provision of water services that are accountable, affordable and accessible to all of its residents—which is also the aspiration of the Indonesian people.

5. Water Philosophy

As a human with the majority of his body composition being water, humans should return to the origins of the purpose for which humans were created. What are the properties of that water? How much compatibility is there between the water character and the human character? What is the ideal human character or attitude? How do you respond to the reduced composition of water in the body, as a person ages?

This book aims to inspire readers to return to the khittah of the origins of human purpose. Balancing between body and mind, forgetting about weaknesses and focusing on strengths or talents. Next, try to utilize the abilities bestowed by the Creator to take care of the universe.

Hopefully the presence of this book is useful. Enjoy! “This paper about water really needs to be widely read by the public. Water is a source of life that is not only very important, but also determines the continuity of existence of all living things on earth. Happy.” – Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, teacher of the nation.

Thus the discussion about the function of water for humans, animals, plants. Hopefully all the discussion above can be useful for you and it is hoped that you can participate in keeping the water clean.

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